I've just completed watching a movie I found on youtube
NWO: Secret Societies and Biblical Prophecy Vol. 1
The movie is quite intriguing research on the topic of Secret Societies and connection of what happened in the world so far. The movie points at what is about to happen in the future and how there are certain groups of people who has interest for the New Wolrd Order to come.
The movie says how the Biblical Prophecies, we can read in the bible has clearly foretold many of the things that happened like the re-creation of Jewish Country (Israel). All this events to occur was foretold many hundred years ago in the Holy Bible (scriptures). The movie director is called Leonard Ulrich a person who graduated with double degree in Winnepig University and University of Minnetoba Caneda. This presentational material is as it the author points himself a 5 years of research on secret societies and the New Wolrd Order. The movie discuss the major secret societies (occult) organizations existing of today and claims there is a connection between the different secret societies. As Ulrich's point is there is a clear connection between the major globalism, secret societies and ancient occult teachings. The movie can be classified under a conspiracy theory and some of the facts might be considered by many sceptical people a wild imagination, however all those who took the time to research on the movie's stand points will assure the movie is based on hard truths. As the presentation wents through history and turns back to the modern days it exposes how connections between a numerous of FreeMasonry organizations, dictatorship regimes like Communism, Nazism, Hitler Stalin and the rest of the key figures in modern day history somehow had a connection with the occult / sorceries / magicians or secret societies. All the America Founders, communism, nazism and the world wars the author claims, were initiated by this same secret soecities. The movie reveals shocking facts about the United Nations anti-christian character as well as the facts that many of the modern day turns the major world leaders of this day are orchestrated based on ancient non-christian belief systems like Kabalah I will stop here with my review and let you alone watch it and discern if the facts in the movie can be considered trustable. For me personally as a Christian, I'm pretty much convinced what the movie retells is pure facts. Unfortunately nowdays, most people are so deluded, so they can't see the pure facts, but prefer to believe the lie that the world is governed towards its destination by money only. Well, I clearly see it myself how most people nowdays are blindly led to bow down in front of technology which is just a major tool for the building of this unrightous (unjustice) system proclaimed under the fuzzy name New World Order. I truly enjoyed the movie and I believe watching the movie will help many to realize that Christianity is not just some old tales but a religion based on facts and truths.
Some 5 years ago, while I was still studying in International College Albena (International College Dobrich, Bulgaria) also historically known under the name "International College Albena", In one of my regular Logistics (lectures), we were Projected a movie by our professor Mr. Bojidar Bojkov. Usually I take no interest in educational presentations as most of them is obsolete junk more or less not reflecting the real life reality and is some abstract "pseudo"-science concepts. This time it was different me and my IBMS (International Business Management Studies) study fellows were projected a very informative movie called The Corporation.
The Corporation is a movie containing elements of propaganda as it is trying to proof (convince) the public – that modern society should be much more critical and active in measures against the bad-ness of multi-national corporations and many of the Fortune top 500 profitable businesses
As every kind of movie it is more-or-less manipulative and the author tries to impose his idea about "the evil corporations". The topic of Corporate Citizenship is a modern topic in Business and every large size businesses is claiming to hold a very high standards of "corporate citizenship" and being loyal or green and environmental friendly Green and environment friendliness "buzz-word mantra like words" are everywhere, from the littlest company operating on a single Country Market to the largest and most "respected" companies like BP – (British Petroleum).
It is a public "secret", that most of the succeesful business organizations (be it profit or non-profit) is a dirty and devilish undertaking driven with the one and only goal to enrich the shareholder/s wealth. The organization is usually not governed by the shareholders but assigned management is assigned to supervise the organizations and take the management decisions concerning the org. wealth and power increase.
It is evident noticable fact, that the bigger a business or company is the more likely it is to be functioning efficiently and to provide lower product prices on the market. The reason is middle and big size corporations dispose themselves with "BIG MONEY" – huge financial investments (many of which are with doubtful origin) ….
The expension of USA and UK (English), model of business gave a collapse to any alternative forms of company functionining except – the western model. However the severe economic crisis clearly indicates – "The Western Business Model" which is backboned by such a solid and good theoretical base is not working as expected in practice. Though with the worsening crisis over the last few years it is more and more evident that something need to change fundamentaly on global scale in how private businesses and organizations (westerned) model organizations function, still there is nearly noone doing anything. Instead America is continously following their 'good old' well known "Create Wars and Conflicts Strategy". Where mostly all non western modelated countries or any kind of "untracked" business out of the western model is deliberatily being killed by creating (financing) internal conflicts inside countries (like it happened recently in Egypt), like it happens with the war in Syria and like happened in Vietnam some years back.
