Archive for April, 2010

Installing qmailanalog-web on Debian Lenny, Access Qmail server statistics from the Web with qmailanalog front end (qmailanalog-web)

Wednesday, April 21st, 2010

As I’ve mentioned in one of my previous posts isoqlog is not generating statistics therefore I needed something else with which I can see statistics online.
Qmailanalog’s statistics provide with quite a good and accurate data, however it’s text based and therefore it’s not really flexible. In the meantime when I was browsing I stumbled on a program called qmailanalog-web .
This piece os software is pretty simple, though really usable. It’s just a web interface through a cgi which can be used to get the various statistics provided from the qmailanalog qmail log analysis software.
The software seems abandoned for many years, I even couldn’t find an archive of it online.
After playing some time with it I was able to bring it up and I succesfully configured qmailanalog-web to be accessed as a cgi script.
It took me quite a lot of time, the Software includes two basic documentation files one is called INSTALL and the other FGA (Frequently Given Answers) :).
Since the software is quite handy after installed on the server and provides with many useful qmail statistics, I decided to write a small installer that will automate the install process a bit and will make the life of people who desire to install it further on a way easier.
For some clarity I also decided to archive the qmailanalog-web package and mirror it here
In the archive you will also find a 4 liner script called
The qmailanalog-web could be considered a substitute for isoqlog and qmailalizer functionality, though it’s not so pretty, it’s still really useful!
But please don’t expect too much from qmailanalog-web. Just in case if you wonder how does it looks like, here is a screenshot of the software.
qmailanalog web

Actually qmailanalog web is a frontend to the 20 qmailanalog console tools.
After you select the qmailanalog tool the qmailanalog web interface provides you with an option to see the statistics generated from the corresponding qmailanalog console tool.
Though it lacks the eye candy of Isoqlog and Qmail Scanner Statistics, it’s not a bad substitute to Isoqlog and Qmail Scanner Statistics! 🙂

Migration of audit messages from snoopy to auditd

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

his article may be out of date and may be deleted in the future.

This article explains the migration from the previous service "Snoopy" to "Auditd". Only commands that are executed as a user with root rights should be recorded here.


Uninstall/disable snoopy

Configuration of auditd

Files needed
Auditd start/stop script


Rules for monitoring by auditd


Auditd plugin for syslog service


Edit the /etc/audit/audit.rules file
Auditd can be specifically configured to capture and exclude messages. The following list is helpful for excluding certain event entries ("msgtype"):

* 1000 – 1099 are for commanding the audit system
* 1100 – 1199 user space trusted application messages
* 1200 – 1299 messages internal to the audit daemon
* 1300 – 1399 audit event messages
* 1400 – 1499 kernel SE Linux use
* 1500 – 1599 AppArmor events
* 1600 – 1699 kernel crypto events
* 1700 – 1799 kernel abnormal records
* 1800 – 1999 future kernel use (maybe integrity labels and related events)
* 2001 – 2099 unused (kernel)
* 2100 – 2199 user space anomaly records
* 2200 – 2299 user space actions taken in response to anomalies
* 2300 – 2399 user space generated LSPP events
* 2400 – 2499 user space crypto events
* 2500 – 2999 future user space (maybe integrity labels and related events)

Adding the rules

In order for auditd to record the desired events, rules must be defined.

List of rules set up
Below is a list and explanation of the rules set up:

-a exclude,always -F msgtype>=2400 -F msgtype<=2499
-a exclude,always -F msgtype=PATH
-a exclude,always -F msgtype=CWD
-a exclude,always -F msgtype=EOE
-a exit,always -F arch=b64 -F auid!=0 -F auid!=4294967295 -S execve
-a exit,always -F arch=b32 -F auid!=0 -F auid!=4294967295 -S execve

The first rule excludes crypto events in user space – these include, for example, messages about a user logging in.
The second through fourth rules remove the information not necessary for monitoring before it is logged.
The fifth and sixth rules capture the commands entered by users moving within an interactive shell. Services etc. executed by the system are therefore not recorded.
It should be noted here that a separate rule must be created for systems that contain both 32- and 64-bit commands and libraries.

