Posts Tagged ‘check’

Check TOP Memory and CPU use with ps command on Linux

Sunday, October 22nd, 2017


There are plenty of software to check the GNU / Linux Server Load bottlenecks such as top / tload / slabtop / htop but for shell scripting purposes or perl  / python / ruby automation Dev Ops scripts and various Web and Middleware Tasks it is always better to know how to print list the TOP Memory and CPU consumption processes on Linux.

Below are two easy commands you can use to check out, which process is the most memory hungry and which running daemon (MySQL / PostgreSQL / Apache whatever) is the overloading your *nix server CPU.

TOP Memory use sorted by process memory max consumption


ps aux  | awk '{print $6/1024 " MBtt" $11}'  | sort -n


TOP CPU use sorted y running daemon

ps -eo pcpu,pid,user,args | sort -k 1 -r | head -10

Enjoy 🙂

How to check who is flooding your Apache, NGinx Webserver – Real time Monitor statistics about IPs doing most URL requests and Stopping DoS attacks with Fail2Ban

Wednesday, August 20th, 2014


If you're Linux ystem administrator in Webhosting company providing WordPress / Joomla / Drupal web-sites hosting and your UNIX servers suffer from periodic denial of service attacks, because some of the site customers business is a target of competitor company who is trying to ruin your client business sites through DoS or DDOS attacks, then the best thing you can do is to identify who and how is the Linux server being hammered. If you find out DoS is not on a network level but Apache gets crashing because of memory leaks and connections to Apache are so much that the CPU is being stoned, the best thing to do is to check which IP addresses are causing the excessive GET / POST / HEAD requests in logged.

There is the Apachetop tool that can give you the most accessed webserver URLs in a refreshed screen like UNIX top command, however Apachetop does not show which IP does most URL hits on Apache / Nginx webserver. 


1. Get basic information on which IPs accesses Apache / Nginx the most using shell cmds

Before examining the Webserver logs it is useful to get a general picture on who is flooding you on a TCP / IP network level, with netstat like so:

# here is howto check clients count connected to your server
netstat -ntu | awk '{print $5}' | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

If you get an extensive number of connected various IPs / hosts (like 10000 or something huge as a number), depending on the type of hardware the server is running and the previous scaling planned for the system you can determine whether the count as huge as this can be handled normally by server, if like in most cases the server is planned to serve a couple of hundreds or thousands of clients and you get over 10000 connections hanging, then your server is under attack or if its Internet server suddenly your website become famous like someone posted an article on some major website and you suddenly received a tons of hits.

There is a way using standard shell tools, to get some basic information on which IP accesses the webserver the most with:

tail -n 500 /var/log/apache2/access.log | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -gr

Or if you want to keep it refreshing periodically every few seconds run it through watch command:

watch "tail -n 500 /var/log/apache2/access.log | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -gr"


Another useful combination of shell commands is to Monitor POST / GET / HEAD requests number in access.log :

 awk '{print $6}' access.log | sort | uniq -c | sort -n

     1 "alihack<%eval
      1 "CONNECT
      1 "fhxeaxb0xeex97x0fxe2-x19Fx87xd1xa0x9axf5x^xd0x125x0fx88x19"x84xc1xb3^v2xe9xpx98`X'dxcd.7ix8fx8fxd6_xcdx834x0c"
      1 "x16x03x01"
      1 "xe2
      2 "mgmanager&file=imgmanager&version=1576&cid=20
      6 "4–"
      7 "PUT
     22 "–"
     22 "OPTIONS
     38 "PROPFIND
   1476 "HEAD
   1539 "-"
  65113 "POST
 537122 "GET

However using shell commands combination is plenty of typing and hard to remember, plus above tools does not show you, approximately how frequenty IP hits the webserver


2. Real-time monitoring IP addresses with highest URL reqests with logtop


Real-time monitoring on IP addresses with highest URL requests is possible with no need of "console ninja skills"  through – logtop.


