A friend of mine has recommended, few websites which are quite useful in checking what kind of information a remote website could possibly retrieve about your system. I’ve found quite useful as they expose the high level of browser security there is nowdays even on a Linux based systems.
I’ve been stunned that so many information about my Linux desktop could be mined even when I use my browser through a tor network.
Here are the websites you might also like to check and possibly afterwards improve your Browser security:
I was rather shocked that some information that could be retrieved on my Linux host could even reveal fundamental details about my Linux Desktop like a version of my currently running Linux kernel!
In the past I’ve blogged an article which is quite related to the topic of Internet Anonimity and Browser security
You might consider checking my old article How to improve your web browser security and better secure your personal identity privacy on the internet here
I will take some steps further to look on how to further decrease the amount of OS sensitive data revealed by my browser and will further blog when I find ways for better ways to anonimize my surging.
More helpful Articles

Tags: amount, anonimity, anonimize, blog, browser, checking, Desktop, dresden, host, identity, information, ip, kernel, kind, level, Linux, linux desktop, linux host, mine, network, personal identity, Privacy, privacy on the internet, proxy list, ru, security, security test, sensitive data, topic, tor, version, web, web browser security, website
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.2+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0 Safari/531.2+ Debian/squeeze (2.30.6-1) Epiphany/2.30.6
Something which is related to this article is a website I just found, a website which aims at finding security threats in your browser.
Check it out
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Fruit loops!
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