Archive for the ‘Business Management’ Category

Triumph of the Nerds – A documentary about the rise of Personal Computers

Saturday, October 8th, 2011

Triumph of the Nerds movie cover

Triumph of the Nerds is 3 parts documentary movie on how the Personal Computer was developed. The movie features interviews with Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Steve Ballmer, Allan Paul and many other IT veterans who played key roles for the development of the Personal Computer ,

The movie is an interesting watching for people interested into Information Technology and gives some minor insights on the starred interviewed people and their life philosophy. It was interesting times back then and it seems many of the guys who could participate in the PCs were very lucky, where others who made key developments which are de-facto standards today went into history without much being remembered.

Now the trends which these man set in world’s development is not nice. Even though PC brough a lot of fun in our every lives it suddenly started taking over our privacy and made the humanity divided.
The movie is a story of a man motivated by greed arrogancy and exploitation. Even though the movie has historical value it doesn’t even mention about Free Software Richard Stallman and the free software movement.

The movie talks about the development of CP/M the predecessor of Quick and Dirty DOS (QDOS), MS-DOS Windows 1,2,3, Windows 95 etc.

It also tries to picture the events around the raise and fall of IBM and OS/2.

The most notable parts for me in the movie are the showing off of some old computer hardware and Mainframe servers as well as the quick explanation on how Mainframes irons predecessed the PC. Another interesting moment in the movie is displaying Steve Jobs demonstrating the Xerox’s Alto graphical interface. Talking about Jobs it was quite shocking for the world his sudden death just 3 days ago so (R.I.P).

The movie author Robert X. Cringery stress out in the movie the great struggle between the so called “the blue Elephant” IBM and the just emerging early Microsoft Corporation

Triumph of the Nerds slightly mentions Digital Equipment Corporation / DEC or COMPAQ as later known. DEC is company less known in todays world which had historically great impact on computer market, so its a pity the movie part mentioning DEC is so short.

What the movie misses is to aforemention About’s Digital Equipment VMS operating system known under the code name OpenVMS. OpenVMS even of today is believed by many to be the most secure Operating System ever developed.
The movie part that talks about DEC is the second part of movie it shows a nice COMPAQ portable computer.

DEC Compaq portable II Computer

One should admit COMPAQ portable Computer is a really trendy for its time, Also the way it sticks the keyboard to the screen does remind seriously the opening and closing of a modern laptop 😉

The movie includes some interesting, so called crash courses where the movie author gives some insight on elementary computing, so for those new to informatix the movie will surely be educative as well, though for a UNIX gurus this elementary computing scenes will look kinda ridiculous 😉

One serious flaw with this movie is the complete lack of interviews with Richard Stallman and the importance of Free Software for the development of modern PC and the influence of the free software culture on todays latest Macintosh and PC developments.

A related movie which probably most IT geeks already know / seen is Pirates of the Sillicon Valley
, hence large chunk of Triumph of the Nerds gives another point of view on the ideas and stories presented in Triumph of the Nerds

Triumph of the Nerds brings back some good memories of the glorious PC computer past for all of us who had been a DR-DOS/MS-DOS and Windows 3.11 / 95 users.

The no-ego deadly body and soul (anti-christian) philosophy a trend in modern Business – think always positive be always positive

Friday, June 17th, 2011

Modern day Business training Sect picture

These days it’s ultra modern in Business and Business Communities, that the way business is made or business possibilities are discussed are directly influenced by altered understanding of Buddhistic world views.

Today less and less people realize that the modern day Western and Eastern Christian countries are rapidly loosing their Christian mark.
It was Christianity and Christian philosophy, thanks to which Christian countries has advanced to the material goodness level, architectural greatness, science improvements and civilization achievements that we the Europeans and other Western societies like Americans enjoy today.

