6 of April Short Living and Death of Saint Methodius a brother of Constantin Cyril – Christian Enlighteners of the Bulgarian and Slavonic Lands

April 7th, 2021


Saint Methodius was the bigger child of the two brothers enlighteners of Bulgarian Lands and the Slavonic nations Saint Cyril (known as The Philosopher) and Saint Methodius born in Thessaloniki
a region of the Byzantine empire. Thessaloniki and its regions according to manuscripts has been mostly inhabited by Slavs at IX century.

In his young age he has chosen to be a Byzantine army man. For 10 years he has been assigned to govern a region of Slavonic lands part of Byzantine Eastern Empire. 
Even though he had been a successful in his worldly career and has been taking a respectful service for the Byzantine Emperor he felt the calling of God, gave up his high position in
aristocracy and entered one of the many monasteries of the empire in mount of Olympus Asia Minor region. Soon after to the same monastery came his younger brother Constantine
Since that moment the two brothers never departed until death of Cyril who died in Rome. And even in his death has been highly venerated by the Pope and considered saint even in
time of his burial at the famous Basillica Church San Clemente where they reside for veneration by Slavs even to this day.


The receiving of Saint Cyril and Methodius in Rome with the Relics of Saint Clement 4th Pope of Rome

The two God chosen man also achieved a glorious deed which was not achieved by anyone before. The creation of the Glagolic Alphabet which become the foundation of the Cyrillic alphabet
currently used of about 300 000 000 people worldwide including by us Bulgarians. The new language was developed to be able to share the high truths of Christ the Gospel and his Church services and books  and 
most impotantly the eternal salvation prepared by God The Holy Trinity The Father the Son and the Holy Spirit for all those who love him and servce him.


The Holy relics of Saint Cyril in San Clemente Crypt

As knowing the truth about Heaven and Hell and the Heavenly
kingdom they were highly conserned for the high see of Slavs in the Empire who still have been in darkness of idolatry and paganism. Inspired by God they soon creating an Alphabet in which  translated the whole Holy Bible (The Gospel of Christ the Epistle books and Old Testament book  and Church service books translating the Eastern Orthodox Holy Liturgy of Saint John The Crysostom and Saint John The Basil.
in language understandable for the Slavs. The glagolic alphabet has been soon translated to the Cyrillic Alphabet by the 7 pupils of Saint Cyril and Methodius and has been spread in Bulgarian lands first then in Serbia, Kiev
and rest of Slavonic nations.


In Great Moravia a region today situated in Chech Republic the two saint brothers teached and baptized the local Slavs , teaching them the Eternal heavenly truths of the Gospel.
The German clergy envied the two apostle equal mans mission great success and tried to rebaptize and teach the already baptized according to a Roman Rite and spread their own influence pushed by a lust for power.
Hence Methodius (also called by Western histographs Method) has been chased away from Moravia by the German clergy to the nearby Pannonia, where king Kocel  who appreciated St. Methodius great deeds for his people and
not understanding why the German-clergy is chasing such a saintly man has moved him to Rome to Pope Adrian II-nd with an enquiry to ordain him a Bishop. The Pope ordained him almost immediately and accepted St. Methodius
and St Cyrilus with all his clergy in honour, because the 2 saints were bringing a highly esteemed gift the Holy Relics who were attained by them earlier in their Baptizmal Mission to The Hazars (an assignment given to them by the Eastern Byzantine Emperor
and successfully achieved).
During their travel in Herzon the two saints has found the Holy Relics of Saint Clement Ist the 4th Pope of Rome who has been exiled and passed away to Christ as a martyr in Herzon (Today's Crimea) in the distant 2nd century.
After his consecration in Rome saint  Metho has been raised from a simple Gospel preacher to the high clergy rank of Archibishop for Pannonia and Moravia, a region who has been under the rule of the Bishop of Rome.

The fight against the clean life of the saint continued with full power even after his raise to the throne of archibishopship. The envious pseudo spiritual missioners sent by the Pope hungering not for Christ but for earthly power slandered
frequently against Method. to the local prince. because Methodius was publicly rebuke their unclean life being filled with the power of Christ spirit who detests all uncleanness in man. At other times suggested to the pope that Methodius is
against the Western Church and eagers to cut Moravia and Pannonia from the diocese of Rome and give it to the Byzantines. In parallel the German "clergy" was frequetnly sending letters slandering against Methodius accusing him in inobedience to the Eastern Christian Emperor
and the The Great Church of Byzantium the homechurch of st. Cyril and Method. and to whom they were obedient still …
Methodius being already in advanced age had to go everywhere by person and rebuke and testify about himself that all this is a far away from truth. His enemies succeeded eventually and for 2 years and a half he has been thrown in prison without the knowledge of the pope.
Finding out about this ungodly deed of his inobedient power-lust german clergy Pope John VIII issued a special order bulla for the immediate liberation of his archibishop.


Icon of Saint Cyril and Methodius painting from 1848 y.

Even in this hardships saint Methodius never stopped to preach the Gospel to the Slavs and spread the Good news of Jesus Christ The Son of God enbodiment, life, Crucifix for the sins of all mankind anf Glorious Resurrection through which all those who believe are saved if they persist in the good deeds of Christ and stick to the trutfullness  of the Church of Christ which at the time of St. Cyrilus was before the Great Schism in year 1054, when the Roman Catholics has fallen away from the One Church who kept and preserved the head of the Church Jesus Christ teaching the Holy Eastern Orthodox Church.
Being even in prison Saint Methodius continued to translate The Holy books from Greek to the new language invented and adjusted for the Slavs talk. 
He left us as a heritage the Translation Copy of All Books of Holy Bible except the book of Maccabees which is today only present in the Orthodox Bible and considered one of the non-canonical but God inspired books, as well as the Nomocanon (the book with rules and Church laws of the Church and the clergy).
Nomocanon comes from .(Greek: Νομοκανών, Nomokanōn; from the Greek nomos – law and kanon – a rule). It is  a collection of ecclesiastical law, consisting of the elements from both the Civil law and the Canon law.
Nomocanons even today forms part of the canon law of the Eastern Catholic Churches (through the Eastern Catholic canon law) and of the Eastern Orthodox Churches.


Saint Methodius the Slav-Bulgarian enlighter passed silently to Christ full of God''s Grace in saintship on 6th of April year 885 A.D. His burial was in Velegrad Chech Republic, and according to the Church tradition about his living  he "lays in the Great Moravian Church in the left side of the wall behind the alter dedicated to the Mother of God the Holy Theotokos Virgin Maria". A church service dedicated to him is still presented in the Bulgarian Church's manuscripts and a copies of it in preservation museums in Russia.