2.1 Install logtop on Debian / Ubuntu and deb derivatives Linux


a) Installing Logtop the debian way

LogTop is easily installable on Debian and Ubuntu in newer releases of Debian – Debian 7.0 and Ubuntu 13/14 Linux it is part of default package repositories and can be straightly apt-get-ed with:

apt-get install –yes logtop

b) Installing Logtop from source code (install on older deb based Linuxes)

On older Debian – Debian 6 and Ubuntu 7-12 servers to install logtop compile from source code – read the README installation instructions or if lazy copy / paste below:

cd /usr/local/src
mv master JulienPalard-logtop.tar.gz
tar -zxf JulienPalard-logtop.tar.gz

cd JulienPalard-logtop-*/
aptitude install libncurses5-dev uthash-dev

aptitude install python-dev swig

make python-module

python install


make install


mkdir -p /usr/bin/
cp logtop /usr/bin/

2.2 Install Logtop on CentOS 6.5 / 7.0 / Fedora / RHEL and rest of RPM based Linux-es

b) Install logtop on CentOS 6.5 and CentOS 7 Linux

– For CentOS 6.5 you need to rpm install epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm

rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
rpmbuild –rebuild
cd /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/noarch
rpm -ivh uthash-devel-1.9.9-6.el6.noarch.rpm

– For CentOS 7 you need to rpm install epel-release-7-0.2.noarch.rpm



Click on and download epel-release-7-0.2.noarch.rpm

rpm -ivh epel-release-7-0.2.noarch
rpm –import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-7
yum -y install git ncurses-devel uthash-devel
git clone
cd logtop
make install


2.3 Some Logtop use examples and short explanation


logtop shows 4 columns as follows – Line number, Count, Frequency, and Actual line


The quickest way to visualize which IP is stoning your Apache / Nginx webserver on Debian?


tail -f access.log | awk {'print $1; fflush();'} | logtop




On CentOS / RHEL

tail -f /var/log/httpd/access_log | awk {'print $1; fflush();'} | logtop


Using LogTop even Squid Proxy caching server access.log can be monitored.
To get squid Top users by IP listed:


tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log | awk {'print $1; fflush();'} | logtop


Or you might visualize in real-time squid cache top requested URLs

tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log | awk {'print $7; fflush();'} | logtop



3. Automatically Filter IP addresses causing Apache / Nginx Webservices Denial of Service with fail2ban

Once you identify the problem if the sites hosted on server are target of Distributed DoS, probably your best thing to do is to use fail2ban to automatically filter (ban) IP addresses doing excessive queries to system services. Assuming that you have already installed fail2ban as explained in above link (On Debian / Ubuntu Linux) with:

apt-get install –yes fail2ban

To make fail2ban start filtering DoS attack IP addresses, you will have to set the following configurations:

vim /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf

Paste in file:

enabled = true
port = http,https
filter = http-get-dos
logpath = /var/log/apache2/WEB_SERVER-access.log
# maxretry is how many GETs we can have in the findtime period before getting narky
maxretry = 300
# findtime is the time period in seconds in which we're counting "retries" (300 seconds = 5 mins)
findtime = 300
# bantime is how long we should drop incoming GET requests for a given IP for, in this case it's 5 minutes
bantime = 300
action = iptables[name=HTTP, port=http, protocol=tcp]

Before you paste make sure you put the proper logpath = location of webserver (default one is /var/log/apache2/access.log), if you're using multiple logs for each and every of hosted websites, you will probably want to write a script to automatically loop through all logs directory get log file names and automatically add auto-modified version of above [http-get-dos] configuration. Also configure maxtretry per IP, findtime and bantime, in above example values are a bit low and for heavy loaded websites which has to serve thousands of simultaneous connections originating from office networks using Network address translation (NAT), this might be low and tuned to prevent situations, where even the customer of yours can't access there websites 🙂

To finalize fail2ban configuration, you have to create fail2ban filter file:

vim /etc/fail2ban/filters.d/http-get-dos.conf


# Fail2Ban configuration file
# Author:
# Option: failregex
# Note: This regex will match any GET entry in your logs, so basically all valid and not valid entries are a match.
# You should set up in the jail.conf file, the maxretry and findtime carefully in order to avoid false positives.
failregex = ^<HOST> -.*"(GET|POST).*
# Option: ignoreregex
# Notes.: regex to ignore. If this regex matches, the line is ignored.
# Values: TEXT
ignoreregex =

To make fail2ban load new created configs restart it:

/etc/init.d/fail2ban restart

If you want to test whether it is working you can use Apache webserver Benchmark tools such as ab or siege.
The quickest way to test, whether excessive IP requests get filtered – and make your IP banned temporary:

ab -n 1000 -c 20 http://your-web-site-dot-com/

This will make 1000 page loads in 20 concurrent connections and will add your IP to temporary be banned for (300 seconds) = 5 minutes. The ban will be logged in /var/log/fail2ban.log, there you will get smth like:

2014-08-20 10:40:11,943 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [http-get-dos] Ban
2013-08-20 10:44:12,341 fail2ban.actions: WARNING [http-get-dos] Unban

Checking I/O Hard Disk (Overhead) Read / Write operations on Microsoft Windows 7 – Resource Monitor

Friday, July 26th, 2013

I mainly have to deal with Linux servers. Today however I had to check for problems Microsoft Windows 7 server. The machine looked Okay but was reading from hard drive all the time. Hence I needed to check what is the Hard disk approximate read / write speed per second. I know on lInux tracking i/o hard disk server bottlenecks is done with iostat or dstat.

However I never did that on Windows, so I had to learn it by experience. Its actually pretty easy and you don't even need to install external program to see read / write hdd speed operations. Windows 7 is bundled with a Program called Resource Manager. Running Resource Manager's easiest method is from Windows Task Manager, i.e.:

Windows 7 Task Manager processes performance tab - how to check hard drive bottleneck windows server
Press Ctrl + Alt + Del (Choose Start Task Manager) and from Task Manager click on Resource Monitor Button.
Immediately resource Monitor pops up and selecting the Disk tab priovides information on HDD Read / Write speed per sec. Using Resource Monitor, you can quickly also see which process is creating the most HDD overhead for server.

microsoft windows 7 resource monitor screenshot

windows resource monitor disk tab hard disk show read write speed win7

Though I'm not Microsoft fan, I should admit Resource Manager does a great job.


The Color of Pomegranates (1968) фильм “Цвет граната”/Նռան գույնը (1969г.)

Thursday, April 11th, 2013

Those who enjoy post-modern art and odd movies should definitely check out The Color of Pomegranates. This movie is one among top Greatest Soviet Movies. There is a saying in Bulgaria "Is the movie Good or Russian?". In terms of surrealism in movie genre most of Soviet produced movies hit 10. In terms of normal viewer they're almost impossible to understand and very unimportant. The good thing about the movie is it shows some traditional things from some of ex USSR countries. Anyways I don't like the paganism in movie. Few of the Christian old paintings and things are worthy to see.


The Color of Pomegranates (1968) фильм "Цвет граната"/Նռան գույնը (1969г.)

Video Review of Top Cities, Places and Things – must see in the Netherlands

Thursday, January 17th, 2013

South of Haarlem, makes the ultimate outing for ogling Holland's famed flower. The bulb fields in and around Keukenhof burst into colour from the end of March to mid May.

HOLLAND: Keukenhof – world's largest flower garden [HD]



hoe leuk is nederland , delft holland (How nice is Holland – Delft (one of the ancient cities in Holland)


Utrecht, The Netherlands

Views of the city of Utrecht and its tourist attractions like the Oudegracht canal, the Domkerk, Domtoren, Pieterkerk, Muziek Centrum. Check out the old tower museum and try to spot the Gothic churches spread around the city.


Utrecht Netherlands, City, Life and University


HOLLAND in MINIATURE – MADURODAM – The Hague, Netherlands

Madurodam is a park and tourist attraction in Scheveningen, The Hague, Netherlands, home to a range of perfect 1:25 scale model replicas of famous Dutch castles, public buildings, and large industrial projects as found at various locations in the country. The park was opened in 1952 and has been visited by tens of millions of visitors since that date. Madurodam was named after George Maduro, a Jewish law student from Curaçao who fought the Nazi occupation forces as a member of the Dutch resistance and died at Dachau concentration camp in 1945. In 1946 Maduro was posthumously awarded the medal of Knight 4th-class of the Military Order of William, the highest and oldest military decoration in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, for the valor he had demonstrated in the Battle of the Netherlands against German troops. His parents donated the funds necessary for the Madurodam project.


Scheveningen Beach (The Hague) Netherlands

Very surprisingly in Holland there are beaches too 🙂 It is a bit funny in such a Northern Country, there could be beach but there is. As you can see the sun lack takes off from enjoying the beach bathing. If you never have tried a Northern Beach destination and you happen to drop off Netherlands in the Summer give it a try 🙂


Haarlem The Netherlands – An Old Dutch city who most likely give birth to famous American suburb


Holland Gouda, The World famous Cheese Market

Nationaal park De Hoge Veluwe

near Arnhem, among whose attractions is an underground museum dedicated to subterranean life, and the Kröller-Müller Museum ( which contains 280 Van Gogh paintings as well as numerous other works. Bicycles are available free of charge to visitors.