As time ticks on the world is constantly becoming more and more Anti-Christian. From the times when Christianity was officially wide-spread and accepted and being a Christian was a sign for personal qualities and goodness, it’s now considered to be almost a crime or being insane if you have faith in Jesus Christ as God’s Son and a Saviour of mankind.

Business ethics practices from the past, which were often based on Christian ethics has also seriously changed these days.

It was due to Christianity and the Christian civillization due to which we had a dozens of genuine musician like: J. S. Bach, Beethoven, Verdi, Brahms, Tschaikovsky etc. the list of great people and musicians goes innumerous here.

The Roman Catholic and Easter Orthodox Christians thanks to which works, science has advanced is also innumerous, just to name a few for instance:

Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Max Planck, Marie Curie, Theodosius Dobzhansky, Isaac Newton, James Clerk Maxwell, Johannes Kepler

again this is just a small chunk of all the great Christian people who by their talents has revolutionized the world for good.

However nowdays education is changed seriously and as many people should have noticed Christianity and historic relation between science and Christianity is trying to be covered.
Moreover the historic importance of Christian faith and it’s surrounding philosophy is forgotten, not to mention that officially the history of the world until the 18 century is mostly, a history of Christianity and it’s influence on society.

In these days of Christian apostacy, many of the business people in their look up for ways to become superior and rule over the masses has turned into various long forgotten sects and heresies which were publicly announced by ancient Christian Church as body and soul destroying dangerous teachings.

It’s trendy today that the confucionism or hindu influenced beliefs about the world and the way stuff works, are preached and used in businesses and business organizations.
Dalai Lama Enemy of Christianity

It’s classics nowdays that people run a business, after building a group of people, over which hierarchical manipulation based leadership is exercised.

Most oftenly people who enter into a new business field, try build a groups of people who are introduced without having conscious idea to veiled alterated buddhistic philosophy to match certain people’s idea or beliefs about the world.

These groups usually consist of people ranging from hundereds to thousands. Usually each of these business groups created, has a leader who is both leader in terms of (being the group boss / executive) and also a spiritual leader.

Interaction between the group members are purely based on manipulation. People are teached they have some special sensitivity for the surrounding environment which they can develop.
They’re teached they must always be positive, the group leaders (teachers) does try to suggest to the group what the group members understanding of positive should be.

In those business groups, people are taught by the leaders to be positive, while the leaders themselves are not positive (one cannot be positive without God!). People are constantly told “be positive”, “be positive”, while the people who teach them this are not positive at all and evil often cruel!
In other words group members are being re-taught the basics of how they perceive themselves and how they should perceive the world around them in a light that fits well with the business organization they’re membering in.
Consequently people are taught to loose their ego.
Loose Ego surrealism picture

This is one of the most essential parts of this modern day business false teachings. In reality loosing the ego is loosing one’s standing ground and through that the person in the group becomes easily manipulated by other group members.

When people loose their ego basicly they loose their protection against being easily manipulated, they loose their idea about what is good and what is bad, what is right and what is wrong and who in reality they’re.

I believe also the no-ego philosophy has also a straight relation with the modern day society problem of NO IDENTITY issue , I have previously blogged about.

Being exposed to this “business” approaches in that poor state one start easily accepting suggestions from the group leaders or other group members and could end up in a state where he is totally manipulated (a spiritual slave of the group leader GURU).

After time passes and a person is involved in so many meetings, the group members gets so much bounded together that they have to constantly meet each other and discuss things, (often senseless things), nevertheless the pointlessness of the many discussions this meetings starts giving them the feeling of great importance or in other words reveals them the ultimate life meaning.

Consequently, when the new business group entity is tight enough, the group is instructed by the leaders about what kind of business moves will be best for each of the group individuals and the overall business the group belongs to.
At this state each of the members should obey wholeheartedly, if somebody tries to question the leadership decisions, the leader does incite the whole group members against the disobeying member and usually the members gets destroyed.

These business group building philophy is also influenced by antrophology and observence of animal behaviour’s let’s say coyottes or wolves.