The deeds of Saint Methodius and Saint Cyrilus has a mark on the whole world's events. Even to this day as in Bulgaria, we have a translation of the Bible based on the Cyrillic language named after saint Cyrilus the brother of Methodius based on his started work to translate Glagolic alphabet to Cyrillic, continued by his pupils and fully completed by Saint Clement (Kliment) of Ohrid, who was warmly accepted by Saint Apostle equal King Boris I of Bulgaria. Thanks to him the deeds of Saint Methodius and their pupils and we have the cyrillic alphabet and Bulgarian Orthodox Church and spirituality even today. The deeds of Saint Cyrilus and the Cyrillic are recognizable worldwide in the face of the strange for the Western and the Asians Cyrillic language used by Russians.

Two Saints Cyril and Methodius has were officially proclaimed as a protectors of Europe recently by Pope John Paul II, for a reason as the ex-Pope has seen and experienced the powerness of prayers of the two saints while he was a cardinal in Bulgaria before his raise to the Roman Popeship throne about little know nowadays.

The Memory and veneration of Saint Methodius and Cyrilus logically are mostly observed in Bulgaria logically as Bulgaria was the first Empire country historically to accept the spiritual fruits the new language.  Many Schools and institutions, streets are named after the two saints.
The official Church veneration of St. St. Cyril and Methodius is on 11 in Church and  May in secular tradition. The Bulgarian Orthodox church has established a number of feasts connected to the two saints as they''re the prime patron saints thanks to whose prayers the Bulgarian Church has been established survived through centuries and conitnues its triumphal march towards the kingdom of heaven.

Let by the two saints Methodius and Cyril Bulgaria and Europe have Peace, Faith and Love and Enlightenment about the true teaching of Christ the Holy Orthodoxy!

Exaltation of the Holy Cross day in the Bulgarian Orthodox Church / Veneration of the Holy cross church feast

April 3rd, 2021

Exaltation of the Holy Christ Cross icon, day in the Bulgarian Orthodox ChurchThe Universal Exaltation of the precious and life-giving Cross XVII century – icon from village of Belovo Trqvna region

he Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross (Elevation of the Cross)'s day is feted on 14th of September each year in accordance to the new calendar order, according to old church calendar, the Church celebrated it on 27th of September.

The day is marked by a strong fasting, for short we refer in Bulgarian to this big Church feast as (The day of the Cross / Krystov den).
The Holy Orthodox Christian Church does worship the cross 4 times a year on:

  • Third Sunday after the start of the Great Lent
  • Holy Friday (Good Friday)
  • 1st of August
  • and

  • 14th of September – The Exaltation of the Holy life giving Cross

On this day, we the orthodox christians go to the Church and admirationally bow and kiss the Holy Cross on which our Saviour Jesus Christ suffered for our salvation.Through his cross suffering our Lord has granted to all of us the Christians an unbeatable "weapon" against evil and sin.
Through cross Christ has been victorious over sin and death.

According to old Church tradition, on the day Christian people were asking for the priest to go to their homes and do vodosvet (sprinkle their houses with a blessed holy water).Vodosvet is one of the Orthodox Church mystics, there is a specific prayers begging God for forgiveness of sins, asking for good health and blessing. The prayers are being red over a vessel containing clean water. Finally he blesses the vessel with Water with the life Giving cross 3 times (as a symbol of the Holy Trinity). Then the priest uses a the cross and a tiny piece of twig to sprinkle all the people and objects in the house.

On the holy exaltation of the holy cross feast we also celebrate also the following 3 events:

1. The miraculous appearance of the Holy Cross to emper st. Constantine
2. The finding in Jerusalem of the Holy life-giving cross in Golgotha
3. The return of the Life-giving cross from persian captivity
On 14th of September, according to Church tradition saint John of John Chrysostom has give away his spirit and joined the assembly of saints of God, however because of the Exaltation great significance, the church holy fathers decided that this is celebrated on 13th of September.

The Antiphon for the Exaltation of the Cross feast is singed and translated from Slavonic its meaning goes like this:



Troparion of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross voice 1 / Тропар на светия Кръст, глас 1

Спаси, Господи, люди Твоя и благослови достояние Твое, победы на сопротивныя даруя, и Твое сохраняя Крестом Твоим жительство.

Troparion voice 1

Save Oh Lord, your people and bless possession, grant us oh Lord a victory over our enemies and save your inheritance with your Cross

Troparion voice 2

You've been lifted willingly on the cross, grant you mercies to your inheritance oh Christ our Lord,
stregthen the spirits of the pious king and to your people,
grant us victory against our enemies,
Surround us with peace and with peace give us unbeatable victory

In the Glorification part of the Holy Liturgy feast service its singed:

We magnify you, oh Christ life giver,
and your Holy cross, because you have saved us from the enemy.

What does the Church tradition says about the finding of the holy cross of Christs sufferings?

After the Church crucifixion of Christ, according to the tradition of that times, the weapon for punishment from this kinds – the cross tree was buried in the ground on the same place, where the punishment was executed.
Following the tradition on Gologthas where Christ was crucified was buried the cross used for crucifixion.
In later times, emperor Adrian in his attempt to destroy christianity and the place of pilgrimage of Golgotha has issued an order to built a pagan shrine on the same place.
Later under the reign of Emperor st. Constantine the cross appeared in the sky in a miraculous way and again under his reign the Golgotha place which means literally translated( the place of the Skulls) was discovered.

Third Sunday after start of the Great Lent – Sunday of the Veneration of the Holy Cross

Today 03.04.2021 we the orthodox are in the blessed period of the Great Lent. It is no coincidence the Church has set this feast on exactly this date. It is set on 3rd week of the 43 days (7 Weeks) that lasts the fasting period on the Eastern Orthodox Christian church because this is a little bit less than the half of the lent period. We know by the experience of spiritual fathers that once we start the job the hardest periods are nearby in 40% once the work is done and in that times it is a desire of the person to leave and quit the job but if he perseveres suddenly when the set goal is progressing this is overcome but then again in the end of the period of the goal to complete we start desiring to quit the started job and loose all energy put together, as a plan of the evil which wants us to always loose energy (both spiritual and physical) and never gain anything. Thus the Church set the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross to give us a way to attain new energy for the cross to be able to goodly continue in the deed of the lent. By the cross and his glorious power hence the spirit of despondency is crashed down and we're strenghtened and rejoice for the great glory our God has given us.

