Posts Tagged ‘name’

Saint Martyr Kirana of Solun (Thessaloniki) a Bulgarian macedonian saint martyred on 28 February 1751

Tuesday, February 28th, 2023


Saint Martyr Kirana (Kerana) was born in the first half of the 18th century 1731 A.D. in the Thessaloniki village of (Ossa) Avisona, in the family of pious Christians in Ottoman Macedonia which at that times was highly inhabited with Bulgarians who held that name of the time, and even today many Bulgarian have this archaic name.

A slim and beautiful girl, she was taken by a janissary (stolen kids from Bulgarian or other non-turkish nations who were grown and included in the Ottoman empire’s governance or army) who was a subashiya (tax collector who collected 10% of all the non-turks income) in her village with the idea to make her one of his wifes. After Kirana rejected him, he abducted her with a gang of janissaries.

He took her to Thessalonica, where his friends testified falsely that the girl had promised to become his wife and accept their faith. Kirana proved to be a brave and steadfast Christian – she neither wanted to marry the rapist nor convert to Islam. Because of this, she was chained and thrown into prison. The commandant of the fortress, Ali Bey, allowed the janissaries to enter to Kirana’s prison and torture her as they wished. As we read from her left Biography:

"One beat her with a tree, – another – with a knife, a third – with kicks, a fourth – with fists, until they left her near dead…

And at night the locksmith of the prison hung her by the arms and grabbed any tree found and beat her mercilessly…".


Thus, for a week, Kirana was severely tortured. On the seventh day (February 28, 1751) she died. And then a miracle happened –


"… a great light shone in the prison, came down from above from the roof like lightning, which surrounded the body of the martyr, spilled over the whole prison and illuminated it as if the whole sun had entered inside. It was then the fourth or fifth hour of the night (t . f. 10-11 o'clock at night)." In the morning, the Turks allowed the Christians to take the body of the martyr. They buried her outside the city, in the Christian cemetery there. Her clothes were divided among the faithful as sacred. Later, an unknown scribe compiled her life in Greek. The Church honors the memory of the holy martyr Kirana and commemorates her on February 28.

Biography source: Plamen Pavlov, Hristo Temelski Saints and spiritual leaders from Macedonia with minor modifications

Monitor service log is continously growing with Zabbix on Windows with batch userparameter script and trigger Alert if log is unchanged

Thursday, March 17th, 2022


Recently we had an inteteresting Monitoring work task to achieve. We have an Application that is constantly simulating encrypted connections traffic to a remote side machine and sending specific data on TCP/IP ports.
Communiucation between App Server A -> App Server B should be continous and if all is working as expected App Server A messages output are logged in the Application log file on the machine which by the way Runs
Windows Server 2020.

Sometimes due to Network issues this constant reconnections from the Application S. A to the remote checked machine TCP/IP ports gets interrupted due to LAN issues or a burned Network Switch equipment, misconfiguration on the network due to some Network admin making stoopid stuff etc..

Thus it was important to Monitor somehow whether the log is growing or not and feed the output of whether Application log file is growing or it stuck to a Central Zabbix Server. 
To be able to better understand the task, lets divide the desired outcome in few parts on required:

1. Find The latest file inside a folder C:\Path-to-Service\Monitoring\Log\
2. Open the and check it is current logged records and log the time
3. Re-open file in a short while and check whether in few seconds new records are written
4. Report the status out to Zabbix
5. Make Zabbix Item / Trigger / Action in case if monitored file is not growing

In below article I'll briefly explain how Monitoring a Log on a Machine for growing was implemented using a pure good old WIN .BAT (.batch) script and Zabbix Userparameter key


1. Enable userparameter script for Local Zabbix-Agent on the Windows 10 Server Host

Edit Zabbix config file usually on Windows Zabbix installs file is named: ]

Uncomment the following lines to enable userparameter support for zabbix-agentd:


# Include=c:\zabbix\zabbix_agentd.userparams.conf


# Include=c:\zabbix\zabbix_agentd.conf.d\*.conf

2. Create folders for userparameter script and for the userparameter.conf

Before creating userparameter you can to create the folder and grant permissions

Folder name under C:\Zabbix -> zabbix_agentd.conf.d

If you don't want to use Windows Explorer) but do it via cmd line:

