Posts Tagged ‘mail clients’

Fixing QMAIL mail server SMTP auto-configure issues in Thunderbird and other mail IMAP / POP3 mobile clients

Friday, July 13th, 2012

One of the QMAIL mail servers, setup-uped on a Debian host has been creating some auto configuration issues. Every-time a new mail user tries to use the embedded Thunderbird client auto configuration, the auto config fails leaving the client unable to use his Mailbox through POP3 or IMAP protocols.

Since about 2 years Thunderbird and many other modern pop3 and imap mail desktop and mobile clients are by default using the auto configuration and hence it was unthinkable to manually change settings for new clients with the QMAIl install; Besides that most of the Office users are always confused, whether they have to manually change SMTP or POP3 host for a server.

Below is a screenshot displaying the warning during email auto-configuration:

Thunderbird new Mail account setup auto config warning SMTP not OKThe orange color in the button for the newly auto-detected indicates, something is not right with the SMTP host.

Obviously, something was wrong with, hence I checked where resolves with host command. What I found was actually Active ( A ) DNS records was pointing to an IP address, our company previously used for the mail server. At present time the correct mail server host name is and the QMAIL installation on is configured to be the actual SMTP server.

By default Thunderbird and many other POP3, IMAP mail clients, however automatically assume the default SMTP host for a mail server is to be configured under a host name This is really strange, especially when the primary MX record for domain is pointing to, e.g.:

qmail:~# host -t MX mail is handled by 10 mail is handled by 20 mail is handled by 30

The whole warning was caused due to the fact was resolving to an IP like, whether was resolving to yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy

Both and yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy hosts were configured to have a different qmail SMTP host i.e.:

The server under IP – ( was configured in /var/qmail/control/me to be and the other old one yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy – ( had ( in /var/qmail/control/me

As was actually being still resolved to, the EMAILs were improperly trying to be sent with a configured DNS hostname of, where the actual one on the server was mail.mail-domain

It took, me about an hour of pondering what is causing the oddities until I got the here explained issue. As the DNS recors for the domain the sample were handled by Godaddy, to fix the mess, I logged in to Godaddy and;

a) deleted – DNS record for
b) Created new CNAME record for to be a domain alias for

A few minutes, afterwards I tried configuring once again the same email account in Thunderbird and this time both and turned green; indicating everything is configured fine.

To be 100% sure all is working fine I first fetched, all email via the IMAP protocol without hassles and onwards sent a test email to my Gmail account; thanksfully the sent email was delivered to Gmail indicating both Get Mail and Send Mail functions worked now fine.

Thunderbird icedove new mail account setup auto config Okay

How to exclude for a particular IP address in Qmail Mail server install / Fix to Thunderbird mail sent error (Exploitable Server See: error

Tuesday, November 1st, 2011

In the office, some of my colleagues has started receiving error messages, while trying to send mail with Thunderbird and Outlook Express
The exact error they handed to me reads like this:

An error occured while sending mail. The mail server responded: Exploitable Server See: Please check the message recipient

Here is also a screenshot, I’ve been sent via Skype with the error poping up on a Thunderbird installed on Windows host.

Typing the url lead me to to a page saying that the IP address of the mail client which is trying to send mail is blacklisted . This is not strange at all condireng that many of the office computers are running Windows and periodically get infected with Viruses and Spyware which does sent a number of Unsolicated Mail (SPAM).

The record for the IP seems to be an old one, since at the present time the office network was reported to be clear from malicious SMTP traffic.

The error disallowing the mail clients to send from the office continued for already 3 days, so something had to be done.

We asked the ISP to change the blacklisted IP address of xx.xx.xx.xx , to another one but they said it will take some time and they can’t do it in a good timely matter, hence to make mail sending work again with POP3 and IMAP protocols from the blacklisted IPs I had to set in the Qmail install to not check the xx.xx.xx.xx IP against mail blacklisting databases.

On qmail install disabling an IP check in RBLSMTPD is done through editting /etc/tcp.smtp and following recreate of /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb – red by qmailctl script start.
The exact line I put in the end of /etc/tcp.smtp to disable the RBLSMTPD check is:


Further on to recreate /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb and reload the new cdb db records:

qmail:~# qmailctl cdb
qmail:~# qmailctl restart

Onwards, the IP blacklist issue was solved and all office computers from xx.xx.xx.xx succeeded in sending mails via SMTP.