While checking some videos on the net I've came across information that Bill Gates bough 500 000 shares from Monsanto.
Gates is a well know for being Philantrophist, giving large amounts of charities aiming to fight the hunger in Africa through his and his life charity foundation Bill and Melinda Gates. This charity looks like something perfect on a first glimpse as of September 2011 he has donated $33 billions to the foundation which is trying to help Africans to fight hunger diseases, find cure for HIV etc.
The methodology to help the hungry and sick people in africa is done via distribution of food grown and vaccination and helping the "poor" people in Africa get some education. It all sounds like a very good deed and one can say "what a good man of honour" GAtes is.
Well this would have been true only if Gates didn't said it clear in TED's show that vacination is one of the ways which can be used to battle the over population and increased need for food, medical service and energy.
See the short video below:
Bill Gates suggests Depopulation Through Vaccines on a talk on TED show
I don't think it is too likely gates made an error in saying what he said on the presentation, obviously it was a clearly prepared presentation for the show and what he said was exactly what he meant. Now put aside the vacination of africa along with the likeness that a lot of latest drug medicine are probably injected in many unknowing Africans used as a guinea pig and you understand that this $33 Billion are given for eradication of large and testing of medicals on large population uneducated mass in Africa.
Not that I say vacination is necessery bad as one could think. From the few videos, I've seen with Gates rationalizing on various world problems one can come easily to the conclusion that Gates has a strong Utalitarian mindset. If you're not aware of Utilitarianism frightening philosophy see here
I’ve recently built new mail qmail server with vpopmail to serve pop3 connectins and courierimap and courierimaps to take care for IMAP IMAPS.
I further used telnet to test if the Linux server pop3 service on (110) and imap on (143) worked fine, straight after the completed qmail install. Here is how to test mail server with vpopmail listening for connections on pop3 port :
debian:~# telnet mail.mymailserver.com 110
Trying 111.222.333.444...
Connected to mail.mymailserver.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK <2813.1312745988@mymailserver.com>
USER hipo@mymailserver.com
PASS here_goes_my_secret_pass
1 309783
2 64053
3 2119
4 64357
5 317893
RETR 1 My first mail content retrieved with RETR commandgoes here ....
Connection closed by foreign host.
You see I have 5 messages in my mailbox, as you can see I used RETR command to check the content of my mail, this is handy as I can read my mails straight with telnet (if the mail is in plain text), of course it’s a bit more complicated if I have to read encrypted or html mail, though still its easy to write a tiny parser and pipe the content produced by telnet command to lynx or some other text based browser.
Now another sys admin handy tip is the use of telnet to check my mail servers IMAP servers is correctly operating. Here is how:
debian:~# telnet mail.mymailserver.com 143
Trying 111.222.333.444...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
* OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4rev1 UIDPLUS CHILDREN NAMESPACE THREAD=ORDEREDSUBJECT THREAD=REFERENCES SORT QUOTA IDLE ACL ACL2=UNION STARTTLS] Courier-IMAP ready. Copyright 1998-2010 Double Precision, Inc. See COPYING for distribution information. 01 LOGIN hipo@mymailserver.com here_goes_my_secret_pass
02 LIST "" *
* LIST (Unmarked HasNoChildren) "." "INBOX"
02 OK LIST completed
* FLAGS (Draft Answered Flagged Deleted Seen Recent)
* OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (* Draft Answered Flagged Deleted Seen)] Limited
* OK [UIDVALIDITY 1312746907] Ok
* OK [MYRIGHTS "acdilrsw"] ACL
04 OK STATUS Completed.
As you can see according to standard to send commands to IMAP server from console after a telnet connection you will have to always include a command line number like 01, 02, 03 .. etc.
Using such a line numbering is not obligitory and also letters like A, B, C could be use still line numbering with numbers is generally a good idea since it’s easier for reading on the screen.
