Archive for December, 2010

Malwarebytes a good Anti-Spyware anti-malware Windows program

Saturday, December 11th, 2010

Dave just recommended me a nice software which is able to easily extinguish most of the nowdaysterrible spyware soft.
I had previously installed a cracked version of Spyware Doctor on this Windows machine and it was interesting that even though it’s so seriously praised the Spyware Doctor wasn’t able to find a bunch of stupid spyware.
Talking about Spyware what is a Spyware? Why is not a spyware a virus?

Anyways, I guess they just came up with a hype word to just market some more software as an anti-spyware soft.

To clean up your windows pc with go straigh to Malwarebytes download it and install it.
The full version of malwarebytes is paid but the good news is that the free version available for download lacks only the service of an integrated windows agent to constantly track your pc if a spyware is trying to enter from a website.

Just until recently I used to use the good old Spybot but this program is not anymore finding most of the malicious stuff, so I guess this malwarebytes is something I should install more often on Windows pcs I had to fix up.


If running Spyware Bytes, doesn’t succeed in cleaining the PC (and just if you want to have better guarantee that Malware will not auto-load on the PC again), run the PC in Safe Mode With Networking or just Safe Mode (keep pressing F8) before Windows boots and then run Malware Bytes again.

How to invoke virtual keyboard through a command in Windows 7,XP and Vista

Friday, December 10th, 2010

I just learned something useful from a friend that I found worthy to share here with my readers.

There is a Windows command that can be used straight to bring up the virtual keyboard.

The simple command is called osk which abbreviate stands for On Screen Keyboard

Here is how the On Screen Keyboard looks like in Windows XP.

Windows XP Virtual Keyboard, On Screen Keyboard

This type of keyboard is especially handy for some security reasons sometimes. For instance let’s say you’re sitting on a Windows XP that might be trojanned or could have some kind of keyboard logger / sniffer.
If you have to login via ssh or even simply to your web email interface, facebook, twitter or any other web frontend that requires your credentials. Then your passwords could be easily stolen, this is especially true with the spyware.
Probably the bigger parts of Windows powered computers that are connected to the internet has some kind of Viruses or spyware which basicly does some keyboard logging and send data about your usernames and logins, bank accounts privacy details to crackers.

This could be very easily omitted if you simply use the On Screen Keyboard since you don’t physically type on the keyboard but use the virtual keyboard malicious people cannot get over your privacy and passwords 🙂

Again if you want to quickly visualize the OSK all you need to do is:


Now the virtual kbd app will open. Enjoy 🙂

How to list all files and directories in Windows XP drive and save it to a file

Friday, December 10th, 2010

Yesterday I had this thing, by accident because of some misconfiguration of the domain controller here in the university. I can read some files and folders which were belonging to students and teachers here in the university. We had some great fun with my good old friend David. In checking up some trashy stuff. It was rather interesting that one of the directory listings actually contained all the teachers computer usernames with it, therefore I needed a quick way to make all the files listing stored in a file in order to be able to later have this usernames listing stored in an MySQL or some other kind of database, after consulting few websites I came to the command to list all files and directories in the mapped sharing.

We first used the net use //workgroup/ J: to map the sharing in the workgroup and later we used the dir command as shown below to list all files and directories and store the data in a file.
So here is how you can also come with all your files and directories in your Windows drive stored in a file:

dir J: /s > c:somepathj_file.txt

Now if the files and directory is not too long you will have everything stored in j_file.txt in a couple of minutes time, however in our case the directory listing was huge so we had to wait for an hour and still the file was filling in 🙂

Jewish concept of Messiah (Christ) is identical to our Christian concept of Anti-Messiah (Anti-Christ), brief comparison of Orthodox Judaism and Orthodox Christianity

Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

I’m reading for quite some time a Jewish website which explains thoroughfully the basic beliefs in Judaism.
The website was quite an interesting one to read just to get a bit closer look to Jewish religion and rituals attached to it.
You might want to take a look at the website

From this website I’ve extracted the Jewish definition for Messiah or as we know it also in Christianity the title Christ which our saviour and Lord Jesus Christ is wearing.

