Archive for the ‘Movie Reviews’ Category

A few words on Pseudo Christian Spirituality. A false “Spiritual” Movies and Books which we as Christians should Fully Avoid

Monday, April 18th, 2011

Heresies and How to Avoid them

We live in the age of the boom of sects, false prophets and false “messiahs”. Today it’s common that the bookstores are filled in with all kind of occult literature and magic teaching literature, agnostic books, horoscopes and all kind of empty modern day philosophy books which teaches evil, the so called “Get rich for a day”, “The secrets of success”, “How to take advantage over the others”, “How to be succesful”, “NLP for your success”, “How to enter into business”, “How to become rich quickly” etc. are e very short list of all the non-sense literature one can meet on the books market.

Along with the books we are being offered all kind of movies and philosophies “teaching us” about the life meanings, trying to explain the meaning of life and the universe and the meaning of each self as a human being.

From Christian perspective, most of this movies and books which plead to contain “a deeper life meaning” are empty of any real pure spiritual contents but are simply a mixture of various religious beliefs belonging to different group of worldy faiths and mostly targets to make the authors of the story or screen play rich.

This movies are not being inspired by God – The All Holy Trinity and they reject Christ as a founding stone on which to stand over, it’s clear that they contain an anti-christian content and every truly devoted Christian should try to abstain from watching them.

To name just a few of asuch a movies which are ecumenical (preach for unification of world religions) and from Orthodox Christian perspective are anti-christian in essence:

  • What the Bleep Do we Know – Down The Rabbit Hole
  • The Great Secret of Water
  • The Secret
  • The Fountain

We as Christians should try not watch this movie or praise them as something which confirms our faith, as they don’t confirm our faith in Christ but they try to spread up a “sick spirituality” and insane ideas.
This is just a small list of movies I have encountered which has influenced my spiritual health in a really negative way, therefore I hope if you’re a Christian you will take my warning and CHOOSE NOT TO WATCH THESE MOVIES!.
The reason for choosing not to watch this movies would be purely to prevent yourself from experiencing a spiritual (soul) damages by exposing yourself to the heretical teachings and ideas of the aforementioned ones.

Also try to get astray from all the genres of boks which I have mentioned above which try to teach you how to become sucessful in life, I have personally read a book I’m not sure about the exact name but it was similar to:

  • “The subsconscious could do everything / (Psyche can achieve everything) / The power of Mind etc.”

The book teaches the false idea that with our subconscrious mind we built our own current realities and promotes “positive thinking” as a way to attract wealth, personal success and happiness to yourself.

You can see yourself that this is insane not only from a Christian perspective but even for any rational person.

The idea of this false teachings is to convince you that man is undeveloped god and that we are masters of our own reality.

Therefore it is in direct contrast with even basic Christian beliefs, we Christians do belief that our reality and existence is completely in God’s hands and nothing could happen without God to allow it to happen.
Therefore from a Christian perspective if you, “during the whole day think about how you will get rich and how you will have millions in a bank account” as many of the up-mentioned devilish movies and books teaches, nothing will happen if God does not allow it.

We’re clearly said and taught from the Holy Bible and the Livings of the saints that all our life and daily goods we attain through our life are given by mercy, the saints has taught us that our lives and all we’re and possess are from God for God and through God! To whom be glory now and forever and ever! Amen.

Watch out for this heretical false doctrines which might separate you from Christ and our mother the Orthodox Church. The appearance of all this kind heretical literature and movies is in accordance to the prophecies by our Lord Jesus Christ who said that in the last days there will be many wolves in sheeps clothes, who will deceive and be deceived.

Let we as an Orthodox Christians be careful about what kind of books we read and keep our selves away from these and the similar kind of poisonous teachings.

Let we be fully delivered by God’s grace from being exposed to this kind of faith tempting books by the Holy Prayers of The Theotokos and all the Saints. Amen

Revolution OS, a documentary movie about the Free Software Movement and the birth of GNU/Linux

Wednesday, January 12th, 2011

Some few years I’ve watched the Revolition OSdocumentary movie on the birth and development of Free Software Movement (FSF) and the history of GNU/Linux.
The movie was inspirational for me in the past and I should say leveraged myself in my further development in commitment as a supporter and user of the Free Software by watching this one.

Even thogut hthe Revolutionary OS movie is an old and a popular movie, still i’m quite sure the movie is not seen by many people out there who live in the dark slavery of propritery software :).

