Posts Tagged ‘body’

Computers Technology use, Internet, Mobile Phones and all kind of technical screen based equipment alters negatively the human brain

Tuesday, April 26th, 2011

Computers Internet and Technology evil terminator picture

According to latest scientific research conducted in Stanford University USA .

People who actively use computers and internet has been the object of the research in 2009.

Social Networks, Tablets Smartphones etc. provides more and more possibilities for us to access information.

Most of modern people today tend to loose approximately between 8 and 10 hours a day either using Internet, a PC, Word-excel, their mobile phone or some kind of other mobile gadget like let’s say IPAD.

Most of today’s technologic goods we use to make our lives easier are multitasking.
The brain itself is not adjusted to work in such a multi-tasking mode as a direct consequence of being in contact with this multi-tasking for a long periods of time it gets altered.
Suddenly it starts being multitasking, or in other words starts processing information in parallel.

As the amount of information is constantly increasing online and we’re in contact with more and more information and moreover the altered way of our brains which starts working in multi-tasking the brain-overflows or (information brain overlow) is starting being more and more occuring event.

The consequence of this complexity is starting to impact us seriously as we tend to get addicted to technology usage and day by day it seems that the amount of information our brains are able to process is decreasing.

Logically enough the long-term consequence of a an internet addiction or any kind of technology addiction, plus the tremendous amounts of information we do think over daily is starting to show up the negative consequences on our psyche and (soul)

The brain starts changing the way it gets information as it adapts itself to “not remember”, as the information to be processed daily is so much that it couldn’t really comprehend it.

A good example for multi-tasking which if not all most of the users on the Internet today use daily is one of terriblest things ever created facebook, in my of my previous articles I’ve blogged about why social networks are big evil read it here and it seems this new information about brain altering caused bhy multi-tasking is just another supporting reason on why it’s better not to use social networks like facebook and twitter.

The endless amount of information according to the Stanford University research has prooven that the endless amount of information is pernicioufor our (brains) minds and is in many ways similar to the excessive amount of sugar in the body.

The scientiests which conducted the research does recommend to heavy computer and tech users (like me), to self-control themselves and be on a tech-diet (e.g. not use technology completely for at least 1 or 2 days every week).

Another serious damage which was prooven according to Stanford’s scientiests research was that people’s brains who have a severe exposure to internet or phone usage tend to have very serious problems with contentration and are very easily distracted.
This in a long term surely leads to a chaotic way of living obviously.
Suddenly it seems technology to be slowly becoming even more deadly and destructive than drugs.

Many people would say this kind of research is not true, but I can confirm that for instance many of the proven facts are things I have experiences myself in my daily life, so I believe what the research has prooven is mostly true.

This research was just another one after a month before other scientiests has prooven that Mobile Phone use leads to alteration of the brain chemistry
Apart from all the said negative consequences of use of technology for human brain is the problem with technology today heavily used as a way to spy on personal privacy I wonder be glad to hear in the comments section for other people like me who have problems with concentration and have a very short time memory (I myself have serious problem with that one).

Great & Holy Thursday / Maundy Thursday (Thursday of Mysteries) day in the Orthodox Church

Thursday, April 21st, 2011

Today, a day before the suffering of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for our sins remission we do commemorate the day of the Last Supper or (The Supper of Mysteries) in the Orthdox Church.

According to our Church tradition today is the day on which the saviour has established the Church mystery of the Sacrements! (Eucharist)

Here are the exact passages from (Matthew 26:26-28), where by the word of the Lord the Eucharist was established:

“Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and broke it, and gave it to the disciples and said, ‘Take, eat; this is my body.’ And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, saying, ‘Drink of it, all of you; for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.'” (Mt. 26:26-28)

The feast is celebrated with a morning Holy Liturgy among all Eastern Orthodox Churches around the world.
It’s common that many layman do confess and take the sacraments on this date.

Before sacraments are received we the layman confess our unworthiness for Christ and beg for him to make us worthy to receive the communion with the prayer:

I believe, O Lord, and I confess that Thou art truly the Christ, the Son of the Living God, who camest into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the first (see 1 Tim 1:15).

I believe also that this is truly Thine own most pure Body, and that this is truly Thine own most precious Blood. Therefore I pray Thee: Have mercy upon me and forgive me my transgressions, committed in word and deed, whether consciously or unconsciously.

And make me worthy to partake without condemnation of Thy most pure Mysteries, for the remission of sins and unto life everlasting.

Of Thy Mystical Supper, O Son of God, accept me today as a communicant. For I will not speak of Thy Mystery to Thine enemies, neither like Judas will I give Thee a kiss; but like the thief will I confess Thee: “Remember me, O Lord, in Thy Kingdom.”