C:\Users\LOGUser> mkdir \Zabbix\zabbix_agentd.conf\
C:\User\LOGUser> mkdir \Zabbix\zabbix_scripts\

3. Create Userparameter with some name file ( Userparameter-Monitor-Grow.conf )

In the directory C:\Zabbix\zabbix_agentd.conf.d you should create a config file like:
Userparameter-Monitor-Grow.conf and in it you should have a standard userparameter key and script so file content is:


4. Create the Batch script that will read the latest file in the service log folder and will periodically check and report to zabbix that file is changing

notepad C:\Zabbix\zabbix_scripts\GROW_LOG_MONITOR-USERPARAMETER.BAT

@echo off

set work_dir=C:\Path-to-Service\Monitoring\Log\

set client=client Name

set YYYYMMDD=%DATE:~10,4%%DATE:~4,2%%DATE:~7,2%

set name=csv%YYYYMMDD%.csv

set mytime=%TIME:~0,8%

for %%I in (..) do set CurrDirName=%%~nxI


setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

set "line1=findstr /R /N "^^" %work_dir%\output.csv | find /C ":""

for /f %%a in ('!line1!') do set number1=%%a

set "line2=findstr /R /N "^^" %work_dir%\%name% | find /C ":""

for /f %%a in ('!line2!') do set number2=%%a


IF  %number1% == %number2% (

echo %YYYYMMDD% %mytime% MAJOR the log is not incrementing for %client%

echo %YYYYMMDD% %mytime% MAJOR the log is not incrementing for %client% >> monitor-grow_err.log

) ELSE (

echo %YYYYMMDD% %mytime% NORMAL the log is incrementing for %client%

SETLOCAL DisableDelayedExpansion

del %work_dir%\output.csv

FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%a in (`"findstr /n ^^ %work_dir%\%name%"`) do (

    set "var=%%a"

    SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion

    set "var=!var:*:=!"

    echo(!var! >> %work_dir%\output.csv





The script needs to have configured the path to directory containing multiple logs produced by the Monitored Application.
As prior said it will, list the latest created file based on DATE timestamp in the folder will output a simple messages:

If the log file is being fed with data the script will output to output.csv messages continuously, either:

%%mytime%% NORMAL the log is incrementing for %%client%%

Or if the Monitored application log is not writting anything for a period it will start writting messages

%%mytime%%mytime MAJOR the log is not incrementing for %client%

The messages will also be sent in Zabbix.

Before saving the script make sure you modify the Full Path location to the Monitored file for growing, i.e.:

set work_dir=C:\Path-to-Service\Monitoring\Log\

5. Create The Zabbix Item

Set whatever service.check name you would like and a check interval to fetch the info from the userparameter (if you're dealing with very large log files produced by Monitored log of application, then 10 minutes might be too frequent, in most cases 10 minutes should be fine)

6. Create Zabbix Trigger

You will need a Trigger something similar to below:

Now considering that zabbix server receives correctly data from the client and the monitored log is growing you should in Zabbix:

%%mytime%% NORMAL the log is incrementing for %%client%%

7. Lastly create an Action to send Email Alert if log is not growing

How to configure Nautilus (Linux application like Windows Explorer) to work with standard Windows button + E On Linux GNOME en Mate

Monday, October 9th, 2017

As an ex-Windows user I'm still addicted to Windows User brainwashing as an ex-victim of Windows 95 / 98 and XP:), so I tend to love very much and its still hard for me to forget some major Key Binding (Windows Key Combinations).

On every new Desktop Linux I install, I have the habit to configure few great key combination shortcuts that makes my digital life much easier.
I use usually as a graphical environment GNOME and recently switched to MATE (GNOME 2 fork, cause GNOME 3 is totally messed up and unworthy to me), that's why this article is targetting this two Linux GUI envs, I'll be glad to hear in article comments for any other useful key bindings and how to configure similar key bindings for other Major Linux graphical environments (Cinnamon, KDE Plasma, XFCE, LXDE).


