The day ran mostly smoothly for which thanks and praise the Lord of course ! I was at school we had a long discussion ofworld economic system, the possible future of humanity also physics, latest science discovery, philosophy etc. etc.Later I worked for some time, then Geri came home and asked me to help her to fix her computer because it didn’twant to start. The problem was trivial I only have to unplug all the power supply calbles and plug them on againand it ran fine. In the evening we went out with Javor and because there was no free tables on the coffee “The Fountain”,we went to Mino’s coffee and I drinked one tea. I learned today about a very interesting blues singer his name isStevie Ray Vaughan and his band is called “Double Trouble”, this guy Stevie Ray Vaughan is famous with this that heis the best white blues musician. Also I should mention I prayed and well yes I think this is how my day just went by.I should say that the presence of God in our life is the most precious thing. I can clearly see now that without himeverything just blews and wents away. I have to extensively thank him for he being so merciful to me :)END—–
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Tags: band, blues musician, blues singer, calbles, coffee, Computer, course, discussion, double trouble, economic system, end, future, home, humanity, Javor, latest science, life, Musician, name, night, philosophy, physics, power, power supply, precious thing, presence of god, science, science discovery, singer, stevie ray vaughan, supply, tea, time, today, white blues