There are still some countries in the world, trying to fight-back the broken western unified (international one system) model tendency of the west like Russia and Belarus and hopefully some other Countries whose economics are showing negative results, but in general it seems the 'Western Corporate model' will take over in short future. There is an easy solution to the problem 'raise awareness' of the corporate badness, limit corporations on a local governmental basis and foster a business climate, where start-up and little and middle sized companies are encouraged to rise-up, parallely with dramatical rise in taxation over large corporate multination-business entities … But in order for this to happens it is necessary the majority of people to realize about the Corporations problem and deliberately and peacefully work each on individual base (and according to his abilities) against the 'Evil Corporations Structural (New-World Order) like Empire'
One of this Raise-UP Awareness against the badness of Business-es of the High Scale is The Corporation movie. I'm sure anyone who is interested in knowing how stuff works and how modern economy works would definitely learn a lot from the movie.
The Corporation- A Documentary Movie on curious facts about evils of Multi-National Corporations and "International Businesses"
It is rather paradoxically that the movie came to see the light of day by the University of British Columbia. A movie which criticizes the Western Corporate model was done by a Western (British) University. The movie was primary conducted and made by a law professor Joel Bakan
The documentary examines the modern-day corporation, considering its legal status as a class of person and evaluating its behaviour towards society and the world at large as a psychiatrist might evaluate an ordinary person.
It is rather interesting fact to learn, that probably most not know that in modern times in most countries (if not all), the Corporation is being perceived from a Legal stand-point as 'An ordinary person (citizen) Entity'. Yeah that's right, non-human "being" is legally perceived as human and has all the rights and duties of an ordinary citizen. The big problem with this is the impact is has on general cotiety. An ordinary human could "kill" someone blow off a bomb and kill hundreds but cannot be blamed for killing few millions or leaving a billion of people poor or on the threshold of starvation, but Corporation as having the legal status of a Country Citizen sadly can ….
In the end of the movie after a few typical corporations are examined – a psychiatry diagnosis is set the Corporation (Multi-National) Business Model is diagnosed as Psychopat. The movie also gives a very interesting information concerning some Top Brands and products – like Coca Cola, Fanta, IBM etc. etc.
It is worthy to mention just of them – Fanta used to be invented and was known as 'The Nazis Drink' as in Nazist Germany it was drinked as Substitute for the American way drink (TM) – Coca Cola.
Other interesting facts is back in the day and even probably to this day Coca Cola placed – real quantity of Cocain in their drink leading to addiction – and tried various methods to manipulate the minds of the Consumer in Advertisements of their products. What striked me personally the most was the fact IBM (International Business Machines), were selling identification systems to Hitler and the Nazis in order to number the Jewish prisoners in concentration camps. Noone cares nowadays and still IBM – known also as (The Blue Elephant) is still operating profitably and one of the most important players in the field of IT and Computer Equipment, nevertheless the unhuman crime they did by selling systems which were used by German Officers whose killed millions of Jews and other non-Aryans …
It is rather uneasy to think that the same Corporation which helped indirectly for killing millions helped and played kill role of development of the Personal Computer – The Laptop, the Mobile Phones, Modern Genetics, Implants, The Internent and well you name it …
Here is also a short explanation of the Movie from Wikipedia:
" The film features interviews with prominent corporate critics such as Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Michael Moore, Vandana Shiva, Charles Kernaghan, and Howard Zinn as well as opinions from company CEOs such as Ray Anderson (from the Interface carpet & fabric company), the viewpoints of Peter Drucker and Milton Friedman, and think tanks advocating free markets such as the Fraser Institute. Interviews also feature Dr. Samuel Epstein with his involvement in a lawsuit against Monsanto Company for promoting the use of Posilac, (Monsanto's trade name for recombinant Bovine Somatotropin) to induce more milk production in dairy cattle. "
Though the movie outlines so much important facts, that should be known by any Business Student out – there or any person somehow involved in Business, I have the impression most of the people out there never watch it. Thus I hope my little article will make it a bit more popular and bring some more people to realize, that Corporations Culture and Evils should be opposed and mitigated on individual and society level!
