Posts Tagged ‘movie’

An Orthodox Christian movie worthy to see (Ostrov)

Sunday, July 26th, 2009

Two days ago I’ve downloaded a movie really worthy to see. The movie is russian and is named Ostrov (An Island). It’s a fictionary movie about a 20th century Eastern Orthodox monk whose warm prayer possesses miraculous powers and has a clairvoyance gift from God. Moreover the guy is living his all life with a guilt of a murder he was forced to commit in his early days during the WW2. I’ve watched the movie twice for the last 2 days I was so inspired. Yesterday Order (Ivo) a friend of mine from Varna was a guest of mine so I was quite happy. Today we first went for a holy Liturgy in the morning with Static and another friend of Static known under the name (Duf) into the temple Holy Trinity here in Dobrich. Right after the church service we’ve collected Ivo from home cause he was still sleeping and went for a drink Together with Amridikon. Quite a nice time. Now I’m back home blogging. I haven’t used beryl for quite some time and I started using it since a couple of days and I have to say it’s quite handy to use. Two days ago I’ve also watched the new Terminator movie (Salvation) to generalize it ain’t a bad movie if you just want to watch something with blows and action but still nothing to compare against the golden Terminator 2 (Judgement Day). This is mostly how my days are passing by. Thanks be to God for everything!END—–

The Name of The Rose (Der Name der Rose) – 1986 Movie

Thursday, April 8th, 2010

The Name of The Rose Movie Poster

A week ago, I’ve watched the The Name of The Rose or as originally entitled (Der Name der Rose).
The movie was recommended to my by a friend, stressing out that the movie has to deal more or less with Christianity topics in general and Catholicism in general.
Though the movie plot is based on Umberto Eco‘s novel, and he as an author is not among my favourite authors.
The movie is definitely worth seeing, if you’re Christian.
It’s also an interesting fact that the movie includes some celebrities like:
Sean Connery and Christian Slater .The whole story revolves around a mystery that emerged in Medieval Abbey in Italy.
For some strange reason, few suicides occur among monks.
That completely puzzles the monk, so the monks in the brotherhood decide to invite a monk who is famous for his good skills in solving mysteries.
The investigating monk (William of Baskerville) arrives at the abbey with his young disciple.
It’s interesting that William of Baskerville is a bit more thinker than a believer, so he refuses to accept the idea of the Abbot that the Devil is crawling the abbey and causes the suicides and misfortunes in the abbey.
After some deep investigation he comes to some conclusion and finds out that all the dead monks in the abbey has a black mark on their right hand finger as well as on their tongue.
This drives him to the idea that the monks were probably poisened.
A notable figure in the Movie is the Abbot who is an old monk whose possesing a vision/image of a prophet.
The old abbot is strongly against the logical approach in solving mysteries and completely trusts in God’s providence.
Monk William of Baskerville as being a logical nature enters in a dispute with the abbot, where they blazingly argue if the monks should laugh or not, should they be allowed to read books with text including laughter or life parody or not.
The abbot is firmly against the idea of the enlightenment of man through books and believes the Christian Monk enlightenment should be achieved mostly through experience in prayer thank in Books.
As the movie progress since the killings in the monastery continue without any solution, the Catholic church sends the Holy Inquisition to solve the mystery.
The inquisition makes the situation even worse and the mystery deepens even further on.
Eventually it turns out that this Abbey actually, has a secret passage leading to one of the largest libraries of it’s time.
The library holds thousands and thousand of books including many laughter books. As the abbot finds out about the discovery, he falls out in holy fear that the laughter books can emerge and be copied and multipled many times.
Opening the humour and laughter genry for the whole Church world as well for the laymen.
The superannuated monk realizes that this book transperancy could underneath the Church authority among people and therefore decides to burn the library putting on fire as he puts on fire the whole monastery tower containing the textbooks.
In the meantine the inquisition doesn’t sleep and judges for a burning at the stake 3 people.
Among which are two monks, who the inquisition classifies as schismatics and a young village girl, who is captured in the monastery right before one of the monstreous monks attempts to rape her.
The girl is innocent as she is completely illiterate and doesn’t have a clear idea on sin e.g. on what is right and what is wrong.
However at the end of the movie the girl, rightously survives by the Grace of the Virgin Mary, while the two dissenter monks are burnt out.

