Posts Tagged ‘guinea’

Bill Gates explaining solution to over-population – depopulation through vacines and medical care system – Is Bill and Melinda Gates foundation really good?

Tuesday, June 26th, 2012


While checking some videos on the net I've came across information that Bill Gates bough 500 000 shares from Monsanto.

Gates is a well know for being Philantrophist, giving large amounts of charities aiming to fight the hunger in Africa through his and his life charity foundation Bill and Melinda Gates. This charity looks like something perfect on a first glimpse as of September 2011 he has donated $33 billions to the foundation which is trying to help Africans to fight hunger diseases, find cure for HIV etc.

The methodology to help the hungry and sick people in africa is done via distribution of food grown and vaccination and helping the "poor" people in Africa get some education. It all sounds like a very good deed and one can say "what a good man of honour" GAtes is.

Well this would have been true only if Gates didn't said it clear in TED's show that vacination is one of the ways which can be used to battle the over population and increased need for food, medical service and energy.

See the short video below:

Bill Gates suggests Depopulation Through Vaccines on a talk on TED show

I don't think it is too likely gates made an error in saying what he said on the presentation, obviously it was a clearly prepared presentation for the show and what he said was exactly what he meant. Now put aside the vacination of africa along with the likeness that a lot of latest drug medicine are probably injected in many unknowing Africans used as a guinea pig and you understand that this $33 Billion are given for eradication of large and testing of medicals on large population uneducated mass in Africa.

Not that I say vacination is necessery bad as one could think. From the few videos, I've seen with Gates rationalizing on various world problems one can come easily to the conclusion that Gates has a strong Utalitarian mindset. If you're not aware of Utilitarianism frightening philosophy see here