1. Configuring Lock Screen (Win button + L), Open Explorer(Win button + E), View Desktop (Win + D) in MATE graphic env




Windows + E – Open new Windows File Explorer 

Windows + L – Lock Computer

Windows + M – To minimize All Windows

Windows + D – Show Desktop (similar to Windows +M though it doesn't switch to Desktop)

Win – + / – To Maginfy Text and Windows

Shift + Win + Left/Right Arrow – (In Windows if you have multiple monitors connected to the same computer lets say Right Monitor and Left, that combination switches between left monitor and right monitor)



The list goes on but I'm not used to all of them, I'll stop here and continue on with how to remake some of my favourite Windows keybindings in Gnu / Linux

Either run it from Menus:

System -> Settings -> Hardware -> Keyboard Shortcuts

Or run command


$ mate-keybinding-properties



After rebinding the Windows: 
– Lock Screen and Open New Nautilus Explorer Window (Home folder) variable to be invoked with Windows button, the result
is as that:


Scroll down Mate Keyboard shortcuts and you'll find

also how to configure Windows Button and D Key Combination, following 2 more screenshots showing how to do it note that MOD Key appears once you press Windows Keyboard Key + something (e.g. MATE recognizes MOD Key as Win Key):

Before the change to bind Win Key + D to work:


When configured Win Button + D looks like so:


2. Configuring Lock Screen (Win button + L), Open Explorer(Win button + E), View Desktop (Win + D) in GNOME

Usually in GNOME until > version 3.X.X (in older GNOME graphic environment access to KeyBinding Properties was done via:


System -> Preferences -> Keybord Shortcuts -> Add ->

In fallback gnome with Metacity (if installed along with GNOME Desktop 3.2.X environment to access Key Bindings):




Also it is possible to remap keys via dconf-editor, I've written a small article earlier explaining how to remap Screenshotting buttons with dconf-editor but the example could be easily adapted, so you can edit almost everything.

Besides that you can use a command to run the keyboard configuration (in older GNOMEs) via:


linux:~$ gnome-keybinding-properties


Just for information for those who might know, many Key Binding interesting options are available via gnome-tweak-tool, so if you don't have it yet install it and give it a try:


linux:~# apt-get install –yes gnome-tweak-tool

As you can see, there are plenty of options to make Win (key) to act like Alt (key):

linux:~# gnome-tweak-tool


After configuring the changes enjoy your WINDOWS Button + L, WINDOWS + E and WINDOWS + D WORKING AGAIN HOORAY !!! 🙂 


3. Most used shortcuts in Gnome and Nautilus 

Below are most used shortcuts thanks to LinuxQuestions Forum for providing them

Howdy! I thought that it would be useful to post a practical selection of shortcut keys for GNOME (the Desktop Environment) and Nautilus (the File Manager) and some information about customizing shortcut keys in Ubuntu. I wrote it especially for Ubuntu beginners, but I hope it will prove useful for all. 


2.1 GNOME/Nautilus shortcut keys – Very useful for the keyboard maniax like me :):

Ctrl-H: show hidden files

Ctrl-N: new window

Ctrl-Shift-N: create new folder

Alt-Home : jump to home folder

Alt-Enter : file / folder properties

F9 : toggle side-pane

Alt-F1 : launch applications menu

Alt-F2 : launch "run application" dialogue

Ctrl-Alt – Right/Left arrow : move to the next virtual desktop

Ctrl-Alt-Shift – Right/Left arrow : take current window to the next virtual desktop

Ctrl-Alt-D: minimize all windows, and gives focus to the desktop. 

Alt-Tab: switch between windows. When you use these shortcut keys, a list of windows that you can select is displayed. Release the keys to select a window. 

Ctrl-Alt-Tab: switch the focus between the panels and the desktop. When you use these shortcut keys, a list of items that you can select is displayed. Release the keys to select an item. 

Ctrl-Alt-L: lock the screen (tested only in Ubuntu) 

Ctrl-L: shortcut for opening locations-by default the path is the home folder*
/ : same as Ctrl-L but has the root (/) as default path* (shortcut found on here)
* both shortcuts can be used while you are on the desktop (no window active)

Ctrl-T : move to trash (in Nautilus)
Quite dangerous key combination because many of us are used to press these keys in order to open a new tab. Because we all delete items using the Delete key, I recommend to deactivate this shortcut key. To do that, go to System » Preferences » Appearance » Interface. Select Editable menu shortcut keys and close the dialog box. Click on the Edit menu in the File Browser. Click the Empty Trash item (it has Ctrl-T as the keyboard shortcut) Press the Delete key to get rid of the shortcut.
You can find all GNOME shortcut keys here


2.2 How to create a custom hotkey to launch whatever application you want in GNOME

As an example, we will set a lock-screen shortcut.