Rule syntax

In general, it makes sense to keep the number of existing rules low in order to reduce the load. Therefore, if possible, several rule fields (-F option) should be combined in one rule. Since Auditd obviously has a problem with multiple event entries that are defined in plain text, these have been created in individual rules. The syntax description of the individual rules is given in the next listing:

-a contains the instructions
The action value "exclude" and the list value "always" are specified for rules that should not lead to any log entry
The action values ​​"exit" and "always" have been specified for rules that should lead to a log entry
"exit" stands for a log entry after the command has been executed
-F defines a rules field
Depending on the application, the rules defined here filter by event entry ("msgtype"), architecture ("arch") and login UID ("auid").
-S stands for the syscall. In the rules that should lead to a log entry, the value "execve" is monitored – i.e. when commands are executed.

Redirect to syslog

Within the file /etc/audisp/plugins.d/syslog.conf the value

active = no

active = yes

restart auditd with the command

/etc/init.d/auditd restart
the settings are accepted.

Additional information

The following man pages can be consulted for more information:


Installing qmailanalog and Generating daily qmail statistics with ( on Debian Lenny / Daily qmail statististics notification via email

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

Finding a decent software to generate daily qmail statistics is a really tough job this days. Before time I always used eitherqmailalizer or isoqlog.
Presently qmailalizer is completely abondoned piece of software and I cannot force it to work on 64 bit architecture.Isoqlog is another story, it’s supposed to work with qmailrocks, however my qmail installation is based on Bill’s Linux Qmail Toaster and for some strange reason it’s generating empty statistics. It could be that isoqlog is not generating statistics because the log files’s feed to be processed is not enough. Anyways still I cannot figure out the reason why I cannot make work Isoqlog with the Qmail Toaster.

I needed a way to however at least have an overview statistics of what is happening inside qmail. Of course qmailmrtg which is explained how to be installed in my previous post is providing with some overall information, though the information acquired through it is too general.
I’ve spend some enormous time searching for something that could inform me on various qmail statistics based on the qmail logs, before I could find and tweak the report script to become usable with qmailanalog

In the meantime It was necessery for me to investigate into qmailanalog and install it on the Debian system.
Initially I instlaled the qmailanalog from source, latest current source release can be obtained via D.J. Bernstein’s qmaialanlog download page
You won’t be able to compile the qmailanalog piece of code in debian until substitute in the source file: error.h the line:

extern int errno;

with#include <errno.h>

After the above change your source should succesfully compile.
Right after I compile it I realized there is a debian source package installer called:

So on Debian to install qmailanalog all I had to do was:

debian-server:~# apt-get install qmailanalog-installer
debian-server:~# /usr/bin/build-qmailanalog

Now as I already have qmailanalog properly installed on Debian I decided to test it with a script called
You can download the script from here

Here I quote what exactly is written in the header in order to provide you with a general idea what the script does.

## Purpose:
## Wrapper for qmailanalog scripts. Will analyze qmail multilog
## files for deferrals, failures, overall statistics, or convert
## them to sendmail-style logs.

After executing the script I realized the script is not working properly because of some errors issued by scripts included within the qmailanalog package.
The faced problems and their solution with the qmailanalog: zsenders, zsuccesses, zfailures, zrecipients, zfailures and zrhosts scripts I’ve reported as a Debian bugs The qmailanalog bug report I’ve submitted can be seen here

The whole problem with qmailanalog scripts on Debian is that the “gnu more” binary arguments passed during the script operations are not correct and needs to be fixed.
Similar issues and their solution is explained in Qmailrocks Forums threads

After fixing the issues with qmailanalog I tried once again the script, this time some of the functions provided by the script prooved working however some of them weren’t okay still.
Therefore I took some more time searching on the internet and I’ve found on a mailing list the script which worked like a charm with a minor modifications.

In order to have the working you need the tai64nfrac binary.You can download the latest current version of tai64nfrac on tai64nfrac’s website
Installation of tai64nfrac is pretty straight forward and comes to the following:

debian-server:~# wget
debian-server:~# tar -zxvf tai64nfrac-1.4.tar.gz
debian-server:~# cd tai64nfrac-1.4
debian-server:~# make
debian-esrver:~# make install

After the install you should have the tai64nfrac in /usr/local/bin/tai64nfrac
Now let’s go back to the script. I’ve mirrored the script the script can be downloaded here

The script reports statistics on Qmail Logs following criterias:

Overall Email Server Statistics
Failure Statistics (Reasons for Failure)
Deferrals Statistics (Reasons for Deferrals)
Top Ten Senders Statistics
Top Ten Recipients Statistics

To make the script working all you have to edit in the script is the LOGFILE_PATH the rest is preconfigured by me already in the version of which is provided for download above.
If you choose to compile the qmailanalog from source you might also need to change the CMDS options, which includes the directory locations and commands from qmailanalog.