May the communion of Thy Holy Mysteries be neither to my judgment, nor to my condemnation, 0 Lord, but to the healing of soul and body.

This prayer is actually said everytime before we do take the sacraments through the year, so it’s one of the most-important prayers in our Orthodox Church life.

The Holy Communion establishment is also an act of remembrance a of the Lord’s suffering for the remission of our sins according to his commandment.

One major difference between Orthodoxy and Protestanism concerning Eucharist is that we orthodox believe that by taking the sacraments, we do receive the Most-holy flesh and blood of Christ and through his blood and flesh, the damage sin has created in our hearts, minds and souls (which is forgiven by God in the the mystery of the confessment) is being recovered completjely.

Great and Holy Friday / Friday of the Crucifix (Remembrance of the holy saving sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ

Friday, April 22nd, 2011

Friday of the Crucifix of the Lord Christ

Today is the great and sad day for us Christians in which the Lord has been crucified.

It’s a day of a great spiritual sorrow for all the Orthodox Christian.
It’s also the day in which we do venerate the holy shroud (plashtenica) in which the Lord’s body has been wrapped, after it was removed from the life giving cross.

The priest takes the plashtenica and walks through the temple and afterwards we do venerate the holy plashtenica (The dead body of the saviour).

There is a local Orthodox Church tradition which I believe is very specific to the bulgarian orthodox Church.
The plashtenica is placed on a table, the holy gospel and the holy cross are placed by the priest over the plashtenica (the shroud), after which grouped in a line (first the children, then the man, followed by the woman) we the layman do kiss the holy gospel, the cross and the plashtenica showing evidently our love for Christ and his gospel and our respect for the Lord’s Great Cross sufferings. Further on the layman does crawl (under the table with the plashtenica).

child crawling under a table with plashtenica

plashtenica with the immaculate body of Christ

The crawling under the plashtenica in Bulgarian Orthodox Church is a very known tradition by bulgarian people.

The crawling under the table symbolically shows that we take participation in the Lord’s death.
As it’s written that we all who are in Christ are being death for the world after the Holy Baptism.

There are probably other reasons for which the Church has established the passing under of the holy plashtenica which I’m not aware of.

What is sad is that most people does not really understand the real symbolism behind the crossing below the plashtenica (crossing below the table).

Thus many people who know the feast of Great Friday do come to the church to cross below the plashtenica as an act of superstition, as they don’t really understand why they do it.
They simply interpret that crossing below the plashtenica would grant them “good health”, “a life success” or good fortune.

Many of those people who come to crawl under the table, are not a regular on other Church services (Holy Liturgies) and therefore completely miss even the basics of our Christian beliefs.

Many of those people who are not adept in faith, do come to the Church with the only goal “to crawl below the table” and leave the Church immediately after that …

It’s truly sad to see that especially when I know that we Bulgarians are Orthodox Christian nation.
An Orthodox Christian nation who is starting to forget Christianity …

Just to give you an idea on how people have left astray from Orthodox Christian faith I can tell you for sure that the regular Church goers who attend Holy Liturgies and have intermediate knowledge of Orthodox Christianity and Church order in Bulgaria are not more than 4% of all the Bulgarian population.

This means that probably no more than approximately 300 000 of Bulgarians are in a communion with our Bulgarian Orthodox Church and do regularly confess and take the sacraments.

Here is an Orthodox Singing of the core troparion for the day (in Greek):

Orthodox Christian Saints Incorruptable bodies, A Miracle proof of the truthfulness of Christianity

Wednesday, April 13th, 2011

There is a miracle of incorruptable holy relics (Incorruptable Bodies) of many of our Orthodox Saints in the Orthodox Church.
Little or none is actually known in the non-orthodox christian realm about this great miracle proof of the truthfulness of our faith.

The incorruptability of saints has been a phenomena longly known to exist, some of the incorruptable bodies of saints are still preserved already for more than 10 centuries.

The phenomenon of incorruptable bodies is a sure sign for saintship in the Church. There are dozens of orthodox christian saints whose bodies are still intact.
Our Orthodox Church teaches that the incorruptability of the saints body is given by God’s grace for all us the believers as a confirmation of the Resurrection of the Dead, which is about to come in the Great day of the Lord as the scriptures teaches.

A good example for incorruptable body which exists for 10 centuries in the bulgarian lands are the incorruptable holy body of St. John of Rila.
St. John of Rila is the greatest known Bulgarian saint also officially recognized by the Bulgarian Orthodox Church as the patron saint of Bulgaria (protector of all Bulgaria).

In below’s videos I present you the antiphon of St. John of Rila:

Antiphon translated to English means (Song of Praise) dedicated to some Christian saint and is actually an Orthodox well-known Church term.

