Posts Tagged ‘Windows Linux’

Heroes of Might and Magic 2: Best old-school turn based strategic game to play on your Android mobile phone

Monday, June 16th, 2014


Probably many people which are my age (I'm aged 30 now), spent many days and sleepless nights being totally addicted playing probably one of the most addictive (and in my view greatest strategy game of all time) – Heroes of Might and Magic II (HOMM2).
In that thoughts it will be a great news for you if you're owning smartphone that you can turn-back some nice memories and play (for free) a port of Heroes 2 for Android.

Free Heroes 2 Android port is it is made to support multiple screened devices so game  version could be played on both Android Tablet a tiny screen smart phone or a middle sized mobile. Also Free Heroes 2 mobile port allows you to choose 'The Magnifying glass' option on first game boot, so if you're on a tiny screened mobile you can still zoom by pointing on a game object. Free Heroes 2 Android port is there thanks to Gerhard Stein who is also an author of OpenTyrian mobile phone port and the amazing old computer jump-and-run arcade Commander Keen. Game pointer controls of FHeroes2 are pretty convenient and playing the game is almost as confortable as played with a PC mouse.
Free Heroes 2 is port of Free Heroes 2 engineFree implementation of Heroes of the Might and Magic II engine in SDL and because SDL is platform independent Free Heroes is also available for both Windows / Linux. Maybe here is time too mention that Heroes2 original DOS game works perfectly on any modern Linux distribution when started through DOSBOX DOS emulator.

By default Free Heroes2  has no game campaign support yet. In order to enable campaing support into Free Heroes 2, download FULL Heroes 2 gameput data files to mobile SD card to dir app-data/net.sourceforge.fheroes2 and campaign option will be there too.


Heroes of Might and Magic 2 – The succession Wars (or HEROES2, as it is widely known in Gamers communities) is a turn based strategy game  from year 1996 developed by Jon Van Caneghem by his New World Computing company it was marketed under on the market under brand of 3DO Company. Heroes II was voted the sixth-best PC game of all time by PC Gamer in May 1997. Heroes2 has also a game expansion pack called the Price of Loyalty released in 1997 as well as Heroes of Might and Magic II – Gold – from 1998. The game graphic design looks very beautiful and combined with the soundtrack makes playing it an awesome and calming experience. The game is very notable especially for soundtrack which is all of a beautiful classical music.

(Picture taken and copyrighted by Wikipedia)


The titular heroes (horse) are player characters who can recruit armies, move around the map, capture resources, and engage in combat. The heroes also incorporate some role-playing game elements; they possess a set of statistics that confer bonuses to an army, artifacts that enhance their powers, and knowledge of magical spells that can be used to attack enemies or produce strategic benefits. Also, heroes gain experience levels from battle, such that veteran heroes are significantly more powerful than inexperienced ones.

On a typical map, players begin a game with one town of a chosen alignment. Each town alignment hosts a unique selection of creatures from which the player can build an army. Town alignment also determines other unique traits such as native hero classes, special bonuses or abilities, and leanings toward certain skills or kinds of magic.


Towns play a central role in the games since they are the primary source of income and new recruits. A typical objective in each game is to capture all enemy towns. Maps may also start with neutral towns, which do not send out heroes but may still be captured by any player. It is therefore possible, and common, to have more towns than players on a map. When captured, a town retains its alignment type, allowing the new owner to create a mixed army. A player or team is eliminated when no towns or heroes are left under their control. Usually the last player or team remaining is the victor.

As heroes visit special locations called obelisks, pieces are removed from a jigsaw puzzle-like map, gradually revealing 'The Ultimate Artifact location to the player. Once found, it confers immense bonuses to the player capable of breaking a stalemate: the grail can be taken back to a town and used to build a special structure, while the ultimate artifact provides the bonuses directly through possession.


Whenever a player engages in battle

The game changes from the adventure map display to a combat screen, which is based on either a hexagonal or square grid. In this mode, the game mimics the turn-based tactics genre, as the engaged armies must carry through the battle without the opportunity to reinforce or gracefully retreat. With few exceptions, combat must end with the losing army deserting, being destroyed, or paying a heavy price in gold to surrender. Surrendering allows the player to keep the remaining units intact. Battles can be led army army to army or castles / villages can be fight and (captured) occupied. Owning a town gives your hero daily an income of money later used to buy and upgrade castle buildings.