Maastricht, Netherlands – Ancient Dutch city, place where European Union creation agreement was signed

Holland's oldest fortified city – Full of Medieval interesting architecture


NEMO Museum Amsterdam



Rotterdam Holland Tourist Attractions


Amsterdam Holland

Holland's emblematic capital ( brims with romance, culture and kicks. Take a candlelit cruise along the canals, lined with narrow-fronted buildings dating from the city's heyday as a trading centre, browse the paintings of the Dutch masters at the Rijksmuseum or join the punters prowling the alleyways of the Red Light District.


Hermitage Amsterdam Tour – Sibling of the Original Hermitage in St. Peterburg


Open air museum Arnhem in the Netherlands

Some standard software programs to install on Windows to make your Windows feel more like a Linux / Unix Desktop host

Friday, March 17th, 2017


If you're Windows user like me with a Linux / FreeBSD / OpenBSD / NetBSD – a dedicated Unix user and end up working for financial reasons in some TOP 100 Fortune companies (CSC, SAP, IBM, Hewlett Packard,Enterprise, Oracle) etc.  and forced for business purposes (cause some programs such as Skype for Business Desktop Share does not run fine on Unix like and thus you have to work notebook pre-installed with Windows 7 / 8 or 10 but you're so accustomed to customizations already from UNIX environments and you would like to create yourself the Windows to resemble Linux and probably customize much of how Windows behaves by default.

Here is what I personally did on my work Windows 7 Enterprise on my HP Elitebook notebook to give myself the extra things I'm used to my Debian Linux Desktop.

1. Downloaded and instaled standard gnome-terminal xterm like immediately (E.g. check MobaXterm great alternative to Putty),
2. Changed cutomize Windows 7 appearance to be more like classical Windows XP,  change Windows 8 / 10 start menu appearance to be more like in classic Windows 2000
3. Installed following bunch of softwares

  • VIM Text Editor for Windows
  • Thunderbird Mail Client
  • OpenVPN client
  • Oracle VM Virtualbox
  • Opera
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Password Safe
  • Ext2FS / Ext3FS (support programs)
  • F.lux (to auto adjust screen brightness day and night for better sleep)
  • install ActivePerl for Windows
  • Install GNUWin Tools (and perhaps most importantly)
  • CygWin,  (to provide Windows with most needed console Linux tools), Clink.
  • WinSCP
  • Swish (to be able to remotely mount your Linux partitions and see them as local Windows drives)
  • dosbox (to play some of the good old Dos games :))
  • Windirstat (to easily check the size of complete directory and subdirectories)
  • SpaceSniffer (to be able to see which directory or files are taking the most space on the system)

Along with all above goodies here is also some good software I find essential for every web developer / system administrator / network administrator or java,  C, php pprogrammer out there that's using Windows as his Desktop platrofm.

Another thing I prefer  on Windows 7 when used as workstation is to change the default Windows 7 LogonUI screen background as well check out how here

Perhaps there is plenty of other goodprograms to install on Windows to make it feel even more like a Linux / Unix Desktop host, if you happen to somehow stuck to this article and you've migrated from Llinux / BSD desktop to Windows for work purposes please share with me any other goodies you happen to use that is from *Unix.

Drawing GANTT Charts and Project Management on Linux, (Microsoft Project substitute for Unix)

Tuesday, October 12th, 2010

I'm studying Project Management, right now. In that spirit of thoughts I and a couple of other guys are building a Project Plan.
As it Project Plan it's necessary to put a GANTT Chart in it to show visually the project timeline (the phases), the duration and the inter-relation between the different tasks which leads the project to an actual completion.

After a bit of thorough research online on available software to deal with project management and particularly, ones that are capable to build a GANTT charts on Linux / BSD.

I've come with the following list of software capable to be a substitute for the Microsoft Project software.
Redmine GANTT Chart

GANTT chart Redmine

1. Gantt Project
GANTTProject chart GANTTProject Chart

2. Gnome Planner
Planner GANTT Gnome Chart Planner GANTT Chone Chart

3. Task Juggler Project Manager with GANTT Capability for (KDE)
Task Juggler

4. JxProject – This software is not free, though it can be considered almost free
Take a look also at:
5. Trac , though it doesn't really support GANTT charts it's a lovely software to be used for PM.
Trac Project Management

Another option you have is to try out:
6. PHProjekt

Update 20.09.2016 – PHPProject Old download link is no longer active

It is this link, but the page doesn’t seem to be active any more. I thought you might want to update.