Now line 02 shows you available mailboxes, line 03 SELECT INBOX selects the imap Inbox to be further operated with, 04 STATUS INBOX cmd displays status about current mailboxes in folder. FETCH 1 ALL instructs the imap server to get list of all IMAP message headers. Next command in line 05 FETCH 1 BODY will display the message body of the first message in list. The 07 FETCH 1 ENVELOPE will display the mail headers for the 1 message.
Few other IMAP commands which might be helpfun on connection are:
09 FETCH * FULL First one would fetch complete content of a message numbered one from the imap server and the second one 09 FETCH * FULL will get all the mail content for all messages located on the remote IMAP server.
The STATUS command aforementioned earlier could take the following list of arguments:
These commands are a gold mine for me as a sysadmin as it helps quickly solve problems, hope they would help to somebody out there as well 😉 This way is a way shorter than bothering each time to check, if some customer e-mail account is improperly configured by creating setting up a new account in Thunderbird.
I’m required to do some mail relaying on a Debian Linux host which should use a remote mail server to relay its mails. Until so far I’ve had not much experience with exim as I prefer using qmail, whever a mail server is needed. However since now only a relaying was necessery and exim is the default installed MTA on Debian, I’ve decided to use exim to take care of the SMTP mail relaying. After a bit of reading it happened configuring exim to relay via remote SMTP server is more than easy!
All I had to do is run the command:
debian-relay:~# dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config
Next in the Ncruses interface to appear:
I had to choose the option:
mail sent by smarthost; no local mail
Next a dialog appears asking for: System mail name: Therein it’s necessery to type in the hostname of the remote SMTP to be used for mail relay. Next dialog asks for: IP-addresses to listen on for incoming SMTP connections: and I left it with however if exim is supposed to be visible from external network one might decide to put in real IP address there.
Pressing OK leads to the next dialog: Other destinations for which mail is accepted: I decided to leave this blank as I don’t want to accept mail for any destinations. Next pane reads: Visible domain name for local users: I’ve typed inside my smtp relay server e.g.: smtp.myrelaymail.com
Further comes: IP address or host name of the outgoing smarthost: There once again I typed my mail relay host smtp.relaymail.com
The next config screen is: Keep number of DNS-queries minimal (Dial-on-Demand)? On any modern Linux host the default answer of No is fine. Following prompt asked if I want to: Split configuration into small files? I’ve decided not to tamper with it and choosed No Afterwards mail relaying works like a charm thx God 😉
2 of the wordpress installations, I take care for had been reported an annoying bug today by some colleagues. The bug consisted in double trailing slash at the end of the domain url e.g.;
As a result in the urls everywhere there was the double trailing slash appearing i.e.::
Therefore, I initially looked for the cause of the problem, within the wordpress admin settings for qTranslate plugin. After not finding any clue pointing the bug to be related to qTranslate, I've then checked the settings for each individual wordpress Page and Post (There in posts usually one can manually set the exact url pointing to each post and page). The double slash appeared also in each Post and Page and it wasn't possible to edit the complete URL address to remove the double trailin slashes. My next assumption was the cause for the double slash appearing on each site link is because of something wrong with the sites .htaccess, therefore I checked in the wp main sites directory .htaccess Strangely .htacces seemed OKAY and there was any rule that somehow might lead to double slashes in URL. WP-sites .htaccess looked like so:
server:/home/wp-site1/www# cat .htaccess RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /
# Rewrite rules for new content and scripts folder RewriteRule ^jscripts/(.*)$ wp-includes/js/$1 RewriteRule ^gallery/(.*)$ wp-content/uploads/$1 RewriteRule ^modules/(.*)$ wp-content/plugins/$1 RewriteRule ^gui/(.*)/(.*)$ wp-content/themes/$1/$2 [L]
# Disable direct acceees to wp files if referer is not valid #RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} .wp-* #RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} .wp-* #RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !.*media-upload.php.* #RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !.*cadia.* #RewriteRule . /error404 [L]
Onwards, I thought a possible way to fix bug by adding mod_rewrite rules in .htaccess which would do a redirect all requests to http://www.our-company-domainname.com//contact-us/ to http://www.our-company-domainname.com//contact-us/ etc. like so:
Yesterday I spend a lot of time outside with Lily. We went to the fountain we watched film at home. The film was called”Wild Hogs” it was supposed to be a fun commedy (only supposed to be). This week is going to be a taugh one.We have to present a project at Marketing Research.
