Posts Tagged ‘cron’

How to add cron jobs from command line or bash scripts / Add crontab jobs in a script

Saturday, July 9th, 2011

I’m currently writting a script which is supposed to be adding new crontab jobs and do a bunch of other mambo jambo.

By so far I’ve been aware of only one way to add a cronjob non-interactively like so:

                  linux:~# echo '*/5 * * * * /root/' | crontab -

Though using the | crontab – would work it has one major pitfall, I did completely forgot | crontab – OVERWRITES CURRENT CRONTAB! with the crontab passed by with the echo command.
One must be extremely careful if he decides to use the above example as you might loose your crontab definitions permanently!

Thanksfully it seems there is another way to add crontabs non interactively via a script, as I couldn’t find any good blog which explained something different from the classical example with pipe to crontab –, I dropped by in the good old to consult the bash gurus there 😉

So I entered irc and asked the question how can I add a crontab via bash shell script without overwritting my old existing crontab definitions less than a minute later one guy with a nickname geirha was kind enough to explain me how to get around the annoying overwridding.

The solution to the ovewrite was expected, first you use crontab to dump current crontab lines to a file and then you append the new cron job as a new record in the file and finally you ask the crontab program to read and insert the crontab definitions from the newly created files.
So here is the exact code one could run inside a script to include new crontab jobs, next to the already present ones:

linux:~# crontab -l > file; echo '*/5 * * * * /root/ >/dev/null 2>&1' >> file; crontab file

The above definition as you could read would make the new record of */5 * * * * /root/ >/dev/null be added next to the existing crontab scheduled jobs.

Now I’ll continue with my scripting, in the mean time I hope this will be of use to someone out there 😉

How to disable or remove completely Adobe (Macromedia) Flash Cookies on Linux

Monday, April 11th, 2011

As I’ve mentioned in my previous post, one of the greatest “evils” which prevents a good internet anonymization whether you surf online is Adobe Flash Player

There are two approaches you might partake to disable the privacy issues which might be related to Adobe Flash cookies saving data about flash banners or websites which stores their cookies to your computer.

To find out if flash websites has already saved their nasty flash cookies on your Linux, issue the commands:

hipo@debian:~$ cd .macromedia
hipo@debian:/home/hipo/.macromedia$ find -iname '*.sol'

The returned output of the above find command clearly reveals the shitty flash has stored already 3 flash cookies on my Linux, 3 cookies which later can be easily requested by other flash banners.
The 3 flash cookies are:
1. Saved by Adobe’s Flash Configuration Manager
2. Saved by the website
3. Saved by’s website

Now to deal with the situation and get rid of flash cookies, there are possibly two ways of approach that one can take:

1. One is to use some kind of script like the one clear_flash_cookies.tsch the other one is to completely disable flash cookies.
Using the clear_flash_cookies.tcsh does get rid of flash cookie problems just temporary as it might be set to be executed either once the browser is starting up, or directly via some kind of cron job entry like:

01 11,19 * * * /home/hipo/scripts/clear_flash_cookies.tcsh

eHowever clearing up (removing) the flash cookies, still doesn’t completely proihibit saving up of flash cookies and in the time intervals between the clear ups of the flash cookies, still some websites might save information related to their use on your Linux host and expose this information for other external flash websites to read and retrieve information about your previous websites visits.

Therefore it might be a better solution in terms of browser security to;

2. completely disable the use of adobe flash cookies on your Linux powered desktop.

Disabling adobe flash cookies is possible by either using the online flash Global Storage Settings (Flash Settings Manager) by navigating to the URL:

Adobe Flash Player online settings manager unticked option

And by removing the tick which is present to the option:

Allow third party Flash content to store data on your computer

Or by linking the local directory ~/.macromedia -> /dev/null

hipo@debian:~$ mv .macromedia .macromedia-bak
hipo@debian:~$ ln -s /dev/null .macromedia
hipo@debian:~$ ls -ald .macromedia
lrwxrwxrwx 1 hipo hipo 9 2009-03-30 09:56 .macromedia -> /dev/null

That’s all, Farewell nasty Flash cookies!