In animal world usually each pack of wolves had their leader and the pack only attacks if the leader hits and if the whole group is together.
Same kind of thing comes to business built entities based on this loose your ego / no-ego philosophies.
modern business group building - a spiritual babylon

A lot of pseudo beliefs about para-psychology and experimental western psychology is also involved and preached to the group members.
Loosing the ego philosophy in Business is directly influenced by buddhistic idea about Nirvana and spilling the self in the ultimate worldly reality (e.g. becoming one with the whole nature).
This kind of belief is seriously anti-christian and against the spiritual goal in christianity which is not the emptiness like in buddhism and the other eastern religions, but the goal is fullness in God.

We the Christians are striving to fill ourselves with God’s Spirit – The Holy Spirit, whether buddhists are trying to empty themselves by everything that’s binding them to reality (obviously they also try to empty themselves by God who has initially created man as his vessel).

Also in business, I’ve noticed in my experience that it’s common people who are taught business in universities or are introduced to business are taught philosophies which are very typical for western buddhist teachings.
Just like in buddhism people are taught there is no absolute good or evil and there is no good and bad and everything one does is good, if he sees it as good (we’re the one who define our lifes and realities)!!

Think for a while and see for yourself how insane this kind of philosophy is, let’s say I kill a man who I hate, that’s fine according to this philo because I believe this man’s existence was not good in my view and his unexistence will make the world a better place, since I believe it’s that way then it’s that way DOT!!!As a Christian I must confess this is ULTIMATE INSANITY, AN ULTIMATE LIE obviously inspired by the evil which is an enemy to us the Christians as the Holy Bible teaches.

This kind of “no good and bad” philosophy is a hidden assault against our Christian roots society, faith and civillization. In Christianity we’re clearly taught there is ultimate good an ultimate evil and there is no in between!
We are also taught one can become part of the ultimate good or ultimate evil by his daily choice, e.g. (get closer to God and his Holy Angels or distance himself from God and come near the devil and his fallen angels).

Mixing spirituality and business concepts has become a sad reality of our age, I’ve seen many books being sold which were claiming to teach, “how to do business based on Zen Buddhism and other eastern religions and philosophies.

What’s even worse is that people who are involved into this kind of “innovative” taught business approaches guarantee themselves to get exposed to the ultimate evil spirituality (devilish spiritual influence), as they openly reject God’s dominion over one’s self and the world around them.

The good news is that they’re many Christian Business communities as I’ve checked online, there are many people yet who do their best to do business with other Christians or people who still keep the Christian faith and morale.

My Individual Strategic Human Resources Management (SHR) research paper for Arnhem Business School

Thursday, April 7th, 2011

The previous semester in Arnhem Business School, I’ve followed a module called Strategic Human Resources Management
as a part of the so called G-cluster (Grand Cluster) (the 3rd year second semester).

The Stragic HR subject (module) is a completely meaningless one and the best short way to describe it is with the word (an insanity!).
In reality there is no aim of this module, and it’s content is vague and irrelevant.

If you’re a student in Arnhem Business School (ABS) and you have as oligitory to follow this course you’re seriously in trouble.

The whole subject is a lot of bla, bla, the teachers attitude towards you is like they’re invincible and you’re a victim and you have to always obey the teacher or you’re out (fear based)

Anyways I would skip to describe how the Strategic HRM went through as it was a complete nightmare ..

As a part of the Strategic HRM course It was necessery to write the so called Strategic Paper, the paper was required as a proof to the teachers that the student has realized what Strategic HRM is.

I believe my paper became quite good and thus I decided to share it here on my blog in hope that some other students might benefit from my Strategic Human Resources and Management research paper.