The exaltation of the cross is also a feast of everyone celebrating his own cross. The victory over death and everything was once fulfilled by Christ on the Cross. The humanity is saved already but it is up to everyone's free will to accept this salvation or not. The path is set it is the path of the Cross of Christ, meaning acceptance (humility) of all the unpleasant life events and situations, accepting everydays unexpected changes believing that this is God's providence and cross for each one of us, accepting the pain and suffering that is part of the personal cross we hold, accepting that one day our beloved and friends will pass away from this life, accepting the fact we age and the aging guarantees sufferings of the body but the spirit is refreshed by the grace of God, accepting all and enduring everyhing for the sake of the cross … 


The cross is a holder of the Universe and there is no power that will ever overwhelm it as it is said in the Church singings The Cross is the Holder (binds together) the whole universe. It is by the Cross all the evil has been conquered and life eternal has been giving. The path of the cross is the suffering, this is hard for the modern man to accept as we have been set to believe the only measure for success is prosperity, personal well being, physical health, posessing things. On the contrary the Christian says the most blessed and best thing one can have is the cross meaning personal suffering for and with Christ. By the suffering of the Cross Christ has glorified the bodily flesh he was possessing while being on earth in the body. By the Cross Christ has become the one begotten of all the sons of God. By the cross saints has conquered all evils and has sanctified, by the cross we still continue to progress in the goodness. 
Let with the Holy miracle making power of our Saviour's cross by the prayers of all the Saints and our Theotokos (Holy Virgin Merry) God grant to all of us christians victory of our enemies! Amen


IBM Tivoli (Spectrum Protect) update self-signed client expiring SSL certificates

March 17th, 2021


Say you're using Tivoli TSM to manage your backups for tsm (if you don't know what is IBM TSM (Spectrum Protect) Backup solution check my previous article on how to use IBM Tivoli to list configured, scheduled, how to do restore backups with dsmc console client.

And you follow below steps to enable SSL communication with a CA-signed certificate between Spectrum Protect client and server:

E.g. you have to

  • Obtained the CA root certificate.
  • Configure the clients. To use SSL, each client must import the self-signed server certificate.

Used the GSKit command-line utility (gsk8capicmd for 32-bit clients or gsk8capicmd_64 for 64-bit clients) to import the certificate.


1. The problem

This self-signed certificates has expire date which after some time might have expire date coming. If your environment has something like PCI security standards enabled and you do a Quarterly security scans with something like QualysGuard (Qaulys vulnerability management tool). 

In the case of Qualys scans you may receive GSK messages in dsmerro.log if the certificate is expiring:


03/04/2021 14:35:07 ANS9959W IBM Spectrum Protect acceptor received a non-critical network error 88, IBM Spectrum Protect return code : -50.

03/05/2021 13:04:59 ANS1579E GSKit function gsk_secure_soc_init failed with 414: GSK_ERROR_BAD_CERT

03/05/2021 13:04:59 TCP/IP received rc 88 trying to accept connection from server.

03/05/2021 13:04:59 ANS9959W IBM Spectrum Protect acceptor received a non-critical network error 88, IBM Spectrum Protect return code : -50.


2. To check the situation on the host with TSM self-signed expiry


2.1  First get the FQDN and certificate name

[root@redhat: ~ ]# FQDN=$(hostname –fqdn |tr '[:lower:]’ ‘[:upper:]');


[root@redhat: ~ ]# echo "FQDN to be used is: $FQDN. Please be careful it is correct (if machine has wrong FQDN) you might have issues";

[root@redhat: ~ ]# gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -list -db /etc/adsm/Nodes/$FQDN/spclicert.kdb -stashed

The gsk8capicmd_64 is IBM's tool to view and manage SSL certificates it is perhaps a C written binary that has a compiled patched version of a normal openssl tool. Using it is the ibm recommended way to manage Tivoli certificates.

2.2  Get details using -label=CERTNAME and check for expiration date


[root@redhat: ~ ]# gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -details -label $FQDN -db /etc/adsm/Nodes/$FQDN/spclicert.kdb -stashed

Certificates found
* default, – personal, ! trusted, # secret key


3. To update the certificates


3.1 Copy the old certificates for backup

As usual do a backup in case if something goes wrong and you need to restore

[root@redhat: ~ ]# mkdir /root/certbck-tsm_$(date +"%b-%d-%Y")/

[root@redhat: ~ ]# cp -rpv /etc/adsm/Nodes/$FQDN/spclicert* /root/certbck-tsm_$(date +"%b-%d-%Y")/


3.2 Stop the dsmcad backup service

[root@redhat: ~ ]# systemctl stop dsmcad

Double check the service is stopped by checking for any remain dsm processes

[root@redhat: ~ ]# ps axf | grep dsm

3.3 Remove the expiring certificates from host

[root@redhat: ~ ]# rm -v /etc/adsm/Nodes/$FQDN/spclicert*


3.4 Generate new certificates with dsmc client

[root@redhat: ~ ]# dsmc query session -optfile="/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.opt"


3.5 Check if all is generated as expected

[root@redhat: ~ ]# ls -l  /etc/adsm/Nodes/$FQDN/spclicert*

3.6 Start the backup service

[root@redhat: ~ ]# systemctl start dsmcad

3.7  Check  /var/tsm/dsmwebcl.log for the port number of webclient

 [root@redhat: ~ ]# cat /var/tsm/dsmwebcl.log

03/16/2021 13:31:41 (dsmcad) ————————————————————
03/16/2021 13:31:41 (dsmcad) Command will be executed in 11 hours and 50 minutes.
03/16/2021 15:56:01 (dsmcad) ANS9959W IBM Spectrum Protect acceptor received a non-critical network error 88, IBM Spectrum Protect return code : -50.
03/17/2021 01:21:41 (dsmcad) Executing scheduled command now.
03/17/2021 01:22:53 (dsmcad) Next operation scheduled:
03/17/2021 01:22:53 (dsmcad) ————————————————————
03/17/2021 01:22:53 (dsmcad) Schedule Name:         0120_SCHED_P
03/17/2021 01:22:53 (dsmcad) Action:                Incremental
03/17/2021 01:22:53 (dsmcad) Objects:
03/17/2021 01:22:53 (dsmcad) Options:               -subdir=yes
03/17/2021 01:22:53 (dsmcad) Server Window Start:   01:20:00 on 03/18/2021
03/17/2021 01:22:53 (dsmcad) ————————————————————
03/17/2021 01:22:53 (dsmcad) Command will be executed in 12 hours.
03/17/2021 13:22:53 (dsmcad) Executing scheduled command now.
03/17/2021 13:22:54 (dsmcad) Next operation scheduled:
03/17/2021 13:22:54 (dsmcad) ————————————————————
03/17/2021 13:22:54 (dsmcad) Schedule Name:         0120_SCHED_P
03/17/2021 13:22:54 (dsmcad) Action:                Incremental
03/17/2021 13:22:54 (dsmcad) Objects:
03/17/2021 13:22:54 (dsmcad) Options:               -subdir=yes
03/17/2021 13:22:54 (dsmcad) Server Window Start:   01:20:00 on 03/18/2021
03/17/2021 13:22:54 (dsmcad) ————————————————————

 [root@redhat: ~ ]# grep -i port /var/tsm/dsmwebcl.log
03/11/2021 16:59:19 (dsmcad) ANS3000I TCP/IP communications available on port 37506.
03/12/2021 11:35:21 (dsmcad) ANS3000I TCP/IP communications available on port 40510.
03/12/2021 14:53:03 (dsmcad) ANS3000I TCP/IP communications available on port 45005.