THX 1138 is an American science fiction film set in a dystopian future in which the populace is controlled through android police officers and mandatory use of drugs that suppress emotion, including outlawed sexual desire. It was directed by George Lucas in his feature film directorial debut in 1971.
Produced by Francis Ford Coppola and written by Lucas and Walter Murch, it stars Donald Pleasence and Robert Duvall.
THX 1138 was developed from Lucas's student film Electronic Labyrinth: THX 1138 4EB, which he made in 1967 while attending the University of Southern California's film school. The feature film was produced in a joint venture between Warner Bros. and Francis Ford Coppola's production company, American Zoetrope. A novelization by Ben Bova was published in 1971. The film received mixed reviews from critics and failed to find box office success on initial release; however, the film has subsequently received critical acclaim and gained a cult following, particularly in the aftermath of Lucas's success with Star Wars in 1977.
THX1138 Director's cut: The Future Trailer
The movie is one of the most awesome movies on SCi-Fi Topic I've ever seen much better than comercial ones such as Star Wars and perhaps one of the best if not the best movies, George Lucas has done ever.
The THX with its Android police is another inspirational one that perhaps has inspired the naming of the Android Operating System like that.
THX 1138 movie is an example of a kind of communist society in the future which perhaps the global elite has planned for humanity. The only mean of the THX 1138 is to consume and work being programmed (conditioned) by the central authorities with a full control over all aspects of the individual life, its kinda of pretty much what is today western world has been turning into.
I believe we're currently in a transitional stage to this futuristic society in which, the life costs zero.
Well, after all the global programmers of society in our age has a sense of humour to finance a movie like that 🙂
Mimino (Мимино) is a nice Russian Movie from the Soviet Era directed by Georgiy Daneliva. As most of Russian Soviet Classic movies it is produced by the infamous Mosfilm and Gruziya-film. A big part of movie is played by Gruzian actors and suspectedly captured in Gruzia. Big part of the movie language is also Gruzian. The movie has been nominated with Golden Prize at 10th Moscow International Film Festival
imino (Russian: Мимино) is a 1977 comedy film by Soviet director Georgiy Daneliya produced by Mosfilm and Gruziya-film, starring Vakhtang Kikabidze and Frunzik Mkrtchyan. Anatoliy Petritskiy served as the film's Director of Photography. The Soviet era comedy won the 1977 Golden Prize at the 10th Moscow International Film Festival.
Мимино / Mimino – 1977 (A Russian Commedy from the Soviet Union Era )
The story plot of Mimino is like this. The main actor Mimino is operating Helicopter bringing goods between villages 🙂 Though he is a Helicopter pilot his big dream is to work in Aviation one day so he follows his dream and goes to Moscow. In hotel there he meets Armenian Truck driver Roobik Khachikyan (this interesting meeting occurs by accident since Roobik is given a wrong hotel room). The two have a multitude of adventures together in Moscow. Though Mimino never cannot identify himself with the big city, he succeeds to be a pilot of supersonic jet liner! 🙂 Consequently he rides all around the world on his supersonic jet Tupolev TU-144. After a period of homesickness finally Mimino arrives back to his hometown in Telavi in Georgia. It is curios fact that nickname of Mimino მიმინო means falcon. Enjoy the movie 🙂
Игла / The Needle (СССР, 1988) with english/russian subtitles
I just watched a movie famous in the ex-USSR. Just like most USSR movies, the movie is a bit boring slowly going and not much is happening. However it is clear how strong the dissolution processes in the USSR are accelerated. This is visible by the fall of moral of society. The movie shows people taking drugs, something almost taboo in the ex-Communist countries. The main actor is an anti-social who also happens to be one of the famous rock musicians in Russia at that time Viktor Tsoi. Just like many other Russian movies of the Soviet Era, the actors in movie are only few thus making the movie somehow miss dynamics. There is a high dose of surrealism like in other movies I've seen from the Soviet Era. The unexpected turn out of movie is also something I've noticed in most Russian movies. The movie gives out signals how the Soviet dream has fallen especially around minute 35:00 in movie
The movie is hardly to understand for a regular normal person, as the cause-result moment is missing. Maybe the main reason why the movie gained big popularity in USSR was the striking scenes not shown earlier in the restricted regime ruling in USSR.
All of us Americans strive for the American Dream,and this film shows you why your dream is getting farther and farther away.
