Posts Tagged ‘european’
Friday, June 29th, 2012 As a person interested in history and antrophology. Just recently on my last trip to Romania as I travelled a very interesting question poped up in my mind – How it happened that RoadSigns we use on every street highway and practically everywhere on the road came to be. Interestingly now with the standartization of road signs often the most popular road signs are used as a basis for development on other popular prohibit or allowance signs, we read on airports public institutions, pubs and mostly everywhere.
So in short I did a short research on Road Sign History, just to find out once again that the ancients, were wiser than we think. The first road signs probably came to existence with the existence of humanity, however officially, there was no standartization of using signs to point on road locations travellers before it was introudced in the Roman Empire. In Rome a pillars on the roads were placed to point to major road arteries leading to Rome and various important empire city centers.
During the middle ages, milestones pillars were no longer used, but for practical reasons wooden markers placed across european cities instructed tradesman and travellers to major city important centers and were used to show a general road direction leading to nearby city.
The wooden signs practice had been in use until the first modern roadsigns erected on a wide scale designed for riders of 'high' and ordinary bicycles in the late 1870 and 1880s. The modern road signs as we know it today however emerged as a result of the first International Road Congress meeting that occured in Rome in 1908.
On the meeting a four standard pictures were selected to note the basic for road signs further development. The need for the meeting was the large increase of roads across european artery cities. The road signs developed on the meeting were bump, curve, intersection and railroad crossings. The invention and adoption of cars and the boom of the car producing industry quickened the need for international road sign standard. The intensive work on international road signs that took place between 1926 and 1949 eventually led to the development of the European road sign system as we know it. The signs were quicky spread to America and in 1960, the road signs become universal in America and almost everywhere all around the developed and developing world.
As of today 2012 it can be said road signs exist all around the civilized world.Though most of road signs are identical across all countries around the world today still some road symbols varies from country to country. I remember seeing some very unique road signs during my travelling through Serbia, 2 years ago.
Tags: allowance, ancients, Auto, basic, basis, bump, car, city, country, creation, curve, development, direction, Draft, empire city, european, european cities, existence, first cars, further development, highway, humanity, industry, middle ages, nbsp, nearby city, need, occured, person, pillars, place, public institutions, railroad, railroad crossings, Result, road, road arteries, road direction, road signs, roadsigns, Roman, roman empire, scale, serbia, sign, standartization, street, system, today, tradesman, use, wooden markers, wooden signs, work
Posted in Everyday Life | 2 Comments »
Saturday, September 17th, 2011 Burj Al Arab is probably the symbol of Dubai and is the 4th tallest hotel in the world as well as 5 star hotel.
The hotel is a majestic peace of modern architecture and is built on artificially made island near Jumeirah beach where the aparment where I sojourn in Dubai is situated ;).
I saw Burj Al Arab hotel building from some distance and it looks really majestic too bad I would not have the time to go closer to it as I would be going on a Safari in the desert. That’s right, they organize a Safari in the desert here with a dinner, they let you ride a camel and even have a belly dancers.
I’m very excited on going to the Safari, as I love Camels and I’ve never been in the wild desert 😉 Thanks God for letting my eyes see this things.
I’ve also tested the Beach here for a second time and the experience is way inferior if compared to any of the Black Sea Resorts we have in Bulgaria and possibly in many locations in Europe.
The Sun here is too strong, so its not a good idea to stay exposed to the sun for more than an hour, also the sea is too salty so if your eyes are directly exposede to water its a bit painful for the eyes.
Besides that the sea water is really too warm so it feels a bit like entering in soup stew. Going for a swim in Arabian sea does give you a hot bath after the excessive sun and does not cool you.
I found it interesting the Arab woman bath up in Sea here in UAE with a special long swimming suit (burkas) as they’re called in Arabic.
Here is a picture I’ve found online two Arab woman bathing in sea in Burkas.
Arab Woman Swimming in Burkas in Arab Sea the UAE
By the way the Arab woman look very beautiful wearing these black traditional dress (burka). Also in my view from Christian perspective it’s very righteous kind of think as covering the body and hiding the face reduces the sexual associations one does when seeing a woman and hence should be good from a spiritual perspective.<br><br>However wearing this burkas in the background of all this internationaliazation looks a bit strange. Anyways its worthy for admiration that they were able to keep this pious tradition for so many years, so instead of mocking the Arabs for asking their wifes to wear the burkas I think its we better learn from them and suggest our european woman to be a bit less sexually opened and more pious ;)<br></p>
Tags: al arab hotel, aparment, arab woman, arab women, arabian sea, arabian woman, Arabic, architecture, beach, belly dancers, bit, body, burj al arab, burj al arab hotel, burka, Burkas, camel, christian perspective, dinner, european, exposede, hot bath, hotel building, img, majestic peace, modern architecture, perspective, picture, quot, right, Safari, sea beach, sea resorts, sexual associations, soup, spiritual, spiritual perspective, swimming suit, symbol, tallest hotel in the world, time, traditional dress, woman, woman swimming
Posted in Everyday Life, Various | 2 Comments »