3.8  You can check the certificate expiery mask yourself as qualys scanner and check the new certificate 

[root@redhat: ~ ]# dsmc_port=$(netstat -tulpan|grep -i dsm|awk '{ print $4 }'|cut -d":" -f2);
[root@redhat: ~ ]# echo $dsmc_port

[root@redhat: ~ ]# openssl s_client -servername -connect$dsmc_port |  openssl x509 -noout -dates

notBefore=Mar  6 14:09:55 2021 GMT
notAfter=Mar  7 14:09:55 2022 GMT

Hopefully your expiry date is fine that means you're done, you can place the steps in a single script to save time, if you have to run it in a year time.

How to calculate connections from IP address with shell script and log to Zabbix graphic

March 11th, 2021

We had to test the number of connections incoming IP sorted by its TCP / IP connection state.

For example:


The reason behind is sometimes the IP address '' does create more than 200 connections, a Cisco firewall gets triggered and the connection for that IP is filtered out. To be able to know in advance that this problem is upcoming. a Small userparameter script is set on the Linux servers, that does print out all connections from IP by its STATES sorted out.


The script is calc_total_ip_match_zabbix.sh is below:

#  check ESTIMATED / FIN_WAIT etc. netstat output for IPs and calculate total
# UserParameter=count.connections,(/usr/local/bin/calc_total_ip_match_zabbix.sh)


for i in $(netstat -nat | grep "$CHECK_IP" | awk '{print $6}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n); do

echo -n "$i ";
echo "Total: $f"


root@pcfreak:/bashscripts# ./calc_total_ip_match_zabbix.sh 

Total: 6


root@pcfreak:/bashscripts# ./calc_total_ip_match_zabbix.sh 
Total: 5


To make process with Zabbix it is necessery to have an Item created and a Depedent Item.






Finally create a trigger to trigger alarm if you have more than or eqaul to 100 Total overall connections.


The Zabbix userparameter script should be as this:

[root@host: ~]# cat /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/userparameter_webgui_conn.conf


Some collleagues suggested more efficient shell script solution for suming the overall number of connections, below is less time consuming version of script, that can be used for the calculation.

#!/bin/bash -x
# show FIN_WAIT2 / ESTIMATED etc. and calcuate total
count=$(netstat -n | grep "" | awk ' { print $6 } ' | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr)
total=$((${count// /+}))
echo "$count"
echo "Total:" "$total"

      1 TIME_WAIT
Total: 3


Below is the graph built with Zabbix showing all the fluctuations from connections from monitored IP. ebgui-check_ip_graph


How to calculate connections from IP address with shell script and log to Zabbix graphic

March 11th, 2021

We had to test the number of connections incoming IP sorted by its TCP / IP connection state.

For example:


The reason behind is sometimes the IP address '' does create more than 200 connections, a Cisco firewall gets triggered and the connection for that IP is filtered out. To be able to know in advance that this problem is upcoming. a Small userparameter script is set on the Linux servers, that does print out all connections from IP by its STATES sorted out.


The script is calc_total_ip_match_zabbix.sh is below:

#  check ESTIMATED / FIN_WAIT etc. netstat output for IPs and calculate total
# UserParameter=count.connections,(/usr/local/bin/calc_total_ip_match_zabbix.sh)


for i in $(netstat -nat | grep "$CHECK_IP" | awk '{print $6}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n); do

echo -n "$i ";
echo "Total: $f"


root@pcfreak:/bashscripts# ./calc_total_ip_match_zabbix.sh 

Total: 6


root@pcfreak:/bashscripts# ./calc_total_ip_match_zabbix.sh 
Total: 5

To make process with Zabbix it is necessery to have an Item created and a Depedent Item.










Finally create a trigger to trigger alarm if you have more than or eqaul to 100 Total overall connections.


The Zabbix userparameter script should be as this:
cat /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/userparameter_webgui_conn.conf

Some collleagues suggested more efficient shell script solution for suming the overall number of connections, below is less time consuming version of script, that can be used for the calculation.

#!/bin/bash -x
# show FIN_WAIT2 / ESTIMATED etc. and calcuate total
count=$(netstat -n | grep "" | awk ' { print $6 } ' | sort -n | uniq -c | sort -nr)
total=$((${count// /+}))
echo "$count"
echo "Total:" "$total"


      1 TIME_WAIT
Total: 3


Below is the graph built with Zabbix showing all the fluctuations from connections from monitored IP.

How to configure bond0 bonding and network bridging for KVM Virtual machines on Redhat / CentOS / Fedora Linux

February 16th, 2021

 1. Intro to Redhat RPM based distro /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/* config vars shortly explained

On RPM based Linux distributions configuring network has a very specific structure. As a sysadmin just recently I had a task to configure Networking on 2 Machines to be used as Hypervisors so the servers could communicate normally to other Networks via some different intelligent switches that are connected to each of the interfaces of the server. The idea is the 2 redhat 8.3 machines to be used as  Hypervisor (HV) and each of the 2 HVs to each be hosting 2 Virtual guest Machines with preinstalled another set of Redhat 8.3 Ootpa. I've recently blogged on how to automate a bit installing the KVM Virtual machines with using predefined kickstart.cfg file.

The next step after install was setting up the network. Redhat has a very specific network configuration well known under /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eno*# or if you have configured the Redhats to fix the changing LAN card naming ens, eno, em1 to legacy eth0, eth1, eth2 on CentOS Linux – e.g. to be named as /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/{ifcfg-eth0,1,2,3}.

The first step to configure the network from that point is to come up with some network infrastrcture that will be ready on the HV nodes server-node1 server-node2 for the Virtual Machines to be used by server-vm1, server-vm2.

Thus for the sake of myself and some others I decide to give here the most important recognized variables that can be placed inside each of the ifcfg-eth0,ifcfg-eth1,ifcfg-eth2 …

A standard ifcfg-eth0 confing would look something this:

[root@redhat1 :~ ]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

Lets say few words to each of the variables to make it more clear to people who never configured Newtork on redhat without the help of some of the console ncurses graphical like tools such as nmtui or want to completely stop the Network-Manager to manage the network and thus cannot take the advantage of using nmcli (a command-line tool for controlling NetworkManager).

Here is a short description of each of above configuration parameters:

TYPE=device_type: The type of network interface device
BOOTPROTO=protocol: Where protocol is one of the following:

  • none: No boot-time protocol is used.
  • bootp: Use BOOTP (bootstrap protocol).
  • dhcp: Use DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).
  • static: if configuring static IP


  • yes: This interface is set as the default route for IPv4|IPv6 traffic.
  • no: This interface is not set as the default route.

Usually most people still don't use IPV6 so better to disable that

IPV6INIT=answer: Where answer is one of the following:

  • yes: Enable IPv6 on this interface. If IPV6INIT=yes, the following parameters could also be set in this file:

IPV6ADDR=IPv6 address

IPV6_DEFAULTGW=The default route through the specified gateway

  • no: Disable IPv6 on this interface.

IPV4_FAILURE_FATAL|IPV6_FAILURE_FATAL=answer: Where answer is one of the following:

  • yes: This interface is disabled if IPv4 or IPv6 configuration fails.
  • no: This interface is not disabled if configuration fails.

