Posts Tagged ‘letter’

Unfreeze stucked “freezed” messages from Exim Mail server queue

Friday, June 16th, 2023


Messages are frozen when the mail server has determined it cannot do anything to deliver the message. (they can also be manually frozen).

Exim has option to set how long frozen messages are kept on the system.

On a Debian/Ubuntu based install the /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/02_exim4-config_options file has the option timeout_frozen_after = 7d. Which means messages frozen for 7 days will get expunged.

Frozen messages really shouldn't be a problem on most systems. They are often just spam messages that can't get properly delivered.

If you have to deal with freezed mails from the exim mail server, unlike postfix, where there is no "freeze" scheme but the messages just stuck in the queue and you might want to simply ask the mail server to resend failed to deliver messages once again through a simple:

# postqueue -f

With exim to ask the server to resend the freeze-d states messages there is another aproach:

It is for this reason that I am writing this post to share how you can ask the exim to resend the "frozen" messages, as on exim there is no so much straight forward way.

To find out what letters are stored in the exim queue run

# exim -bp

To unfreeze the messages a simple while loop can be written, which lists all frozen state messages and unfreezes these letters one by one in a cycle:

# exim -bp | grep -i frozen | awk '{print $3}' | while read LINE; do exim -Mt $LINE; done

Another approach to unfreeze the frozen multitude of messages which should be a bit quicker if you have to do it for a very large amount of frozen states mails is to use xargs command:

# mailq | grep frozen | awk '{print $3}' | xargs exim -v -M

Since we on exim topic in this article, for starters with Exim, here is few other useful exim queue commands, that might be beneficial if you have to deal with EXIM SMTP.

Attempting to send a mail with a specified ID

# /usr/sbin/exim -M email-id

Forcefully run another queue to execute

# /usr/sbin/exim -qf

We see the logs related to letter

# /usr/sbin/exim -Mvl messageID

To see the body of the letter

# /usr/sbin/exim -Mvb messageID

To see the beginning (header) of the letter only

# /usr/sbin/exim -Mvh messageID

Deletes the mail without sending any error messages

# /usr/sbin/exim -Mrm messageID

Shows the number of letters in the queue

# /usr/sbin/exim -bpr | grep "<" | wc -l

Shows the number of frozen mails in the queue

# /usr/sbin/exim -bpr | grep frozen | wc -l

Deletes all frozen letters

# /usr/sbin/exim -bpr | grep frozen | awk {'print $3'} | xargs exim -Mrm

To remove a message from the Exim queue

# exim -Mrm {message-id}

Remove all messages from the Exim queue

# exim -bp | awk '/^ *[0-9]+[mhd]/{print "exim -Mrm " $3}' | bash

Another way to do it:

# exim -bp | exiqgrep -i | xargs exim -Mrm

Fastest solution to delete all emails in exim queue (for less than 5 seconds) is

# cd /var/spool
# mv exim exim.old
# mkdir -p exim/input
# mkdir -p exim/msglog
# mkdir -p exim/db
# chown -R mail:mail exim
# /sbin/service exim restart

or if you have AV / AntiSpam integrated to mail server:

# cd /var/spool
# mv exim exim.old
# mkdir -p exim/db
# mkdir -p exim/input
# mkdir -p exim/msglog
# mkdir -p exim/scan
# chown -R mail:mail exim
# /sbin/service exim restart

Deletes the entire exim queue

# /usr/sbin/exim -qff

The feast of 26 Zographou Bulgarian Holy Mount Athos Martyrs – burned alive by the Roman Catholic Crusaders

Friday, October 24th, 2014


On 23 October (10 of October in Julian Calendar every year in Zograph Monastery in Holy Mount Athos is celebrated the martyrdom of the 26 Martyrs who were martyed by Latin crusaders in October 10, 1280. The 26 martyrs were burned alive after refusal to accept Union with the Roman Catholic Church as ordered by Byzantine emperor Michael VIII Paleologos. The then wanting to secure his throne emperor gave allowance for Crusaders together with his mercenaries Tatars and and Turks to go and “convert” the Orthodox Slavs to accept the union with the pope who wanted a primacy in the Church.

