Posts Tagged ‘How to redirect http to https (port 80 to 443) with Apache 2.2 on Debian Lenny’

How to redirect http to https (port 80 to 443) with Apache 2.2 on Debian Lenny

Friday, April 16th, 2010

If you’re about to configure a redirect of http to https, just like I was required to on a Debian server. You’ll probably wonder how to achieve that, just like I wondered today.
There are plenty of ways to solve the task, first thing that poped up on my mind was to use PHP redirect, however I rethinked over it and reconsidered that using php redirect is too heavy for the server in terms of performance.
This way though it’s quick and easily achievable would execute the php code each time accessed, this on a loaded server will create a real performance issues.
Therefore I considered on to achieve the task on Apache level.
After a quick research on google I find the quick solution.
The whole solution comes to adding two lines of code to either your VirtualHost or the apache2.conf (on Debian) or httpd.conf or any name your Linux or FreeBSD distrubtion users for the Apache configuration file.

Redirect permanent /

That’s all now just restart Apache.

debian-server:~# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

There you go your http to https redirect should be now in action.