Now if you want to have the reports generated from, you have to setup the to be running via the cron daemon.

To do so open your root crontab and put in it:

# report daily qmail statistics05 01 * * * /usr/local/bin/ | mail -s "Qmail Daily Statistics for $(date)"

Now you should have the mailed to you every day at 01:05 early in the morning! 🙂

Installing qmailmrtg (qmail graph statistics on qmail activity) on Debian Lenny

Monday, April 19th, 2010

1. First it’s necessery to have the mrtg debian package installed.
If it’s not installed then we have to install it:

debian-server:~# apt-get install mrtg

2. Second download the qmailmrtg source binary
To download the latest current source release of qmailmrtg execute:

debian-server:~# wget

It’s a pity qmailmrtg is not available for download via debian repositories.

3. Third download the qmail.mrtg.cfg configuration file

debian-server~# wget

Now you have to put the file somewhere, usually it’s best to put it in the /etc/ directory.
Make sure the file is existing in /etc/qmail.mrtg.cfg
4. Untar compile and install qmailmrtg binary

debian-server:~# tar -xzvvf qmailmrtg7-4.2.tar.gz
debian-server:~# make && make install

strip qmailmrtg7
cp qmailmrtg7 /usr/local/bin
rm -rf *.o qmailmrtg7 checkq core
cc checkq.c -o checkq
cc -s -O qmailmrtg7.c -o qmailmrtg7
qmailmrtg7.c: In function ‘main’:
qmailmrtg7.c:69: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of
built-in function ‘exit’
qmailmrtg7.c:93: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of
built-in function ‘exit’
qmailmrtg7.c:131: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of
built-in function ‘exit’
qmailmrtg7.c:137: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of
built-in function ‘exit’

5. Set proper file permissions according to the user you indent to execute qmailmrtg as
I personally execute it as root user, if you intend to do so as well set a permissions to
/etc/qmail.mrtg.cfg of 700.
In order to do that issue the command:

debian-server:~# chmod 700 /etc/qmail.mrtg.cfg

6. You will now need to modify the qmail.mrtg.cfg according to your needs
There you have to set a proper location where the qmailmrtg shall generate it’s html data files.
I use the /var/www/qmailmrtg qmailmrtg log file location. If you will do so as wellyou have to create the directory.

7. Create qmailmrtg html log files directory

debian-server:~# mkdir /var/log/qmailmrtg

8. Now all left is to set a proper cron line to periodically invoke qmailmrtg in order to generate qmail activity statistics.

Before we add the desired root’s crontab instructions we have to open the crontab for edit, using the command.

debian-server:~# crontab -u root -e

I personally use and recommend the following line as a line to be added to root’s crontab.

0-55/5 * * * * env LANG=C /usr/bin/mrtg /etc/qmail.mrtg.cfg > /dev/null
9. Copy index.html from qmailmrtg source directory to /var/log/qmailmrtg

debian-server:/usr/local/src/qmailmrtg7-4.2# cp -rpf index.html /var/log/qmailmrtg

10. Last step is to make sure Apache’s configuration contains lines that will enable you to access the qmail activity statistics.

The quickest way to do that in Debian running Apache 2.2 is to edit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and add a directory Alias as follows

Alias /qmailmrtg/ "/var/www/qmailmrtg/"

Now after Apache restart /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
You should be now able to access the qmail mrtg qmail log statistics through your Apache’s default configured host.
For instance, assuming your default configured Apache host is You’ll be able to reach the qmailmrtg statistics through an url like:

After I verified and ensured myself qmail mrtg is working correctly after all the above explained steps partook I wasn’t happy with some headlines in the index.html and the html tile of qmailmrtg,
so as a last step I manually edited the /var/www/qmailmrtg/index.html to attune it to my likings.

Here is a screenshot of the qmailmrtg web statistics in action.

qmail mrtg on debian lenny

Add email commit notification to Subversion (SVN) / Setting up Subversion email notification with custom Subject

Sunday, April 18th, 2010

Ever wondered how to set up email notification with specific subject for a Subversion Project? I bet you did.
I was demanded today to conduct that in order to achieve it, here is what I did on a Debian Lenny server.