The movie touches one major theme in Christianity which is quite present even today, even though it’s probably out of question among Orthodox Christians.
It discusses the problem should we Christians read many spiritual books to drawn closer to God or should we achieve our holiness in concentrating on prayer.
It deals with the problem which is poisoning many christians today.
Should we base our lifes on science or should we completely consider science fallacy most of the time?
The movie stand point is the same as mine as well as in the Orthodox Church.
While it tells the story it shows that, actually at the end everything is in God’s hands, but however it presents that human factor is also important.
In other words I believe the movie teaches that, We should be moderate in all we do! and keep our faith while moderately evaluating our surrounding world.
Of course ultimately we should place our faith in our God and humble ourselves before him, but we shouldn’t act as a madman and we should also consider the logic which was also created by God in the beginning.

A touching movie (Grave of the Fireflies)

Thursday, February 25th, 2010

Grave of the Fireflies movie logo

Two days ago, I watched Grave of the Fireflies , a Japanese movie from 1988 which has taken the hearts and minds of dozen of people throughout the years. Yes I have to admit the movie is really increadinble in a sense it deals with Human personages, philosophy, love, hate. It’s a good example why we humans should keep peace on earth and not start wars. The whole story is about a boy and a girl (a brother and sister), who live in Japan in the climax of the Second World War. Both the children are under the full legal age and face the “nightmares” and the terrible consequences of the war. Their mother dies and they have to go to live to some relatives (their aunts). However the war tragedy goes on, the bombing doesn’t drop. The two children have to leave their aunt, cause she is unwilling to take care for them anymore, since they are not working and not bringing money / food in the house. They leave and find a sort of a tomb where start living on they own. Now the older brother has to provide his little sis with food, nomatter how. He uses all kind of tricks, cheats, thefts etc. to find the needed food to sustain his sister’s life. Though the unhuman efforts to keep her alive, his sister gets a disease because of lack of nourishment and dies near the end of the movie. Though she dies, I won’t call the movie a tragedy. Yes it’s a sad movie but it’s also really beautiful and touching. I could classify it amongst my movie list of spiritual movies that are, “a must see” ones.

Seven Samurai movie (100 Best movies ever made)

Saturday, February 13th, 2010

Recently I watched Seven Samurai .
What incited me to watch that old movie from the distant 1954 was a list on
youtube according to which it is placed amongst 100 best movies
.The movie is a really slow one and if you like motion, it’ll definitely
break your patience. The first 20 or 30 minutes are the most hardly one to bear,
in this movie time interval almost nothing is happening.
The whole story behind the movie revolves around a villagers in Japan in past
time, which had been robbed by a group of felon samurais (In other words,
there are good and bad Samurais in the movie). The people in the village are
starving since the samurais has stolen all their rice, which is their basic food.
People in the village come to the conclusion they need to hire Samurais to
protect them from the evil doers. But looking for Samurais is a tough job since,
everything the peasents can provide to the Samurais as a wage is a bow of rice
3 times a day.
Consequently Seven Samurais bring together, thanks to an initiator and start
working on various plans on how to protect the village.
One of the Samurai guys is not really but an ex-villiger (quite a funny guy).
After the crop is gathered the bandit samurais come along to plunder the
the crops but this time they’re not going to meet just a fragile villagers
as in last years.

Apart from the movie it might be interesting for you to check out the
100 best movies ever made;

Interesting movie telling a hacker story, might be interesting to see

Thursday, October 16th, 2008

Check this out this interesting film which tells a story of a hacker it’s claimed that the filmis based on a real story and I believe so although it’s a bit exaggerated, still it’s a must seemovie the movie is called “23 – Nichts Ist So Wie Es Scheint” check it out.Apart from the film there is not much to say I went out for a shopping to Aldi, came backto Honigkamp. Worked, I had a lot of work today, then watched that movie.Basicly that’s how the day passed .. Maybe it’s a good idea to go out for a walk,because I don’t move enough this day.. What’s good today is that I’ve beenspiritually and emotionally stable for the whole day for which I should give a millionof thanks to God almighty!END—–

