One small hint in case if you have no password …

Thursday, 5th December 2024

Comment on How to make Samba smbfs / cifs mount share location with user / pass credentials authenticate via file stored credentials by admin.

One small hint in case if you have no password protection for a share and want to avoid the annoying pasword samba prompt the way to do it is like so:  
smbclient -U% //

Once connected you can use Linux commands to list and travel between files.

File transfer with smbclient is also possible by  using get, put, mget, and mput commands.

admin Also Commented

How to make Samba smbfs / cifs mount share location with user / pass credentials authenticate via file stored credentials

♦ Also, If you need to join a Linux Samba Server to a Windows Domain from the Windows domain using the net command run:

$ net join -w WINDOWS-DOMAIN -s ' win-server' -U Administrator%password

♦ You can then list the users in the Windows domain using wbinfo command

$ wbinfo -u

How to make Samba smbfs / cifs mount share location with user / pass credentials authenticate via file stored credentials

♦ Something else I forgot to mention in article, If it happens that some samba pass credential has been lost it is useful to change samba user password with command:

 smbpasswd smbusername

♦ To create a samba entry for an existing system user, use the pdbedit command:

if it is needded to add a complete new unexisting user to the samba users do:

 smbserver:~# pdbedit -a NewSmbUserName

By default samba server password database (if not changed to another location in smb.conf is stored on server) under:


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