Thus I write this article to raise my voice again and re-spread the message of the existence of these great Free Software, Open Source and GNU/Linux documentary!

If you’re among the people hackers, geeks, simple Windows user, a philosopher, an IT or just a simple man and you still haven’t watched revolition OS now is the time to fill in this big movie vacancy.

The movie is already 9 years old from the year 2001, but still is very relevant and gives basic knowledge on GNU is not Unix, GNU/Linux, The Free Software movement, The Birth of the Apache project.
The usage of Linux on the Internet webservers etc. ,etc. What makes the movie even more worthy is the numerous talks of Richard Stallman, who as a friend of mine said “Richard Stallman is probably the Greatest philosopher of our times”

Besides that the movie also includes numerous major people who plays key role in Information Technology in the last 20+ years.
It also gives a bit of history about UNIX and the Linux Kernel.

The notable geeks, programmers, hackers and IT experts name that are interviewer are:

Richard Stallman, Michael Tiemann, Linus Torvalds, Larry Augustin, Eric S. Raymond, Bruce Perens, Frank Hecker and Brian Behlendorf

In that thought I should say this movie is an absolutely must see for every computer enthusiast out there! 🙂

The movie shows also shows a quick review of the old times Redhat Company offices and talks a bit about RedHat Linux who was a major Linux distribution in the back days and actually was the first Linux distribution, that gave me a glimpse on what is Linux.

Therefore I think this movie besides the accurate facts presented has a great computer historical value.
The movie is available for watching directly via youtube, however it is not freely available for download, which is a bit strange considering the fact that it promotes free software culture.

Anyways one can always download the whole movie from major torrent trackers.

If you’re lazy to download the movie from some torrent tracker you can watch Revolition OS movie directly below:

Enjoy! 🙂

Ghost in the Shell I & II – A nice Cyberpunk Manga, Anime movie (must seecyberpunk)

Wednesday, December 29th, 2010

Ghost in the Shell I && II, Manga Anime Batou and his dog

I’ve heard about Ghost in a Shell a couple of days ago from a website which reviewed some cyberpunk movies, I found it as a recommended one for people who are interested into a Cyberpunk movie genre.
As an IT guy for quite some time I have this interest into electronics and therefore my interest into futuristic ideas of a merge between Technology and Bio-organisms.
I just watched the second part of the Ghost in the Shell so I thought it will be nice to blog about it and try to make like a short review on the movie:)

Ghost in the Shell is a Japan movie and as such, always a bit hard to grind by an Europeans.

Thanksfully the movie plot and the acts in were a bit more sane than Serial Experiments Lain

I should say that Ghost in the Shell had a good Futuristic charge, the only thing I disliked about it that there were too many killings and sometimes it was a bit hard to grasp what is happening in the movie.

The movie is actually a composition of Anime. The exact genre of the animation is actually a cybepunk thriller
The movie has some quite a good fighting scenes, but sometimes is a bit too slow and too much strained but if you have watched another Japanese movies, you will already know that this also part of the charm of the Japanese animation cinema 🙂

Something I didn’t completely liked about the movie was some of the movie characters (Cyborgs and robots etc.) were a bit too rigid, but I guess since they’re an AI, I can assume this is Okay.

The Ghost in a Shell movie tells a story about a futuristic police dealing with electronic security breaches. The main actors in the movie are The Major / Kusanagi,A bio-Cyborg and a pure human, who are equipped and trained to fight technology-related crimes (murders etc.). and consntantly battle in a real world and simulated neural networks, servers, Operating systems, hack into etc.

The referrence for “The Major” consntatly commented in the movie comes due to the movie actor Kusinagi’s past rank in Japanese Self-Defense Forces.

Kusinagi is capable of superhuman feats, and bionically specialized for her job — her body is almost completely mechanized, only her brain and a segment of her spinal cord remain organic.

There are influence of William Gibson probably to the movie especially from Gibson’s Sprawl trilogy

The cyberpunk mangas under the name Ghost in the Shell were adapter after the movie from the 1995 again named Ghost in the Shell
There are two parts of the Manga films:

1. Ghost in the Shell (also known as Ghost in the Shell I) directed by Mamoru Oshii
and2. Ghost in the Shell II: Innocense (came out in 2004).

In Ghost of the Shell II includes the character Batou which is actually a bio-cyborg or something and is quite a major actor and a guy that enpowers the movie.

Further on I’ve read that there are also Anime Series of Ghost in the Shell but I still haven’t checked them so I can’t say much about it.

