In a home conversation with my wife who is Belarusian and comparison between Bulgarian and Belarusian nation, the interesting question arised – Which nation is Smarter Bulgarian or Belarusian?
This little conversation pushed me to intriguing question What is the IQ World rank if compared by country? Since a moment of my life I'm trying to constantly prove to myself I'm smart enough. For years my motivation was to increase my IQ. I had periods when studied hard history, philosophy and literature then I had periods to put all my efforts in music and mysticism then there was my fascination about IT and informatics and hacking, I had periods with profound interest in Biology and neourosciences, then of course psychology and social sciences and since last 10 years as I belived in God, I'm deeply interested in world religions and more particularly in Christniaty. All this is connected with my previous IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and my desire to develop my IQ. I'm quite aware that IQ statistics can never be 100% reliable as there is deviation (standard error) and its a very general way to find out about a person psychology. But anyways it is among the few methods to compare people's intelligence… I've done an IQ test in distant 2008 and I scored about 118 out of 180 – meaning my IQ level is a little bit above average. The IQ conversation triggered my curiousity so I decided to check if my current IQ has changed over the last 6 years. Here is results from test I took March, 2013 on
IQtest just prooved, my IQ kept almost same, still a little bit above avarage.
Further on, I did investgation online to see if I can prove to my wife the thesis Bulgarians overall IQ is higher than Belarusian. I googled for IQ world rank by Country
Here is what I found ;
Nations Intelligence as sorted by Country
Rank | Country | % |
1 | Singapore | 108 |
2 | South Korea | 106 |
3 | Japan | 105 |
4 | Italy | 102 |
5 | Iceland | 101 |
5 | Mongolia | 101 |
6 | Switzerland | 101 |
7 | Austria | 100 |
7 | China | 100 |
7 | Luxembourg | 100 |
7 | Netherlands | 100 |
7 | Norway | 100 |
7 | United Kingdom | 100 |
8 | Belgium | 99 |
8 | Canada | 99 |
8 | Estonia | 99 |
8 | Finland | 99 |
8 | Germany | 99 |
8 | New Zealand | 99 |
8 | Poland | 99 |
8 | Sweden | 99 |
9 | Andorra | 98 |
9 | Australia | 98 |
9 | Czech Republic | 98 |
9 | Denmark | 98 |
9 | France | 98 |
9 | Hungary | 98 |
9 | Latvia | 98 |
9 | Spain | 98 |
9 | United States | 98 |
10 | Belarus | 97 |
10 | Malta | 97 |
10 | Russia | 97 |
10 | Ukraine | 97 |
11 | Moldova | 96 |
11 | Slovakia | 96 |
11 | Slovenia | 96 |
11 | Uruguay | 96 |
12 | Israel | 95 |
12 | Portugal | 95 |
13 | Armenia | 94 |
13 | Georgia | 94 |
13 | Kazakhstan | 94 |
13 | Romania | 94 |
13 | Vietnam | 94 |
14 | Argentina | 93 |
14 | Bulgaria | 93 |
15 | Greece | 92 |
15 | Ireland | 92 |
15 | Malaysia | 92 |
16 | Brunei | 91 |
16 | Cambodia | 91 |
16 | Cyprus | 91 |
16 | FYROM | 91 |
16 | Lithuania | 91 |