ONBOOT=answer: Where answer is one of the following:

  • yes: This interface is activated at boot time.
  • no: This interface is not activated at boot time.

HWADDR=MAC-address: The hardware address of the Ethernet device
IPADDRN=address: The IPv4 address assigned to the interface
PREFIXN=N: Length of the IPv4 netmask value
GATEWAYN=address: The IPv4 gateway address assigned to the interface. Because an interface can be associated with several combinations of IP address, network mask prefix length, and gateway address, these are numbered starting from 0.
DNSN=address: The address of the Domain Name Servers (DNS)
DOMAIN=DNS_search_domain: The DNS search domain (this is the search Domain-name.com you usually find in /etc/resolv.conf)

Other interesting file that affects how routing is handled on a Redhat Linux is


[root@redhat1 :~ ]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network
# Created by anaconda

Having this gateway defined does add a default gateway

This file specifies global network settings. For example, you can specify the default gateway, if you want to apply some network settings such as routings, Alias IPs etc, that will be valid for all configured and active configuration red by systemctl start network scripts or the (the network-manager if such is used), just place it in that file.

Other files of intesresting to control how resolving is being handled on the server worthy to check are 




If you want to set a preference of /etc/hosts being red before /etc/resolv.conf and DNS resolving for example you need to have inside it, below is default behavior of it.

root@redhat1 :~ ]#   grep -i hosts /etc/nsswitch.conf
#     hosts: files dns
#     hosts: files dns  # from user file
# Valid databases are: aliases, ethers, group, gshadow, hosts,
hosts:      files dns myhostname

As you can see the default order is to read first files (meaning /etc/hosts) and then the dns (/etc/resolv.conf)
hosts: files dns

Now with this short intro description on basic values accepted by Redhat's /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg* prepared configurations.

I will give a practical example of configuring a bond0 interface with 2 members which were prepared based on Redhat's Official documentation found in above URLs:


# Bonding on RHEL 7 documentation



# Network Bridge with Bond documentation


2. Configuring a single bond connection on eth0 / eth2 and setting 3 bridge interfaces bond -> br0, br1 -> eth1, br2 -> eth2

The task on my machines was to set up from 4 lan cards one bonded interface as active-backup type of bond with bonded lines on eth0, eth2 and 3 other 2 eth1, eth2 which will be used for private communication network that is connected via a special dedicated Switches and Separate VLAN 50, 51 over a tagged dedicated gigabit ports.

As said the 2 Servers had each 4 Broadcom Network CARD interfaces each 2 of which are paired (into a single card) and 2 of which are a solid Broadcom NetXtreme Dual Port 10GbE SFP+ and Dell Broadcom 5720 Dual Port 1Gigabit Network​.


On each of server-node1 and server-node2 we had 4 Ethernet Adapters properly detected on the Redhat

root@redhat1 :~ ]# lspci |grep -i net
01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries NetXtreme BCM5720 2-port Gigabit Ethernet PCIe
01:00.1 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries NetXtreme BCM5720 2-port Gigabit Ethernet PCIe
19:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries BCM57412 NetXtreme-E 10Gb RDMA Ethernet Controller (rev 01)
19:00.1 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries BCM57412 NetXtreme-E 10Gb RDMA Ethernet Controller (rev 01)

I've already configured as prerogative net.ifnames=0 to /etc/grub2/boot.cfg and Network-Manager service disabled on the host (hence to not use Network Manager you'll see in below configuration NM_CONTROLLED="no" is telling the Redhat servers is not to be trying NetworkManager for more on that check my previous article Disable NetworkManager automatic Ethernet Interface Management on Redhat Linux , CentOS 6 / 7 / 8.

3. Types of Network Bonding

mode=0 (balance-rr)

This mode is based on Round-robin policy and it is the default mode. This mode offers fault tolerance and load balancing features. It transmits the packets in Round robin fashion that is from the first available slave through the last.

mode-1 (active-backup)

This mode is based on Active-backup policy. Only one slave is active in this band, and another one will act only when the other fails. The MAC address of this bond is available only on the network adapter part to avoid confusing the switch. This mode also provides fault tolerance.

mode=2 (balance-xor)

This mode sets an XOR (exclusive or) mode that is the source MAC address is XOR’d with destination MAC address for providing load balancing and fault tolerance. Each destination MAC address the same slave is selected.

mode=3 (broadcast)

This method is based on broadcast policy that is it transmitted everything on all slave interfaces. It provides fault tolerance. This can be used only for specific purposes.

mode=4 (802.3ad)

This mode is known as a Dynamic Link Aggregation mode that has it created aggregation groups having same speed. It requires a switch that supports IEEE 802.3ad dynamic link. The slave selection for outgoing traffic is done based on a transmit hashing method. This may be changed from the XOR method via the xmit_hash_policy option.

mode=5 (balance-tlb)

This mode is called Adaptive transmit load balancing. The outgoing traffic is distributed based on the current load on each slave and the incoming traffic is received by the current slave. If the incoming traffic fails, the failed receiving slave is replaced by the MAC address of another slave. This mode does not require any special switch support.

mode=6 (balance-alb)

This mode is called adaptive load balancing. This mode does not require any special switch support.

Lets create the necessery configuration for the bond and bridges

[root@redhat1 :~ ]# cat ifcfg-bond0
BONDING_OPTS="mode=1 miimon=100 primary=eth0"

[root@redhat1 :~ ]# cat ifcfg-bond0.10

[root@redhat1 :~ ]# cat ifcfg-br0

[root@redhat1 :~ ]# cat ifcfg-br1

[root@redhat1 :~ ]# cat ifcfg-br2

[root@redhat1 :~ ]# cat ifcfg-eth0

[root@redhat1 :~ ]# cat ifcfg-eth1

[root@redhat1 :~ ]#  cat ifcfg-eth2

[root@redhat1 :~ ]#  cat ifcfg-eth3

[root@redhat2 :~ ]# cat ifcfg-bond0
BONDING_OPTS="mode=1 miimon=100 primary=eth0"

# cat ifcfg-bond0.10

[root@redhat2 :~ ]# cat ifcfg-br0

[root@redhat2 :~ ]#  cat ifcfg-br1

[root@redhat2 :~ ]# cat ifcfg-br2

[root@redhat2 :~ ]# cat ifcfg-eth0

[root@redhat2 :~ ]# cat ifcfg-eth1

[root@redhat2 :~ ]# cat ifcfg-eth2

Notice that the bond0 configuration does not have an IP assigned this is done on purpose as we're using the interface channel bonding together with attached bridge for the VM. Usual bonding on a normal physical hardware hosts where no virtualization use is planned is perhaps a better choice. If you however try to set up an IP address in that specific configuration shown here and you try to reboot the machine, you will end up with inacessible machine over the network like I did and you will need to resolve configuration via some kind of ILO / IDRAC interface.

4. Generating UUID for ethernet devices bridges and bonds

One thing to note is the command uuidgen you might need that to generate UID identificators to fit in the new network config files.