The Japanese movie probably has turned quite a lot of interest in the realm of Cyberpunk fans, since even a novel and video games sprawned inspired by the film.

Even a notable best sellers and top modern movies as the Matrix – by the Wachowski brothers have shared about the influence of Ghost in the Shell I in making the Matrix movie.
I believe this info will be enough for you to get interested into Ghost in the Shell and either buy it or download it from thepiratebay 🙂
The notion of the Cyberpunk presented in the movie is really, really high! So I warmly recommend you the movie if you’re into Cyberpunk!

Enemy at the Gates a film about the World War II movie review

Thursday, December 23rd, 2010

Enemy at the Gates second world war 2 movie cover

Yesterday I watched Enemy at the Gates movie. The movie is quite good I really enjoyed.
The story behind the movie is circling around the battle of Stalingrad in the Second World War.

The movie presents the harsh reality of the WWII, the Nazis city occupation and the Russian’s desperate attempts to save the city.
The movie was produced in 2001 and is directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud, starring Jude Law, Joseph Fiennes and Ed Harris.
The movie title comes after a book written in 1973 with the name Enemy at the Gates: Battle of Stalingrad which describes the events that happened in that dark times of human history.

The two key actors are the Soviet sniper Vasily (Vasilii) Grigoryevich Zaitsev and his German counterpart Major Erwin Konig.
The movie entwine’s the story of Zaitsev who used to a shepherd from the Ural Mountains and has become a soldier for the Red Army in attempt to save his motherland from the Nazis invasion.

In one of the film movies Vasily has remarkably killed a number of soldiers by stalking pretending to be dead among the heaps of dead Russians.
One other soldier by a lucky accident (Commisar Danilov) who also survives through the pogrom and watches the heroism of Vasilii Zaicev and as he is assigned in the Red Army publishing he writes a lot of Articles about Zaitsev’s heroism and quickly turns him into a National hero.
As Zaitsev becomes loved by Russian people and Germans recognize him as a obstacle to their invasion they send the Major Erwin Konig (a notable and honorable sniper to kill Zaitsev) and thus disrupt the Russian Army hero and hence morale.

Zaitsev and Danilov meets Tania (a beautiful young woman) serving for the red Army. They both fall in love the beautiful Tania.
It’s not a long time and Tania is also in love with Vasily.
As the movie progresses Tania and Vasily start a love affair. Tania is seriously injured in one of the further scenes and is sent with a boat to a nearby town hospital.
As General Konig kills a number of Zaitsev’s army fellows, and throughout the movie the battle between two becomes more and more personal.
As Tania is thought to be dead by Commisar Danilov and he cannot bear the loss because he is love with her, he sacrificies himself by showing up in a battle scene where General Konig and Vasily are staling at each other.
Danilov gets a head shot from Herr Konig’s rifle and thus the general prepares himself to get from his sniper hiding, thinking he has killed Vasily.
As he wents out of his hiding-place he sees Vasily waiting for him and Vasily shots him right in the head.

It’s been a while and the Russians had been victorious over the Germans and the Stalingrad battle is won. Zaitsev visits the hospital where Tania is being recovering from her serious injuries. The movie ends with the happy scene of Tania and Vasily being together again! Quite a Romance.

The movie’s main actors are not russians unfortunately but still I find the movie to be quite a good one and I recommend it for wathching to anybody willing to spend some good 2 hours time in watching the love drama.

Inception (2010) moview review (religious elements in the movie)

Saturday, December 18th, 2010

Inception 2010 movie coverI’ve watched the Inception movie after it was recommended to me by a number of university colleagues.
I was said the movie is great and really worthy to be seen. Thus I had a big expectations about it.
Inception is claimed to be a SCI-FI, though I hardly doubt if it really can be qualified as a sci-fi.
The movie’s main actor is Leonardo Dicaprio and probably this is one of the reasons the movie so highly praised.
I should say that starring Dicaprio is one of the only good things about the movie.

Inception includes a number of elements which earlier were introduced by the Matrix, so at times some scene feels a bit like the Matrix.

The concept behind the movie is so complicated that you can hardly grasp the idea.
Anyways probably the main idea is that a world has come to a point where a technology has been evaluated giving the possibility when attached to a person to enter his mind.
That’s how people from real life can enter the mind of a person who is attached to a tech device and can by actions within the mind alter scenes and thoughts of the intruded mind.
There is a lot of Mambo Jambo in the movie,computer graphics and scene montages are to be seen in many of its scenes.

