Posts Tagged ‘free time’

Technology one big freedom trap – Drop off technology to live true life

Saturday, April 21st, 2012

I'm lately thinking over technology and the way, we interact a lot. I've thought over that so many times and most of the times I get into the conclusion technology is not liberating us as we're told everywhere on the contrary it makes us weak and dependable. Try to switch off your mobile and live without a mobile for instance. This is almost unthinkable for probably over 3 000 000 of people around the globe. Also this Mobile Phones and Computers and all this technology surrounding, us make us servants of technology. Technology used to be invented to serve us but what is happening is we're starting to serve it as more and more people are included in supporting technology equipment. The internet is also a big illusion as it is just something stored on electronic signals somewhere. The world is starting to get mixed too much as a result of the huge globalization the internet impose on us. The magical and non-Christian teachings has multipled many times as a result of the internet boom. Nowdays most of people are spending big part of their life in one illusionary world (the internet). This desire for multiple virtual realities make us desire something that is not real. The more we stay on the internet the more busy, we're loosing time in non-sense. Since so many people have plenty of free time, they put their time on the internet in all kind of empty things from spiritual point of view.  The worst thing from the digitalization of society is it makes us void and digital like. The structure of language is being changed by a hype words not meaning anything as they only relate to an idea to have physical dimensions. We better go back to our roots and drop technology. I'm starting to think people should start rejecting technology and live a free life like our forefathers and mothers used to have. The ancient life was harder but more real. I'm wondering if more people are sharing my ideas. Why don't we quit technology why don't we decide to live again a real life?

Curious: Old ladies from Plovdiv, Bulgaria are knitting mobile and computer equipment hand made cases

Monday, November 11th, 2013

new business idea manual hand crafted knitted mobile device cases

While reading one of my daily tech news websites today I stimbled on very unusual news and a business idea, worthy to re-blog 😉 The idea of the new Innovative business is just genious and simple as that – knitted digital equipment cases. There are plenty of old ladies in Bulgaria who are used to knitting sweaters, hats and all kind of hand made winter clothes. Knitting was among the must have skills for ladies in Bulgaria until some years time even my grandmother when a bit younger used to knit in most of her free time. Thus most of grandmothers in Bulgaria still when get old and have a lot of free time, kill their time with the craft they learned as young. For the young European people who probably never heard of it knitting is unique kind of manufacture for producing winter clothes from yarn.

yarn in different colors the base material for knitting

Knitting was a top ladies craft before the boom of industrial manufacture before 19th century industrial revolution, nowadays its almost a forgotten craft. Now some genious people in Bulgaria decided to give work to this old ladies and pay them for knitting computer and mobile equipment cases (cases for Tablets, Smartphones, Notebooks etc.) Knitting of mobile equipment cases opens new work places and introduces new way for old people to earn some extra income, such extra income is absolutely necessary in Bulgaria nowdays as most old ladies receive ridiculous pension of 120 to 150 EUR per month (money insufficient to pay expensive winter heating bills and so expensive food that is nowdays in Bulgaria).

lady knitting a sweater or some kind of clothe

The company who invented this new business and introduced it for the masses is Snug Essentials and is started by enthusiastic young people who had grandmothers practicing the old craft. The innovative product is distributed via Etsy Global Platform for distributing hand crafted goods as well as in   Facebook, Twitter and Ebay. As of time of writting the companyis extremely small 6 old grandmas work on producing the knitted cases for digital equipment but the tendency is this to rise soon, as there are plenty of people who love the hand made cases.
The price of a case is also not too high, it costs only around 10$ per knitted case. Here are few nice knitted cases produced by grandmas 🙂

notebook laptop in knitted hand made case

Your girlfriend will love it if you gift her one of these 🙂

knitted notebook case original business idea


Fix to (OOPS!!! there seems to be some problem while tweeting. Please try again.) – Solution: Why WordPress Tweet-Old-Post can’t authorize and Auto post to Twitter

Wednesday, July 31st, 2013

oops there seems to be some problem with tweeting please try again wordpress tweet old post

I've been happily using Tweet-Old-Post to auto tweet my old blog posts in Twitter to drive some extra traffic to increase a bit Traffic to this blog  and henceforth it used to be working well just until recently. Suddenly it stopped mysteriously working! Until this very day I didn't have the time to investigate what is happening and why Tweet Old Post fails to Auto post in Twitter? with below miserable error:

Tweet-old-post twitter authorized post wordpress screenshot


OOPS!!! there seems to be some problem while tweeting. Please try again.

