Posts Tagged ‘blinenlight’

Watch Star Wars in Ascii via a telnet connection! :)

Sunday, October 23rd, 2011

By accident, I’ve come across! You might be wondering what is so special with it? 😉 Well some crazy guy seems to have recreated a whole Star Wars movie in ascii art!!! 😉

To kill some time and enjoy some great ascii telnet to with a telnet client (movie shows great also even using a regular Windows telnet client).

As I’m a great ascii fan I enjoy a lot, hope more people will take the time to watch the re-created Star Wars Movie in ASCII !. I’m eager to see if someone knows of any similar kind of movies, demos or all kind of stuff streamed via telnet 🙂

To give you an idea on what you will see by telnetting to, here is a short chop video: