Posts Tagged ‘twitter’

Fix to (OOPS!!! there seems to be some problem while tweeting. Please try again.) – Solution: Why WordPress Tweet-Old-Post can’t authorize and Auto post to Twitter

Wednesday, July 31st, 2013

oops there seems to be some problem with tweeting please try again wordpress tweet old post

I've been happily using Tweet-Old-Post to auto tweet my old blog posts in Twitter to drive some extra traffic to increase a bit Traffic to this blog  and henceforth it used to be working well just until recently. Suddenly it stopped mysteriously working! Until this very day I didn't have the time to investigate what is happening and why Tweet Old Post fails to Auto post in Twitter? with below miserable error:

Tweet-old-post twitter authorized post wordpress screenshot


OOPS!!! there seems to be some problem while tweeting. Please try again.

Today I have some free time at work and was wondering what to do, so decided to try some close examination. I red plenty of posts online from people complaining to have the same problems on both current latest WordPress 3.5.1 and older Releases of WordPress. Some claimed this errors are because of WordPress version incompitability others said it is due to fact that some other plugins like (FD FeedBurner) are creating conflicts with Tweet-Old-Post. I use FD Feedburner Plugin myself so I tried disabling it for a while and see if this fix it with no luck.

Some other suggested solutions was to check whether  
Settings -> General -> (Blog hostname)
is properly configured.
 Some even suggested "hacking" manually into plugin code changing stuff in top-admin.php claiming the reason for issues is rooted in some looping mod_rewrite redirect rules.

As a logical step to solve it I moreover tried the good old Windows Philosophy (Restart it and it will magically work again).
Thus from WordPress main menu
Tweet Old Post -> (clicked on) Reset Settings

Tweet-old-post update tweet old post options tweet now reset settings buttons wordpress screenshot
to nullify any custom settings that might have been messing it.
Though reset worked fine trying to do a test Tweet with Tweet Now (button) failed once again with the shitty error msg:

OOPS!!! there seems to be some problem while tweeting. Please try again.

As a next logical step I tried to enable Tweet-Old-Post logging by ticking on
Enable Log (Saves log in log folder)
In log log.txt (located in my case in /var/www/blog/wp-content/plugins/tweet-old-post/log.txt) I've noticed following error msg:

  1375196010 ..CURL returned a status code of 200
  1375196011 do get request returned status code of 400 for url –

Obviously something was wrong with curl PHP use, however as I was lazy and not a great PHP Programmer I decided not to took the time to further debug PHP curl function but instead. Try to use some kind of Alternative Post-To-Twitter plugin.
It turned out there are at least two more WP plugins that are auto posting to twitter:
  • tweetily-tweet-wordpress-posts-automatically
  • evergreen-post-tweeter

I tried to manually download and install both of them with wget in wp-content/plugins set proper readable for apache permissions i.e. (chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/blog/wp-content/plugins/tweetily-tweet-wordpress-posts-automatically; chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/blog/wp-cotent/plugins/evergreen-post-tweeter).

Tweet-Old-Post sign in with twitter wordpress screenshot

Further on tried to enable them one by one and then tried using Authorizing Auto Tweeting to Tweeter App, both failed to Authorize Auto Post to Twitter just like in Tweet-Old-Post 4.0.7. As using another plugin was not a solution, then I tried going another direction and followed some ppl suggestion to downgrade Tweet-Old-Post and try with older version again. I used following link to try with old Tweet-Old-Post versions

Old version didn't worked as well, so finally I felt totally stucked  .. unable to fix it for a while and then the lamp bulbed, had the brilliant idea to check curl settings in php.ini (/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini). I looked in config for anything related to curl, until I got what is causing it!!!! A security setting disabling curl use from PHP.INI

Below is paste from php.ini with line making the whole OOPS!!! there seems to be some problem while tweeting. Please try again

disable_functions =exec,passthru,shell_exec,system,proc_open,popen,curl_exec,curl_multi_exec,parse_ini_file,show_source,eval

I've included above disable functions to strengthen security and prevent crackers to download scripts if a security breach happens.

Henceforth to solve I simply removed from disable_functions
curl_exec and curl_multi_exec, so after changes machine PHP disabled functions for security reasons looked like so

disable_functions =exec,passthru,shell_exec,system,proc_open,popen,parse_ini_file,show_source,eval

To make new php.ini settings load finally did the usual Apache restart:

pcfreak:~# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Well that's all now the error is solved. I hope my little article will shed up some light on problem and will help thousands of users to get back the joy of working Tweet-Old-Posts 😉

How to quickly check unread Gmail emails on GNU / Linux – one liner script

Monday, April 2nd, 2012

I've hit an interesting article explaining how to check unread gmail email messages in Linux terminal. The original article is here

Being able to read your latest gmail emails in terminal/console is great thing, especially for console geeks like me.
Here is the one liner script:

curl -u \
--silent "" | tr -d '\n' \
| awk -F '' '{for (i=2; i<=NF; i++) {print $i}}' \
| sed -n "s/

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As you see this one liner uses curl to fetch the information from's atom feed and then uses awk and sed to parse the returned content and make it suitable for display.