Also you your moved heroes could overtake mines producing different goods like minerals, sulfur, gold, emeralds etc. Building different buildings and building war units for army usually cost gold and some kind of resource.

Game Story

Heroes II history continues after Heroes I. Ending of Heroes I results in Lord Morglin Ironfist's victory. In the following years, he has successfully unified the continent of Enroth and secured his rule as king. Upon the king's death, his two sons, Archibald and Roland, vie for the crown. Archibald orchestrates a series of events that lead to Roland's exile. Archibald is then declared the new king, while Roland organizes a resistance. Each alignment is represented by one of the game's two campaigns. Archibald's campaign features the three "evil" town alignments, while Roland's campaign features the three "good" town alignments.

If Archibald is victorious, Roland's rebellion is crushed, and Roland himself is imprisoned in Castle Ironfist, leaving Archibald the uncontested ruler of Enroth. The  ending, however, results in Roland's victory, with Archibald being turned to stone by Roland's court wizard, Tanir.

If you're more interested to play modern games and get some more games modern games more entertaining take a look at Kevin Martin's JoyofAndroid Best Adnroid Games post here.


Windows how to check which process locks file command – A M$ Windows equivalent of lsof command

Monday, February 23rd, 2015


I've had a task today to deploy a new WAR (Web Application Archive) Tomcat file on Apache Tomcat server running  on Windows server 2008 R2 UAT environment.
The client Tomcat application within war is providing a frontend to an proprietary Risk Analysis application called Risiko Management (developed by a German vendor called Schleupen).
The update of WAR file was part of a version upgrade of application so, both "Risk Analysis" desktop standalone server RiskKit and the Web frontend was developed by Schleupen had to be updated.
In order to update I followed the usual .WAR Tomcat Javafile upadate Tomcat process.

1. Stopped Tomcat running service Instance via services.msc command e.g.

Start (menu) -> Run




2. Move (by Renaming) old risk-analysis.war to risk-analysis_backup_2015.war

and also rename the automatically Tomcat extracted folder (named same name as the WAR archive file directory – D:\web\Apache-Tomcat-7.0.33\webapps\Risiko-Analysis\ to :\web\Apache-Tomcat-7.0.33\webapps\Risiko-Analysis_backup_2015, i.e. run:

C:\Users\risk-analysis> D:
D:\> CD \Web\Apache-Tomcat-7.0.33\webapps\

D:\Web\Apache-Tomcat-7.0.33\webapps> move risk-analysis.war risk-analysis_2015.war
D:\Web\Apache-Tomcat-7.0.33\webapps> move  
Risiko-Analysis\  Risiko-Analysis_backup_2015\

But unfortunately I couldn't rename it and I got below error:


Also I tried copying it using Windows Explorer Copy / Paste but this didn't worked either, and I got below error :


3. Finding what Locks a directory or File on M$ Windows

Obviously, the reason for unable to copy the directory was something was locking it. Actually there are plenty of locked files many running applications like Explorer do. A good example for all time locked file is Windows (swap file) pagefile.sys – this is Windows Linux equivalent of swap filesystem (enabled / disabled with spapon / swapoff commands)

Having the directory locked was a strange problem, because the Tomcat process was not running as I checked closely both in Windows taskmgr GUI interface and manually grepped for the process with tasklist command like so:


d:\>tasklist /m|find /i "tomcat"

tomcat7.exe                   4396 ntdll.dll, kernel32.dll, KERNELBASE.dll,

For people like me who use primary Linux , above command shows you very precious debugging information, it shows which Windows libraries (DLL) are loaded in memory and used by the process 


(Note that when Tomcat is running, it is visible with command)

D:\> wmic.exe process list brief | find /i "tomcat"
526          tomcat7.exe          8         4396       49           156569600

Just for those wondering the 156569600 number is number of bytes loaded in Windows memory used by Tomcat.

After tomcat was stopped above command returned empty string meaning obviously that tomcat is stopped ..

BTW, wmic command is very useful to get a list of process names (to list all running processes):

 D:> wmic.exe process list brief


Well obviously something was locking this directory (some of its subdirectories or a file name within the directory / folder), so I couldn't rename it just like that.
In Linux finding which daemon (service) is locking a file is pretty easy with lsof command (for those new to lsof check my previous article how to how to check what process listens on network port in Linux), however it was unknown to me how I can check which running service is locking a file and did a quick google search which pointed me to the famous handle part of SysInternals tools.
The command tool Handle.exe was exactly what I was looking for. 