[root@redhat2 :~ ]#uuidgen br2
[root@redhat2 :~ ]# uuidgen br1
[root@redhat2 :~ ]# uuidgen br0

5. How to make KVM Virtual Machines see configured Network bridges (modify VM XML)

To make the Virtual machines installed see the bridges I had to

[root@redhat1 :~ ]#virsh edit VM_name1
[root@redhat1 :~ ]#virsh edit VM_name2

[root@redhat2 :~ ]#virsh edit VM_name1
[root@redhat2 :~ ]#virsh edit VM_name2

Find the interface network configuration and change it to something like:

    <interface type='bridge'>
      <mac address='22:53:00:56:5d:ac'/>
      <source bridge='br0'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x01' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
    <interface type='bridge'>
      <mac address='22:53:00:2a:5f:01'/>
      <source bridge='br1'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x07' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
    <interface type='bridge'>
      <mac address='22:34:00:4a:1b:6c'/>
      <source bridge='br2'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x08' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>

6. Testing the bond  is up and works fine

# ip addr show bond0
The result is the following:


4: bond0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,MASTER,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 52:54:00:cb:25:82 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff

The bond should be visible in the normal network interfaces with ip address show or /sbin/ifconfig


# cat /proc/net/bonding/bond0
Ethernet Channel Bonding Driver: v3.7.1 (April 27, 2011)

Bonding Mode: fault-tolerance (active-backup)
Primary Slave: None
Currently Active Slave: eth0
MII Status: up
MII Polling Interval (ms): 100
Up Delay (ms): 0
Down Delay (ms): 0

Slave Interface: eth2
MII Status: up
Speed: 10000 Mbps
Duplex: full
Link Failure Count: 0
Permanent HW addr: 00:0c:29:ab:2a:fa
Slave queue ID: 0


According to the output eth0 is the active slave.

The active slaves device files (eth0 in this case) is found in virtual file system /sys/

# find /sys -name *eth0

You can remove a bond member say eth0 by 


 cd to the pci* directory
Example: /sys/devices/pci000:00/000:00:15.0


# echo 1 > remove

At this point the eth0 device directory structure that was previously located under /sys/devices/pci000:00/000:00:15.0 is no longer there.  It was removed and the device no longer exists as seen by the OS.

You can verify this is the case with a simple ifconfig which will no longer list the eth0 device.
You can also repeat the cat /proc/net/bonding/bond0 command from Step 1 to see that eth0 is no longer listed as active or available.
You can also see the change in the messages file.  It might look something like this:

2021-02-12T14:13:23.363414-06:00 redhat1  device eth0: device has been deleted
2021-02-12T14:13:23.368745-06:00 redhat1 kernel: [81594.846099] bonding: bond0: releasing active interface eth0
2021-02-12T14:13:23.368763-06:00 redhat1 kernel: [81594.846105] bonding: bond0: Warning: the permanent HWaddr of eth0 – 00:0c:29:ab:2a:f0 – is still in use by bond0. Set the HWaddr of eth0 to a different address to avoid conflicts.
2021-02-12T14:13:23.368765-06:00 redhat1 kernel: [81594.846132] bonding: bond0: making interface eth1 the new active one.


Another way to test the bonding is correctly switching between LAN cards on case of ethernet hardware failure is to bring down one of the 2 or more bonded interfaces, lets say you want to switch from active-backup from eth1 to eth2, do:

# ip link set dev eth0 down

That concludes the test for fail over on active slave failure.

7. Bringing bond updown (rescan) bond with no need for server reboot

You know bonding is a tedious stuff that sometimes breaks up badly so only way to fix the broken bond seems to be a init 6 (reboot) cmd but no actually that is not so.

You can also get the deleted device back with a simple pci rescan command:

# echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/rescan

The eth0 interface should now be back
You can see that it is back with an ifconfig command, and you can verify that the bond sees it with this command:

# cat /proc/net/bonding/bond0

That concludes the test of the bond code seeing the device when it comes back again.

The same steps can be repeated only this time using the eth1 device and file structure to fail the active slave in the bond back over to eth0.

8. Testing the bond with ifenslave command (ifenslave command examples)

Below is a set of useful information to test the bonding works as expected with ifenslave command  comes from "iputils-20071127" package

– To show information of all the inerfaces

                  # ifenslave -a
                  # ifenslave –all-interfaces 


– To change the active slave

                  # ifenslave -c bond0 eth1
                  # ifenslave –change-active bond0 eth1 


– To remove the slave interface from the bonding device

                  # ifenslave -d eth1
                  # ifenslave –detach bond0 eth1 


– To show master interface info

                  # ifenslave bond0 


– To set the bond device down and automatically release all the slaves

                  # ifenslave bond1 down 

– To get the usage info

                  # ifenslave -u
                  # ifenslave –usage 

– To set to verbose mode

                  # ifenslave -v
                  # ifenslave –verbose 

9. Testing the bridge works fine

Historically over the years all kind of bridges are being handled with the brctl part of bridge-utils .deb / .rpm installable package.

The classical way to check a bridge is working is to do

# brctl show
# brctl show br0; brctl show br1; brctl show br2

# brctl showmacs br0


Unfortunately with redhat 8 this command is no longer available so to get information about configured bridges you need to use instead:


# bridge link show
3:eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 master bridge0 state forwarding priority 32 cost 100
4:eth2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 master bridge0 state listening priority 32 cost 100

10. Troubleshooting network connectivity issues on bond bridges and LAN cards

Testing the bond connection and bridges can route proper traffic sometimes is a real hassle so here comes at help the good old tcpdump

If you end up with issues with some of the ethernet interfaces between HV1 and HV2 to be unable to talk to each other and you have some suspiciousness that some colleague from the network team has messed up a copper (UTP) cable or there is a connectivity fiber optics issues. To check the VLAN tagged traffic headers on the switch you can listen to each and every bond0 and br0, br1, br2 eth0, eth1, eth2, eth3 configured on the server like so:

# tcpdump -i bond0 -nn -e vlan

Some further investigation on where does a normal ICMP traffic flows once everything is setup is a normal thing to do, hence just try to route a normal ping via the different server interfaces:

# ping -I bond0 DSTADDR

# ping -i eth0 DSTADDR

# ping -i eth1 DSTADDR

# ping -i eth2 DSTADDR

After conducting the ping do the normal for network testing big ICMP packages (64k) ping to make sure there are no packet losses etc., e.g:

# ping -I eth3 -s 64536  DSTADDR

If for 10 – 20 seconds the ping does not return package losses then you should be good.

Update reverse sshd config with cronjob to revert if sshd reload issues

February 12th, 2021


Say you're doing ssh hardening modifying /etc/ssh/sshd_config for better system security or just changing options in sshd due to some requirements. But you follow the wrong guide and you placed some ssh variable which is working normally on newer SSH versions ssh OpenSSH_8.0p1 / or 7 but the options are applied on older SSH server and due to that restarting sshd via /etc/init.d/… or systemctl restart sshd cuts your access to remote server located in a DC and not attached to Admin LAN port, and does not have a working ILO or IDRAC configured and you have to wait for a couple of hours for some Support to go to the server Room / Rack / line location to have access to a Linux physical tty console and fix it by reverting the last changes you made to sshd and restarting.