Mt. Athos stood in firm opposition to the Union. The Athonite monks sent a letter to Michael pointing out that the primacy of the Pope, his commemoration in the churches, celebrating the Eucharist with unleavened bread, the insertion of the “filioque” [“and from the Son”] into the Creed, could not be accepted by Orthodox, and they asked the emperor to change his mind. “We clearly see,” the letter said, “that you are becoming a heretic, but we implore you to forsake all this and abide in the teachings that were handed down to you…. Reject the unholy and novel teachings of a false knowledge, speculations, and additions to the Faith.”

Holy Theotokos – The Virgin Mary icon which spoke with a human voice to a Zographou monk

An icon spoke to an old monk warning that the “enemies of Christ” are coming. The monk went to forewarn the brothers (as he was living 30 minutes afar in a grave-yard), but for his surprise the Holy icon of the Theotokos which spoke to him was found on the monastic entrance.
The brother went and told the abbot (Igumen) Thomas who told to the brothers to either flew in the woods if they’re weak in spirit and to the strong he said to stay and cofess the Holy Orthodox faith. Abbot Thomas together with the 23 monks (24 monks including the abbot) toghet with 4 pilgrims decided to stay in the monastery and suffered martyrdom. The Crusaders who were returning from Jerusalem sent by the ungodly emperor tried to convince the 26 confessors to accept Roman Catholic doctrines such as “filioque” (The teaching that the Holy Spirit cames also from the Son) and to celebrate the eucharist with unleavened bread (like the Jewish) and wanted the confessors to accept the papal union accepted also by the emeror Michael. The 26 Martyrs rebuked these heresies and explained that the “filique” is against the decisions of the 7 Church Councils. Also they give the proof that the Holy Spirit doesn’t proceed from the Son by retelling how John The Baptist baptized Christ and how the Holy Spirit descent over the Lord Jesus Christ in form of a dove. This didn’t convince the papists and the truthful words of the Zographus monks rebuked their error the papists were angered and burned the tower with the holy Martyrs alive. One of the monks fall of the burning tower and the latin though he is dead left him behind however he survived more 30 days! – even though he was on a dying bed and later told what happened to the brothers which came from their hiding places to the monastery. The Holy Martyrs prayed from the fire their last prayer to God to save the Holy Mount Athos and every true Christian on earth from heresies. When they ended their prayer they heard a voice from heaven “Rejoice for great is your reward in heaven!”. The Roman Crusaders heard the voice and were scared howeveras their spiritual eyes were darkened by the lack of the Grace of the Holy Spirit, they kept in their heart tightening. The Martyrdom happened according to Greek chronicles on 10 of October 1280.

The names of the Martyrs for Christ were as follows:

Igumen Thomas, and the monks Barsanuphius, Cyril, Michael, Simon, Hilarion, James, Job, Cyprian, Sava, Jacob, Martinian, Cosmas, Sergius, Menas, Joasaph, Joannicius, Paul, Anthony, Euthymius, Dometian, Parthenius, and four laymen.

The tower building where the holy martyrs were burned was partially kept even though the fire until 1874 however the tower was already too old and it was about to ruin – that’s why it hadto be destroyed. To preserve the memory about the martyrdom of 26 martyrs all brothers of the Zographou monastry decided in one spirit to build on its place a monument.


This happened the same year 1873. The monument had to be sanctified on the day when the memory of the martyrs is celebrated at the eve after sunrise began a night vigil. The night was moonless and on the heaven one could see only few stars. All around was silence. During the vigil exactly in midnight, after beginning the living and martyrdom of the the holy Zographos martyrs”, above the church all 600 hundred people saw a fire column. Column lighted up the whole monastery and the whole region with such a bright light, that even the small objects in the monastery could be seen. This divine column stayed over the Church for 3-4 minutes and moved and stayed above the monument for 3-4 minutes more and after that started ascending above and formed a ring like a crown, crowning the place where the holy martyrs suffered.

burning-of-26-bulgarian-martyrs-on-holy-mount-athos-zographou-monastery-by-the-crusaders roman catholiclatins

This unusual event continued for about 15 minutes. An eyesights of the miracle were all the brotherhood, guests and hermits who came from nearby Sketes for the feast.

That’s how the Almight God has shown by this miracle omen showing in front of everybody how Godly was the martyrdom of this great confessors of the true faith and loyalty to the Holy Orthodox Church.

Holy 26 Martyrs and Cofessors of the true faith pray the Lord Jesus Christ to save our souls!