If you want to use the script every now and then on a Linux server or your Linux desktop you can download the above code in a script file here

Here is a screenshot of script's returned output:

Quick Gmail New Mail Check bash script screenshot

A good use of a modified version of the script is in conjunction with a 15 minutes cron job to launch for new gmail mails and launch your favourite desktop mail client.
This method is useful if you don't want a constant hanging Thunderbird or Evolution, pop3 / imap client on your system to just take up memory or dangle down the window list.
I've done a little modification to the script to simply, launch a predefined email reader program, if gmail atom feed returns new unread mails are available, check or download my here
Bear in mind, on occasions of errors with incorrect username or password, the script will not return any errors. The script is missing a properer error handling.Therefore, before you use the script make sure:


are 100% correct.

To launch the script on 15 minutes cronjob, put it somewhere and place a cron in (non-root) user:

# crontab -u root -e
*/15 * * * * /path/to/

Once you read your new emails in lets say Thunderbird, close it and on the next delivered unread gmail mails, your mail client will pop up by itself again. Once the mail client is closed the script execution will be terminated.
Consised that if you get too frequently gmail emails, using the script might be annoying as every 15 minutes your mail client will be re-opened.

If you use any of the shell scripts, make sure there are well secured (make it owned only by you). The gmail username and pass are in plain text, so someone can steal your password, very easily. For a one user Linux desktops systems as my case, security is not such a big concern, putting my user only readable script permissions (e.g. chmod 0700)is enough.

Computers Technology use, Internet, Mobile Phones and all kind of technical screen based equipment alters negatively the human brain

Tuesday, April 26th, 2011

Computers Internet and Technology evil terminator picture

According to latest scientific research conducted in Stanford University USA .

People who actively use computers and internet has been the object of the research in 2009.

Social Networks, Tablets Smartphones etc. provides more and more possibilities for us to access information.

Most of modern people today tend to loose approximately between 8 and 10 hours a day either using Internet, a PC, Word-excel, their mobile phone or some kind of other mobile gadget like let’s say IPAD.

Most of today’s technologic goods we use to make our lives easier are multitasking.
The brain itself is not adjusted to work in such a multi-tasking mode as a direct consequence of being in contact with this multi-tasking for a long periods of time it gets altered.
Suddenly it starts being multitasking, or in other words starts processing information in parallel.

As the amount of information is constantly increasing online and we’re in contact with more and more information and moreover the altered way of our brains which starts working in multi-tasking the brain-overflows or (information brain overlow) is starting being more and more occuring event.

The consequence of this complexity is starting to impact us seriously as we tend to get addicted to technology usage and day by day it seems that the amount of information our brains are able to process is decreasing.

Logically enough the long-term consequence of a an internet addiction or any kind of technology addiction, plus the tremendous amounts of information we do think over daily is starting to show up the negative consequences on our psyche and (soul)

The brain starts changing the way it gets information as it adapts itself to “not remember”, as the information to be processed daily is so much that it couldn’t really comprehend it.

A good example for multi-tasking which if not all most of the users on the Internet today use daily is one of terriblest things ever created facebook, in my of my previous articles I’ve blogged about why social networks are big evil read it here and it seems this new information about brain altering caused bhy multi-tasking is just another supporting reason on why it’s better not to use social networks like facebook and twitter.

The endless amount of information according to the Stanford University research has prooven that the endless amount of information is pernicioufor our (brains) minds and is in many ways similar to the excessive amount of sugar in the body.

The scientiests which conducted the research does recommend to heavy computer and tech users (like me), to self-control themselves and be on a tech-diet (e.g. not use technology completely for at least 1 or 2 days every week).

Another serious damage which was prooven according to Stanford’s scientiests research was that people’s brains who have a severe exposure to internet or phone usage tend to have very serious problems with contentration and are very easily distracted.
This in a long term surely leads to a chaotic way of living obviously.
Suddenly it seems technology to be slowly becoming even more deadly and destructive than drugs.

Many people would say this kind of research is not true, but I can confirm that for instance many of the proven facts are things I have experiences myself in my daily life, so I believe what the research has prooven is mostly true.

This research was just another one after a month before other scientiests has prooven that Mobile Phone use leads to alteration of the brain chemistry
Apart from all the said negative consequences of use of technology for human brain is the problem with technology today heavily used as a way to spy on personal privacy I wonder be glad to hear in the comments section for other people like me who have problems with concentration and have a very short time memory (I myself have serious problem with that one).