16 | Sierra Leone | 91 |
16 | Thailand | 91 |
17 | Albania | 90 |
17 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 90 |
17 | Chile | 90 |
17 | Croatia | 90 |
17 | Kyrgyzstan | 90 |
17 | Turkey | 90 |
18 | Cook Islands | 89 |
18 | Costa Rica | 89 |
18 | Laos | 89 |
18 | Mauritius | 89 |
18 | Serbia | 89 |
18 | Suriname | 89 |
19 | Ecuador | 88 |
19 | Mexico | 88 |
19 | Samoa | 88 |
20 | Azerbaijan | 87 |
20 | Bolivia | 87 |
20 | Brazil | 87 |
20 | Guyana | 87 |
20 | Indonesia | 87 |
20 | Iraq | 87 |
20 | Myanmar (Burma) | 87 |
20 | Tajikistan | 87 |
20 | Turkmenistan | 87 |
20 | Uzbekistan | 87 |
21 | Kuwait | 86 |
21 | Philippines | 86 |
21 | Seychelles | 86 |
21 | Tonga | 86 |
22 | Cuba | 85 |
22 | Eritrea | 85 |
22 | Fiji | 85 |
22 | Kiribati | 85 |
22 | Peru | 85 |
22 | Trinidad and Tobago | 85 |
22 | Yemen | 85 |
23 | Afghanistan | 84 |
23 | Bahamas, The | 84 |
23 | Belize | 84 |
23 | Colombia | 84 |
23 | Iran | 84 |
23 | Jordan | 84 |
23 | Marshall Islands | 84 |
23 | Micronesia, Federated States of | 84 |
23 | Morocco | 84 |
23 | Nigeria | 84 |
23 | Pakistan | 84 |
23 | Panama | 84 |
23 | Paraguay | 84 |
23 | Saudi Arabia | 84 |
23 | Solomon Islands | 84 |
23 | Uganda | 84 |
23 | United Arab Emirates | 84 |
23 | Vanuatu | 84 |
23 | Venezuela | 84 |
24 | Algeria | 83 |
24 | Bahrain | 83 |
24 | Libya | 83 |
24 | Oman | 83 |
24 | Papua New Guinea | 83 |
24 | Syria | 83 |
24 | Tunisia | 83 |
25 | Bangladesh | 82 |
25 | Dominican Republic | 82 |
25 | India | 82 |
25 | Lebanon | 82 |
25 | Madagascar | 82 |
25 | Zimbabwe | 82 |
26 | Egypt | 81 |
26 | Honduras | 81 |
26 | Maldives | 81 |
26 | Nicaragua | 81 |
27 | Barbados | 80 |
27 | Bhutan | 80 |
27 | El Salvador | 80 |
27 | Kenya | 80 |
28 | Guatemala | 79 |
28 | Sri Lanka | 79 |
28 | Zambia | 79 |
29 | Congo, Democratic Republic of the | 78 |
29 | Nepal | 78 |
29 | Qatar | 78 |
30 | Comoros | 77 |
30 | South Africa | 77 |
31 | Cape Verde | 76 |
31 | Congo, Republic of the | 76 |
31 | Mauritania | 76 |
31 | Senegal | 76 |
32 | Mali | 74 |
32 | Namibia | 74 |
33 | Ghana | 73 |
34 | Tanzania | 72 |
35 | Central African Republic | 71 |
35 | Grenada | 71 |
35 | Jamaica | 71 |
35 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 71 |
35 | Sudan | 71 |
36 | Antigua and Barbuda | 70 |
36 | Benin | 70 |
36 | Botswana | 70 |
36 | Rwanda | 70 |
36 | Togo | 70 |
37 | Burundi | 69 |
37 | Cote d'Ivoire | 69 |
37 | Ethiopia | 69 |
37 | Malawi | 69 |
37 | Niger | 69 |
38 | Angola | 68 |
38 | Burkina Faso | 68 |
38 | Chad | 68 |
38 | Djibouti | 68 |
38 | Somalia | 68 |
38 | Swaziland | 68 |
39 | Dominica | 67 |
39 | Guinea | 67 |
39 | Guinea-Bissau | 67 |
39 | Haiti | 67 |
39 | Lesotho | 67 |
39 | Liberia | 67 |
39 | Saint Kitts and Nevis | 67 |
39 | Sao Tome and Principe | 67 |
40 | Gambia, The | 66 |
41 | Cameroon | 64 |
41 | Gabon | 64 |
41 | Mozambique | 64 |
42 | Saint Lucia | 62 |
43 | Equatorial Guinea | 59 |
North Korea | N/A |
– Countries are ranked highest to lowest national IQ score.
