Posts Tagged ‘string’

How to remove parameters from URL on Apache (Reverse Proxy) with .htaccess and mod_rewrite – Remove query string from Link

Thursday, December 11th, 2014

Recently I had a task to delete number of set variables (listed parameters) from URL address on a Apache webserver serving as Reverse Proxy. 
To make it more clear exact task was when customers call the URL (all subdomains included) the following URL parameters should always be deleted by the reverse proxy

– ebppMode 
– ebppObjectKey 
– ebppObjectType 
– ebppSystem 
– logSys 

The paramets are part of SAP Biller Direct in a Portal (based on the famous SAP database) which is often deployed as a component of Internet Sales (ISA) / Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) / CRM
, if a user is logged in with his Credentials (KID (Key ID) / Admin KID)  into the system. The EBPP part of most variables stands for (Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment).

 By passing above parameters to Website, modes of use, user accounts switched with which user is logged into the system system logs read and other stuff which can turn to be a severe security hole.
As most of Big Companies, does pass there web traffic via a "transparent" Reverse Proxy,it is a good security practice for SAP Biller Direct (including CRM systems( to wipe out this variables

Here is the mod_rewrite working rules that I used to achieve the delete variable from URL address task:

   RewriteEngine On
   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*)bebppMode=(w*)b(.*)
   RewriteRule (.*) $1?%1%3

   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*)bebppObjectKey=(w*)b(.*)
   RewriteRule (.*) $1?%1%3

   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*)bebppObjectType=(w*)b(.*)
   RewriteRule (.*) $1?%1%3

   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*)bebppSystem=(w*)b(.*)
   RewriteRule (.*) $1?%1%3

   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*)logSys=(w*)b(.*)
   RewriteRule (.*) $1?%1%3

   RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(.*)&&(.*)
   RewriteRule (.*) $1?%1%3

P.S. I've implemented above Rewrite rules into all Virtualhosts of Applications (in that case all living in the same httpd.conf on SuSE (SLES) 11 SP1 Enterprise Linux server).
To make changes affective, restarted HTTPD Webserver:

/etc/init.d/httpd restart

The sesult is:

leads to a internal URL redirection

without parameters ebppSystem, ebppMode, ebppObjectKey, ebppSystem,   logSys .

Other mod_rewrite rule that works but is too ugly and when I tried it on Debian Linux host was behaving strange (including in the rewrited URL address the directory address of the PHP twice):

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.*)(^|&|%26|%20)ebppMode(=|%3D)([^&]+)(.*)$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.*)(^|&|%26|%20)ebppObjectKey(=|%3D)([^&]+)(.*)$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.*)(^|&|%26|%20)ebppObjectType(=|%3D)([^&]+)(.*)$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.*)(^|&|%26|%20)ebppSystem(=|%3D)([^&]+)(.*)$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.*)(^|&|%26|%20)logSys(=|%3D)([^&]+)(.*)$

RewriteRule (.*) /$1?%1%5 [R=307]

 Well anyways, with the first bunch of mod_rewrite rule it works fine.

Thanks God Problem Solved 🙂

Redirect http URL folder to https e.g. redirect (http:// to https://) with mod_rewrite – redirect port 80 to port 443 Rewrite rule

Saturday, July 17th, 2010

There is a quick way to achieve a a full url redirect from a normal unencrypted HTTP request to a SSL crypted HTTPS

This is achieved through mod_rewrite using the RedirectMatch directive.

For instance let’s say we’d like to redirect to
We simply put in our .htacess file the following rule:

Redirect permanent /blog

Of course this rule assumes that the current working directory where the .htacess file is stored is the main domain directory e.g. / .
However this kind of redirect is a way inflexible so for more complex redirect, you might want to take a look at mod rewrite’s RedirectMatch directive.

For instance if you inted to redirect all urls ( which as you see includes the string blog/somestring/asdf/etc. to ( then you might use some htaccess RedirectMatch rule like:

RedirectMatch permanent ^/blog/(.*)$$1
RedirectMatch permanent ^/blog/(.*)$$1

Hopefully your redirect from the http protocol to https protocol with mod_rewrite rule should be completed.
Also consider that the Redirect directive which by the way is an Apache directive should be faster to process requests, so everywhere you can I recommend using instead of RedirectMatch which calls the external Apache mod_rewrite and will probably be times slower.