I blog again :)

Tuesday, April 28th, 2009

I haven’t blogged for quite some time. First I glorify the Almighty God our Blessed Holy Trinity for his abundant mercy towards me!! Glory be to the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit! Now and forever and ever! Amen. I start with this loud words and I have so many things to say. But yes yesterday a joyful news came to me it seems my Exemption letter for Internship has been Approved! I prayed to God that he make them approve this exemption letter because I want to graduate asap and go back to Bulgaria. Here in the Netherlands I feel really terrible, the spiritual state of the country is simply softly said terrible, even though they seem to be an advanced country from the tangible aspect of the things from the intangible/spiritually poor. Not to say that I feel like the devil is controlling most of their lives already. The complete mix of negroes, chinese, indonesians and all other type of races makes the country mixed. Here in the air it feels like a spirits of gluttony are crawling around all the time, also quite often I feel like madness crossing around the air. Sometimes I have that strange thoughts in my mind that something is really wrong with that country. Maybe I had a nice point about that.This SHR project is getting schizophrenic, anyways glory be to God for his abundant mercy towards me and sustaining me always. Yesterday was a terrible day I felt so confused such a profound spiritual sorrow was rulling me that I can hardly bear it, I had a couple of terrible days this days. Since some time I am suspecting there is something wrong here, everytime I have classes with most of the teachers here I feel terrible afterwards and I usually need a couple of days to recover to some sane state. In their presence I experience profound spiritual sorrow and suffering, I’ve been in a similar spiritual states before and I know that this simply can be described in the biblical word hell. Since some time I suspect something is wrong with this guys (I mean the tachers), a couple of days Mr. Joop Vinke the guy who seems to be like a dean to us mentioned during some of the theater sports answered my question where have been yesterday “to the rotary club” and then he added like every other day before, it was not clear is he mean it or not. My suspects became even stronger, because I know that one of my employers used to be attending rotary club as well I know some really terrible things happened in his life and I think he quit that club, anyways. Last week on Friday I met one of my other teachers (Mr. Da Ponte) and I spoke with him, the conversation flowed as he mentioned something about the Lord making the sun circle around the earth, I was interested by his statement so asked him if he believes in God and if he is a roman catholic. He said he is not roman catholic and then what followed was a sort of preach about what he believes and his God as I continusly asked him questions. From his description I left with the impression that he is probably believing in the same God of the masonry (I’ve red about that just a couple of days before). So many things matched, the teacher even mentioned that a lot of teachers in that school are also believing in God and I was left with the impression that he meant the same God as he believes, so I make the connection that they are probably rotarians, masons or taking participation in some sort of organization like that which has to deal pretty much with the occult. A couple of days before I spoke with a brother in Christ (Stelian) and I explained him what is happening and about this BHC (business ethics classes), I explained him how much they want you to accept what they say and if you don’t you are not worthy, I also explained to Stelio the whole story and how this guys are able to make you feel really bad. Since this guys tried to teach us their methods and I tried a couple of times their methods and saw the effect how by doing “something” “unconsciously” you can alter the other into a state of broken spiritness and terrible suffering while at the same time you feel overflowed with joy, a sort of stealing his living power or Angels so to say. I don’t want to enter into details about that since its to me surely related with demonic manifestation. I’ve also remembered that one of the guest lecturers that Mr. Vinke has brought here mentioned that he is rotarian, the coincidences started becoming too much seriously. I also spoke with a student who has graduated and I asked him if he feels that bad thing inside of him, I was stunned when he confirmed. Also in that SHR project it really is schizophrenic I feel that spiritually something really wrong is happening there I started thinking and I could recognize many of the things done in classes of Mr. Vinke has to deal with the paranormal even though not openly showed, even his theater sports has a lot of unconscious spiritism involved, not to mention his Werewolf games including vampires, whitches etc. a lot of the theater sport games include games which include things with dying, you play dead etc., etc. I also have noticed that teachers often are pointing me and saying that I’m not changing, many of the students here are changing seriously for bad. I know by my saviour Jesus Christ who said “by their fruits you will know them”, seeing their fruit suffering, confusion, hate, lies etc. I started being more and more convinced that this guys are dealing with the devil. So if my theory is right and I think it probably is, most of the teachers are members of the rotary club. Maybe they even see it as harmless way to improve their business contacts but I know this is not the case, and this guys are giving oaths, having their strange believes spiritual leaders and do worship the devil even though not openly. I shared all that with a couple of my colleagues and many of them probably just thought that I’m out of my mind. But the holy spirit in me testified all that the things I am thinking are true. I’ve shared what is happening with a brother in Christ (a priest) in the orthodox Church Bulgaria and he said he is gonna mention my name on the altar before God on the Divine Liturgies. I guess this matters because today even though I am not completely okay I feel much relieved and better and I feel God! Glory be to the Immortal and Holy of Israel now and unto ages of ages. I try to learn the gospel a bit early in the morning and a bit late at night before I go to bed I also try to pray a bit each morning and evening and trust the Lord to keep me and protect me from the schemes of the evil one! Yesterday I was at Ina’s place and tried to explain her that this project we do now has something to deal with evil spiritism. I even have suspected that this guys from the rotary club ask their members to share information about certain people that the rotary members work with and then try to bring some curses and spells if they see somebody as a problem to their practices. I suspect that this guys somehow use their members as a channels to spread their evil spirituality. I’ve also taken the advice of Stelio to start caring an Icon in me whenever I go to school. Quite often here and especially in the dormitory I feel something is happening inside of me, my heart starts beating unsteady I also feel spirits flying around and trying sort of trying to conquer me this more or less has to deal with their broken spirituality here. Often I feel completely exhausted like somebody stealing my living power and willingness. Also I have noticed that here in their discoteques, they don’t allow you to enter with a hat? My assumption is that there are somethings placed in the discoteques which has to deal with inducing thoughts in you. On saturday I and Sali entered into a discoteque, I was not so willing so I’ve removed my hat I’ve borrowed temporary from Sali. After being in the discoteque on the day after and on Monday I had terrible headache and felt weak and pretty much like almost dying, Also I felt something on my forehead happening, just like I felt on a numerous times the Holy Spirit annointance and the Lord’s spiritual sign on my forehead, I’ve red in revelation that the Antichrist is going to put something on ppl’s forehead and and their right hands I’m more and more starting to think that this in some phase is already working, I’ve felt aches on my right hand on a numerous occasions, here often Its like I fight for my spiritual survivance. People around I see as they’re dead and just living to consume “limed tombs” as they are called in the gospel. I know that all I’ve written here might seem like too much of a conspiracy, however I’m pretty much sure that many of the things I suppose are true to a certain high degree or even completely.END—–