1. Copy your post-commit.tmpl to post-commit

cp -rpf /var/svn-repos/your_repository/hooks/post-commit.tmpl /var/svn-repos/your_repository/hooks/post-commit;

2. Open post-commit and put in it:

/usr/share/subversion/hook-scripts/ -s "TEST" $REPOS $REV

The “-s” specifies the subject you’d like to have to your e-mail notification.
That’s it if you have properly configured mail server at localhost. Then your email notification following each of thecommits revisions should start poping up to your email.

How to redirect http to https (port 80 to 443) with Apache 2.2 on Debian Lenny

Friday, April 16th, 2010

If you’re about to configure a redirect of http to https, just like I was required to on a Debian server. You’ll probably wonder how to achieve that, just like I wondered today.
There are plenty of ways to solve the task, first thing that poped up on my mind was to use PHP redirect, however I rethinked over it and reconsidered that using php redirect is too heavy for the server in terms of performance.
This way though it’s quick and easily achievable would execute the php code each time accessed, this on a loaded server will create a real performance issues.
Therefore I considered on to achieve the task on Apache level.
After a quick research on google I find the quick solution.
The whole solution comes to adding two lines of code to either your VirtualHost or the apache2.conf (on Debian) or httpd.conf or any name your Linux or FreeBSD distrubtion users for the Apache configuration file.

Redirect permanent /

That’s all now just restart Apache.

debian-server:~# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

There you go your http to https redirect should be now in action.

Join .vob (DVD Video Media) files together / Create a joint .vob file from 5 separate .vob files in Windows

Wednesday, April 14th, 2010

A friend of mine questioned me in Skype, “How can he joint together” five DVD Video Media files on Windows XP.
I thought that’s a nice task and a straight forward too. As a command line guy the first line that poped up
in my mind was to do it through the good old command line (cmd).
After testing this “a bit” strange way to do it actually it prooved working.
So I decided to share it here in case if somebody out there is looking to join together a number of files in one
joint file.
My way to achieve the joint together vob files task was to:

1. Rename all of the 5 vob files
Rename the questionable Video Media files (vob) files to a file names as:

1.vob, 2.vob, 3.vob, 4.vob, 5.vob …
etc.2. Copy all the 1.vob 2.vob 3.vob 4.vob 5.vob to your Windows Desktop

3. Use the following Windows commands in Windows Command line (cmd.exe) to join together the five or more files

First open your Windows command line:

Windows -> Start -> Run
Now in the Run box enter

As you will have your windows command line opened now execute in the command line window:
> cd Desktop
type 1.vob 2.vob 3.vob 4.vob 5.vob >> new_file.vob

Now your new_file.vob should e a joint version of the 5 others and you should have a whole
video file.
By the way it’s an interesting fact worthy to mention that VOB files are VOB files are MPEG2 files with MUXED AUDIO.
which in simple terms means that the audio and video are stored together in the same track.

There is also another more “civilized” way to achieve the file joint between the few VOB files through a program found online called Squared5

The program is capable of even further help you with the joining of the vob files by giving you an opportunity to convert the DVD Video Media to other popular formats like for instance the MPEG1 or to AVI

Here is a quote directly taken from the square5’s website:

MPEG Streamclip is a powerful free video converter, player, editor for Mac and Windows. It can play
many movie files, not only MPEGs; it can convert MPEG files between muxed/demuxed formats for
authoring; it can encode movies to many formats, including iPod; it can cut, trim and join movies.
MPEG Streamclip can also download videos from YouTube and Google by entering the page URL.

The square5 file jointer and converter software is available both for Windows and Mac.
Happy jointing 🙂

Some of the most important Symbols for Orthodox Christians in The Eastern Orthodox Church – Symbols in the Eastern Orthodox Christian Faith (Eastern Orthodox Symbolism) and Christian Symbolism in the Roman Catholic Church (Symbolism in Western Catholicism)

Tuesday, April 13th, 2010


Yesterday, while browsing randomly I came across an interesting Roman Catholic webpage.
The website is created by Catholics with the idea to better explain the Catholic religion and Symbolism.
Though as an Orthodox Christian, my interest towards Roman Catholicism is only scientific, it's really interesting to see the common symbolism surrounding Roman Catholicism and compare with the Orthodox Christian symbolism. Many of the Roman Catholic Symbols are equal symbol with the one we nowadays used in the orthodox church.
I presume this common symbolism between Orthodox and Roman Catholic church,has stayed the same from the time before Roman Catholics split from the Only Holy Apostolic Church  to become the Church of the West Roman Empire, that's how the naming Roman Catholic came forward.

