Hi, Had been recently advised by a colleague to …

Friday, 26th April 2024

Comment on NX Nomachine a VNC substitute server / client program which is outstandingly fast on slow network connections by Saumitra.


Had been recently advised by a colleague to use nxclient and I am very impressed with is fast performance. But, there are some snags which repeatedly annoy the users.

1) After some time of use, the windows opened in my session freeze (ie no resizing, movement of windows is possbile at all.) which means keep working on the windows as they are which is very painful.

2) Even if cap-lock is not pressed (and windows verifies that), nxclient window starts thinking that cap-lock is on so I have to keep toggling the caps lock to work in nxclient and windows simultaneously.

I have talked to many colleagues using nxclient and they all faced similar issues. Anyone having any suggestion is most welcome.

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