Howto create a (wildcard / multiple) SSL certificate

Thursday, June 23rd, 2011

Wildcard SSL picture

It’s the first time I’m creating a wildcard ssl certificate. It appeared there is no fundamental difference between generating a normal SSL certificate and generating a wildcard certificate.

The procedure for generating a wildcard SSL certificate is as follows:

1. Generate an SSL key file

server:~# /usr/bin/openssl genrsa -des3 -out 2048
Enter pass phrase for

Fill in any passphrase you like, the 2048 specifies the encryption level, 2048 is good enough and is the most commonly used as of today.
I’ve saw there is also an option to use 4096 bits encryption but I never tried that myself, I would be glad if somebody can share if he has succesfully established an SSL certificate with 4096 encryption.

2. Generate the certificate request file

server:~# /usr/bin/openssl req -new -key /home/hipo/ -out /home/hipo/

Further on it’s necessery to fill in some info concerning the newly generated webserver SSL, e.g.:

Enter pass phrase for /home/hipo/
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:
Locality Name (eg, city) []:
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []:
Email Address []:
Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
to be sent with your certificate request
A challenge password []:
An optional company name []:

Fill all the values according to your requirements, the only vital thing here is to fill in a proper Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []:

The Common Name should always be equal to * , if something else is typed in the SSL certificate won’t be considered a valid one when placed on the multiple subdomains.

The newly generated file should be looking something similar to:

server:~# less <

Next on this BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST will have to be filled in to the certificate issuer website, whether it’s requested, let’s say in GlobeSSL.