Above statistics are taken from a work carried out earlier this decade by Richard Lynn, a British psychologist, and Tatu Vanhanen, a Finnish political scientist. To extract statistics they analized IQ studies from 113 countries.
For my surprise it appeared Belarusian (ranking 10th in the world) have generally higher IQ than Bulgarians (ordering 14th). Anyways being 14th in world IQ Ranking is not bad at all as we still rank in the top 20 smartest nations.
IQ is a relative way to measure intelligence, so I don't believe these statistics are revelant but they give some very general idea about world IQs.
I learned there are some claims that in more developed economies people have higher IQs than less developed. If we take in consideration above statistics its obvious such claims are dubious as you can see there are countries in top 5 countries with highest IQ, and surely Mongolia is not to be ordered in countries with high economic development.
There are plenty of other interesting researches like "Does IQ relates to people Income?", Does Religious people score higher than atheists? According to research done in U.S. Atheists score 6 IQ points higher than Religious people. However most "religous" people IQ tested were from protestant origin so results are relative (I'm sure Orthodox Christian would score higher 🙂 ). The IQ nation world ranks fail in a way that, a social, economic and historical factors are not counted. According to Gallups research, the world poorest people tend to be the most religious, a fact supporting well the saying of all saints who say that for saintly life people who preferred deliberately to live as poor people.
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Tags: atheists, bit, Bulgarian, conversation, country, decade, fight, general idea, history, Intelligence Quotient, IQ, last, little bit, Mongolia, Nations Intelligence, periods, question, rank, Richard Lynn, scientist, statistics, Tatu Vanhanen, top, work
Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 7_1_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/537.51.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/7.0 Mobile/11D201 Safari/9537.53
First of all, IQ test results also vary according to which IQ test the person took. Different IQ tests have different "averages" and different qualifications for "genius." You didn't specify which test you took. If you took an online test, chances are your score is far above your actual IQ. You also didn't specify which test was taken in each country. If the tests are different, the entire chart is out of order.
Second of all, you cannot take an IQ test twice. That defeats the purpose and yields inaccurate results. An IQ test does not measure only book knowledge, but intelligence. Your ability to use your brain effectively and quickly to your advantage.
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Are you kidding me, Human intelligence may change abruptly throughout their lives.
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Bullshit, Italians are retards as fuck.
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Hmmmm…Please allow me to retort, my open minded and objective friend. The brilliance of the Etruscan people, for one. Then, how could we forget the Roman empire and their enduring contributions to humanity…Architecture, roads, government, law, civil and military engineering, language, roman numerals, literature..etc, albeit, the romans did commit atrocities in the colosseum even if it was more than 2000 years ago. I do believe we’ve evolved since. Unlike the unprecedented atrocities committed by the Germans, Russians, Chinese and several other nations just less than 80 years ago. As far as the Romans are concerned, you can’t dominate most of the then know existing world for over 1000 years by being “RETARD AS FUCK”. Let’s move on to the Italian Renaissance..also know as the birthplace of modern civilization. Now listen up, this is where it gets really interesting. In political and social developments, in intellectual and creative achievement, no other country rivals the variety of what happened in Italy between circa 1320 and circa 1600. So many political units, so much accomplished by artists, writers, musicians, businessmen, political and scientific thinkers, churchmen, soldiers and statesmen. They gave us ballet, opera, oratorio, musical notation, invented the piano and virtually all the stringed instruments created by the greatest luthiers in history, the idea of the perfect gentleman (The book of the courtier) by Castiglione, table manners and etiquette..Italians were first to use the fork for eating. The Italians also taught the French how to cook, don’t take my word for it..look it up..Catherine de Medici took with her the great Italian chefs to France when she was betrothed to the future king. If you research your culinary history properly you’ll be stunned to find out how many recipes or dishes that many assume are French in origin actually originated in Italy. There are a lot more than you think. Most of the greatest artists in history were Italian. It should be noted that music’s debt to Italy is as great as that of painting. They also gave us the Baroque period which dominated Europe for 150 years and whose greatest exponents were mostly Italians. There is just too much to mention as this is just the tip of the iceberg. And don’t get me started on what the Italians are doing today. Amazing developments and pioneering in all fields of erudition. especially in aeronautical engineering, aerospace technology,medicine and science. Perhaps, my infinitely wise and enlightened friend, your standards are much higher than the rest of us. When you start spouting your hatred and your stupidity online, all you’re really accomplishing is exposing your ignorance..grow up.