To get list of all opened (locked) files and see which application has opened it just exec command without arguments, you will get
plenty of useful info which will help you to better understand what Windows OS is doing invisible in the background and what app uses what.


handle is pretty much Windows equivalent command of Linux lsof

To get which file was locked by Tomcat I used handle in conjuntion with find /i command which is pretty much like Linux's grep equivalent


C:\TEMP> Handle.exe | FIND /I "Tomcat"
   1C: File  (RW-)   D:\Web\Apache-Tomcat-7.0.33\webapps\Risk-Analysis\images\app

Alternatively if you have sysinternals and prefer GUI environment you can use SysInternals Process Explorer (press CTRL + F) and look for a string:


Next to handle I found also another GUI program (Internet Explorer extension) WhoLockMe, that can be used to show you all running programs and locked files by this programs.
WhoLockMe is pretty straight forward to use, though it shows GUI output you have to run the command from cmd line. Below is sample output screenshot of wholockme.



To Install Wholockme 

Unzip "" in a directory (for exemple : "C:\Program Files\WhoLockMe")
Launch "Install.bat" or execute this Windows registry modification command :

regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\WhoLockMe\WhoLockMe.dll"

To Uninstall WhoLockMe – if you need to later:


Execute command :

regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files\WhoLockMe\WhoLockMe.dll"

Reboot (Or Kill Explorer.exe).

Removes the "C:\Program Files\WhoLockMe" directory and its contents.

Probably there are other ways to find out what is locking a file or direcotry using powershell scripts or .bat (batch) scripting. If you know of other way using default Windows embedded commands, please share in comments.


Anmap network port scanner – Nmap security scanner for your Android Mobile and Tablet

Tuesday, June 24th, 2014


Those who have to deal with network security or do periodic UNIX / Windows server security audits know  well Nmap (Network Mapper).
NMAP is the swiss army knife tool of choice of both crackers and security exports and it is a must have exploration tool.
For those who just heard of Nmap or want  to learn more on Nmap basics, I recommend my previos articles how to check Windows / Linux host port security (by examples)  and test a local network for open Windows shares.

Nmap is one of the most improtant tools for every cracker (white, grey black hat "hacker"). Nmap is a legendary hack tool and probably the prevelent networt security port scanner tool over the last 10 years on all major Operating Systems. Nmap's high portability is thanks to being open source, being ported so far for:

Window – Zen, Mac OS and Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD and even obscure proprietary operating systems like Hewlett Packard's UNIX – HP-UX, Sun Microsystems's UNIX variant Solaris. It is in an interesting fact to mention probably not much known Sun Solaris's core code base is based on Berkley's BSD 4.4 whose fork nowadays give birth to FreeBSD and rest of *BSD family OSes. 
Nmap evolved a lot through the last 7 years from only having a command line interface for hardcode console geeks like me to having a nice shiny GUI frontendinterface ZenMap.
Nmap is popular for being one of the hack tools in the famous move The Matrix (II) – Reloaded.

As hacking and security penetration is quickly moving from PC Desktops and Notebooks to more mobile and stealth variants with recent boom of smartphones – it is no strange that Nmap got ported to the most wide-spread (and very Linux compatible) – Android OS under the name ANmap (Android Map).


ANMap source code and apk – (Android Package file) is on GoogleCode here.

By the way using your android device to scan your own Android device on localhost (just like on above screenshot), could be quite helpful and often could reveal some unwated services, run by malware or viruses application.

To get full use of ANmap's full functionality (Stealth Scan, Full version and port scan etc.)  just like on other operating systems ANmap has to run with super user privileges .

To be able to run applications with Super user access on Android you need to have ROOTED ANDROID  (Tablet / Phone) device – rooting android is just a simply hack that makes Android OS to run certain applciations with root (administrator privileges). Usually Rooting a device breaks ups vendor (reseller) guarantees, so if you root your device to run ANmap on it be very careful to which application you give access to run as super user!
As Anmap page reads: There are some little bugs, as domain names resolving and unroot scanning.

If you want to use Anmap only command line interface (without gui).
Download compiled nmap with data files in this tar ball or this zip archive and keep it in one folder.

Than connect to localhost via ConnectBot, untar and start scanning:

$ tar -xvf nmap-5.51-1.tar
$ su
# ./nmap

Happy scanning 🙂