Open "gconf-editor" as the user as you're logged in in GNOME (typing gconf-editor in the terminal or "Run Application").

Go to apps > metacity > keybinding_commands

Here we have a list of twelve slots for commands.


Double click on e.g. "run_command_1" 

In Key Value Type in the name of the application or command you want to launch (e.g. gnome-screensaver-command –lock).


Go to apps -> Metacity -> global_keybindings 

Double click on e.g. "run_command_1" 
Change the key value to whatever key combination you like (e.g. <Ctrl><Alt>L).Press "Ok".


2.3.How to create/change GNOME shortcuts


Click on System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts

Click the action in the list and press Enter. 
Press the new key or key combination you want to assign to the action. (To clear a shortcut, press the Backspace key)


Hope it helps, Enjoy Life .;)

Sofia Bulgaria one of the Most Ancient cities in Central Europe – the History of Europe

Friday, January 18th, 2013

Many Bulgarians might be striken to find out, today's territory of Bulgaria and on the balkans is in practice one of the ancient inhabitant territories in Europe. Sofia or Serdika, Sredets as the old name of Sofia used to be part of Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire), then of pre-Christian Bulgaria, after Christianization of Bulgaria part of the Bulgarian Empire and then after the fall of Bulgaria under turkish yoke part of Ottoman's Turkish Empire. Maybe surprisingly for many Western Europeans the city of Sofia, happened to be one of the ancient cities important for Christianity as it had a Bishop standing and a strong Christian community since 3rd century A.D. Even until today Sofia has kept its city design which is made in a Roman fashion. Hope this little video unusually made by British will shed up some light to people interested in Ancient Christian history. Enjoy 🙂


Sofia Bulgaria, one of the most ancient cities in Europe – the History of Europe

History of Belarus in 5 minutes – Learn a lot for Belarus in short time

Tuesday, October 30th, 2012

I've been recently interested in Belarusian History. I found few very interesting videos in youtube, so decided with people who want to learn more about Slavonic Culture. Belarus is a Slavonic culture and old Belarusian language dates back to Ancient Bulgarian traditions. Also Belarusian Ancient language includes a lot of Slavonic Ancient Bulgarian words. As a Bulgarian it is very interesting to me too the severe impact that our Great Bulgarian nation had on Slavonic Nations and Russians. Belarusians both lingually and culturely are very close to us Bulgarian. Orthodox Christian faith which later spread in Belarusian lands, has also been transferred from Bulgarian and Serbian lands to Belarus. After the pupils of Saint Cyril and Methodius, spread Slavonic alphabet in nowdays Romanian lands, Moldova and Belarus.
The first below video Belarus History in 5 minutes has a genuine video and musical arrangment. It was quite interesting to me, find out Belarussian people had a long known tradition in Musical Instruments and Folklore Music. Nowdays they produce also a great Gothic Music, just like most of celtic nations 🙂

History of Bulgarus in 5 minutes – Aristic short presentation lesson on Belarussian history

At first, there was nothing


now there’s a lot of everything


we have to thank God for that


He created our world in the freestyle genre


He said, "Budzma" (“So be it!”)


and Our Land appeared.


Ichthyosauri and other dragons…


in the beginning, we lived in the ocean


but then we left the bosom of the sea


and started to be called the Neuri.


From the earliest times


the Neuri could turn into wolves


that was a customary thing for them…


Žycien, Piarun, Dažboh, and Svaroh


our ancestors believed in heathen gods


but Christianity already knocked on the door.


Let’s know our roots! The Belarusians, the daring people!


In the year 862 of our era


the city of Polacak was mentioned for the first time


There, St. Safija Cathedral was build


(there’re only three such churches in the world)


Local Prince Usiaslau Caradziej


was a cool personage; Listen what I say!


St. Jefrasinnia lived in Polacak


the memory of her is cherished down the ages


The famous cross was made for her


(it wasn’t just super, it was marvelous)


but during WWII, it was lost


and now it’s our own grail


Let’s continue, let’s march ahead


The time of Grand Prince Mindouh came


and here we must remember that


Belarus was called Litva then


or rather – the Grand Principality of Litva


its coat of arms was Pahonia (pursuit)


it had a formidable army


Our capital Vilnia was founded by


Grand Prince Hiedymin


the legend says he had a dream about an iron wolf…


Wikipedia describes this event


Let’s know our roots!