Here is the strategic paper assignment document and the paper itself:

1. Assignment Strategic Paper for semester 2010-2011
2. Strategic Human Resources Research Paper in DOC format
3. Strategic Human Resources Research Paper in PDF format

As I passed the Strategic HRM and it was one of the weighting factors for the subject end mark, it appears my research paper was found to be a good one by the teachers and therefore I assume other students from HAN might like to read it as a sample if they have to write something similar.

Emarketing & E-commerce study materials (Emarketing Reader, Search Engine Marketing, SEO Guide) for download

Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010

I’m preparing myself for my E-marketig & E-commerce exam part of the EMarketing & E-commerce module I follow in Arnhem Business School.

The study materials for the Emarketing exam are very basic and give some very basic information related to E-marketing & E-Commerce, however the readings has some good points. The electronic documents related to the E-marketing were available for a download from HAN Scholar (The University electronic documents study resource).

Since the documents lacked any copyrighting I thought it’s a good idea to share the documents for the public here in my blog, that some other followers of the Emarketing discipline either in Arnhem Business School, can benefit from them or any other students following the same course.

Here are the Emarketing related resources:

1. Emarketing Reader – The basic study documents for the E-marketing course in doc file and EMAR_Reader in pdf
2. SEO Guide doc file – a very basic guide for Search Engine Optimization
3. Basic concepts behind Search Engine Marketing – CPC, CPP, Site search engine submit, meta tags, web directories, Optimizations etc.
4. Powerpoint (PPT) Presentations archive for E-marketing, E-business, E-procurement, E-business Strategy
5. Emarketing & E-commerce comparison assignment student reports for 2 websites

all the files I have gathered throughout the study of E-marketing course are avialable here.

I hope this study resources will be of use to some future students in Arnnehm Business School or other university students following the same course.

What is Schengen (What does it mean for a country to accept & enter the Shengen agreement)

Friday, January 7th, 2011

These days as Bulgaria and Romania are the newest members of the European Union, there is a lot of discussions and talks which talks about the next stage of assimilation of EU of a new country member.

These next stage the entry of Schengen free border zone gives a countries member more rights throughout the free movement of goods and especially the movement of people within the European Union borders.

But is really the full entrance of the European Union is an innocent thing?
Many people nowdays and especially the media, almost always talks positive about the European Union, the European Parliament and of course Schengen.
These of course is a public farse, since people are being diluted to belief that the European Union is a great union with only positive influence on the member countries economy.
Is it really the case? As Schengen is a major thing discussed nowdays in Bulgaria I spend some time in a quick research what in reality is schengen?
Publicly it’s being announced that in order to enter Schengen the member country has to match certain anti-corruption criterias, only then it can enter the Schengen contract agreement.
Yes entering schengen is actually the acceptance of the EU country members’s agreement to share information freely in between.
This includes information about the citizens, information from CCTVthe Collective Circuit Television as well as information between country states police stations.

The way schengen is explained in the news however defers a bit, most of the people know about schengen as something that will let a member country to remove it’s border police and thus give more freedom to the people.

But is that really true? Of course not. The question comes how will then criminals be tracked if there are free borders passing by, like it is currently in 25 of the member countries from 27.

It’s very simple CCTV comes at hand, for those who doesn’t know what is CCTV let me give you a brief explanation. CCTV is a centralized network of cameras for surveilence, throughout Europian Union.
It’s primary goal is to track criminals, bank robberies, anti-social behaviour you name it.
On the upper layer this sounds very tempting, since it will help us find corruption and therefore reduce level of corruption, that’s right and I have to admit from that angle the CCTV is a great tool to strengthen security.

Nevertheless it’s important now to see over CCTV from a bit of other perspective, what if CCTV is used for massive espionage (company, government, people) spy?
What if somebody insane like Hitler one day heads up the peaceful democracy order of the European Parliament?
The control over people and the break in personal life is constantly growing with an excuse of doing good for improving security, that is clear for sure.
As with everything new only the positive sides of technology helping us grow is being presented, the negative consequences are always hidden away as it was from the beginning of civillization I believe.