Do you know how your money is created?
Or how banking works?
Why did housing prices skyrocket and then plunge?Do you really know what the Federal Reserve System is and how it affects you every single day?
The movie is pretty much similar in spirit to Money as Debt and to American Debt Explained for Dummies. Just like every movie there is a high element of manipulation in the movie. But anyways the general things explained are sadly very true. The trend of Borrowing to generate new money was embraced by Western European civilization and now is slowly starting to be adopted by Eastern Civilization and Ex-communist countries and newest members of EU like Bulgaria, Romania etc. A whole bunch of nations are pursueing after the "American Dream", non realizing they're destroying there national country and sovereignty and selling their citizens to Private Banking self-issuing structures like America's Federal Reserve. By taking the loans, in case of dying or unabling to pay the loan this loan is transferred to relatives and by taking loans those who do so leave a bad heritage to future generations. Hopefully those watching this little video will take moral and keep their ass away from credits. Enjoy 🙂
Beowulf (pron.: /ˈbeɪ.ɵwʊlf/; in Old English [ˈbeːo̯wʊlf] or [ˈbeːəwʊlf]) is the conventional title[note 1] of an Old English heroic epic poem consisting of 3182 alliterative long lines, set in Scandinavia, commonly cited as one of the most important works of Anglo-Saxon literature. It survives in a single manuscript known as the Nowell Codex. Its composition by an anonymous Anglo-Saxon poet is dated between the 8th and the early 11th century. In 1731, the manuscript was badly damaged by a fire that swept through a building housing a collection of Medieval manuscripts assembled by Sir Robert Bruce Cotton. The poem fell into obscurity for decades, and its existence did not become widely known again until it was printed in 1815 in an edition prepared by the Icelandic-Danish scholar Grímur Jónsson Thorkelin. In the poem, Beowulf, a hero of the Geats in Scandinavia, comes to the help of Hroðgar, the king of the Danes, whose mead hall (in Heorot) has been under attack by a monster known as Grendel. After Beowulf slays him, Grendel's mother attacks the hall and is then also defeated. Victorious, Beowulf goes home to Geatland in Sweden and later becomes king of the Geats. After a period of fifty years has passed, Beowulf defeats a dragon, but is fatally wounded in the battle. After his death, his attendants bury him in a tumulus, a burial mound, in Geatland.
Beowulf – First Epic English poem screened – Part 1 (FULL MOVIE)
Beowulf – First Epic English poem screened – Part 1 (FULL MOVIE)
I couldn't suppress my impression of Beowulf being naked, fighting the monster. Actually on many occasions he is either naked or half dressed its mostly ridiculos 🙂
Readable English translation of Beowulf can be downloaded and read from here I try reading the poem, but it is really difficult and it was too darky for me so I couldn't complete it all. Hopefully for those who are ancient English freaks it will surely be of great interest.
Besides above movie, there is a newer movie retelling Beowulf epic story from 1999. I found it in youtube. I include it here for those who want to get a better visiolization of the movie.
Hi, Hi. It is me the author again. While browsing and conducting a very thoroughful research on Transhumanism. I've stucked upon a documentary movie called after Aldous Huxley's SCI-fi book Brave New World. It is probably, no co-incidence that Iron Maiden took Brave New World as a title for album that went out few years ago. Brave New World book depicts a society which is more than scary from a sane person view.
I suggest you watch the movie and talk about it and about Transhumanism to as many people as you can while, we can still talk freely. This Transhumanism and Posthumanism craziness is not just some joke, but a near future possible reality!!!!
Here are the 5 parts of Brave New World documentary:
Brave New World Transhuman (vision) video – part 1
Brave New World Transhuman (vision) video – part 2
Brave New World Transhuman (vision) video – part 3
Brave New World Transhuman (vision) video – part 4
Brave New World Transhuman (vision) video – part 5
Honestly watching the movies it was thrilling experience. I've never ever thought we humans with our insanity and strife for fake "perfection" has gone so far. I don't know why this things are not publicly shown on the TV and there are not more movies circulating on the topic. People has to organize and start opposing, the transhumanism movement and the so quickly pushed technology after technology. We don't need this stupid Virtual Reality to be happy. If we're not happy in current, reality it is more than likely we will never be happy in a Virtual Reality. Finally I would like to ask, why ever this scientists shown on the movie wants to live in a perfect disease-less world? Most if not all of them have no faith in God. At the end, the idea for ultimate perfect world is Christian in essense. Why would they want to imitate perfect God creations if they reject God's ultimate existence….