Thus logical question comes what can you do to assure yourself you would not cut your network access to remote machine after modifying OpenSSHD and normal SSHD restart?

There is an old trick, I'm using for years now but perhaps if you're just starting with Linux as a novice system administrator or a server support guy you would not know it, it is as simple as setting a cron job for some minutes to periodically overwrite the sshd configuration with a copy of the old working version of sshd before modification.

Here is this nice nify trick which saved me headache of call on technical support line to ValueWeb when I was administering some old Linux servers back in the 2000s

root@server:~# crontab -u root -e

# create /etc/ssh/sshd_config backup file
cp -rpf /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config_$(date +%d-%m-%y)
# add to cronjob to execute every 15 minutes and ovewrite sshd with the working version just in case
*/15 * * * * /bin/cp -rpf /etc/ssh/sshd_config_$(date +%d-%m-%y) /etc/ssh/sshd_config && /bin/systemctl restart sshd
# restart sshd 
cp -rpf /etc/ssh/sshd_config_$(date +%d-%m-%y) /etc/ssh/sshd_config && /bin/systemctl restart sshd

Copy paste above cron definitions and leave them on for some time. Do the /etc/ssh/sshd_config modifications and once you're done restart sshd by lets say

root@server:~#  killall -HUP sshd 

If the ssh connectivity continues to work edit the cron job again and delete all lines and save again.
If you're not feeling confortable with vim as a text editor (in case you're a complete newbie and you don't know) how to get out of vim. Before doing all little steps you can do on the shell with  export EDITOR=nano or export EDITOR=mcedit cmds,this will change the default text editor on the shell. 

Hope this helps someone… Enjoy 🙂

List all existing local admin users belonging to admin group and mail them to monitoring mail box

February 8th, 2021


If you have a bunch of servers that needs to have a tight security with multiple Local users superuser accounts that change over time and you need to frequently keep an have a long over time if some new system UNIX local users in /etc/passwd /etc/group has been added deleted e.g. the /etc/passwd /etc/group then you might have the task to have some primitive monitoring set and the most primitive I can think of is simply routinely log users list for historical purposes to a common mailbox over time (lets say 4 times a month or even more frequently) you might send with a simple cron job a list of all existing admin authorized users to a logging sysadmin mailbox like lets say:


A remark to make here is the common sysadmin practice scenario to have local existing non-ldap admin users group members of whom are authorized to use sudo su – root via /etc/sudoers  is described in my previous article how to add local users to admin group superuser access via sudo I thus have been managing already a number of servers that have user setup using the above explained admin group.

Thus to have the monitoring at place I've developed a tiny shell script that does check all users belonging to the predefined user group dumps it to .csv format that starts with a simple timestamp on when user admin list was made and sends it to a predefined email address as well as logs sent mail content for further reference in a local directory.

The task is a relatively easy but since nowadays the level of competency of system administration across youngsters is declinging -that's of course in my humble opinion (just like it happens in every other profession), below is the developed list-admin-users.sh


# dump all users belonging to a predefined admin user / group in csv format 
# with a day / month year timestamp and mail it to a predefined admin
# monitoring address
# root@server:/# grep -i 1000 /etc/passwd
# username:x:username:1000:username,,,:/home/username:/bin/bash
# username1:x:username1:1000:username1,,,:/home/username1:/bin/bash
# username5:x:username1:1000:username5,,,:/home/username5:/bin/bash

# root@server # group_id_ID='4355'; grep -i group_id_ID /etc/passwd
# …
# username1:x:1005:4355:username1,,,:/home/username1:/bin/bash
# username5:x:1005:4355,,,:/home/username5:/bin/bash

FIL="/var/log/userlist-log-dir/userlist_$(date +"%d_%m_%Y_%H_%M").txt";
CUR_D="$HOSTN: Current admin users $(date)"; >> $FIL; echo -e "##### $CUR_D #####" >> $FIL;
for i in $(cat /etc/passwd | grep -i /home|grep /bin/bash|grep -e "$ADMINS_ID" -e "$group_id_ID" | cut -d : -f1); do \
if [[ $(grep $i /etc/group|grep $group_id) ]]; then
f=$(echo $i); echo $i,group_id,$(id -g $i); else  echo $i,admin,$(id -g $i);
done >> $FIL; mail -s "$CUR_D" $TO_ADDRESS < $FIL

list-admin-users.sh is ready for download also here

To make the script report you will have to place it somewhere for example in /usr/local/bin/list-admin-users.sh ,  create its log dir location /var/log/userlist-log-dir/ and set proper executable and user/group script and directory permissions to it to be only readable for root user.

root@server: # mkdir /var/log/userlist-log-dir/
root@server: # chmod +x /usr/local/bin/list-admin-users.sh
root@server: # chmod -R 700 /var/log/userlist-log-dir/

To make the script generate its admin user reports and send it to the central mailbox  a couple of times in the month early in the morning (assuming you have a properly running postfix / qmail / sendmail … smtp), as a last step you need to set a cron job to routinely invoke the script as root user.

root@server: # crontab -u root -e
12 06 5,10,15,20,25,1 /usr/local/bin/list-admin-users.sh

That's all folks now on 5th 10th, 15th, 20th 25th and 1st at 06:12 you'll get the admin user list reports done. Enjoy 🙂

Disable NetworkManager automatic Ethernet Interface Management on Redhat Linux , CentOS 6 / 7 / 8

February 5th, 2021


Most of Linux distributions had introduced the NetworkManager service and are slowly trying to push out the old ways and use entirely it to manage network configs. Though at times this is very helpful stuff especially if you have Linux running on Laptop on servers is a guarantee for troubles.

If you are a system administrator like me and you need that needs to configure a New server with lets say 8 (Ethernet interface) LAN cards each to be configured with different IPs and you have a mixture of configuration where some eth1,eth2 etc. (4 of the interface IPs has to be static IPs and others has to be taken from a DHCP lease. NetworkManager is not something that you will want as usually you don't expect soon a network IP topology change. Below is example from a Living Hypervisor server machine that has 8 Network Interfaces configured together with few Virtual Interfaces used by the running KVM Virtual Machines.

