Posts Tagged ‘cinema’

Thanks to God, yesterday I had a great day

Thursday, June 28th, 2007

Yesterday was a good day in general. Ofcourse as ever thanks to God. The day before yesterday I was feelingbad and I prayed asking of God something to become happening in my life. Yesterday Pro-XeX called and we drinked a coffee on The Fountain coffee with him and Amridikon. I received only one call from the Office for the whole day and later Bino an old friend come home and was my guest for few hours, in the evening, we met with Nomen and we decided we would watch a film on the Cinema. The Film that was projected wascalled “The Pirates of Carribbean Sea“, the film was empty of meaning just a tale I wasn’t able to get mostof the conceptions of the film it was just things happening all around the film an action happenning with some elements of humour. After that I send Nomen to his home and went home. I prayed with the Evening Orthodox Prayers as usual and as usual after that prayed with my own prayer for people I wish that God would give a hand. Today I red about the living of a saint Seraphim Sarov who used to live in russia. His life story is quite interesting, His teaching of the purpose of a Christian was absolutely truthful,  what he said in his teaching was something I was all the time knowing. He said the Purpose of a Christian life is to be fulfilled and with the Holy Spirit staying in The Body of Christ Jesus, great truth, I read a documented conversation between the saint and an ordinary Russian citizen, st. Seraphim Sarov explained in this conversation how to recognize if we are fulfilled with the Holy Spirit and through this in Jesus Christ body. His explanation was something which I also know from experience so I know this saint is speaking of a Truth. When I was reading his documented with his speech I was feeling the presence of God so near. And was feeling exactly what st. Seraphim said a man feels in the Presence of The Holy Trinity!

Praise be to God Almighty!

Midnight in Paris (2011) -A tiny movie review

Monday, December 12th, 2011

Midnight in Paris Movie Cover 2011 review

Yesteday with Baky (my dear Orthodox Coptic Christian friend) and Kliment (a good friend from the old rock’n’roll years), we went to the Dobrich Cinema (sadly just one cinema for the city is available). The cinema in Dobrich is called Cinema Club Icarus (Ikar). For all foreigners who wants to enjoy some movie, the Dobrich Cinema does offer a plenty of English speaking movies (with Bulgarian subtitles).

Pitily the Dobrich Cinema website is not existing in English, though anyone wanting to check the current projected movies in the cinema can use the movie trailers and the movie pictures to get the necessery info.

Anyways I haven’t been to a cinema for some almost two months, so going for a movie was really relaxing enjoyable experience. Besides that, we were lucky to see a movie which fitted quite well to my movie genre preferences –

Midnight in Paris

. Midnight in Paris is a Romantic Comedy for intellectuals and people who have a glipmse on art. Its a Bohemian movie so to say and I believe it wouldn’t hold a big interest for the avarage man who doesn’t keep interest in Arts, History or Philosophy.

The movie plot revives around a young engaged American couple who went to Paris for a business trip, just to find out there whole life is gonna be changed by this.
The main actor Gil a just grown man is writting a Novel book, trying to make a shift of his profession from being a movie directory to a novel publicist. Gil (Owen Wilson) is an odd Bohemian kind of man, who quickly fells in love with Paris rich culture architecture and old fame.
Next to that Gil is a dreamer who (just like me dreams about the old glorious times), when people were more respectable better moral and more idealistic than in the current age. After one night of heavy wine drinking, Gil’s fiancee wents for some dancing and leaves him on his own. Gil makes a round in Paris and losts himself and decides to stay for a while in front of sold old Roman Catholic Cathedral, a mysterious very old car crosses by the street and suddenly some “party” gang asks Gil to join. He has no idea where he is going and suddeny finds himself in the epoch of the world famous 1920 of great book publicists like the Fidgeralds family.
Night by night Gil is being transferred to a different epoch back in time to meet a world famous artists and authors, people like Ernest Hemingway, Picaso, Salvador Dali etc. etc. 😉

The movie shows many personages of odd world famous people with some of their strangeties known by the current age. It appears all of them are dreaming for all and the same thing, to live in a earlier age to live in the Golden Age of Arts and Poetry 😉

The movie is real fun in Gil’s personage I’ve seen a lot of “me”, also I’ve seen a lot of me in many of the other famous people as of course presented in the movie. I hardly recommend this movie to anyone who wants to take a break, have a good mindful laugh time.
Here is Midnight in Paris movie trailer as well to get an idea what to expect:

A Black and White Story and To Download an Apple a nice artistic videos produced by a friend

Tuesday, April 26th, 2011

Here are two really nice videos produced by Daniela Popova.

One is called Black and White Story and the other one is with the funny name To Download an Apple

The videos was produced for her Graduation assignment in NATFA (National Academy of Theater and Film arts).
Even better the Black and White Story Video has been selected for the Festival of the Orthodox Christian Cinema in Moscow.
The movie was selected by a the jury on the festival (a professor) who realized there is a deeper spiritual meaning behind the Black and White Story

The Black & White Story Video has also an outstanding bulgarian national folklore music combined with some modern day music, just check it out and enjoy.

The second movie To Download an Apple is a humorous one and I believe presents the sometimes stupid and serious efforts we do to follow fake imaginative goals.

Black and White Story

Daniela | Myspace Video

Black and White Story

To Download an Apple

As Daniela is a Christian the movies contain also a hidden Christian messages 😉
I greet her for the great work! Considering the uniqueness of the videos it’s obvious Daniela is really talented!
I’m looking forward to see some more from her works.