The Belarusians, the daring people!


The year 1362


The sword is drawn; flags flutter in the wind…


In the Battle of Blue Waters


our army defeated three Khans of the Golden Horde


and the Grand Principality of Litva suddenly


became the largest country in Europe


Let’s continue, let’s march ahead.


Vitaut reigns in the Grand Principality


The Teutonic Order threatens us.


The Battle of Grunwald shows who’s right


Vitaut and Jahajla, King of Poland


junked the Crusaders like scrap metal


Francysk Skaryna was a tough guy


he went to study abroad


He was the first who printed the Bible


in the Old Belarusian language in Prague


Our warriors were tough men, too


they defeated the Moscow Army near Vorsa


in the year 1514


In the meantime, the Grand Principality of Litva


accepted its constitution – the Statute of the GPL 1588


In the Battle of Kircholm, we defeated the Swedish army


Apparently, you didn’t know this fact before.


Let’s know our roots!


In the city of Mahilou


7,000 invaders were killed in the fight


Who were these invaders? Well, these … from the East


representatives of the "brotherly" Russian nation


They were called Muscovites then.


And there’s already a new state


the Polish–Litvian Commonwealth


For some reason, it irritated all the neighbors


The three partitions of this Commonwealth


and we were divided between three states


The biggest part was occupied by Russia


It engendered discontent among the nobility


and Tadevus Kasciuska appears on the scene


It’s necessary to remember this name because


he was a great revolutionary


for liberty, equality and fraternity


he struggled even in the United States


but the Russian Tsar cast him into prison


Let’s know our roots!


During Napoleon’s war


the Belarusians fought with the Belarusians


and in 1863 there was a new rebellion


Kastus Kalinouski, a patriot of Belarus


and his peasant soldiers – "kasiniery"


struggled for independence


but he was caught and hanged in Vilnia


The world enters the 20th century


It’s necessary to revive our culture!


Bahusevic, Bahdanovic, Kupala and Kolas


Lastouski, Luckievic… Many people!


Dozens and dozens of outstanding names…


but the Red Revolution is approaching fast


Well, in the terror of the Revolution


a new state with a beautiful name was born


the Belarusian People’s Republic


We still celebrate the day it was proclaimed


But suddenly, out of the blue


another Republic was installed here


its name wasn’t romantic at all


Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic.


The 1920s. We remember that time


Belarusianization is everywhere


Writers publish their excellent works


Viciebsk artists create their chefs-d’oeuvre…


This process was stopped


in the year 1937


the blood purge began.


After that, one more hell – WWII


There were invaders, there were partisans


the country was torn apart again…


The Belarusians fought with the Belarusians again


shedding each other’s blood


The war is over! No need to fight!


There’re cosmonauts flying in the sky


Maserau, it’s time for you to speak!


Piesniary, it’s time for you to sing!


Barys Kit, make your discoveries for NASA


and we keep living in our country


which name now is the Republic of Belarus


We’ve got our ensign and national emblem


we sing our songs and read our poems…


the year 1991…


Let’s know our roots!


The Belarusians, the daring people!


We stop here, but now it’s your time


All of you can write your own continuation…


Let’s know our roots!


The Belarusians, the daring people!


Let’s know our roots!


The Belarusians, the daring people!


Budzma viedac svoj rod!


Salony narod, Bielaruski narod!


History of Belarus Гісторыя Беларусі Historia Białorusi _ – 8 minutes video explaining in short Belarusian etymological roots

Ancient Musical Instruments of Belarus

Most importantly, nowdays Belarus still hold the light of Orthodox Christian faith, just like us Bulgarians. Spiritually Bulgaria and Belarus is united in our Orthodox Christian faith. This summer, I had the blessing many Belarusians in Pomorie Monastery (An Orthodox monastery located in the Black Sea sea coast (near Burgas) in Bulgaria). I've been amazed by the faith and spirituality Belarusians still hold even in this "dark times" of Christian faith decay and increased ungodliness.

