The last 3 days in the college we used to have a guest from the Arnhem Business Scholl: Job Thinke.He is a teacher in HRQM (Human Resource and Quality Management). We played a simulator. We choose abusiness to be in. Job, Bozhidar, and two graduating students from Arnhem ( one black girl and one guy from South Africa )were the teachers. We choose an industry (our group was some Open cars producing company). Every peson of the teamhad to participate in taking decisions and writting down the decisions in a decision forms every form was aboutmoney we would invest in things which would lead to accomplish a specific goals we had setted in the beginning of the game,things like hiring more employees promoting some of them etc. etc. were our work. The game was played 3 days and it waslike if we had run a 2 years long business. Our group mistake was that we always thought about things in short terms.In the end of the 2nd year of the game we had a discussion meetings with our higher level employees and it turns outthat we are the poorest team because we always thought about the company in short term instead of long term.During this 3 days there was also some funny games for developing concentration and thinking and improvingcommunication skills. In general I think the whole think was a great loss of time, but I’m a strange person …Most of the ppl liked involved from IBMS and Hotel Management liked the game very much.END—–
Posts Tagged ‘discussion’
HRQM Games
Sunday, September 23rd, 2007Weekend with a lot of friends
Monday, April 7th, 2008I spend the weekend with a lot of friends. God has prepared another great time for me. In Friday I was out with Alex, and we had a long discussion for who is God, because he thinks he can know the Lord without our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ which is completely wrong and impossible like it’s written how our Lord says “I and the Father are one” and again “Noone comes to the Father except through me“. At friday I was out with Static a friend and brother in Christ 🙂 We went to the school where he lives “Dimitar Talev”. This is the second time when I visit this school but it’s so colourful and I like it so much that I wished for a second to be pupil again :). In Sunday I went to Liturgy as often I went to bed very late in Saturday so I wasn’t able to wake in the morning and I went to the Church service somewhere around 9:30. The Priest’s preach was about the gospel’s where our Lord Jesus freed and healed a boy who was very often abused by wicked spirits, he also mentioned how some of the ppl fasts only abstaining from food and how this ain’t fast at all. He gave us interesting example how the animals who ate meet are cruel and animals who eat grass are very meek and pure. For example he said look into the fox, wolf they eat meet and they’re fierce animals whether animals like sheeps and rabbits eat only grass and are mostly good. He also mentioned that the st. Ioan Zlatoust(John / James the Goldenmouth) said that the fasting gives wings to the soul. In the church I saw Stelio the man who introduced me to the Orthodox Faith and after the Service we spend some great time in the park talking about the past during the communist regime here in Bulgaria, also the current state in the country etc. etc. In 12:30 we had previously arranged meeting with two of my colleagues from the College. We had to make the SPSS project which we have to complete and pass to the teacher today. Thanks God everything just went smoothly. And we had to make just a little text to the project in order to complete it. In 09:00 we went to the Fountain with Vlado (hellpain), because he was here for the weekend. Now just after I came home I prayed I take a shower. And I intend to read a bit from the bible and go to sleep.
Night in Mino
Thursday, April 17th, 2008The day ran mostly smoothly for which thanks and praise the Lord of course ! I was at school we had a long discussion ofworld economic system, the possible future of humanity also physics, latest science discovery, philosophy etc. etc.Later I worked for some time, then Geri came home and asked me to help her to fix her computer because it didn’twant to start. The problem was trivial I only have to unplug all the power supply calbles and plug them on againand it ran fine. In the evening we went out with Javor and because there was no free tables on the coffee “The Fountain”,we went to Mino’s coffee and I drinked one tea. I learned today about a very interesting blues singer his name isStevie Ray Vaughan and his band is called “Double Trouble”, this guy Stevie Ray Vaughan is famous with this that heis the best white blues musician. Also I should mention I prayed and well yes I think this is how my day just went by.I should say that the presence of God in our life is the most precious thing. I can clearly see now that without himeverything just blews and wents away. I have to extensively thank him for he being so merciful to me :)END—–
Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen! Happy Easter! / The Miracle of the Holy Fire in Jerusalem
Sunday, April 24th, 2011“Christ is risen from the dead,
trampling down death by death,
and on those in the tombs bestowing
Happy Easter to all my beloved readers. In relation to the Greatest feast of all times I wish to all my readers a lot of good health, a lot of success in all good, and a lot of love. Rejoice for the Lord and Saviour of mankind has been risen!
In Jerusalem the Holy Fire has descended from Heaven. For all Unorthodox Christians, it’s important to note that the Holy Fire is the miracle confirming that the Christian Orthodox faith is the true ancient Christian faith in fulness!
Each year the Holy Fire descends from heaven and lights up the candle of the Patriarch of the Jerusalem Church. This only happens on the Orthodox Easter! This is without question a great miracle and a very graceful act by which God shows us he has not left us behind.
Here is a video you can watch, where you can see the miracle happening as well as a discussion, is really the miracle real:
Miracle of the Holy Fire in the Holy Sepulchre (Jesus’s Tomb) in Jerusalem – Easter 2011
Holy Light (Holy Fire) in Jerusalem: Proofs & Testimonies
During the three days in which, we the Christians celebrate the glorious Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour. It’s accepted that the ordinary “Hi” or “Hello” greeting we use daily, is ex-changed for “Christ is Risen!” 🙂
The word “Easter” used for the Resurrection 3 day feasts is also interesting as it comes from “Eastern” – (e.g. Eastern Orthodox Church) 🙂