The concepts as transferring a human mind to a Virtual "existing" reality is no longer a sci-fi concept. The aim of the transhumanists and posthumanist idealogists is exactly this. They want to leave this old world behind and leave in a virtual (non-real) place.
Woe to our generation, woe for if we don't turn back the way and stay human we will end up in a terrible destruction for sure ….
It is my great joy to share with my dear readers, that Archibishop Saint Seraphim Sobolev (1881-1950), Archibishop of Bogochar has been canonized officially by the Russian Orthodox Church on yesterday 3rd of 2016 in their plenary meeting held at Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow.
Saint Seraphim Sobolev, has long time has been considered a saint by many Bulgarians and Russians in Bulgaria, for his countless spiritual intercessions for those who venerate him and ask for his prayer and spiritual guidance. St. Seraphim Sobolev crypt in the Russian Orthodox Chruch in Sofia Bulgaria in honor of Saint Nicolas.
Even my joy is greater his Eminence Metropolitan Ioan (John) of Varna and Veliki Preslav, who happens also the Bishop of my birth place Dobrich, Bulgaria was present On the official canonization. Also it is not a coincidence that our Metropolitan Ioan was present at the canonization, since he happens to be a spiritual child of a direct disciple of st. Seraphim Sobolev.
Some other notable bishop presents at the canonization Church service was, His Grace Bishop Arseny of Znepolsk, Vicar of the Plovdiv Metropoliate, and Archimandrite Feoktist (Dimitrov), representative of the Bulgarian Patriarch to the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. The overall count of Bishops, Archibishops and Metropolitans who took participation in the canonization was approximately 320, almost all the bishops of Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate).
The news that holy Seraphim Sobolev is considered for canonization has been sweeping the Bulgarian Church space for a long time. A nice priest lady has made even a notable movie, about the saint pointing the general turning points of his difficult life, last year and the movie was presented in the Russian Cultural Center in Sofia Bulgaria, below is the movie (unfortunately in Bulgaria and Russian), hopefully soon someone to translate it also to English:
full of a lot of sorrow and uncertainties, because of the harsh Soviet time in which the saint was serving the Church. In order to caninize a saint, the process is quite long and usually in Russian Church it takes pretty longer sometimes from 20 to 50 years, however with St. Seraphim Soboev, already 66 years already passed since his peaceful passing to Christ on 26th February 1950. The head of the local Russian Church council was his Eminence Patriarch Kiril Bishop of Moscow and all Russia.
The members of the Council unanimously voted for the glorification of Archbishop Seraphim, who has been venerated for many years in Bulgaria and Russia. Metropolitan Ilarion then read the Act of the Holy Council of Bishops announcing the canonization of Archbishop Seraphim among the host of saints. The Council members then sang the exaltation to the newly-glorified saint. His Holiness Patriarch Kirill then gave Metropolitan Ioann an icon of St Seraphim painted at St Petersburg Theological Academy as a gift to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.
The full canonization title given to st. Seraphim Sobolev (archibishop Bogocharski) from Sofia (The Wonder worker).
So who is Archibishop Seraphim Sobolev?
St. Nicolas Borisovich Sobolev is born on 1st of December 1881 in Russia, province of Rezan in the Russian Empire. After completion of seminary in 1904, he entered Saint Peterburg spiritual academy, which he completed in 1908 y. with the honour of candidate of Theological studies. At that time he has been ordained for hieromonk. After a short pastoral service in a school in Jitomir, in 1909 fr. Seraphim become a helpng overseer in Kalujsk spiritual school in 1911 and was inspector in the seminary of Kostroma, in 1912 he become a rector of the spiritual seminary in Voronej.
While in Vironej he had experience the terrors of Red (Soviet) Revolution. In autumn of 1919 archimandrite Seraphim went to Ekaterinodar and from then transferred to Crimea. There in 14.10.1920, he was ordained in bishop Lubenski. The ordaining was God's plan for him and also happened perhaps, because of the need of bihops, because of mass inprisonment of bishops and archibishops by the red beasts of the communist party.
