I'm seeking to improve my spiritual life, because I realize I'm so spiritually. I know Coptic Oriental Orthodox church stores multitude of spiritual rubby treasures thus I looked online to see if I can find sermons of recently passed away to Christ Coptic Church patriarch pope Shenouda II. I was blessed to find a Sermon of his on Forgiveness. In it this Holy man, gives instructions for layman on how to forgive and gives a list of 17 Spiritual advices on what to do and not do whenever in situation. I re-share it here with hope this will serve as blessing to other Christians like me who strive to improve their spiritual health
A Sermon on Forgiveness – his holiness pope Shenouda II
Let this holy man pray for us spiritually poor Christians on earth …
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Tags: blessing, Christ Coptic Church, Coptic Oriental Orthodox, holiness, layman, list, multitude, pray, situation, spiritual health, spiritual life