Time Changer an interesting Christian Movie (In the Protestant tradition)

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009

Today I’ve watched a nice American Christian movie in the protestant christians tradition.The movie is called Time changer
The story progresses with a couple of guys in an american bible seminary in the 19th century.
One of the professors is eager to publish a new book on morals, which doesn’t stress
on our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ alone. One of his fellow colleagues is against,
stressing the importance of giving credit to Jesus Christ (the son of God and our Saviour),
for teaching us the true way of godliness. The two guys can’t come into a mutual agreement
about the issue. The writer of the new book couldn’t get the blessing of the seminary,
which would make the book inferior in the distant 19th century. Therefore the
author of the book strives to receive the acceptance of his colleagues. After failing
he is ready to do everything even if it contradicts the teachings presented in the bible.
The professor unwishful to endeavor the new book does explain to the professor author of the
book his motives for showing clear the relation between the Lord Jesus and the teaching of
morals presented in the Holy Bible. It seems this guy had the oportunity to travel in the
future through a gadgy machine invented by his father who has already departured.
This professor had the oportunity to witness what is the fruit of skipping to associate Christ as being the
one stressing on the importance of keeping God’s moral standards in the 21st century.
The professor decides that the only way to convince his fellow colleague author of the new
book is to sent him right into the future and let him witness why teaching of morality
without Christ is pernicious. Finally after witnessing all the insanity and ungodliness created
in man’s life as a consequence of not sticking to our lord’s teaching, while traveling back
to his own time through the time machine the author of the new book rewrites his book to make
it be in accordance with the scriptures. The movie ends with one of the professors testing the machine
trying to send the holy bible as far as he could in the future. However he cannot send it to 2070,
then he tries a 2060, no luck as well etc.. A good end since it points how close we are to the SecondComing of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

A cool gamers / geek movie (Grandma’s Boy)

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009

A friend of mine Alex you might check his homepage suggested a really
cool movie to me. The movie is called Grandma’s boy, it’s a story about drug, games, maniacs, drama and commedy.
Check out the movie review in imdb
I’m quite sure you will absolutely love the movie, if you’re an old school gamer 🙂

A nice Serbian movie worthy to see (Kad Porastem Bicu Kengur / When I grow up I’ll be come a Kangaroo)

Wednesday, January 27th, 2010

A friend of mine (Ceco), who happens to be a big fan of Serbian Culture,
has suggested me a movie which is a really wonderful for a movie made on
the Balkans. The movie as you can read in the post tile is:
The movie is a commedy and has included an interesting approach to cinema,
thoughts of the actors playing a couple on a date are being exposed.
It’s so funny to see how rediculous people can get in their thoughts 🙂
Watch it to figure out thebalkan man’s dream to become a succesful kangaroo 🙂
I’m pretty sure you’ll enjoy it.

This days I’ve watched also several Russian movies. One of them is:
Beloe solntse pustyni ,which even though is counted as a classical movie for Russian cinema was
somehow boring and a bit meaningless for me.
The other movie I’ve watched is called Neotpravlennoe Pisymo / The Unsent Letter
it’s pretty decent for a Russian movie, even though I won’t say it’s in my
favourite cinema genre. Just in few words the movie is about a team of
researchers looking for a diamond deposit in Cyberia. After many months of
futile effors, they finally manage to find diamonds and proof a theory pointing
that there are golden mines in this part of Russia.
However the mother nature seems to be against them and out of nothing a huge
forest fire emerges. One of member of the researchers is unfortunate and
a burning tree smashes him while he is on his way in the fires. Another one
bruises his leg and hardly walks. After some time after he figured out he is
an obstacle for the other 2 members of the group to escape to the place
where rescue teams will be looking for them, he decides to run away and die
somewhere apart from the other woman and a man. Eventually only one member
of the expedition survives bearing with him a map of the exact place where
diamonds reside. Movie is not bad but it’s not a definetely for anybody
who likes dynamic movies with a lot of action in between.