[root@redhat :~ ]# ip address show |grep ": <"
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
2: ens1f0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master team0 state UP group default qlen 1000
3: eno1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master team0 state UP group default qlen 1000
4: ens1f1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master br2 state UP group default qlen 1000
5: ens1f2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 1000
6: eno2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq master br1 state UP group default qlen 1000
7: ens1f3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 1000
8: eno3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 1000
9: eno4: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 1000
10: venet0: <BROADCAST,POINTOPOINT,NOARP,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default
11: br1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
12: br2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
13: team0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue master br0 state UP group default qlen 1000
14: br0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
15: host-routed: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 1000
16: virbr0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN group default qlen 1000
17: virbr0-nic: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast master virbr0 state DOWN group default qlen 1000
18: virbr1: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN group default qlen 1000
19: virbr1-nic: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast master virbr1 state DOWN group default qlen 1000
26: vme52540019e701: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast master br0 state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
27: vme52540081868b: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast master br1 state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
28: vme525400a13f03: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast master br2 state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000

Having a NM managing so many LAN connected Ethernets can create you A LOT of surprises even if your servers are in a Highly Secured data center where chance of sudden IP change or network misbehaves are minimal. Even minimal some in Housing might do something wrong on the Rack mixing up with another server or switch andyour server might end up easily with unexplainable Network problems because of this NM service which is trying 'to balance' any network issues according to some algorithms …

Thus to save yourlself the troubles and completely disable NetworkManager (NM) Ethernets handling.

As a hint some of the troubles you might get especially if the System Hardware has issues with the Integrated Motherboard LAN Controllers such as of Dell PowerEdge R640 Rack Server.
I've recently observed one such Dell Rack mounted machine I had to configure from scratch which has out of the box 
NM preinstalled by a colleague and was doing strange stuff with the routings causing it to become remotely inacessible after reboot.
Even though I have started configuring the IPs and have double and triple check the configuration and machine had proper set of /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* configuration it still failed to boot with a network properly brought up and become unreachable via remote SSH connection immediately after sending machine to init 6 with /usr/sbin/init 6 (alias for shutdown -r now or reboot -f now :)

On Redhat 8 / CentOS 8 to Disabling permanently NM you have to disable NM systemd services permanently and add NM_CONTROLLED=no to each of the Ethernet configurations listed in network-scripts/ifcfg-eno3 eno4 eno1np0 etc. ifaces.

1. Disable completely Network Manager service and mask it

[root@redhat :~ ]# systemctl mask NetworkManager.service
[root@redhat :~ ]# systemctl stop NetworkManager.service
[root@redhat :~ ]# systemctl disable NetworkManager.service

2. Check if all systemd networkmanager components scripts are really disabled

# systemctl list-unit-files | grep NetworkManager

NetworkManager-dispatcher.service disabled
NetworkManager-wait-online.service enabled
NetworkManager.service disabled

NetworkManager-wait-online.service seems to be also enabled so we have to disable it.

[root@redhat :~ ]#  systemctl mask NetworkManager-wait-online.service
[root@redhat :~ ]#  systemctl disable NetworkManager-wait-online.service

Double check NM services

[root@redhat :~ ]#  systemctl list-unit-files | grep NetworkManager

3. Install / Enable old (legacy) network-scripts 

network-scripts is disabled by default due to it doesn't play well with NM.
Install the rpm package to enable it back

[root@redhat :~ ]#  yum install -y network-scripts 

4. Test if network-scripts is really enabled

Use Redhat's nmcli command for controlling network manager if it reports NM not running then you're fine

[root@redhat :~ ]#  nmcli device
Error: NetworkManager is not running.

5. Disable legacy use network-scripts print outs

Bring down some interface with ifdown Redhat script frontend to ifconfig and bring it up with ifup iface-name

# ifup eno4
WARN      : [ifup] You are using 'ifup' script provided by 'network-scripts', which are now deprecated.
WARN      : [ifup] 'network-scripts' will be removed in one of the next major releases of RHEL.
WARN      : [ifup] It is advised to switch to 'NetworkManager' instead – it provides 'ifup/ifdown' scripts as well.

Notice the warnings they're harmless and safe to ignore however it is pretty annoying to see them, to disable them:

[root@redhat :~ ]#  touch /etc/sysconfig/disable-deprecation-warnings

6. Use network.service old-fashioned systemd service

From now on you can start using the good old well known and properly working network.service

[root@redhat :~ ]#  systemctl status network

To enable the network service to start after boot:

[root@redhat :~ ]#  systemctl enable network

7. Disable NetworkManager use from Network configuration scripts ifcfg-* for all server available configured ethernet cards

Open with text editor every network script and append NM_CONTROLLED="no" to the end of the file.

[root@redhat :~ ]#  vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethernetX

To save yourself the time if you want to disable NetworkManager use for all /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* use a simple shell loop:

[root@redhat :~ ]# cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
[root@redhat :/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts ]# for i in *ifcfg*; do echo NM_CONTROLLED="no" >> $i; done

To load the new network settings do another network reload / restart

[root@redhat :~ ]# systemctl restart network

To disable NetworkManager on older CentOS 6 / Redhat 6 / SuSE / Fedora Linux where the OS still not systemd enabled instead of using systemctl you can straight do it with old and well known chkconfig redhat script.

[root@centos6 :~ ]# service NetworkManager stop
[root@centos6 :~ ]# chkconfig NetworkManager off

How to configure static DNS and Search domain for Redhat / CentOS and Redhat Linux

February 3rd, 2021

In latest Redhat based OS-es Fedora / CentOS / Redhat etc. just like on many other Linux distributions, we have /etc/resolv.conf being overwritten by NetworkManager and / or systemd configurations setup which since some time has been introduced to be a "more sophisticated" (default)  so the file is being written by Network Manager / dhcp or systemd config. Though the idea is good, having other programs modify /etc/resolv.conf is a real pain in the ass especially as you end up with an empty file because some service has overwritten what you have placed in the file and the DNS records and Search Domain is deleted forever. If you're not aware of this "new cool" linux feature you might first think that it was a bug that has ovewritten /etc/resolv.conf but ok guys as Bill Gates loved to say "this is not a bug it is a feature", so any attemps you make to manually change /etc/resolv.conf will be soon gone 🙂

This is pretty annoying for old school sysadmins which like to just set the necessery Domain name server resolving

search Subdomain.SearchDomain.Com
nameserver xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
nameserver yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy

However as said Nowdays if you just place the desired config with in /etc/resolv.conf on next Server reboot or Network restart (or next fetch of DHCP if the ethernet interface IPs are being obtained via DHCP protocol) you will end up in a situation with an empty /etc/resolv.conf  with one commented line reading:

[root@redhat ~]# cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by NetworkManager

To make the DNS and Search Domain be always presented on any network restart or reboot on the server hence you will need to define  DNS1 DNS2 DNS3 etc. and SEARCH variable inside the network configuration files for Bridge or Network interfaces located in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eno1np0 etc.  that will automatically append above search / nameserver fields in /etc/resolv.conf on any NetworkManager or system restart.
Below is example with the variables added to a Network bridge configuration on Redhat 8.3 (Ootpa):

[root@redhat ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-br0


To test the configuration does append proper records into /etc/resolv.conf on Network restart  or /sbin/reboot reload the network.

[root@redhat ~]# systemctl restart NetworkManager

The result is you should have a good looking resolv.conf as so

[root@redhat ~]#  cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by NetworkManager
search sub.search-domain.com