Posts Tagged ‘resolv.conf’

DNS Monitoring: Check and Alert if DNS nameserver resolver of Linux machine is not properly resolving shell script. Monitor if /etc/resolv.conf DNS runs Okay

Thursday, March 14th, 2024


If you happen to have issues occasionally with DNS resolvers and you want to keep up an eye on it and alert if DNS is not properly resolving Domains, because sometimes you seem to have issues due to network disconnects, disturbances (modifications), whatever and you want to have another mean to see whether a DNS was reachable or unreachable for a time, here is a little bash shell script that does the "trick".

Script work mechacnism is pretty straight forward as you can see we check what are the configured nameservers if they properly resolve and if they're properly resolving we write to log everything is okay, otherwise we write to the log DNS is not properly resolvable and send an ALERT email to preconfigured Email address.

Below is the script:


# Simple script to Monitor DNS set resolvers hosts for availability and trigger alarm  via preset email if any of the nameservers on the host cannot resolve
# Use a configured RESOLVE_HOST to try to resolve it via available configured nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf
# if machines are not reachable send notification email to a preconfigured email
# script returns OK 1 if working correctly or 0 if there is issue with resolving $RESOLVE_HOST on $SELF_HOSTNAME and mail on $ALERT_EMAIL
# output of script is to be kept inside DNS_status.log

TIMEOUT=3; DNS=($(grep -R nameserver /etc/resolv.conf | cut -d ' ' -f2));  

SELF_HOSTNAME=$(hostname –fqdn);
RESOLVE_HOST=$(hostname –fqdn);

for i in ${DNS[@]}; do dns_status=$(timeout $TIMEOUT nslookup $RESOLVE_HOST  $i); 

if [[ “$?” == ‘0’ ]]; then echo "$(date "+%y.%m.%d %T") $RESOLVE_HOST $i on host $SELF_HOST OK 1" | tee -a $log; 
echo "$(date "+%y.%m.%d %T")$RESOLVE_HOST $i on host $SELF_HOST NOT_OK 0" | tee -a $log; 

echo "$(date "+%y.%m.%d %T") $RESOLVE_HOST $i DNS on host $SELF_HOST resolve ERROR" | mail -s "$RESOLVE_HOST /etc/resolv.conf $i DNS on host $SELF_HOST resolve ERROR";



Download here set the script to run via a cron job every lets say 5 minutes, for example you can set a cronjob like this:

# crontab -u root -e
*/5 * * * * 2>&1 >/dev/null


Then Voila, check the log /var/log/dns_status.log if you happen to run inside a service downtime and check its output with the rest of infrastructure componets, network switch equipment, other connected services etc, that should keep you in-line to proof during eventual RCA (Root Cause Analysis) if complete high availability system gets down to proof your managed Linux servers was not the reason for the occuring service unavailability.

A simplified variant of the can be easily integrated to do Monitoring with Zabbix userparameter script and DNS Check Template containing few Triggers, Items and Action if I have time some time in the future perhaps, I'll blog a short article on how to configure such DNS zabbix monitoring, the script zabbix variant of the DNS monitor script is like this:

[root@linux-server bin]# cat 
TIMEOUT=3; DNS=($(grep -R nameserver /etc/resolv.conf | cut -d ' ' -f2));  for i in ${DNS[@]}; do dns_status=$(timeout $TIMEOUT nslookup $(hostname –fqdn) $i); if [[ “$?” == ‘0’ ]]; then echo "$i OK 1"; else echo "$i NOT OK 0"; fi; done

[root@linux-server bin]#

Hope this article, will help someone to improve his Unix server Infrastucture monitoring.

Enjoy and Cheers !

Improve DNS lookup domain resolve speed on Linux / UNIX servers through /etc/resolv.conf timeout, attempts, rorate options

Thursday, February 27th, 2020

If you're an performance optimization freak and you want to optimize your Linux servers to perform better in terms of DNS resolve slowness because of failing DNS resolve queries due to Domain Name Server request overload or due to Denial of Service attack towards it. It might be interesting to mention about some little known functionalities of /etc/resolv.conf described in the manual page.