It was very interesting fact to know that the Jewish definition to the Christ the jewish people expect is identical to our Christian definition of the AntiChrist

Below is definition of the “Messiah” or “Mashiach” as they call their still expected saviour to come:

“Anglicization of the Hebrew, “mashiach” (anointed). A man who will be chosen by G-d to put an end to all evil in the world, rebuild the Temple, bring the exiles back to Israel and usher in the world to come. It is better to use the Hebrew term “mashiach” when speaking of the Jewish messiah, because the Jewish concept is very different from the Christian one.”

Moreover I found it interesting to show you here few more things that the Jewish belief about their eventual Messiah, the info is again extracted from;

* The idea of mashiach (messiah) is an ancient one in Judaism
* The Jewish idea of mashiach is a great human leader like King David, not a savior
And now the most funny one:

* Jews do not believe in Jesus because he did not accomplish these tasks

The belief of the coming Jewish Christ and therefore in reality the Anti-Christ is a basic belief of the Jewish faith and is one of the 13 Principles of Jewish Faith

It’s absolutely striking for me and I guess for each Christian out there that the Jewish people plainly tell that they’re looking forward for t
he coming of the Anti-Christ, that we tremble at and are constantly warned about in our Orthodox Christian Churches.

Of course getting to know Jewish tradition and faith is a good thing especially in order to complain and see how much similar Orthodox Judaism is in many aspects to Orthodox Christianity.

For instance they also hold their holy book the Torah and walk with it through their Synagogue, they kiss the Torah. They also have a sort of o
ur Holy Liturgy, they have an early cycle of book readings assigned Jews read in the synagogue throughout the year.

However there I can find so many differences. For instance in some cases Orthodox Judaism allows abortion, whether our Orthodox Christian Churc
h strictly prohibits it as one of the biggest sins one can commit.

Another similarity between Orthodox Judaism and Orthodox Christianity was the daily (morning and evening prayers), prayers before eating, thank
sful prayers after eating etc.

It’s apparent from that short comparison that the Orthodox Church that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has established has continued the jewish ancient traditions and passed it over to us the Orthodox Christians.

In so many things I’ve red on that Jewish website I’ve found clearly the references to the Holy Trinity – The Father, The Son and the Ho
ly Spirit to whom glory to be now and for ever and ever! Amen!.

It’s so strange that Jewish people cannot see their fallacy in non-believing in the Son of God and the rejection of the tri-unite nature of God

One clear very ancient symbol that testifies about the Tre Holy Trinity is the Jewish Hamesh Hand

Here is the picture of the Hamesh Hand:

Hamesh Hand
The hand as you can see in the picture presents a hand with three primary fingers each one of each holds three identical rings and the all seeing eye that, we also have as a Christian symbol within a pyramid (symbolizing the the tri-unite nature of God).

The rabbin’s dressing as shown in some pictures I’ve checked on jewfaq is also quite similar to our Orthodox Priest’s dressing.

Another interesting moment from me from exploring the Jewish culture was the 613 (Mitzvot) commandments which one should follow and which are actually impossible not to break throughout a life time.

As an Orthodox Christians we believe that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has fulfilled and kept all the 613 Jewish commandment in order to be able to become a sinless sacrifice for our sins.

Some things concerning the daily speaking that I found as a Jewish beliefs I liked a lot and I should say some chunks of things about what is allowed to talk and what is prohibited is really something that seems right.
However we don’t have it in a such strict and clearly divided way in the Orthodox Church. Even though we know that we’re told in the New Testament that we who believe in Christ as a saviour should speak only good and bad word shouldn’t get out of our mouths.

How to Add sub-menus to Joomla main navigation buttons (Making dropdown menus) in Joomla

Tuesday, December 7th, 2010

I’m using a template youbizz just recently for a website. The website is already configured to use Joomla as a CMS.
This is a website related to the university so joomla was the perfect choice for a quick and easy to configure Content Management System

The youbizz template really makes difference and make the website layout look & feel quite a business looking.