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very well put, my friend – a wonderful and concise dissertation on Italian history- too bad so many people are jealous morons !
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Apart for the wonderful explanation, I double appreciate your effort to respond to such a person with an ephemeral brain.
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its bullshit . iranian and arabs are the same !!!!!
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you are right Arabs are smarter
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"Anyways being 14th in world IQ Ranking is not bad at all as we still rank in the top 20 smartest nations."
Any country ranked 14th in this list is only in the top 47 "smartest nations". You've been misled by the "dense ranking".
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This is bullshit i suppose, i could see sum arabs in the top they are dump as fuck Arabs dunno a shit i swear . Secondly, It can only be checked as to tally it,with thier Military intelligence say CIA,ISI,MUSAAD etc
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Generally I agree with you that placing Arabs on top of IQ top nations is strange but this is the official facts I found online before writting the article.
View CommentView CommentProbably the only supporting claim that Arabs are in top is some exclusions like Steve Jobs who used to have an Arabic ancestors 🙂
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.4; en-us; ADR6300 Build/GRJ22) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1
There is no way in hell Italy has the highest European IQ. There is lots of data showing that IQ generally falls as you move from Northern to Southern Europe and Italians are among the lowest scoring European populations.
Northwestern Europeans score highest (about 100), Southern Europeans lowest (places like Sicily and Naples average in the mid 80s).
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The score of 102 in Italians is, on the contrary, confirmed in every reliable studies on the IQ, with the German and every Nordic countires usually scoring the same or lesser.
Take your anachronistic and confuted nordic superiority, anti-italian political battle, or just intellectual dishonesty out of scienze.
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Only all the links provided by you are based on the same source/same research.
View CommentView CommentWhat about me I doubt not only in the data of average IQ in Italy (or any other country except top 3 and most of the outsiders) but in the methodology of the research itself. These results just don’t make much sense: e.g., Mongolia has a higher rating than Denmark, Sweden or U.S.A. And why people in Italy are relatively smart and people in, let’s say, Spain, France, Brazil, Canada or Poland, are relatively dumb according to these data? I don’t find any explanation. What’s so special in Italy and Mongolia?
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; CrOS x86_64 8172.60.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36
Blah blah blah it must feel awful to be so jealous – Italy has the highest IQ score in Europe and it is all of Italy – Don’t be such a jealous moron, moron .
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Stop being such a jealous moron and accept the fact that Italy hs the highest IQ in Europe – also the best food, handsomest men and greatest culture and scenery – sorry to be so blunt moron !!!!
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It is very sad that people like yourself are so consumed with jealousy that they cannot see the truth for what it is- Are you so insecure in your intelligence that this poses a threat to you ? Wake up and smell the coffee, little man !!!!!
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You are a fuckwit
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These numbers are completely incorrect! From beginning to end! Where on earth did you get them???
View CommentView CommentI don’t even understand how you could possibly believe they are correct! An IQ score of 100 means you are the average in relation to the other countries. So, it is not mathematically possible for so many countries to be below the average!
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2272.118 Safari/537.36
It is a fallacy that the more religious the poorer the person. Those that live in the Bible Belt countries have won more Noble Prizes in the sciences than other countries.
The Industrial Revolution came from Britain which was at that time a strongly Christian countrie. Countries of other religions may not have measured up to that standard.