I have to write a 600 words resume about International Enterprice,also we have to make a presentation in Culture. Today in the morning i was on a Liturgy again. God’s grace ishere ! The week passed without serious server issues (Thanks God). Today I checked some logs of one of the serversand I observed oddities there. I checked the crontab and I realized it’s because of a crontab. The dumped databaseis a HUGE one 2.6G (bzipped).
I asked in irc.freenode.net#mysql, and the guys there pointed me to a similar issuewhich was supposed to be an MySQL bug when dumping large database. Since the dumping databases were of a type MyISAMI ofcourse could have used mysqlhotcopy.
But in the end the solution to the problem was removing “–opt” option fromthe backup opts of mysqldump and passing “–skip-opt” to it (I suspect this would slow the dumping process a lot).But I don’t care it is much better (a slow dumping), than hanging the whole Webserver and interrupting the site’s visibilityover the Internet.
Btw I started playing Quake 2, it’s cool but a little annoying there are too many tunnels and veryoften after I kill most of the bad guys I spend a lot of time searching for keys and stuff .. :).END—–
I experienced mostly a great time in Bulgaria. Refreshing days went to Kavarna with Nomen to confess my sins in front of a priest. I purposely has selected Kavarna’s Church and father “Vasilii” because I liked him as a priest. I’ve been on a liturgy once during the summer in the church where he takes care for. After the Liturgy I drived Mitko’s Audi A3 towards Dobrich. I’m a new driver so I need to practice. I drived during this days few more times. We went several times for a coffees and pubs with Nomen and Alex. We also went out with Nicki Mitko’s brother a couple of times and we had a great time together coffee-ing. I also went to a dentist. It seems that I had caries and they had to fix my teeth. The caries was in the last stage that it could be so the dentist had to kill and remove my nerve and he did so, the nerve was killed (with arsenic fluid) and removed and the tooth was filled in. I also went out for a drink 3 times with Lily. I went to liturgy 2 times. I met a nice priest (Father Veliko). In Varna when I came back from the Netherlands I met Order and had a great time with him. A lot of other things that I can hardly remember. The Christmas this year. My whole family was there except my grandma who had to be in the hospital (however the Christmas was just perfect!) Thanks to God! I and my family gathered together and had a nice talk and dinner even we said the Lord’s prayer before we started eating it was so nice … The New Year eve was a nice one as well. Even my grandma was there. If we don’t count few minor downfalls like a small quarrel with my sis all went well. I was home with my family until 1.30 in the morning and afterwards went to Denica’s who is a close friend of Nomen, Pavlin was there as well he is an old friend from the metal days of my past. I drinked a couple of glasses of beer and wine. In the morning I had a little hang-over as as a consequence from the drinking. The 13 days I was in Bulgaria has passed so quickly. I shared with my grandma and mother that I feel bad physically, emotionally and mentally. During my stay I also have been aguest in my aunt a couple of times, so nice time there as well.The food in Bulgaria is so great I was very, very happy to eat the delicios food there. The food here in the Netherlands is completely terrible compared to the one at home! In short that was how my days passed there. And I’m so happy about them! I’m looking forward to go home as fast as possible I realize my place is not abroad. When I firstly came here I thoiught that maybe my place is somewhere in some of the developed countries like here in The Netherlands. Now I think differently. It’s quite interesting that after I went out of Bulgaria I became much more a patriot. When I was living there I always has praised the developed countries way of living and thinking. Now it’s a completely different story I sometimes even like the bad things in Bulgaria. I wonder if other people who went out of Bulgaria to work or study has experienced the same.Anyways thanks to the Lord I had a safe journey from Bulgaria to the Netherlands. And here I’m here in the dorm again. I’m gonna tell in short my experiences from the trip back from Bulgaria to the Netherlands in a different post in a minute.END—–