Now let me go back to the topic what is Schengen?
Apparantly there is a technological side which makes Schengen a success, so what it is is?

Is there a certain EU administrative body which takes advantage of Schengen?
The answer is yes there is and it’s called Europol or European Union Police, remember the famous Interpol? Can you think about some similarity, I believe it’s quite similar as an idea.
This of course in a long term is a scary thing, having a centralized police is quite a dangerous thing especially if it’s ruled by a specific malicious people, let’s say similar to Hitler, Stalin or their governments.

To become a reality Schengen has been made official through two agreements.

1. The first agreement, the Agreement on the gradual abolition of checks at the common borders, was signed in 1985 and was above all a declaration of intent by the five governments.
– The agreement provided for a number of short-term and long-term measures to be taken in order to guarantee free movement across of internal borders.2. The second agreement, the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement, was also signed in the town of Schengen on 19 June 1990 and provided for a number of countervailing measures which were meant to prevent that the abolition of border controls would lead to criminal impunity.

To make this agreements work out an information system was built called:

Schengen Information System or as shortly referred SIS

The Schengen Information System contains alerts of wanted individuals and objects from all participating countries. Using this common database, the countries’ authorities can gain access to alerts from other participating countries, along with information about the action that has to be taken against the wanted individual or object

According to public information the following information about ihnabitants of all 25 member countries is stored in Schengen information system:

* First and last names; middle initial
* Possible objective and permanent physical characteristics
* Date of birth
* Birthplace
* Sex
* Nationality
* Any aliases they may be using
* Whether the person in question was armed and/or violent
* Reason for the alert
* Action to be taken if person encountered
* Lost, stolen, or misappropriated firearms alert
* Lost, stolen, or misappropriated identity documents alert
* Lost, stolen, or misappropriated blank identity documents alert
* Lost, stolen, or misappropriated motor vehicles alert
* Lost, stolen, or misappropriated banknotes alert

As it can be seen from the list, mass profiling of individuals who live in the bborders of the European Union and part of Schengen is at hand.
This according to me is a breach of privacy and thus restricting human’s basic right of freedom behind people’s back.

This of course right now is just a first step that the EU makes as an attempt for a global data mining about the inhabitants of it’s mega-state.

Further on I’ve found out by europol’s website the following information about SIS’s information about individuals storage:

These are the categories of people that can be described in the SIS:

* individuals wanted for extradition;
* third-country nationals declared
* ineligible to enter national territory;
* individuals who have disappeared and who are wanted;
* individuals who are being traced

* as part of legal procedures;
* individuals who must be monitored
* discreetly or controlled specifically by the police.

individuals, the following objects can also be listed in the SIS:

* vehicles to be controlled and to be confiscated;
* firearms;
* identity documents;
* issued or blank travel documents;
* banknotes.

As you can see the list of things stored in the Schengen Information System is really huge, and the possibilities it’s just an entry door to know about people within the European Union under the excuse that it’s all about business’s good.

In the most modern Western Countries, situation is even worsers as I’ve learned from a friend of mine,
the Mobile Phones in Switzerland are being tap lined and recorded as well as semantic analysis of the speech is being applied, by IT equipment

For instance if you use some keynote words like drugs Marijuana , Heroin etc. too often you might be suspected easily that you’re a drug dealer and the police can come and knock on your home’s door quite quickly.

If this was the only appliance of these technology it would be fine, but we never know what the further appliance will be.

It’s interesting to mention here also what is a SIRENE Office .

SIRENE Office‘s explanation I will directly include here from’s website:

The Belgian SIRENE office is part of the federal police directorate of operational police information.The SIRENE office is charged with the input and follow-up of the Belgian alerts which are entered into the SIS. The office also stays in touch 24/7 with the other SIRENE offices in order to exchange information on wanted individuals and objects.

This means that there are a server points where all the data about country inhabitants is stored and transferred to a central location Belgium !