Based on the certificate request a valid SSL certificate will be issued by the SSL provider.
Here one important note to make is that if your domain contians some prohibited keywords like, let’s say bank, finance, poker etc., a keywords which might be considered a fraud or forgery then probably the SSL certificate won’t be issued by the SSL issuer and you will have to further contact the SSL cert provider and send them some more information related to the type of business the new website is going to run.
This kind of domain keyword filter, that is implemented by SSL certificate issuer companies is made to protect internet users from possible frauds or scam websites as well as reduce the level of potential dangerous pyramid like businesses that are so modern on the net these days.

Last step before the certificate will be visible in a browser is to set it for a domain name or virtualhost in Apache, lighttpd or whatever webser is used.
As I’m personally using it with Apache webserver, below I’ll describe how to set it in Apache version 2.x.
3. Configure the newly configured SSL certificate to run on Apache virtualhost

Open up the virtualhost file which coresponds to the domain name to be secured with SSL, for example /etc/apache/sites-available/
Within the <Virtualhost> directives place in a code similar to:

SSLEngine on
# cointains the wildcard SSL certificate generated and obtained by you from RapidSSL
SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/

Here the file /etc/apache2/ssl/ should contain both the:

—-BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY—– issued earlier in step one with openssl command, as well as:

—–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—– which will be issued by the SSL certificate reseller.

Finally it’s necessery that Apache is restarted to load the new configured certificate:

server:~# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

The above described steps need to be repeated for all the wildcard subdomains which will use the multiple SSL generated certificate and hopefully if all is well tuned, the certificates should start appearing to all the web domain subdomains immediately.

24th May Day of Slavonic Writting and Culture

Tuesday, May 24th, 2011

st. Cyril and Methodius Zahari Zograf painted icon from Trojan Monastery from the year 1848

On 24-th of May as an old tradition we in Bulgaria celebrate the Day of Slavonic/Slavic Writting and Culture.

It’s quite of feast, the streets are full of people and everybody wents out to celebrate or have a walk as the whole day atmosphere is extremely cheerful.
Until some years during communism on 24th of may was also a Church feast day of st. Cyril and Methodius, however since some years the Bulgarian Orthodox Church decided to commemorate the two saints on a different date.

However the secular educational tradition of remembering the two saints memory on today’s date next to considering the holiday as the official feast of triumph of educational enlightenment and science is still alive in the primary and secondary schools.
24th of May is also considered as the official day of Bulgarian and Slavonic Writting and Culture.
The two saints Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius are considered to be patron saints protector of all Schools, universities and educational institutions in Bulgaria.
On this date it’s common that a bit of secular icon images of the two saints to be holded in a public schools manifestation, where specially dressed pupils play music with trombones and drums and all teachers and students does a manifestation lined in a column in the streets (this tradition is a hermitage from communistic times as manifestation on major celebrations were a common thing during the communism years, when Bulgaria was part of the USSR).

24th of May public school pupil Manifestation

24th of May is considered maybe the brightest public feast in Bulgaria, even the secular atheist and unbelievers connect the day of 24th May celebrations with St. St. Cyril and Methodius who historically are the founders/inventors of the Slavonic writting letter and thus highly respected among all Orthodox Christian slavonic nations and as far as I know even are being known and venerated in some countries in the Roman Catholic western world (I’ll be glad to hear if some western people who are subscribed to my blog, give some reports if they know the two patron saints of Slavonic Culture.

Many cities in Bulgaria has an official local city feast on 24th of May. Dobrich my home city also marks off it’s public holiday on 24th of May.

Many small and middle sized villages also does celebrate heavily on this date, as the so called (people gatherings / (sbor as we call them in Bulgaria)) are occuring on this date.
On this assemblies, where people goes out to buy stuff, we have a lot of gipsies who sell a various hand-made food as well some gipsies home-made children toys 🙂

It’s very pity I have no picture to show you what kind of bulk stuff the gipsies are selling via an improvised made kiosks especially for the fesat.
The gipsies sales all kind of weird food especially for the holiday like, (pink ice-cream, all colors sugar-cotton and pink cream, pink sugar sticks (shiker as we call it) and a tons of other weird foods you cannot see anywhere else)).
I’m quite convinced that every foreigner will truly enjoy this feast of ours and I recommend, if you’re about to come to Bulgaria to try to be in our country on this feast, it’s truly wild and natural as it is and always was in the bolkans ! 🙂
It’s also traditional on this date of triumph of culture that many cultural events around the country occurs, as well as the traditional folklore performers and dancers perform on the cities centres.

