нд ное 30 21:38:15 EET 2008

Starship Troopers (1997)

Yesterday I was to Dzemil's place. Dzemil is a colleague I had for the previous two years in "International College Albena" or as it is known nowdays "International University College". This guys is a really interesting one he is Ethnical Albanian who moved from Croatia where he used to live to Macedonia, just to make the story complete he is a Muslim. I tried to explain his why the Muslim religion is a fake one. And how that has been prophecisied by the St. Apostles in the New Testament in the Bible. I hope he took my word for it. Apart from that we have this great discussion about the Balkans and the the country's there. The more I listened to him the more convinced I became that it's a complete mess there. So many ethincity and so many people and it looks everybody fights for a different thing. It's even scary to think about it ... Anyways when I came back home Starship Troopers has already been downloaded so I watched it. Great Sci-FI movie, it's quite obvious how blizzard's starcraft Zerg race had taken a lot conceptual ideas out of it. A nice movie to see if you have the time and the will take your time and watch it I'm sure you won't regret that.