To find out more about Roman Catholic symbolism please see the following links I've mirrored the information from Fisheater's website which is btw is a great website targeting Roman Catholic layman. Everything on the website is explained in a simple everyday language without too much terminology which makes it a great resource for Roman Catholic Christians and people like me who who like to take a look in Roman Catholicism.

It's really a strange and intriguing fact let's call it a "co-incidence" that the inverted cross (upside-down) cross,also called "Peter's cross" on which saint Peter was crucified is also a symbol of Papacy .
It's a popular fact that nowadays Satanist use a similar inverted cross to the one said to be symbol of papacy for their "Black Masses" (Satanic Masses). Maybe some Roman Catholic priest or Cardinal has to explain, how comes that the Roman Catholics ended with such a significant symbol used nowdays in anti-christian satanic religion to be also a symbol of their beloved Pope??

I will skip forward to the heart of this article, which is to explain the Christian Symbolism which is important for us the Eastern Orthodox Christians. Many of the symbols might have in common, also with other Christian early Churches like the Coptic Oriental Orthodox Church, the Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Churches and other Chruches which somehow are closer to the One Holy and Apostolic Church – the Orthodox Church but officially are not in communion with us the Orthodox Christians.

Here I'll share only the most notable Christian Symbolism which is also used in the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Many of this symbolism was always bothering me while in Churches or Monasteries and was always pushing me to more and more questions without answers, thus I finally did some research on this symbols in get a better understanding on my Orthodox Christian faith.

Since I don't have a Theologian education and many of us the ordinary layman's in the church doesn't have such education I hope this orthodox Christian symbolism shared here and it's meanings will be of interest and will help you fortify your good faith in God and our Orthodox Christian faith.

Lamb of God Christian Symbol

Lamb: symbol of Christ as the Paschal Lamb and also a symbol for Christians (as Christ is our Shepherd and Peter was told to feed His sheep).

This symbol is also presented in Bulgaria on the little yellow book they sell in our Bulgarian Orthodox Churches.
This tiny book contains the Divine Liturgy compiled by God's inspiration by st. John Chrysostom
If you're coming from an Catholic Background and you hold interest for Orthodox Christianity, as historically East Orthodox Christianity Symbol of Faith as well as basic doctrines were kept untouched, you might consider reading online here The Divine Liturgy by St. John Chrysostom
It's really important to say that the Divine Liturgy by St. John Chrysostom is the "backbone" of the church life, since it's the main and most served Liturgy in the eastern Orthodox Churches around the world.

Dove and Russian Patriarch
Dove: symbol of the The Holy Spirit and used especially in representations of our Lord's Baptism and the Pentecost. It is also used to recall Noe's dove, a harbinger of hope.

Chirchoao, Chi-Rho Sigla
"Chi-Rho" or "sigla": the letters "X" and "P," representing the first letters of the title "Christos," were eventually put together to form this symbol for Christ ("Chi" is pronounced "Kie"). It is this form of the Cross that the Emperor of Byzantia Constantine saw in his vision along with the Greek words, TOUTO NIKA, and which mean "in this sign thou shalt conquer.

Orthodox Tau Cross
"thau" or "tau": the T-shaped cross is mentioned in the Old Testament and is seen as a foreshadowing of the Cross of Christ.
Ezechiel 9:4:
"And the Lord said to him: Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem: and mark Thau upon the foreheads of the men that sigh, and
mourn for all the abominations that are committed in the midst thereof."
I've noticed that the tau_cross is often worn by Orthodox Monks as "a badge" on their clothes somewhere in the right of their chest

Greek Orthodox Cross
The Greek Orthodox Cross This symbol is one of the earliest Christian symbols which emerged right after Christ's resurrection.
The Greek Cross has all fours members the same shape and form (crux quadrata) and usually suggests the Christian church rather than a symbol of Christ's suffering.

