Posts Tagged ‘birthday’

Pentecost the Birthday of the Church and the receival of the Gifts of Holy Spirit of Faith, Hope, Love for the Mankind

Saturday, June 19th, 2021

For one more year it is Pentecost 50 days after the celebrated Easter (Resurrection of Christ), we celebrate the feast that marked the birth of the Church as a Body of Christ that is binding all its members us the ordinary people who are baptized in the Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.

Pentecost is a day of mystery that turned human history, as the same Spirit who was in Christ and has been in the Father in the Holy Trinity has descended from Heaven sent as a helper to each and every believer in Christ to strenghten and guide him in his narrow path to the Kingdom of Heaven and the Eternal salvation promised by the Savior Christ.

There is many books written about Pentecost but no book or intellectual thought is capable to transpond one's experience of receiving the Holy Spirit in the Soul and Heat of man. This glorious event is experienced by every Christian during baptism and the following Mystery of Chrismation when the Priest baptizes a new member in the name of God and is experienced, by us in the mystery of repentence when crying for our bad deeds and transgressions of the law of God, we cry in sorrow to God asking for forgiveness and renewal. The descent of the Holy Spirit over us is supernatural event that put the beginning of the contemporary understanding in our contemporary civillization of supernaturality and the realm of spirits as we understand them today where the Spirit of God is over all things.

On Pentecost it is the Holy Spirit who descended towards the Holy Apostles giving them the Super natural powers to Heal The Sick, Prophecise, speak in all human tongues, chase away evil spirits and do multitude of unseen wonderworks in human history that are continuing even to this day in the Church. The Holy Spirit has gifted all Church members with the gifts of the Spirit of Faith, Hope and Love, Endurance, Manhood, and all the virtues of man that were in Christ not because of a human effort but for the Love of God for man.
The abiding of the Holy Spirit in man is a never ending Heaven and a bliss granted for man for free. Saint Seraphim of Sarov has well described in his Conversation with Motovilov what is the experience to have the God the Holy Spirit in One's self.


A bit more on the facts around the Descent of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles is in my prior article here , though this is just a very basic attempt to transfer the meaning of the feast as definitely all the books on the earth and all the human knowledge put together is like a drop in the universe compared to Holy Spirit itself.

The Spirit of Truth which the world could not comprehend was sent by Jesus Christ first to the apostles and the desciples and then to each and every Christian member of the One Holy Eastern Orthodox Church throughout human history until the end of ages.

One of the most ancient icons of the Pentecost Syriac Rabbula Gospels 6th century

Happy Feast to All Christians ! Happy Birthday Church !

GNOME Desktop environment turns 15 – Happy Birthday GNOME :)

Saturday, August 18th, 2012

Happy 15 birthday to GNOME project

On 15 August one day before Debian Linux birthday and Debian manifesto announcement another important project for free software realm came to existence. On 15 Aug 1997 Miguel de Icaza, posted announcement explaining the major goals of the GNOME – GNOME Desktop project
The original announcement of GNOME Desktop Project can be read here
Last year GNOME has went through severe ups and downs, it was criticized and decredited by many of the true “believers” in the project because of the drastic turn the project does. Lest the ups and down, GNOME project is one of the most succesful free software project and in my view the most succesful FOSS software GUI.

Its interesting fact two major free software projects celebrate birthdays with 1 day difference. This makes August a major month for free softwar 🙂 As a long term Debian and GNOME user I felt obliged to drop few lines in thanks and congrats to GNOME which powers my desktop for 8 years already.

Happy Birthday GNOME! Happy Free Software month ! 🙂
Debian and GNOME happy birthday anniversary

Debian GNU Linux turns 19 years old – Happy Birthday Debian !

Friday, August 17th, 2012

Debian GNU / Linux 19 years birthday picture

The distribution on which almost all main stream GNU / Linux distributions turned 19 years old.
20 years in active development and still up and running 🙂 Thumbs up for the Debian guys 🙂

Debian Meditation GNU logo picture

Debian first release came out on 16 August 1993. The Debian philosophy and goals were outlined by the Debian distro “creator” Ian Murdock in Debian Manifesto. The original Debian manifesto is available for reading as part of Debian documentation in /usr/share/doc/debian/debian-manifesto
I’ve used almost all of available major Linux distributions but I haven’t found better than Debian or Debian based derivatives for both server and desktop installs.

Universal Debian Linux desktop background

I’ve red there is a sort of tradition that Debian users celebrate each Debian anniversary with a huge cake eating parties. Unfortunately yesterday I was sick so I couldn’t enjoy deb’s birthday.

Happy Birthday Debian ! 🙂

Geri’s Birthday

Friday, January 18th, 2008

The day before yesterday, I was in a pretty bad mood and decided to went out. I went to the Mino’s coffee and accidently it happened that Geri a friend of mine had a birthday it was refreshing to spend some timewith real people even thought I thought about all’s behaviour and particularly “how hipocrity they are”.I drinked two glasses of wine for which Miro (Geri’s husband) said it smells like socks. Good heavens my nose was stalled. Yesterday I was out for a coffee with Lily :). 

The weekend was a sort of peaceful.Servers and everything runs fine thanks to the Lord! (ofcourse). I’ll end the post with a quote fromthe bible through the small program called “verse”.

Here is the quote” “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him…” II Chronicles 16:9 :)END—–

Friday Night

Sunday, January 20th, 2008

At Friday I, Zuio and Kiro (Kumcho Vylcho :). Went in the central park with a bottle of wine and 2l of beer. After the alcoholwas depleted Zuio suggested to buy 2 more bottles of wine. And we got very drunk it’s a miracle we are now fine.Yeterday I had a terrible headache. Yesterday I was on a birthday of Andon (Blackstar^) :). Tomorrow I haveexam in HRQM. I haven’t seriously studied yet. So I had to sit on my back and study.END—–