History of Belarus (A 10 minutes short History of

Orthodox Jewish Rabbi Reveals Name of Messiah to be “Yehoshua”, “Yeshua” (in Hebrew) – JESUS

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

It was always interesting to me to hear for Jewish, who turned to become Christian. Hence it was quite curious to find that one of the Jewish most famous Rabbis is claimed to have tought that Yehshua (Jesus Christ) is the name of the Messiah (The Jewish are still waiting to come even to this day). Onwards in youtube, I've seen the interesting testimony of nowdays orthodox monk Father Nathanael, who was raised as a Jewish was attending regularly Jewish synagogues and has miraculously turned to Orthodox Christian faith (The Orthodox Church of America).

Orthodox Rabbi Reveals Name of Messiah "JESUS","Yehoshua" or "Yeshua"(Hebrew)


Orthodox Christian Monk who turned from Judaism to Christianity – Why I Left Judaism

Windows: command to show CPU info, PC Motherboard serial number and BIOS details

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016


Getting CPU information, RAM info and other various hardware specifics on Windows from the GUI interface is pretty trivial from Computer -> Properties
even more specifics could be obtained using third party Windows software such as CPU-Z

Perhaps there are plenty of many other ones to get and log info about hardware on PC or notebook system, but for Windwos sysadmins especially ones who are too much in love with command prompt way of behaving and ones who needs to automatizate server deployment processes with BATCH (.BAT)  scripts getting quickly info about hardware on freshly installed remote host Win server with no any additional hardware info tools, you'll be happy to know there are command line tools you can use to get extra hardware information on Windows PC / server:

The most popular tool available to present you with some basic hardware info is of course systeminfo


C:\> systeminfo

Host Name:                 REMHOST
OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard
OS Version:                6.3.9600 N/A Build 9600
OS Manufacturer:           Microsoft Corporation
OS Configuration:          Member Server
OS Build Type:             Multiprocessor Free
Registered Owner:          Registrar
Registered Organization:   Registrar
Product ID:                00XXX-X0000-00000-XX235
Original Install Date:     17/02/2016, 11:38:39
System Boot Time:          18/02/2016, 14:16:48
System Manufacturer:       VMware, Inc.
System Model:              VMware Virtual Platform
System Type:               x64-based PC
Processor(s):              1 Processor(s) Installed.
                           [01]: Intel64 Family 6 Model 45 Stepping 7 GenuineInt
el ~2600 Mhz
BIOS Version:              Phoenix Technologies LTD 6.00, 11/06/2014
Windows Directory:         C:\Windows
System Directory:          C:\Windows\system32
Boot Device:               \Device\HarddiskVolume1
System Locale:             de;German (Germany)
Input Locale:              de;German (Germany)
Time Zone:                 (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm,
Total Physical Memory:     4,095 MB
Available Physical Memory: 2,395 MB
Virtual Memory: Max Size:  10,239 MB
Virtual Memory: Available: 8,681 MB
Virtual Memory: In Use:    1,558 MB
Page File Location(s):     C:\pagefile.sys
Logon Server:              \\DOM
Hotfix(s):                 148 Hotfix(s) Installed.
                           [01]: KB2894852
                           [02]: KB2894856
                           [03]: KB2918614
                           [04]: KB2919355

Now though systeminfo's hardware details and installed Windows KBXXXXX OS Hotfix patches are getting lists the command does not provide you with info about  system’s BIOS, thus to get this info you'll have to use also wmic (Windows Management Instrumentation Command).


So What Is WMIC?

WMIC extends WMI for operation from several command-line interfaces and through batch scripts. Before WMIC, you used WMI-based applications (such as SMS), the WMI Scripting API, or tools such as CIM Studio to manage WMI-enabled computers. Without a firm grasp on a programming language such as C++ or a scripting language such as VBScript and a basic understanding of the WMI namespace, do-it-yourself systems management with WMI was difficult. WMIC changes this situation by giving you a powerful, user-friendly interface to the WMI namespace.

WMIC is more intuitive than WMI, in large part because of aliases. Aliases take simple commands that you enter at the command line, then act upon the WMI namespace in a predefined way, such as constructing a complex WMI Query Language (WQL) command from a simple WMIC alias Get command. Thus, aliases act as friendly syntax intermediaries between you and the namespace. For example, when you run a simple WMIC command such as

Here is how to wmic to get PC Motherboard serial numbers, CPU and BIOS details:


C:\> wmic bios get name,serialnumber,version


Above will print  name if your BIOS, current version and it’s serial number if there is any.