With the blessing of his spiritual elder bishop Seraphim has left Russia. From this day on his life is a life of an emigrant. For a while he has taught Theology in the spiritual school of Constantionople's patriarchy on the Island of Chalkidiki. In 1921 he was assigned as a bishop of the Christian temple in the Russian Church in honour of Saint Nicolas the Wonderworker in Sofia which was made as a monument of The Bulgarian Liberation – the Russian-Turkish Liebaration war. Same year with a decree of patriarch Tikhon, who now is also canonized – st. Patriarch Tikhon of Moscow and all Russia he was assigned to govern the Russian parishes in Bulgaria with the archibishop title Bogucharski. Until 1944, bishop Seraphim who in 1934, became archibishop was under the jurisdiction of Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia (ROCOR) from 1934. In 1945 he has joined back to the Russian Orthodox Church of Moscow Patriarchy. In 1948 archibishop Seraphim took participation in the All-Orthodox gathering in Moscow. St. Seraphim Sobolev was a fervent fighter for holy and true orthodoxy and a great enemy of the movement of Ecumenism movement (a movement aiming to unite all Orthodox and then all Churches under the government of a protestant like body called World Council of Churches). All his life just like Jesus Christ, st. Seraphim Sobolev has lived without possessing on own house. He paid for his one room apartment from his small money priest sallary which at that time was hardly enough to pay his rent and for some food. He lived all his life renting an apartment with his own money, (something which was absolutely unthinkable), for a bishop of all Russian eparchies of Bulgaria at that times. Even during lifetime, he helped and turned a lot of people from the sinful ways leading to death, had a lot of spiritual children after him, he established a small nun monastery Kniajevo nearby Sofia. He also was one a fervent fighter against the cult of Dynovism (Danovism), started by anti-christian posing christian, Peter Dynov. St. Seraphim Sobolev was a fervent defender of Orthodoxy, freely showing up the delusions of Roman-Catholicism, Protestantism, Pentecostals, Baptism, Adventism and was strongly against the popular at that time united prayers between Orthodox and non-orthodox christian teachings. He is also an author of Theological literature who in details makes a comparison between Anglican Protestant Christianity and the Eastern Orthodoxy.
St Seraphim, denounced on a multiple occasions, the movement of ecumenism as being anti-christian and not in the spirit of the one Holy Eastern Orthodox Church, thus all his life and all his spiritual children were strongly trying to hold the Church teachings, was supporters of the celebration of Church feasts under the Julian calender, and was against the untroduction of the Gregorian Calendar – so called new Style calender in the Eastern Orthodox Churches.
It has to be said that it is a bit of paradox that the canonization of st. Seraphim Sobolev was made by the Russian Church, as the Russian Orthodox Church, along with Romanian and Serbian and many other Orthodox Churches continues to be an active member in the Ecumenical Movement. Because of St. Seraphim Sobolev even to these days, there are a lot of Christians who continue to follow the old Julian Calendar feasts style, the so cold Old Calendarists.
The most notable work of st. Seraphim Sobolev in my humble opinion is the creation of Acathist of the Greatest Bulgarian Saint, Saint John of Rila.
Perhaps as a fervent fighter to keep the true teaching of the Holy Orthodox Church and his incessant labor for the true Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, God give him a blessed departure from earthly life to the saviour of mankind the Lord Jesus Christ on the Church feast day of Sunday of the Triumph of Orthodoxy.
For the 66 years since his passing to Christ, each day on the grave of st. Seraphim Sobolev has been served a special service for co-memoration of the deceased and for forgiveness of his sins called in orthodox terminology Panihida, and the remembemrance of all the brothers and sisters in Christ who has departed from life.
The grave of Saint Seraphim Sobolev is situated in a small chapel (crypt) located in the center of Sofia, Bulgaria, Russian Orthodox Church, St. Nicolas. Even to this day people go daily on a big queues to ask the saint for help in hardships in life. The accepted way that people turn for prayer intercession is by writting their beseeches, needs, problems on a piece of paper and then dropping the small letter in a box called (Iashtik) Russian. I myself have been there and prayed and a lot of the things, I've asked the saint for my personal life and well being already come true. I know also of other people who by the prayers of the saint has been saved from a impossible to escape situations and a lot of people received spiritual confort and peace as well as spiritual healing when turning to the saint. Saint Seraphim Sobolev, pray the Lord Jesus Christ for us the sinful Bulgarians and all the suffering people around the world, for the refugees, for the sick for the hungry for the homeless and for all nations that we turn to repentance and come back to the way of salvation you Lord Jesus has shown to the nations.