Jerusalem Cross
Jerusalem Cross: also called the "Crusaders' Cross," it is made up of 5 Greek Crosses which are said to symbolize a) the 5 Wounds of Christ; and/or b) the 4 Gospels and the 4 corners of the earth (the 4 smaller crosses) and Christ Himself (the large Cross). This Cross was a common symbol used during the wars against Islamic aggression. (see less stylized version at right)

Baptismal Cross
Baptismal Cross: consisting of the Greek Cross with the Greek letter "X", the first initial of the title "Christ," this Cross is a symbol of regeneration, hence, its association with Baptism. Usually the Orthodox priest dress is decorated with a sign like this.

Red Orthodox Egg
The Scarlet red Egg:
Church tradition has it that St. Mary Magdalen went to Rome and met with the Emperor Tiberius to tell him about the Resurrection of Jesus. She held out an egg to him as a symbol of this, and he scoffed, saying that a man could no more rise from the dead than that egg that she held could turn scarlet. The egg turned deep red in her hands, and this is the origin of Easter eggs, and the reason why Mary Magdalen is often portrayed holding a scarlet egg.

Ichthus an early Christian Symbol
Ichtus (Ichthys) – The Fish:
Fish: the fish — ever-watchful with its unblinking eyes — was one of the most important symbols of Christ to the early Christians. In Greek, the phrase, "Jesus Christ, Son of God Savior," is "Iesous Christos Theou Yios Soter." The first letters of each of these Greek words, when put together, spell "ichthys," the Greek word for "fish" (ICQUS ). This symbol can be seen in the Sacraments Chapel of the Catacombs of St. Callistus. Because of the story of the miracle of the loaves and fishes, the fish symbolized, too, the Eucharist (see stylized fish symbol at right). Important note to make, here is that nowdays this sign's variations is not too often to be seen in Orthodox Churches. It's highly adopted by protestant Christians, seeing this sign on somebody's car or inside his home is a sure sign that probably he adhere's to Christian teachings different from orthodoxy.

Alpha Omega orthodox symbol
The Alpha-Omega symbol
Alpha, the first letter of the Greek alphabet, and Omega, the last letter of the Greek alphabet, became a symbol for Christ due to His being called "the First and the Last." The roots of symbolizing these attributes of God go back further, all the way to the Old Testament where, in Exodus 34:6, God is said to be "full of Goodness and Truth." The Hebrew spelling of the word "Truth" consists of the 3 letters "Aleph," "Mem," and "Thaw" — and because "Aleph" and "Thaw" are the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet, the ancients saw mystical relevance in God's being referred to as "Truth." At any rate, the Greek Alpha and Omega as a symbol for Christ has been found in the Catacombs, Christian signet rings, post-Constantine coins, and the frescoes and mosaics of ancient churches.

IC XC Nika Orthodox Symbol
The "IC XC Nika":
comes from Ancient Greek and was a widespread ancient Christian Symbol which is nowadays still present in the Eastern Orthodox Churches. IC XC Nika literally translated to english means "IC XC = Jesus Christ, NIKA = Glory to". In other words translated to modern english IC XC NIKA means Glory be to Jesus Christ!

Many Protestant Christians, nowdays falsely believe and claims this fish Christian symbol preceded the Crucifix as a symbol of veneration of Jesus and his Cross sufferings in the Church. This kind of belief is a falsely spread along many Protestant or "Evangelical" Christian denominations and Methodists. to be seen in many ancient Christian Church buildings is a Christian symbol. Today, some ancient Orthodox Churches still contain the "Christian fish" symbol. The reason why this symbol was used by early Christians is as a remembrance of the great miracle of Jesus to feed 5000 with 2 fishes and seven breads.

Holy Eucharist Cup, Bread and Wine

The Holy Eucharist vessels used by Orthodox Priests This is the cup of salvation as also called during the Divine Liturgy each time, the Wine and the Blood that the priest prepares in that Holy Cup is transformed by The Holy Spirit into a veracious flesh and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Orthodox Byzantine Coat of Arms
The byzantine coat of arms
is an ancient Christian symbol used in the early Byzantine Church, nowadays it can be observed only in the Orthodox Churches.
It symbolizes the power of the Byzantian empire under the guidance of the the Holy Lord and the Gospel Truths.

Orthodox Bishop Crown
The Orthodox Bishop Crown is only worn by Bishops in the Orthodox Church. This crown indicates the Bishop's Church and spiritual (rank) and dignity.