If you need to get more info about the specific Motherboard installed on host:


C:\> wmic csproduct get name,identifyingnumber,uuid


This command will show motherboard modification and it’s UUID

If you want to quickly get what is Windows running hardware CPU clock speed

C:\> wmic cpu get name,CurrentClockSpeed,MaxClockSpeed


Also if you have turbo boost CPUs above command will help you find what’s the Max Clock Speed your system is capable of for the current hardware configuration.

If you do have dynamic clock speed running, then add this line, will refresh and monitor the Clock speed every 1 second.

C:\> wmic cpu get name,CurrentClockSpeed,MaxClockSpeed /every:1

Actually wmic is a great tool

Fix “FAIL – Application at context path /application-name could not be started” deployment error in Tomcat manager

Thursday, October 1st, 2015


While deploying an environment called "Interim" which is pretty much like a testing Java application deployed from a Java EAR (Enterprise Archive) file from within a Tomcat Manager GUI web interface after stopping the application and trying to start it, the developers come across the error:


FAIL – Application at context path /application-name could not be started

The error puzzled me for a while until I checked the catalina.out I've seen a number of thrown Java Eceptions errors like:

Okt 01, 2015 10:48:46 AM org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader initWebApplicationContext

Schwerwiegend: Context initialization failed

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name '' defined in ServletContex

t resource [/WEB-INF/pp-server-beans.xml]: Cannot create inner bean ‘(inner bean)’ of type [org.jvnet.jax_ws_commons.spring.SpringService] while setting bean property

'service'; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name '(inner bean)#33': FactoryBean threw exception on

 object creation; nested exception is java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

I've googled a bit about the error:

"FAIL – Application at context path /application-name could not be started"

and come across this Stackoverflow thread and followed suggested solution to fix web.xml tag closing error but it seems there was no such error in my case, I then also tried solution suggested by this thread (e.g. adding in file:

org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].level = INFO
org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].handlers = java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler

unfortunately this helped neither to solve the error when it is tried to be started from tomcat manager.

After asking for help a colleague Kostadin, he pointed me to take a closer look in the error (which is a clear indication) that the reserved space is not enough (see below err):

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

And he pointed me then to Solution (which is to modify the present tomcat settings which looked like this:

# Heap size settings

export JAVA_OPTS="-Xms2048M -Xmx2048M"


# SSCO test page parameter


# Default garbage collector settings

export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -XX:MaxPermSize=128M"


# Aggressive garbage collector settings.

# Do not use! For testing purposes only!

#export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xss128k -XX:ParallelGCThreads=20 -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=31 -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:MaxPermSize=128M"


####### DO NOT CHANGE BELOW HERE #######

# Disable X11 usage


export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djava.awt.headless=true"


# Garbage collection log settings

export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintGCDetails -Xloggc:/web/tomcat/current/logs/gc.log -XX:-TraceClassUnloading"


# Enable JMX console








The solution is to to add following two options to export JAVA_OPTS (above options):

-XX:PermSize=512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m

After modifications, my new line within looked like so:


JAVA_OPTS="-Xms2048M -Xmx2048M -XX:PermSize=512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"

Finally to make new JAVA_OPTS settings, I've restarted Tomcat with:


cd /web/tomcat/bin/
sleep 5; ./

And hooray it works fine thanks God! 🙂

How to remove the meta generator Content (Joomla! – Copyright) in Joomla 1.5

Thursday, December 30th, 2010

Do you wonder How to change <meta name="Generator" content="Joomla! – Copyright (C) 2005 – 2007 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved." /> in Joomla 1.5

If yes, Here is how I've just found to remove the:


in my Joomla installation.

I need to remove that as a part of making my website not to leak out that it runs on top of Joomla.

So here is how:

1. Go to your Joomla website main root directory
2. Edit /libraries/joomla/document/html/renderer/head.php
Look for line: 83 in the /libraries/joomla/document/html/renderer/head.php
There you will notice the code:

$strHtml .= $tab.'<meta name="generator" content="'.$document->getGenerator().'" />'.$lnEnd;

In order to remove the <meta name="generator" content="Joomla …." /> change the above code to something like:

$strHtml .= $tab.'<meta name="generator" content="My Custom Web site Generator name" />'.$lnEnd;

That's all now next time you refresh your website the content="Joomla! – Copyright (C) 2005 – 2009 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved." will be no more.
Cheers! 🙂