Whenever a man’s mind is intruded through an inception, the only way for someboto wake up is to kill themselve.

The movie further shows a scenes where people are in various dreams and by killing themselves they can enter another dream where the cycle of inceptions is so complicated that maybe there is no exit anymore

The religious background of the movie is heavily influenced by Buddhism and buddhist ideas like “I create my own reality”
This is shown for instance in the movie scenes where people can built up their own reality.
As with many modern movies the Inception movie contains a reference to spiritual elements which are completely incompatible with Christianity and I would say under covered openly unchristian.
Some of the other elements the movie includes is mostly elements of modern psychology beliefs and practices.

The idea about killing oneself in order to wake up I found to be very bad and even promoting Suicide, since the movie presents suicide as an escape to another world.

Furthermore by reading some reviews in Wikipiedia I found the way movie was promoted was mostly through viral marketing, which also sounds quite bad.

To conclude I find the movie as a very bad one, from religious, philosophical and personal perspective.
The ideas presented in the movie are not that special. The Inception movie is really a bad movie in my view maybe one of the worst made ever so I wouldn’t recommend it to anybody.
It’s really amazing that the movie still have positive reviews on a shit movie like this.

The Social Network Movie Review (A biased documentary about How facebook came to existance)

Monday, November 29th, 2010

The Social Network Moview review

I’ve recently watched the The Social Network Movie . It’s a new movie that just came out this October and it’s an attempt to make a show business version of how facebook came to existence
The main actor in the movie is playing in the role of the actual creator of facebook.comMarc Zuckerberg

The movie includes a lot of young actors as the whole facebook itself was started by a lot of young and innovative people who were looking to innovation and quick cash.

The main movie actor who is playing as facebook’s founder Marc Zuckenberg is shown as a very angry boy in the in between the age of 18 and 20.
This guy has a serious addiction to clubs and clubs belonging (social networks).
However because of his social status it’s quite hard for him to be part of any venerated club nearby Harvard University where he is a student in the sphere of IT at this time.
The guy is quite anti-social and is presented as a very notorious high intelligent hacker, who has the magical ability to hack and get information from various sources just in seconds.
For me as an IT guy it was quite funny to see how much biased this part of the movie is.

The main movie starts with a relation Marc Zuckenberg is already in where his girlfriend decides to leave him because of his anti-social and agressive behaviour as well as well as because of his lack of social skills.
Marc Zuckenberg is presented here as constantly being in run for something looking to do something imporant and as a hard blogger.
He somehow manages to bring up a very simple in website to mock his ex-girlfriend that just left him.

The site after being advertised via some spam techniques, quickly spreads around the Harvard students and even to external web users of the internal Harvard network and eventually overloads the harvard network.

By this silly thing Marc Zuckenberg does attract thousands of internet users to acess his silly website and thus realizes the great potential he has in building websites which might bring him profit.
Two twin brothers who are of a wealthy family happen to also stumble upon Marc’s girlfriend mocking website and gets interested by Marc’s ability to attract many visitors with his website.
At this present moment they also are working on an idea about a social network aiming to connect all internet users at harvard.

They contact him and he starts working for the guys, he takes a look at what they have written as a programming code so far and decides not to help them with their website but starts a project similar to theirs and rewrittes it from scratch, whilst he constantly postpones his e-mail answers to the brothers as well as doesn’t much care about their project anymore.

In order to start his new internet project thefacebook which is aiming to bring together young university males who are looking to have a sex for a night with girlfriend.
Everything starts like a little. Next to that Marc Zuckenberg starts getting attending different clubs like for instance Jewish communities and does contact a richer friend of him and requests him to have some money for webserver with Apache in order to be able to handle more connections on his website.

The guy who he contacts is called Eduardo Saverin and he studies business and is a old fellow of Marc.
Eduardo finds the necessary money and they launch the thefacebook website. The site starts quickly expanding in terms of users and the twin brothers who had the plan for a website similar to facebook in order to connect harvard students gets really pissed off and eventually laters gets things to court.

Eduardo tries to look for some extra sponsorship because with the expand of the website more and more money are needed for the website to continue it’s existence but canno find anybody.
Then in the movie the Napstor creator and ex-napster CEO by accident sees thefacebook website and realies the great potential behind this website.