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how the fuck is this possible.. indians have iq of 82 and i just tested my iq which came out to b 142… and still im unable to get a job after engineering while people here r earning a lot
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Rubbish!!! Iraq upper than Iran?And sorry? How in the world could possibly 108 percent be a correct number???!!!!! It’s like having 20 people and choose 28 people out of those 20!!!!!
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WOW, are you serious kid?!?!? The IQ score of 108 is NOT a percentage, it is an IQ score, where 100 is average, 75 or below is considered mentally retarded, and 130 or higher is considered to be a genius. Sure, these numbers are 100% incorrect and it is amazing to me that ANYONE believes this post to be accurate, but for someone like you who can't even grasp what IQ means or how to even read a simple IQ score maybe you should leave this discussion to those of us with IQ's higher than 75 haha.
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/43.0.2357.132 Safari/537.36
East Asian are GENETICALLY much more intelligent then the rest of the world LOL
View CommentView CommentI knew it !!
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I have been living in UK for 7 years.I can say for sure that the brits have got a very low IQ
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iranians are retarded how they scored 84 they should be 79 78
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There is no Singaporean people inside 10 highest IQ ever recorded in human history.
But Indonesian got 1 person with IQ 200.
This article just not relevant with reality and you can’t say atheis people is higher IQ than religious people.
If they are higher IQ why still can’t figure out who is the creator of the universe ? #LOL
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Arabian people low IQ ? Really ?
Why they are so much rich ?
If they are dumb, they can’t manage their oil then become a richest country in the world
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Then take a look at all those Araiban countries without oil, like Egypt, or Morocco, or Syria for instance that are still overwhelmed by superstitions and religious fanatism. Even those countries rich in oil are retarded if it comes to the engineering and science. How many Nobel prize winners on sctientific field are from there?
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as a whole. Not highest IQ individually. Bird brains.
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I took the test and I have an IQ of 145 without help. (I’m Indonesian)
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Well, it is pretty damn obvious that Italy would have the smartest people in Europe. The greatest scientists, artists, musicians, explorers, military leaders (Julius Caesar), etc.
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I dugg some of you post as I cogitated they were very beneficial very helpful
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Nice information,. I hope the people who have high IQ can be in the right way. . so they can develope the world to be better.
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Thank 🙂
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how do i know that this survey is wrong; even very wrong???? it seems to suggest that nigeria ranks higher/better than ghana in intelligence!!! whosai??? nigeria is a joke. can you imagine that in one state [abia] just one local govt area there are over 1500 falsified academic credentials–and this is only among local government employees. what will the scenario be like in the whole state, actually any whole state and then the country. next time make una do am well. e fit be the humongous population that deceived the “surveyors.” abi????
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Intelligence is not genetic. How is iq genetic? When the iq test Score used to measure intelligence do rise and fall. Hardwork can improve your intelligence
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My IQ dropped a couple of points after reading this nonsense.
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This is the worst data collection I ever seen,because one person IQ is not measured by his study or development of country or by living different countries, However IQ can be develop through continuous study and reading, but the base come from genetically heritage from the parent. I faced a lot of people who are educated and civilized from different countries, but thinking like donkey, in the contrary I know different people they illiterate and poor but their IQ is better than the people thereon.
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Biased result! don’t agree
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This is not completely in line with what Lynn and Vanhanen have found. Their research is the most comprehensive and the only one that can be trusted.
Here is a map that show the average iq distribution for Europe. According to Lynn and Vanhanen, inland is the Country with the highest IQ. Italy is downgraded to an IQ score of 96, which is due to large differences between the north and south parts of the country. The IQ in Croatia has rised considerably and is now 98. The score for Croatia is in line with recent student assesments (PISA, TIMSS).
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The country with the highest average IQ is Japan, with an average IQ of 106.48, according to "The Intelligence of Nations – 2019" by Richard Lynn and David Becker. This high average IQ is likely due to a combination of factors, including Japan's rigorous educational system, significant investment in research and development, and efficient policies, particularly in education and technology. The online iq test is available at
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