A very little is known in these days especially among young people of Europe about the terrible attrocities of the Jewish Holocaust and the concentration camps like Auschwitz organized by Hitler's Nazi Germany in World War II.
Schindler's List is a very good American movie (from 1993) retelling a true story about how enterpreneur Oskar Schindler managed to save about 1200 Jewish people from extermination in the camp of dead – Auschwitz during WWII. Schindler's List is a movie that shows how even a deeply business oriented money obsessed man like O.
Schindler was before the beginning of war could grow in the love of Christ and Christian faith to risk his life and well being in order to be liable and honest with himself in a years when most of Nazi's Germans become totally unhuman and obsessed to wipe out existence of Old Testament God's Choosen People – The Jewish.
The movie is based on a popular novel Schindler's Ark by Canadian Thomas Keneally about how the German Shindler saved lifes of thousand Polish-Jewish refugees by creating an own business (fabric) run in Nazi's Germany before WWII and later inside a concentration camp. The movie is shot by the the film legend Steven Spilberg (who is also a Jew) intentionally Black and White to put an extra artistic impact and is very much made to look like a documentary.
The movie is 3 hours 28 minutes of Drama and has multiple awards for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Original Score. The movie plot starts from how the anti-semitism in Germany started and how it progressed a little time before the emerge of war and the start of Jewish persecution. The main actors are Oscar Schindler a member of German Nazi Party whose dream is to make a big fortune out of the war. By using bribes and his bright manipulative personality he manages to bribe Wehrmacht (German Armed Forces) and WWII SS (German special forces). Schindler uses the local Jewish Itzhak Stern who has plenty of contacts in Jewish Business community and black marketers to form a cheap-hand jewish labour force for his factory for metal vessels to be used within Germany Nazi's Army. Many high qualified jewish was more than happy to be hired in his "Fabryka Oskara Schindlera" fabric, because this was quite a better alternative than being in one of the deadly concentration camps.
The movie shows, how jewish were forced to obey an always changing and unclear criterias in order to convince them they're no good for nothing and thus for Nazis to find reason to kill as many as possible of them. At a certain point the situation gets out of control and Jewish peoples who are forced to live in Jewish ghettos start being randomly mass murdered for missing reasons in Płaszów concentration camp. SS-Untersturmführer (second lieutenant) Amon Goeth is responsible to oversee the Plaszow camp , once the camp completes its construction by jews, he orders getto liquidated.
Oscan Schindler (also known by all jews as the director), witnesses the jewish massacres and in being profoundly affected, makes full effort to convince the Nazis the his company jews are important as a workforce and he needs them to produce ammos and military weapons in order to make full profit. He has to pay almost all his earned money in early prior war times and first 2 war years in order to ransom the jews and sents him to work in another established factory of his (he manages to convince Nazis that even children and handicapped are useful for his company thus managing to save a multitude of doomed innocent people. As the train carrying women and children is accidentally redirected to Auschwitz-Birkenau, Schindler bribes the commandant of Auschwitz with a bag of diamonds to win their release.
In his new factory Shindler forbids the SS guards to enter the factory and orders the production of ammos and weapons to be produced defective by his workers. Letting them to even to observe their Jewish Shabbath (Sabbath). In the next 7 months Shindler bribes multiple Nazi officials and runs out of money in 1945 exactly when the War in Europe is over with Germany surrender. The SS Guards are being ordered to kill the Jews as the red-army is advancing and soon liberate the concentration camp, however Shindler succesfully convinces SS's to let Jews alive and go to their families and homes.
As a sign of thankstfullness his jewish workers give Schindler a signed statement attesting to his role saving Jewish lives, together with a ring engraved with a Talmudic quotation: "Whoever saves one life saves the world entire.". Schindler is deeply ashamed for not doing even more to save more Jews from extermination. Schindler has to flee the concentration camp to escape being killed by the approaching red-army. On next morning Soviet soldier comes and announces liberation of Jews. The evil Hitler follower Goeth is executed for his crimes against humanity and his unwillingness to refuse his Nazis ideas.
The movie is quite hard to grasp, so prepare for a lot of bloody scenes, nomatter that it is one of the best movies I've seen and has good spiritual elements. It is also good to see for it shows that the Good always triumphs victoriously over the evil. Happy Watching!