I would like to ask why all the data from Schengen containing all information concerning European Union citizens is being transferred to a central location in Belgium?

What if a hacker hacks into this location and obtains all the information about ALL PEOPLE IN EUROPE from that system and uses it for EVIL purposes?

Information is power in our century and many people especially the people in the highest positions of society knows it very well.

Further on what if the central SIRENE Office local for a member country is being hacked and the data concening a country’s ihnabitans is being stolen by a hacker?
This data can be used for instance to steal money from possible bank accounts, make a fake identities, lie to authorities in many forms, the list is endless …

What is even worser is that currently a SIS2 has been developed to replace the old SIS – Schengen Information System

These new system’s primary goal is to allow more information and different type of objects of information to be integrated with the information from SIS this means even more data mining for EU inhabitants will happen in the future.

These of course is the publicly presented information about Schengen’s information system in reality there could be even more precise ways that aims the SIS system to track people and capitals’s movement.

Therefore having in consideration all of the above information I believe it’s not beneficial for Bulgaria and Romania to enter the Schengen agreement.

Moreover as it’s seen by many countries who have accepted the Euro and exchanged their own country currency the Euro has destabilized the country’s economies and had made the rich countries living standard to lower down.

I hope more people and posts like mine will emerge in an attempt to warn people about the fallacies of integration of tracking of people and capital via information systems.

To close up all this post, I’ll just mention about the rule in mathematics which claims that the more complex one system is the higher the probability for a failure is present.

This comes because of the increased of points of failures.
Today world as we build shows us in practice the consequences of this ruled explained, even the economic crisis which is so-severe for quite a time is caused pratly because of this rule.

We people have build up systems to guarantee honesty, but on individual levels many of us has acted dishonest and found a way to get around the system.

It will be always like that and the curve of sin that humanity commits will be in exponential growth, with the increase of external phisycal rules & regulations and systems we as humans adopt.

The only way to really stop corruption is to stop lying and doing it, individually, then the corruption will be gone and the need for systems to prevent corruption will be obsolete.

Robocopyright ACTA / Or how important decisions about world’s future are taken in management meetings

Monday, December 13th, 2010

I was pointed by Dave to this nice fun video. It’s a remake of the very famous Robocop movie scene. Where a new way of police robocot is being introduced in a management meeting.

Some crazy guy substituted the original replicas with stuff related on the sad reality of the restrictions constantly being imposed on the Internet users.
I also find this movie to be a good representation on how important management meetings within enterprises works.
It’s a bit sad, but in reality business works in a similar way, so this video is a good representation on the unethical way business is constantly conducted nowdays.
Here is the funny video itself:

Sadly enough the video has also a lot of hidden wistom in the background if you think deeply on how stuff works in our modern societies.

I hope accidently some top managers would stumble on it and take some moral from it.

My IKEA Marketing Analysis Project assignment

Wednesday, November 24th, 2010

When I was still studying in the International University College (IUC) also known as VUMK. I and a couple of other guys who used to be my school mates at that time had the assignement to complete a project with Marketing Analysis on the IKEA Company.

I found this project as an interesting learning point and as a good sample on how marketing analysis over a company business can be conducted.
As it might be of an use to some students out there I’ve decided to post the IKEA marketing analysis for free download here in my blog.

Maybe students or even some people aiming at business research can have a benefit of the data to be found in the report, which anyways I no longer need :).

I should say that the report is not too professional it misses some vital parts like Table of Contents (TOC), Sources, Appendix etc. but still I find it is a good example on how one can conduct a marketing analysis.

To download mye IKEA Marketing Analysis project follow the link here

Feedback on the report is very welcome! 🙂

Configure HAN Wireless WI-FI Internet on Windows XP/ Vista / 7 and Linux (Wireless Internet in Arnhem Business School)

Thursday, October 28th, 2010

It’s so annoying. Everytime you need to configure your internet at HAN (Arnhem Business School) you have to go to the Computer Center and look for the university IT support to just install you a simple program.