24 May Horo Folklore Dance on a City centre
Horo (Bulgarian Traditional Folklore Dance on a city centre)

To generalize 24-th of May is our greatest and brightest holidays here in Bulgaria, there is some kind of established believe that on this date the weather is always nice. This year this national believe come true, as we have a wonderful sunny day here in Bulgaria :).

A registered mail (Signed letter mail)

Tuesday, April 7th, 2009

Today I almost cracked down. The story is quite long. It’s about sendinga registered letter mail. I realized on Thursday. That the address I wrote to the skype of my sis was missing the postbox number. I prayed on Saturday and Sunday a bit to God to fix up the whole situation. On Monday I decided to Go to the local TNT and ask if the registered letter has arrived. They told me nothing has arrived for Honigkamp 2. That is The address where I live. They gave me a number told me I should call and ask how to proceed ih my case and what is the standard procedure. I called to Sali to ask him if he knows what I’m supposed to do. He suggested that we went to the TNT central post office and ask. I asked him if it is convenient for him to go to his home around 14:00 or 15:00. Then I went to school to the auditorium we had some lectures scheduled with M. Mayers our counseling teacher was there. After completing the Belbin Team Roles test in order to find out which person is most suitable for what kind of function in our 17 people group. Brian the project manager assisstent revealed us how to interpret the results from the test. According to the test I am suitable as implementer a Shaper and Resource-Evaluator mostly. Then we did an interesting exercise where we split in two groups and we had the assignment in which there were 6 people occupying different role in society and in a different age. We had to select which 3 of them are we going to save and decide this as a group. This should be counted as a team building session, it was quite interesting and scary. Because I realized some day I might face the same dilemma in some form and then I had to decide for real God forbid. Then I went to the school library and I worked on my Design.BG report I had to fix some minor things to align it with the fixed version of the report. Oh yes not to forget, big thanks to Nomen (Mitko) and Niki( lunarstill) for checking out the report for errors and coloring the erroneous things in red. Then I went to Sali, like we have spoken earlier. He wasn’t there. I had a couple of emails to write related to my work as sys-admin. Then Mimi (Sali’s wife) treated me with a coffee :). Then I called to Sali to ask him if he is coming soon. He proposed to meet near Aktion. So I took the bike of her nephew (a girlish one) and went to the city center. They were drinking coffee there with Koko’s father (Bat Birio). We tried to reach for the city center post but it was closed. I tried to call the number they gave me earlier in the morning in TNT post and spoke with the guys. But however that wasn’t really helpful. What I got from them is that my parents need to request for investingation of the letter. I was on my way to get really angry. I tried to explain to an old Dutch man who happily spoke some English my problem and ask him to help ‘coz he knows dutch. He hardly grasped what I mean, so I had to explain it again and again numerous times, that truely irritated me. Then another man waiting on the queue for picking up post letters. Heard our conversation and advised me to ask my parents about the letter number. I went out of the post office tried to call my father and ask him about that info. My mother picked up the phone and told me with a bad tone my father has went to my village and was on her way to scream to me over the phone and blame me for the fact that the letter was missing the post box on the letter head. I got really mad and had a desire to break the phone in the ground so I closed the line. Then we went to Sali and left the bike. I felt really fucked up and desperate the devil tried to suggest me some ideas about a suicide again as well as some ideas abotu smoking. So I started praying, while listening Larry Norman on my mp3 player. I went to the dorm still in desperation, I passed the pigeon holes, anyways I thought OK let me check my pigeon hole. And guesss what HalleluYah! The registration form for the letter my parents sent me week ago was there! Glory be to Our Father through Our Saviour Jesus and the Holy Spirit! Glory be to the God Almighty! For obviously he heard my prayers from Sunday and Saturday and responded. The whole story had a moral for me from God. If we try to do things our way without the Lord we might do nothing, as our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ said “Without me you cannot do nothing!”. However again I tried to act in the newly created situation the human way I thought nevertheless the fact thatonly 10 minutes were left until the closure of the presikhaf’s post office. I ran up to the post office with the letter acceptance form and asked for my letter and guess what the lady on the reception told me that I had to come again after 10:00 the next morning because the letter haven’t arrived yet. The moral that God gave me is it’s all in his hands even in the situation where we thing he is not in control, he is and things does happen not in the time we want but in the time he decided!END—–