Posts Tagged ‘fatal error’

Fixing PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function session_register()

Monday, July 1st, 2013

While moving Website from older Debian 6 to Debian 7 server with Apache I encountered PHP Fatal error:

PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function session_register() in /var/www2/site/www/include/modules/core/session.class.php on line 7, referer:

In PHP newer than PHP 5.3, session_register(): function is obsolete, there is no need anymore to have this function initiated before using SESSION variables.

Comment out  in PHP files prompting error in Apache error.log everywhere where matched:



to look like this:


In newer PHP versions to initialize sessions:


Before test it again in browser, restart Browser and Apache server to make sure some caching from Apache or Browser doesn't influence. That's all now site  works fine 🙂

Solving “Cannot redeclare show_subscription_checkbox() (previously declared in .. wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php”

Monday, March 21st, 2011

I’m trying to install subscribe-to-comments wordpress plugin in order to make my users to easily set a tick and receive new emails if somebody replies to their comments in my blog. Pitily downloading and trying to install the subscribe-to-comments wordpress plugin was failing after it’s activation with an error message:

PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare show_subscription_checkbox() (previously declared in /var/www/blog/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments/subscribe-to-comments.php:12) in /var/www/blog/wp-content/plugins/subscribe-to-comments.php on line 58"

I did my best to edit the subscribe-to-comments.php to fix up the fatal error but it was no go, so after a bunch of research I’ve found out somebody created a new version of the plugin under the name subscribe-to-comments-reloaded .

I’ve proceeded and gave a try to subscribe-to-comments-reloaded as a substitute to the old broken subscribe-to-comments .

Enabling the subscribe-to-commets-reloaded worked out of the box and the plugin now works perfectly fine and even better is enabling all the functionaity of the subscribe-to-comments
Cheers 🙂

How to fix php “Fatal error: Class ‘SimpleXMLElement’ not found” and “Fatal error: Class ‘JLoader’ not found” on FreeBSD

Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

One of the contact forms running on a FreeBSD server configured to work on top of Apache+MySQL suddenly stopped working.

The errors that appeared on the webpage during a page request to the form url was:

Fatal error: Class 'SimpleXMLElement' not found in /var/www/joomla/plugins/system/plugin_googlemap2_helper.php on line 2176 Fatal error: Class 'JLoader' not found in /var/www/joomla/plugins/libraries/loader.php on line 161

As you see in the output the website which was causing the issues was running a Joomla version 1.5.23 Stable configured with RSForm!ver 1.5.x (as a contact form solution) and Google Maps version 2.13b plugins.

The Google Map from Google Maps plugin and the RSform were configured to appear on one physical configured article in Joomla and seemed to work just until now. However yesterday suddenly the error messages:
Fatal error: Class ‘SimpleXMLElement’ not found
Fatal error: Class ‘JLoader’ not found

came out of nothing, it’s really strange as I don’t remember doing any changes to either Joomla or the PHP installation on this server.
There is one more guy who has access to the Joomla installation which I suspect might have changed something in the Joomla, but this scenario is not very likely.

Anyways as the problem was there I had to fix it up. Obviously as the error message Fatal error: Class ‘SimpleXMLElement’ not found reported the server php simplexml was missing!

Just to assure myself the php simplexml extension is not present on the server I used the classical method of setting up a php file with phpinfo(); in it to check all the installed php extensions on the server.

Finally to solve the issue I had to install the module from ports php5-simplexml , e.g.:

freebsd# cd /usr/ports/textproc/php5-simplexml
freebsd# make install clean

Afterwards to make the new settings take place I did restart of my Apache server:

freebsd# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache2 restart
Syntax OK
Stopping apache2.
Waiting for PIDS: 63883.
Performing sanity check on apache2 configuration:
Syntax OK
Starting apache2.

Now my Joomla contact form is back to normal 😉

If someone has any idea why this error occured without any php or server modifications, and how comes that all worked fine beforehand even though I did not have the simplexml module instlaled on the server o_O, I would be enormously greatful.

How to fix “Fatal error: Call to undefined function: curl_init()” on FreeBSD and Debian

Saturday, June 18th, 2011

After installing the Tweet Old Post wordpress plugin and giving it, I’ve been returned an error of my PHP code interpreter:

Call to undefined function: curl_init()

As I’ve consulted with uncle Google’s indexed forums 😉 discussing the issues, I’ve found out the whole issues are caused by a missing php curl module

My current PHP installation is installed from the port tree on FreeBSD 7.2. Thus in order to include support for php curl it was necessery to install the port /usr/ports/ftp/php5-curl :

freebsd# cd /usr/ports/ftp/php5-curl
freebsd# make install clean

(note that I’m using the php5 port and it’s surrounding modules).

Fixing the Call to undefined function: curl_init() on Linux hosts I suppose should follow the same logic, e.g. one will have to install php5-curl to resolve the issue.
Fixing the missing curl_init() function support on Debian for example will be as easy as using apt to install the php5-curl package, like so:

debian:~# apt-get install php5-curl

Now my tweet-old-post curl requirement is matched and the error is gone, hooray 😉