He meets Eduardo and Marc and does attract Marc’s interest, though Eduardo strongly dislikes him.
Later on in the movie Marc does some tricky moves in which he does lie with some documents and makes Eduardo sign up a documents which let Marc become the company CEO and leaves Eduardo with a very small amount of company shares lik 0.*%

Marc does this as he is advised by Napster’s founder. Eduardo and Napster’s founder found some new investors and thefacebook continues it’s expanding march until they got a new office and they even reach the 1 000 000 users!
The company in the meantime is renamed to facebook Inc.

After a while Napster’s founder who already becomes a co-founder of facebook does gets caught by the cops because of some drugs and other terrible stuff prohibited by governmental law.
Marc is eventually very lonely the movie ends up telling the story who gets what out of the whole mess.

Quickly reviewing The Social Network movie I had to say that as an IT movie it’s not that interesting and it’s bias is quite high. So it was interesting in general because it somehow relates to computers.
And in the movie they talk about PHP, Linux, Apache, Perl, Emacs etc. but apart from that it’s completely fictionous.

The Diary of Anne Frank movie review

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

Anne Frank black and white picture

I’m interested into Jewish tradition, as it is one of the traditions which has been closest with our traditions in Christianity.
Most of the old testament is actually a book considered as a holy by the Jews as well, just like with us Christians.

Thus I’m quite interested into what the Jewish tradition used to be and is today.
Knowing Jewish tradition gives me another way to compare my faith (the Orthodox Christianity) to the jewish judaism.

In that manner of thought, just recently I googled for the top most popupar Jewish movies and one of them that I come up with was called The Diary of Anne Frank

The version I’ve watched is actually a bit more modern since there is also a version of 1959.
The movie story line is based on a Dutch book literally translated as The Diary of a Young Girl

The movie is about a jewish young girl that in her teenage and is growing in a hiding somewhere in Amsterdam surrounded by her family and a couple of other jewish families.
The whole action develops during the progress of the Second World War (1942-1944).

The story tries to presents the hardness of the Jewish life in this days by taking a close look into the daily life of this few families that were hiding in Amsterdam in order to escape the Nazi’s concentration camps or execution.

The movie triggers a lot of emotions but generally is nothing special I actually expected a bit more, since I’ve red some positive reviews before I watched it.
However there is also good things in the movie among which is the excellent actors play.

The rest however is nothing special and doesn’t expose much the Jewish tradition and culture (as I’ve expected), at least it doesn’t get into detail of Jewish tradition like the Fiddler on the Roof musical movie

Anyhow if you’re of this people that like so much the slow progressing moviews without too much action, then you might like it.
Here I include a short movie from youtube to give you a general idea about the movie:

An Orthodox Christian movie worthy to see (Ostrov)

Sunday, July 26th, 2009

Two days ago I’ve downloaded a movie really worthy to see. The movie is russian and is named Ostrov (An Island). It’s a fictionary movie about a 20th century Eastern Orthodox monk whose warm prayer possesses miraculous powers and has a clairvoyance gift from God. Moreover the guy is living his all life with a guilt of a murder he was forced to commit in his early days during the WW2. I’ve watched the movie twice for the last 2 days I was so inspired. Yesterday Order (Ivo) a friend of mine from Varna was a guest of mine so I was quite happy. Today we first went for a holy Liturgy in the morning with Static and another friend of Static known under the name (Duf) into the temple Holy Trinity here in Dobrich. Right after the church service we’ve collected Ivo from home cause he was still sleeping and went for a drink Together with Amridikon. Quite a nice time. Now I’m back home blogging. I haven’t used beryl for quite some time and I started using it since a couple of days and I have to say it’s quite handy to use. Two days ago I’ve also watched the new Terminator movie (Salvation) to generalize it ain’t a bad movie if you just want to watch something with blows and action but still nothing to compare against the golden Terminator 2 (Judgement Day). This is mostly how my days are passing by. Thanks be to God for everything!END—–

