The latest php.vim as of time of writting is from 2008 and is two years newer than the php.vim that comes with the latest vim package for Debian Testing/Unstable.
To install the newer version of php.vim on my Debian desktop I issued the following commands:
1. Download newest version of vim.php from
noah:~# cd /usr/share/vim/vim72/
noah:/usr/share/vim/vim72 # mv /usr/share/vim/vim72/syntax/vim.php /usr/share/vim/vim72/syntax/vim.php.orig
noah:/usr/share/vim/vim72 # lynx
# Now press D and Choose save to Disk in Lynx
noah:/usr/share/vim/vim72 # tar -zxvf php.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- peter/peter 278277 2008-05-07 00:44 syntax/php.vim
This will have installed newest php.vim syntax highlighting rules. Now we will also need to copy a nicely configured .vimrc ready to be used for PHP highlighting, along with the PHP highlighting the .vimrc we are about to install is well configured for all kind of vim edits, so you will certainly benefit out if it if you’re a vim user just like me.
2. Download a properly nicely configured .vimrc for all kind of syntax highlighting including php editing and many other vim capabilities enabled
noah:~/usr/share/vim/vim72 # cd ~
noah:~# wget
You might also want to set the same .vimrc for all other users except root, I’ll leave this up to you.
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What’s up! Just wanted to say good site. Continue with the good work you’re doing!
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