However I needed a way to make my general configured menu buttons on the website to have a dropdown sub-menus in it

I even didn’t know if Joomla is supporting this, but by a chance I’ve made a submenu to the website Home buttom menu and thus I learned it how I can make submenus.

It actually appears creating the submenus to a menu in Joomla is a piece of cake, all you have to do in joomla administrator is go to to:

Menus -> Main Menu

From there you can configure as website buttons and link them to the ones already prepared in Article Manager

Just in case if you don’t know to add a buttons to a new joomla installation it’s necessary from admin to first go to:

Content -> Article Manager

Next press the New button (a green button with an image of a plus sign)

Thereon put a Title , Alias and in the input box put on everything you want this button pressed to show up in ur website.

Completing that simply press the Apply button and it should be done.
Next step to make the article appear in Menus -> Main Menu is to go this section and respectively from there use the green button with the plus sign to add up a new element to the main menu.

Right after you will have the Menu Item: [ New ] to appear it looks like in the pic below:

Joomla menu add new element screenshot

From the list of items to select you need to select the Article menu element. A submenu will appear in your browser to the Articles reading:

Article Layout
Article Submission Layout

From this menu you will have to select the Article Layout

The next screen to appear will look like the pic below:

Joomla main menu add new button through article, article layout

Here in article layout few things needs to be adjusted, again you will need to place the Title and the Alias, further after from the Parameters (Basic) located on the right you will have to select an article to link the new menu you’re just creating in Joomla’s new menu.
This is achieved via pressing the Select button located nearby the Select Article
Here it’s important to note the existence of Parent Item scrolldown field. This field will have all the created menu buttons in Main Menu . In case if this is the first one to create in main menu then it could be also empty.

The Parent Item field is really an important field and through it the menu’s submenus are created in Joomla.

For instance let’s say you want the current creating article to be listing as a sub-benu button to another already existing category, instead of listing as a separate button to the Joomla’s main menu navigation.

Well it’s pretty easy just choose from the Parent Item the name of an already existing menu button in Joomla main menu to be the parent of the sub-menu button you want to have.
That’s it now you will have the sub-menu button to appear as a drop down button (if of course your template supports dropdown menus).
There are few more options to choose in between which I found to be quite self explanatory, so I want explain them

But I hope I was able to explain at least the basics how menu subbuttons can be created in Joomla 1.5I find it a bit harder to explain in a bit plain way, but anyways if some of my dear readers is not understanding how to achieve the sub-menus I’m more than willing to help out further via the comments.

Into Great Silence a documentary movie about Roman Catholic Cathusian monks, who lives in stillness

Monday, December 6th, 2010

I’ve been told by a friend (Matthijs) about a Roman Catholic Monastery located in France known under the name of Le grande chartreuse

He mentioned in a casual talk this monastery is one of the most interesting Roman Catholic Monastery. It’s basicly a Roman Catholic order of Cathusian monks who has decided to live in silence.

The monks there are allowed to speak just a bit and only on Sundays, the rest of the days there is a rule in the monastery that the monks live in complete silence.
This definitely catched my attention, since I’ve red in the Ancient Paterik a book about the sayings and livings of the early Holy Church fathers about this stillness practiced widely being in practice by the monks especially in the early ages after Christ’s resurrection.

I’ve red in that book that in the ancient times there were hermits who lived a live like as Hesychasts in complete silence. Some of this holy men I read in the old books haven’t told a word for many years (30 years!).

This from the modern stand point is completely impossible to achieve spiritual heroism.
Most of the monasteries we have in the Orthodox Christian world doesn’t any more keep this kind of silence practice, the only monasteries I know where they still have this stillness practice in our Orthodox Christian monasteries is among monasteries and brotherhoods situated on the the Holy Mount Athos

From that perspective it’s very interesting to see that the Roman Catholics has still monks who still live up to an ancient church practices.
It was quite interesting for me to read a bit more about the Grande Chartreuse monastery in wikipedia

