Archive for March 14th, 2013

How to change hostname permanently on Debian and Ubuntu Linux

Thursday, March 14th, 2013

Change hostname on Debian and Ubuntu Linux terminal hostname screenshot

I had to configure a newly purchased dedicated server from UK2. New servers cames shipped with some random assigned node hostname  like server42803. This is pretty annoying, and has to be changed especially if your company has a naming server policy in some format like; company-s1#, company-s2#, company-sN#.

Changing hostname via hosts definition file /etc/hosts to assign the IP address of the host to the hostname is not enough for changing the hostname shown in shell via SSH user login.

To display full hostname on Debian and Ubuntu, had to type:

server42803:~# hostname

To change permanently server host to lets say company-s5;

server42803:~# cat /etc/hostname | \
sed -e '' > /etc/hostname

To change for current logged in SSH session:

server42803:~# hostname company-s5

Finally because already old hostname is red by sshd, you have to also restart sshd for new hostname to be visible on user ssh:

company-s5:~# /etc/init.d/ssh restart

As well as run script:

company-s5:~# /etc/init.d/

Mission change host accomplished, Enjoy 🙂