Byzantine Orthodox Cross
Byzantine Orthodox or Russian Orthodox Cross
Is used most often by Eastern Catholics and Russian Orthodox, this Cross is the Byzantine Cross with the footrest at a diagonal. This slant is said to represent one of a few things:
– the footrest wrenched loose from the Christ's writhing in intense physical suffering; lower side representing "down," the fate of sinners, while the elevated side represents Heaven;
– the lower side represents the bad thief (known to us as Gestas through the apocryphal "Acts of Pilate" ("Gospel of Nicodemus") while the elevated side to Christ's right represents the thief who would be with Him in Paradise (St. Dismas);
– the "X" shape of the slanted "footrest" against the post symbolizes the cross on which St. Andrew was crucified.

Megaloschema a dress of a schimonk
The Megaloschema is a dress worn by schimonks. This monk rank is actually the highest possible rank an orthodox Christian monk can achieve. The symbolism on the dress is a brief form of:

  • IC XC (IECOYC XPICTOC) "Jesus Christ"
  • IC XC NIKA ("IECOYC XPICTOC NIKA") meaning: "Jesus Christ is Victorious"

The letters below IC XC Nika has a meaning – The Light of Christ shines on all.

  • XX. X.X letters. – means "Christ bestows grace on Christians"
  • The 4 Thitha (called) signs are a symbol for: Vision of God Divine wonder

Then the

  • T. K. P. G – Means "The Place of the Skull becomes Paradise"
  • The text placed in the lowest translated to English is "AdamThe First Man" and also is a symbol for the Place of the Skull (Golgotha).
  • In the Orthodox Church and the Church fathers teaches us that Golgotha or the Place of the Skull is the Place where the first man (Adam) was buried, and by God's divine providence coincides with the place where our Saviour Jesus Christ was crucified.

Orthodox Bishop Dress
Orthodox Priest dress / robe
This dress is only worn by Orthodox Christian Bishops.

Bulgarian Orthodox cross with 4 lights
The Cross with four lights emitating near the center of the cross This cross is actually used in more modern times as a Christian Orthodox symbol, The four lights coming out of the cross are added,
as the gospels speak that Christ is the Sun of righteousness
I've had quite a long time trying to figure out why exactly this cross is made with this 4 lights. It was a real joy when one time a priesttold me the meaning.
It's interesting fact that most of the Roman Catholic's crosses nowdays have the four lights radiating from Christ's Crucifix or the Cross symbolizing the Crucifix.

This is all I will say for symbolism for now. I hope this Christian symbolism will shed some light on the matters of Symbolism in both the Orthodox and the Catholoic eastern Church. I'll be glad if somebody out there more literate on the subject comment on my post and correct me if I'm wrong with smething.

Awstats cannot process /var/log/apache2/access.log file by default / Awstats cannot open Apache server log file on Debian by default and how to fix that

Monday, April 12th, 2010

By default the permissions of /var/log/apache2/ are as shown below:

drwxr-x--- 2 root adm 4096 Mar 21 14:18 /var/log/apache2/

This is quite restrictive, awstats runs by default with the www-data user which is actually the user name used by Apache webserver on Debian platform.
Therefore Awstats cannot swith to the /var/log/apache2/ directory and consequently cannot process the apache access.log file which by the way again has restrictive permissions as you can see below:

-rw-r----- 1 root adm 0 Sep 23 2009 access.log

Thus it’s necessery to work out the default Debian restrictive permissions to the Apache webserver logs to “allow” Awstats to be able to access the log files and consequently generate it’s statistics.

To do that you have to allow all users to have a read access over both /var/log/apache2/access.log and /var/log/apache2/error.log otherwise you will receiver errors like:

debian:~# sudo -u www-data /usr/bin/perl /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ -update

Create/Update database for config “/etc/awstats/” by AWStats version 6.7 (build 1.892)
From data in log file “/var/log/apache2/access.log”…
Error: Couldn’t open server log file “/var/log/apache2/access.log” : Permission denied
Setup (‘/etc/awstats/’ file web server or permissions) may be wrong.
Check config file permissions and AWStats documentation (in ‘docs’ directory).