Saint John’s incorruptable bodies is still kept in his established monastery The Rila Monastery .
Each year on the saints feast his incorruptable body is being bringed out of the monastery for a procession around the Church monastery.

On that day all the pilgrims who are looking for St. John’s spiritual intercession in front of God (The Holy Trinity) are lined up to venerate the great God servant St. John of Rila.

Unfortunately there is no video that has video-taped the incorruptable body of Saint John of Rila. However there are plenty of videos which shows a lot of incorruptable bodies of saints some of which are even Roman Catholic.

Along with the saints bodies incorruptability, many of the saints bodies does emit a specific a flower like odor, nevertheless the body is a thousands of years old.

Here is an example of a saints remains which is considered incorruptable, his body is preseved for more than 60 years without any special chemical threatment.

What is most important is many believers does receive a spiritual blessing or get healed from various spiritual or bodily diseases, when they look up for the holy intercession of the saint, who has been honoured by God with incorruptableness.

Before a saint’s body is recognized as a saint and his body as incorruptable, usually there are testimonials by christian layman for healings by his holy prayers during his earthly living.
Some of the saints which are found to have incorruptable bodies has happened after a few years they have been put in a normal earthly grave.
In holy mount athos there is a tradition that (if I remember correctly 5 years) after a monk’s death and burial, his grave is being digged out to collect his remains and put it in a ossuary.

After this 5 years some of the holy monks remains are found to possess this miraculous graceful incorruptable bodies.

As we know from Holy Bible, the body is the temple of the holy spirit my logical interpretation of some of the saint’s incrorruptability is rooted in there saint’s way of living as they have achieved the Holy Spirit (The Spirit of God) in an immeasurable quantities that, the Spirit of Truth that’s being flowing out from their incorruptable bodies is still sustaining the body and prevents the natural laws to destroy it.

The bodily incorruptabilities of our Orthodox saints is also a clear sign for the truthfulness of Orthodox Christian faith.
The incorruptability is also a direct violation of the natural laws by God’s great providence and mercy and I guess is given as a stimulator of us whose faith in our saviour Jesus Christ and in God the Holy Trinity – The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, to whom be glory now and forever and ever Amen!

Few nginx.conf configuration options for Nginx to improve webserver performance

Tuesday, April 12th, 2011

Nginx server main logo with russian star
From my previous two articles How to install nginx webserver from source on Debian Linux / Install Latest Nginx on Debian and How to enable output compression (gzipfile content compression) in nginx webserver , I have explained how the Nginx server can be installed and configured easily.

As I’m continuing my nginx adventures this days, by trying to take the best out of the installed nginx server, I’ve found few configuration options, which does improve nginx’s server performance and thought it might be nice to share it here in hope that some other nginx novice might benefit out if them.
To setup and start using the options you will have of course to place the conf directives in /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf or wherever your nginx.conf is located.

The configuration options should be placed in nginx’s conf section which starts up with:

http {

Here are the configuration options useful in hastening my nginx’s performance:

1. General options nginx settings

## General Options
ignore_invalid_headers on;
keepalive_requests 2000;
recursive_error_pages on;
server_name_in_redirect off;
server_tokens off;

2. Connection timeout nginx settings

## Timeouts
client_body_timeout 60;
client_header_timeout 60;
keepalive_timeout 60 60;
send_timeout 60;
expires 24h;

3. server options for better nginx tcp/ip performance

## TCP options
tcp_nodelay on;
tcp_nopush on;

4. Increase the number of nginx worker processes

Somewhere near the beginning of nginx.conf file you should have the directive option:

worker_processes 1;

Make sure you change this option to:

worker_processes 4;

This will increase the number of spawned nginx worker processes in a way that more spawned threaded servers will await for client connections:

Being done with all the above settings, as a next step you have to restart the nginx server, in my case via the init script:

debian:~# /etc/init.d/nginx restart
Restarting nginx: nginx.

Now to check everything is fine with nginx and more specific that the worker_processes 4 options has taken place issue the command:

debian:~# ps axu |grep -i nginx|grep -v grep
root 20456 0.0 0.0 25280 816 ? Ss 10:35 0:00 nginx: master process /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx
nobody 20457 0.0 0.0 25844 1820 ? S 10:35 0:00 nginx: worker process
nobody 20458 0.0 0.0 25624 1376 ? S 10:35 0:00 nginx: worker process
nobody 20459 0.0 0.0 25624 1376 ? S 10:35 0:00 nginx: worker process
nobody 20460 0.0 0.0 25624 1368 ? S 10:35 0:00 nginx: worker process

Above you notice the 4 nginx processes running with user nobody, they’re the same configured worker_processes I just pointed out above.