Today I have some free time at work and was wondering what to do, so decided to try some close examination. I red plenty of posts online from people complaining to have the same problems on both current latest WordPress 3.5.1 and older Releases of WordPress. Some claimed this errors are because of WordPress version incompitability others said it is due to fact that some other plugins like (FD FeedBurner) are creating conflicts with Tweet-Old-Post. I use FD Feedburner Plugin myself so I tried disabling it for a while and see if this fix it with no luck.

Some other suggested solutions was to check whether  
Settings -> General -> (Blog hostname)
is properly configured.
 Some even suggested "hacking" manually into plugin code changing stuff in top-admin.php claiming the reason for issues is rooted in some looping mod_rewrite redirect rules.

As a logical step to solve it I moreover tried the good old Windows Philosophy (Restart it and it will magically work again).
Thus from WordPress main menu
Tweet Old Post -> (clicked on) Reset Settings

Tweet-old-post update tweet old post options tweet now reset settings buttons wordpress screenshot
to nullify any custom settings that might have been messing it.
Though reset worked fine trying to do a test Tweet with Tweet Now (button) failed once again with the shitty error msg:

OOPS!!! there seems to be some problem while tweeting. Please try again.

As a next logical step I tried to enable Tweet-Old-Post logging by ticking on
Enable Log (Saves log in log folder)
In log log.txt (located in my case in /var/www/blog/wp-content/plugins/tweet-old-post/log.txt) I've noticed following error msg:

  1375196010 ..CURL returned a status code of 200
  1375196011 do get request returned status code of 400 for url –

Obviously something was wrong with curl PHP use, however as I was lazy and not a great PHP Programmer I decided not to took the time to further debug PHP curl function but instead. Try to use some kind of Alternative Post-To-Twitter plugin.
It turned out there are at least two more WP plugins that are auto posting to twitter:
  • tweetily-tweet-wordpress-posts-automatically
  • evergreen-post-tweeter

I tried to manually download and install both of them with wget in wp-content/plugins set proper readable for apache permissions i.e. (chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/blog/wp-content/plugins/tweetily-tweet-wordpress-posts-automatically; chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/blog/wp-cotent/plugins/evergreen-post-tweeter).

Tweet-Old-Post sign in with twitter wordpress screenshot

Further on tried to enable them one by one and then tried using Authorizing Auto Tweeting to Tweeter App, both failed to Authorize Auto Post to Twitter just like in Tweet-Old-Post 4.0.7. As using another plugin was not a solution, then I tried going another direction and followed some ppl suggestion to downgrade Tweet-Old-Post and try with older version again. I used following link to try with old Tweet-Old-Post versions

Old version didn't worked as well, so finally I felt totally stucked  .. unable to fix it for a while and then the lamp bulbed, had the brilliant idea to check curl settings in php.ini (/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini). I looked in config for anything related to curl, until I got what is causing it!!!! A security setting disabling curl use from PHP.INI

Below is paste from php.ini with line making the whole OOPS!!! there seems to be some problem while tweeting. Please try again

disable_functions =exec,passthru,shell_exec,system,proc_open,popen,curl_exec,curl_multi_exec,parse_ini_file,show_source,eval

I've included above disable functions to strengthen security and prevent crackers to download scripts if a security breach happens.

Henceforth to solve I simply removed from disable_functions
curl_exec and curl_multi_exec, so after changes machine PHP disabled functions for security reasons looked like so

disable_functions =exec,passthru,shell_exec,system,proc_open,popen,parse_ini_file,show_source,eval

To make new php.ini settings load finally did the usual Apache restart:

pcfreak:~# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Well that's all now the error is solved. I hope my little article will shed up some light on problem and will help thousands of users to get back the joy of working Tweet-Old-Posts 😉