So now to let’s set some permissions to allow the www-data user to be able to access /var/log/apache2.
First way to do that is via executing:

debian:~# chmod 755 -R /var/log/apache2/*

This however from a security stand point is a complete bull-shit, that way everybody that has a physical ssh account on the server will be able to read your /var/log/apache2/.
Therefore you might try something else like for example:

debian:~# chown 754 /var/log/apache2
After which you have to change the permissions for /var/log/apache2/access.log and /var/log/apache2/error.log to:
debian:~# chown 644 /var/log/apache2/access.log /var/log/apache2/error.log

Even if you do that, if /var/log/apache2/access.log and /var/log/apache2/error.log is the only log files on your webserver soon the permissions will broke once again, after the periodical logrotate is executed via the cron daemon.
To get around this annoyance you have to edit your /etc/logrotate.d/apache2 conf file and change substitute:

create 640 root adm
create 644 root adm

Well that’s all, all left is to wait that the awstats is executed one more time through crond.
If you want to modify something to the way awstats is invoked via cron you have to edit:


Now hopefully your awstats should work just perfectly fine 🙂

Optimize, check and repair tables in MySQL, howto improve work with tables in MySQL

Monday, April 12th, 2010

There are few quick tips that helps if some unexpected downtime of your SQL server occurs. Even though nowdays this won’t happen too often with servers running with a good ups, sometimes even administrator errors can cause problems with your mysql tables. If your MySQL server refuses to start, it’s quite probable that you’re experiencing a problem with a broken table or tables in MySQL. Therefore you need to go through all your mysql databases and check the consistency of your MyISAM or Innodb tables, ofcourse accordingly to your MySQL database types. To check a certain table for consistency with MySQL after you select the database, you have to execute: mysql$ CHECK TABLE your_table_name; If the above command after presumably executed with all your databases and there consequent tables reports, everytime OK then your MySQL crashes are not caused by table incosistencies. However if instead of OK the CHECK TABLE reports Corruptthen you have a broken table and you have to fix it as soon as possible, in order to be able to bring up to life the MySQL server once again. Here is an example of a broken table after a CHECK REPAIR searchindex; : +------------------+-------+----------+------------------------------------+ | Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text | +------------------+-------+----------+------------------------------------+ | test.searchindex | check | error | Key in wrong position at page 4096 | | test.searchindex | check | error | Corrupt | +------------------+-------+----------+------------------------------------+ To fix the CORRUPTED or BROKEN table as also known you have to issue the command: mysql$ REPAIR TABLE yourtable_name; Depending on your table size after a while, if everything is going fine you should see something like: +------------------+--------+----------+----------+ | Table | Op | Msg_type | Msg_text | +------------------+--------+----------+----------+ | test.searchindex | repair | status | OK | +------------------+--------+----------+----------+ 1 row in set (0.08 sec) Be aware that sometimes in order to fix a broken table you have to use the MySQL repair extended function. Expect The EXTENDED REPAIR function option to take a much more time, even sometimes with large databases with million of records it could take hours, especially if the MySQL server is serving other client requests as well. This terrible siutation sometimes occurs because of mysql locks, though I believe locks are probably a topic of another post. Hopefully after issuing that the table in MySQL would properly repair and your MySQL will begin starting up with the rc script once again. Apart from crashes and table repairs there are few nice things concerning MySQL that are doing me good every now and then. I’m talking about the MySQL functions: ANALYZE TABLE and OPTIMIZE TABLE ANALYZE TABLE does synchronization of the information concerning the variables within tables that has a INDEX key settled according to the database to which they belong. In other simply words, executing ANALYZE TABLE to your database tables every now and then and that would probably help in speeding up the code executed in the SQL that has JOINS involved. The second one OPTIMIZE TABLE is natively supported with MyISAM SQL database types, and secondary supported with Innodb, where the Optimize with Innodb is done in a non-traditional way. When invoked to process an Innodb table OPTIMIZE TABLE does use ALTER TABLE to achieve an Innodb table optimization. In practice what the optimize table does is defragmentation of the table unto which it’s executed. A quick example of the optimize table is for instance: OPTIMIZE TABLE your_table_name; In order to find out which tables need to be defragmented or in other words needs optimize table you have to issue the cmd: show table status where Data_free!=0; Note that you have to issue this command on each of your databases; Just because this is so boring you can of course use my script which will quickly loop through all the databases and show you which tables need to be optimized. I’ve written also a second shell script that loops through all MySQL databases and lists all databases and sub tables that requires optimize and further on proceeds optimizing to download the script click here Happy optimizing 🙂