A documentary movie was produced about the monastery by Philip Gröning . The movie came out in 2005 under the name Into a great silence . The movie director Philip Gröning spend 6 months in the monastery shooting the movie and he spend another 2.5 years to edit the film and prepare it for the general public.
That’s really a hell a lot of time. What is unique about the movie is it contains no commentaries or any sound effects added and everything was recorded without any artificial light.
Even the Cathusian monks loved the film. The movie trailer I found as a quite interesting one to see:

Here is the movie trailer;

Along with that I found it interesting to see a movie prepared by some pilgrim on his road towards the Grande Chartreuse monastery;

Enjoy 🙂

Visiting a Roman Catholic Cathusian monastery movie

Sunday, December 5th, 2010

I was looking for a movie called “Into Great Silence” that is a movie about some kind of monastery, where there are still monks whodoes live a speechless live in every 6 days of the week.
This monastery I was looking for I was able to find a bit later and is called Grance Charteuse but anyways just by accident I came across to an youtube movie video presenting the life of some Roman Catholic Cathursian Monastery located in the heart somewhere in Italia.

The movie was quite an interesting one for me to see because I was not having any idea about the Roman Catholic monastic life;

Just as I expected the severity of the monastery life in the Roman Catholics monastery is a way less than the one in our Orthodox monasteries.
The monks life there looks a bit artificial from what I’ve seen and monks try to live in confort which in direct contradiction to the teaching of the holy fathers, who said that those who is living in confort is not a real monk.

Some of the Holy fathers in our Orthodox Church, many of whom by the way are also holy fathers in the Roman Catholic Church has said that even strive for confort kills the monk and makes the monk idle sluggish in both his physical appearance and in his spiritual life and also kills the monks spiritual fruits.

The veneration of to the patron saint of the monaster was quite strange to me. Of course I realize that as an Orthodox Christian my expectations are for a bit more raw, since the Orthodox Christinity is quite more hard and I would say real one than the Roman Catholicism.

Anyhow the videos were a good learning point for me on how Roman Catholicism’s monastic life goes so I decided to share it here on my blog with the hope that somebody with profound interest into Religion and Christianity might benefit of it, so enjoy:

What is really striking me is the monks dress, they’re dressed in white!
One major difference I’ve noticed between this Cathusian Roman catholic monks order and our Orthodox monks is they wear white and our monks in the Orthodox Church wear always black dress.
Another difference between the Roman Catholic Monks and our Orthodox ones is the dress hoods, the orthodox monks had a simple hat instead of a hood.
Also the altar in the Roman Catholics is open where everybody could gaze straightly to the Holy Throne where the bloodless sacrificied is offered by the priest, whether in our Orthodox temples the Altar is enclosed by altar walls and there is a curtain which is being pulled on and off throughout the Orthodox Holy Litirgy.
Apart from that I should admin the nature nearby the monastery is really amazing!

Resolve / Fix “PM: Cannot find swap device, try swapon -a” GNOME issue on Debian Squeeze/Sid

Saturday, December 4th, 2010

Few days ago I’ve blogged on How to workaround (fix) hibernate “PM: Cannot find swap device, try swapon -a” GNOME issues on Debian testing/unstable Linux

In that article I’ve suggested one possible fix to the hibernation issues I experienced with the error;

PM: Cannot find swap device, try swapon -a

Nevertheless just recently I have figure out another better solution to the hibernation issues I’ve experienced
I’ve noticed that for some reason the debian package linux-patch-tuxonice was missing in my current set deb package repository.


Changing this repository to deb and installing the linux-patch-tuxonice package actually solved the issue properly without any need for exchange of the script /usr/sbin/pm-hibernate with /usr/sbin/hibernate as I’ve earlier suggested in my article on how to fix the PM: Cannot find swap device try swapon -a

So the solution to the hibernation issue came out as easily as to installing the linux-patch-tuxonice deb package.

Thus the issues was properly and fully resolved by:

debian:~# apt-get install linux-patch-tuxonice

Now hibernation should start working once agian.
One more issue with the solition I’ve earlier pointed out with exchanging the /usr/sbin/pm-hibernate with the /usr/sbin/hibernate script was that using the hibernate in favour of pm-hibernate cause my system to crash sometimes after a system restore from hibernate.