For one or another reason this guys has decided to use a strange encryption protocol which is an add on over the normal Wireless Connection.
Thus to properly connect to the Internet with your Notebook running Microsoft Windows or Microsoft XP or probably Windows 7 you have to install a software called SecureW2

Since I believe many students at HAN / Arnhem Business School (ABS) had to reinstall their Windows or has to do some routine thing like reinstalling completely the Wireless Network drivers on their PCs.
Then you certainly need the SecureW2 program and then again you have to go to this Computer Center instead of being able to simply do it on your own.

Therefore I decided to share here the complete SecureW2 software they use here in Hogelschool van Arnhem en Nijmegen

You can download the Wireless Internet Configuration Software for Arnhem Business School (ABS) / HAN here
Above I share all the versions of the program I have for both Windows XP / Vista and 7.
However for those who want to download the SecureW2 HAN Wireless Internet Configuration program file by size please check here

The program is also coming with documentation and manual even 🙂
So after downloading the SecureW2 and going to HAN at school then you can configure the program on your own.

Apart from that you might also want to check my previous post where I have explained how to configure the Wireless Network to work with Anrhem Business School’s Internet on my Debian Linux

Business Research Projects – A Solution Oriented Approach (Electronic Book Download)

Thursday, October 21st, 2010

Business Research Projects

Two years ago while I was still studying in the E cluster in HRQM study stream – Arnhem Business School, I was following the study module Counseling The study Counseling teacher recommended us a book to read called Business Research projects – A Solution Oriented Approach. The book is authored by Jimmy Keizer and Piet Kempen.

I’ve red the book and I found many of the things inside quite interesting and educative.
Since the book’s electornic version is not easy to find and yet I somehow managed to download it from somewhere back in the days I decided to share it here for convenience of some future students that will be prescribed to read the book and doesn’t have the money resourse to buy the book in either electronic or hard copy.

Therefore you can download the Business Research Projects – “A solution Oriented Approach” book here
I hope this book will help some poor student out there.
Well, enjoy the book read! 🙂

Business Ethics my completed Individual Assignments (Solving ethical cases using well known ethical theories and intuition)

Wednesday, October 20th, 2010

As a student in Arhnem Business School (ABS), I’m currently following the Business Ethics module.
This university subject’s purpose is to make the student aware of the different ethical / philosophical approaches one can partake in solving Business cases.
As part of my studies I’ve been assigned so far 4 individual assignments that I have to solve according to general ethical theories out there.

I’ve decided to share my solved cases as well as the case assignments. I hope this assignments will be helpful to other Arnhem Business School students which are also following the Business Ethics study module and provide the student with some samples on how they can write their individual assignments.
The student should be aware that actually my assignments are not graded with high grades most of them were graded with 7.5 and below so please don’t try to copycat them but just use them as a samples.

Here are the case assignments texts as well as my perspective on solving them using the various ethical theories like Kantian’s Categorical Imperative, Utilitarianism, Utilitarianism according to Mill, Virtue ethics (Aristotles, Socrates ..), Care ethics etc.

Here are the links to the files:

1. Solved Assignment 1 – Individual Case 1: “Extraction of natural gas
2. Assignment 2 – Case assignment text , Solved Assignment 2 – Individual Case 2: “Fire Detectors”
3. Assignment 3 – Individual Case 3: “The Human Resources Specialist”
4. Assignment 3 – Case assignment text , Solved Assignment 4 – Individual Case: “The Lost Coupon”
Apart from this individual assignments I and a couple of other guys were supposed to work on a common group project that deals with the recent Deepwater Horizon oil spill catastrophe and evaluate on that from Business Ethics perspective.
As soon as the Project is graded by the Business Ethics teachers I’ll share this here on the blog as well.