The day was Peaceful and Quiet. After I wake up Narf called and we see each other in front of the college, Nomen was ther elso we drink coffee on the fountain. Mitko told us experiences he had from Sofia, we laughed a lot. Then we go to the Chineese restaurant with Amridikon and Needless. I like the Rise with Vegetables there really awesome food :]. After that I bought “A Practical Teacher in C” and went home. Lily come home for 10 minutes, I read the Holy Bible for some time then I read The Living of the Martyr’s. Later Niki and Habib come home, and was my guests for some time. After that I take a shower chatted a little with Order and now I intend to go to bed. Thanks to God for taking care for my life and giving me peace and joy through his Holy Spirit. Thanks God!END—–
Saturday evening I and a group of friends went to Kavarna. I met some oldschool friends there like Zornica (Blacksun), and one of the twins(Ivailo). Ivailo is studying philophy and most likely believes that phisophy serves a good purpose.In general I spend something like 3 hours in a non sense talk on the topic of my faith in Christ. He tried to mock my faith and tried to make me incompetent not well educated etc. etc., anyways I don’t much care of this because my Savior Lives and what God has done and is continuing to do for me is very real.So in general The night was a sort of waste of time. After having a distant walk from Kavarna beach where our tent was established to the Kavarna Stadium where all the rock’n roll buzz was happening.There was a tons of metal heads around the town of Kavarna, most of themdrunkards or on a way to get dead drunk lost in the lie that the metal philosophy presents, something in which I was a prisoner for a very long time. The happening which gathered all of them there is the Rock concert of Manowar. This is thesecond time Manowar are playing in Kavarna and I think the 3rd time they play in Bulgaria. I didn’t bought a ticket because of the highprice and my unwilling to listen to Manowar for a second year. The previous year I was on there concert and I was happy with it except I nomore I’m a real fan of Manowar since there band phisophy and preaching is hypocritic. I was happy to see that ex-girlfriend from my past Zornica,because it’s pretty probably that I won’t see her for a long time since there is a probability to go to study in the Netherlands in August, I should say that she is from the most beautiful girls I’ve seen in my life and for a moment I did fall in a sort of despair I was not able to keep her as a girlfriend long time ago. Happily thanks to God all this satanic temptation went away. When I came back to the Kavarna beach the friends there had already made a fire and was grilling some meat. I ate more than I usually had appetite for since there was a lot of food. Later I had a small walk around the Kavarna quay I prayed a bit during my walk there and afterwards came back to the fire camp but was too tired and it was pretty early in the morning (3:34) so I went to the tent where Nomen (Mitko) was already sleeping for 2 hours and went to sleep. I woke up a lot of times during the night and I remember the last time I woke up somewhere around 7:30. The day before I was thinking that I would like to go to a Church service just I do every Sunday and after I tried to fall in a sleep again unsuccesful and realizing I can’t because I felt cold and pain in my lower back so I stand up and decided to go to the Church in Kavarna for a Liturgy, A month ago I met father Vasilij there by the way is one of the most gentle priests I have seen in my life. The church service was just perfect. I think the people in that Church was a way more sincere comparing to the Chuch I usually attend here in Dobrich. What impressed me was that I was able to understand almost 100% percent of what the priest said something I usually can’t in the othor orthodox Churches where I’ve been on a Liturgy. The other thing that was I think great was that the service continued until 10:40 which is 30 minutes more comparing to the normal Church services I have attended before. Another thing that impressed me was the woman on the clergy they sang songs which glorified our Lord 🙂 Another thing that make sense to meis that the priest personally was giving the blessed communion (in the st. George I usually attend the communion is left alone and every could take of it), the priest also required to know my name :). Another thing was the incense odour it was smelling different from the one I’ve smelled before. The preach of the father was also very nice, the only word that describes it is the word “simple”. After the liturgy, Nomen calledand we said they’re already in Kavarna and are going to have a coffee. We went for a coffee and after that we decided to go to Topola