The defined nameservers under /etc/resolv.conf are queried one by one waiting for responce of the sent DNS resolve request if it is not replied from the first one for some time, the 2nd one is queried until a responce is received by any of the defined nameserver IPs

A default /etc/resolv.conf on a new Linux server install looks something like this:


However one thing is that defined if NS1 dies out due to anything, it takes timeout time until the second or 3rd working one takes over to resolve the query.
This is controlled by the timeout value.

Below is description from man page

sets the amount of time the resolver will wait for a
response from a remote name server before retrying the
query via a different name server.  Measured in
seconds, the default is RES_TIMEOUT (currently 5, see
<resolv.h>).  The value for this option is silently
capped to 30.


  • In other words Timeout value is time to resolving IP address from hostname through DNS server,timeout option is to reduce hostname lookup time

As you see from manual default is 5 seconds which is quite high, thus reducing the value to 3 secs or even 1 seconds is a good sysadmin practice IMHO.

Another value that could be tuned in /etc/resolv.conf is attempts value below is what the manual says about it: 

                     Sets the number of times the resolver will send a query to its name servers before giving up and returning an error to the calling application.  The default is RES_DFLRETRY (cur‐
                     rently 2, see <resolv.h>).  The value for this option is silently capped to 5.



  • This means default behaviour on a failing DNS query resolve is to try to resend the DNS resolve request to the failing nameserver 5 more times, that is quite high thus it is a good practice from my experience to reduce it to something as 2 or 1

Another very useful resolv.conf value is rotate
The default behavior of how DNS outgoing Domain requests are handled is to use only the primary defined DNS, instead if you need to do a load balancing in a round-robin manner add to conf rotate option.

The final /etc/resolv.conf optimized would look like so:


linux# cat /etc/resolv.conf

options ndots:1
options timeout:1
options attempts:1
options rotate

The search opt. placement is also important to be placed in the right location in the file. The correct placement is after the nameservers defined, I have to say in older Linux distributions the correct placement of search option was to be on top of resolv.conf.

Note that this configuration is good and fits not only Linux but also is a good DNS lookup optimization speed on other UNIX derivatives such as FreeBSD / NetBSD as well as other Proprietary OS UNIX machines running IBM AIX etc.

On Linux it is also possible to place the options given in one single line like so, below is the config I have on my running Lenovo server:


options timeout:2 attempts:1 rotate


When is /etc/hosts record venerated and when is /etc/resolv.conf DNS defined queried for a defined DNS host?


One important thing to know when dealing with /etc/resolv.conf  is what happens if a Name domain is defined in both /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf.
For example you have a domain record in /etc/hosts to a certain domain
but the DNS nameserver in Google has a record to an IP that is the real IP


# dig @

; <<>> DiG 9.11.5-P4-5.1-Debian <<>> @
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 54656
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512
;                  IN      A

;; ANSWER SECTION:           3599    IN      A

;; Query time: 40 msec
;; WHEN: чт фев 27 18:04:23 EET 2020
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 57


  • Which of the 2 different IPs will the applications installed on the server such as Apache / Squid / MySQL / tinyproxy for their DNS resolve operations?


Now it is time to say few words about /etc/nsswitch.conf (The Nameserver switching configuration file). This file defines the DNS resolve file used order in which the Operationg System does IP to domain translation and backwards.

# grep -i hosts: /etc/nsswitch.conf

hosts:          files dns myhostname

As you can see first the local defined in files like /etc/hosts record is venerated when resolving, then it is the externally configured DNS resolver IPs from /etc/resolv.conf.

nsswitch.conf  is used also for defining where the OS will look up for user / passwd (e.g. login credentials) on login, on systems which are having an LDAP authentication via the sssd (system security services daemon) via definitions like:


passwd:     files sss
shadow:     files sss
group:      files sss

E.g. the user login will be first try to read from local /etc/passwd , /etc/shadow , /etc/groups and if no matched record is found then the LDAP service the sssd is queried.