The Name of The Rose (Der Name der Rose) – 1986 Movie

Thursday, April 8th, 2010

The Name of The Rose Movie Poster

A week ago, I’ve watched the The Name of The Rose or as originally entitled (Der Name der Rose).
The movie was recommended to my by a friend, stressing out that the movie has to deal more or less with Christianity topics in general and Catholicism in general.
Though the movie plot is based on Umberto Eco‘s novel, and he as an author is not among my favourite authors.
The movie is definitely worth seeing, if you’re Christian.
It’s also an interesting fact that the movie includes some celebrities like:
Sean Connery and Christian Slater .The whole story revolves around a mystery that emerged in Medieval Abbey in Italy.
For some strange reason, few suicides occur among monks.
That completely puzzles the monk, so the monks in the brotherhood decide to invite a monk who is famous for his good skills in solving mysteries.
The investigating monk (William of Baskerville) arrives at the abbey with his young disciple.
It’s interesting that William of Baskerville is a bit more thinker than a believer, so he refuses to accept the idea of the Abbot that the Devil is crawling the abbey and causes the suicides and misfortunes in the abbey.
After some deep investigation he comes to some conclusion and finds out that all the dead monks in the abbey has a black mark on their right hand finger as well as on their tongue.
This drives him to the idea that the monks were probably poisened.
A notable figure in the Movie is the Abbot who is an old monk whose possesing a vision/image of a prophet.
The old abbot is strongly against the logical approach in solving mysteries and completely trusts in God’s providence.
Monk William of Baskerville as being a logical nature enters in a dispute with the abbot, where they blazingly argue if the monks should laugh or not, should they be allowed to read books with text including laughter or life parody or not.
The abbot is firmly against the idea of the enlightenment of man through books and believes the Christian Monk enlightenment should be achieved mostly through experience in prayer thank in Books.
As the movie progress since the killings in the monastery continue without any solution, the Catholic church sends the Holy Inquisition to solve the mystery.
The inquisition makes the situation even worse and the mystery deepens even further on.
Eventually it turns out that this Abbey actually, has a secret passage leading to one of the largest libraries of it’s time.
The library holds thousands and thousand of books including many laughter books. As the abbot finds out about the discovery, he falls out in holy fear that the laughter books can emerge and be copied and multipled many times.
Opening the humour and laughter genry for the whole Church world as well for the laymen.
The superannuated monk realizes that this book transperancy could underneath the Church authority among people and therefore decides to burn the library putting on fire as he puts on fire the whole monastery tower containing the textbooks.
In the meantine the inquisition doesn’t sleep and judges for a burning at the stake 3 people.
Among which are two monks, who the inquisition classifies as schismatics and a young village girl, who is captured in the monastery right before one of the monstreous monks attempts to rape her.
The girl is innocent as she is completely illiterate and doesn’t have a clear idea on sin e.g. on what is right and what is wrong.
However at the end of the movie the girl, rightously survives by the Grace of the Virgin Mary, while the two dissenter monks are burnt out.

The movie touches one major theme in Christianity which is quite present even today, even though it’s probably out of question among Orthodox Christians.
It discusses the problem should we Christians read many spiritual books to drawn closer to God or should we achieve our holiness in concentrating on prayer.
It deals with the problem which is poisoning many christians today.
Should we base our lifes on science or should we completely consider science fallacy most of the time?
The movie stand point is the same as mine as well as in the Orthodox Church.
While it tells the story it shows that, actually at the end everything is in God’s hands, but however it presents that human factor is also important.
In other words I believe the movie teaches that, We should be moderate in all we do! and keep our faith while moderately evaluating our surrounding world.
Of course ultimately we should place our faith in our God and humble ourselves before him, but we shouldn’t act as a madman and we should also consider the logic which was also created by God in the beginning.

A touching movie (Grave of the Fireflies)

Thursday, February 25th, 2010

Grave of the Fireflies movie logo

Two days ago, I watched Grave of the Fireflies , a Japanese movie from 1988 which has taken the hearts and minds of dozen of people throughout the years. Yes I have to admit the movie is really increadinble in a sense it deals with Human personages, philosophy, love, hate. It’s a good example why we humans should keep peace on earth and not start wars. The whole story is about a boy and a girl (a brother and sister), who live in Japan in the climax of the Second World War. Both the children are under the full legal age and face the “nightmares” and the terrible consequences of the war. Their mother dies and they have to go to live to some relatives (their aunts). However the war tragedy goes on, the bombing doesn’t drop. The two children have to leave their aunt, cause she is unwilling to take care for them anymore, since they are not working and not bringing money / food in the house. They leave and find a sort of a tomb where start living on they own. Now the older brother has to provide his little sis with food, nomatter how. He uses all kind of tricks, cheats, thefts etc. to find the needed food to sustain his sister’s life. Though the unhuman efforts to keep her alive, his sister gets a disease because of lack of nourishment and dies near the end of the movie. Though she dies, I won’t call the movie a tragedy. Yes it’s a sad movie but it’s also really beautiful and touching. I could classify it amongst my movie list of spiritual movies that are, “a must see” ones.