Beach. Topola beach is a pleasent beach located near a village close to Kavarna. I didn’t know that there were plans to have a beach I thought we’re going only for one night. Happily Mitko (Metallicata) had his old bathing trunks with him and they fitted me. The beach experience was fine in general. At a point I and mitko decided to go to the small wood where one of the cars was perked and we spend some time there listening to music (Disco from the ’90s 🙂 and relaxing, we had to do this etherwise we would have bad sun burns which eventually were going to lead us to a painful burn condition at least for at least few days. On our way back to Dobrich both the drivers drived like a suiciders not following the road signs, getting ahead of other cars on a dangerous places etc. etc. I should thank God that he bring us home alive :)END—–
If you are a system administrator, you have probably wondered at least once ohw to configure your Linux server to automatically reboot itself if it crashes, is going through a mass CPU overload, e.g. the server load average “hits the sky”. I just learned from a nice article found here that there is a kernel variable which when enabled takes care to automatically restart a crashed server with the terrible Kernel Panic message we all know.
The variable I’m taking about is kernel.panic for instance kernel.panic = 20 would instruct your GNU Linux kernel to automatically reboot if it experiences a kernel panic system crash within a time limit of 20 seconds.
To start using the auto-reboot linux capabilities on a kernel panic occurance just set the variable to /etc/sysctl.conf
Now we will also have to enable the variable to start being use on the system, so execute:
debian-server:~# sysctl -p
There you go automatic system reboots on kernel panics is now on. Now to further assure yourself the linux server you’re responsible of will automatically restart itself on a emergency situation like a system overload I suggest you check Watchdog
You might consider checking out this auto reboot tutorial which explains in simple words how watchdog is installed and configured. On Debian installing and maintaining watchdog is really simple and comes to installing and enabling the watchdog system service, right afteryou made two changes in it’s configuration file/etc/watchdog.conf
Well that should be it, you might also need to load some kernel module to monitor your watchdog. On my system the kernel modules related to watchdog are located in:
/lib/modules/2.6.26-2-amd64/kernel/drivers/watchdog/ If not then you should certainly try the software watchdog linux kernel module called softdog , to do so issue: debian-server:~# /sbin/modprobe softdog
It’s best if you load the module while the softdog daemon is disabled. If you consider auto loadig the softdog software watchdog kernel driver you should exec:
GRsecurity is since long time known that it is a next generation armouring agains 0 day local kernel exploits as well as variousof other cracker attacks. Grsecurity is an innovative approach to security utilizing a multi-layered detection, prevention, and containment model. It is licensed under the GNU GPL. GRSecurity is linux kernel patch which has to be applied to the kernel before compile time. However we’ve been lucky and somebody has taken the time and care to prepare linux image binary deb packagesfor Debian and Ubuntu .
Some of the key grsecurity features are :
An intelligent and robust Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) system that can generate least privilege policies for your entire system with no configuration
Change root (chroot) hardening
/tmp race prevention
Prevention of arbitrary code execution, regardless of the technique used (stack smashing, heap corruption, etc)
Prevention of arbitrary code execution in the kernel
Reduction of the risk of sensitive information being leaked by arbitrary-read kernel bugs
A restriction that allows a user to only view his/her processes
Security alerts and audits that contain the IP address of the person causing the alert
To install from the http://debian.cr0.org/ grsecurity patched kernel image repository use the following steps:
1. Include in your /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://ubuntu.cr0.org/repo/ kernel-security/ deb http://debian.cr0.org/repo/ kernel-security/
Now simply restarting your system and choosing the Linux kernel patched with the GRsecurity kernel patch from Grub should enable you to start using the grsecurity patched kernel. Though this tutorial is targetting Debian it’s very likely that the grsecurity hardened kernel installation on Debian will be analogous.