If you are looking for an alternative please check out, it may make a suitable replacement.

Kind Regards,
Tom Wilcox

That piece of softwre really looks promising, especially if we consider that it's web based and how much essential is today to have an anline tools for doing the ordinary desktop jobs.

You can even check an online demo of the PHPProjekt software here

If you're a type of KDE user you definitely has to try out Kplato

As I've tested the software the software is easy to be used, however it still is missing some essential parts that Microsoft Project includes so it's not 100% substitute.
Also it's not able to open Microsoft Project (MPP) files, neither able to save the charts in the .mpp format.

Moving ahead I've came across DotProject DotProject Gantt Chart
DottProject Gantt Chart

I haven't took the time to test it myself but however, as I go through the software website the project looked quite good.
Lastly you can take a look at: 7. PStricks as a mean of project management, however I think it doesn't support GANTT chart building.

Windows unable to delete file, file locked unlocking with Unlocker tiny tool

Wednesday, April 13th, 2016


If you want to delete some file on a Windows server or Desktop but you get the a dialog with an error saying:

"This action can't be completed because the folder or a file in it is open in another program"


Then you need to find out which Program is preventing the file from deletion / locking the file, I've earlier blogged on how to check which process locks file with tasklist or wmic Windows commands

However some users might prefer to not bother with command line check what is locking a file and then killing the Process manually with taskmanager (taskmgr.exe) but do both file unlocking from one single gui interface, that's especially for lazy novice users, gamers and most of Desktop Windows users.

If you're one of those lazy users you will appriace

Unlocker – a useful utility for unlocking files, it will help you figure out which file is using a file what program is using the file you're prevented to delete.
Unlocker is the tool for you if you get any of below error messages, when you try to delete a file:


  • Cannot delete folder: It is being used by another person or program
  • Cannot delete file: Access is denied
  • There has been a sharing violation.
  • The source or destination file may be in use.
  • The file is in use by another program or user.
  • Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.


If you stumble unto an locked file once you download and install Unlocker tool and launch the tool ( in case it disappers in future a mirror of Unlocker tool here ).
Once installed if you click properties over the file which is refused to be deleted you will get a new menu such as in below screenshot:

NB! Beware while installing Unlocker you might be offered to install a bunch of malware (make sure you deselect it). Also Unlocker's site is made in a way so the Download button could easily be confused with some Google Adsense


Click on the file that is being locked and choose the Unlocker button, for example if you have a bunch of Videos installed and the video is being locked by VLC clicking on the file you will be shown VLC like in below screenshot



As you see you're shown the Process PID that is being used by the file the full path to the locking program and you have the option to quickly kill the process or unlock the file. Note that at some cases unlocking a file used by some critical program lets say Microsoft Word / Excel or OneNote could cause you a data loss, so before unlocking a file make sure you know what you're doing.

For more advanced users that still prefer GUI to find out what is Locking a file you can also check out Microsoft Process Explorer (advabced task manager) like tool.
If you haven't tried Process Explorer be sure to take a look at it as its a great tool for Win SysAdmins:

Process Explorer is very handy if you want to explore which .DLL (Windows Libraries) are used by a Process / Program




Check linux install date / How do I find out how long a Linux server OS was installed?

Wednesday, March 30th, 2016


To find out the Linux install date, there is no one single solution according to the Linux distribution type and version, there are some common ways to get the Linux OS install age.
Perhaps the most popular way to get the OS installation date and time is to check out when the root filesystem ( / ) was created, this can be done with tune2fs command


server:~# tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 | grep 'Filesystem created:'
Filesystem created:       Thu Sep  6 21:44:22 2012


server:~# ls -alct /|tail -1|awk '{print $6, $7, $8}'
sep 6 2012


root home directory is created at install time


server:~# ls -alct /root


root@server:~# ls -lAhF /etc/hostname
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 8 sep  6  2012 /etc/hostname


For Debian / Ubuntu and other deb based distributions the /var/log/installer directory is being created during OS install, so on Debian the best way to check the Linux OS creation date is with:

root@server:~# ls -ld /var/log/installer
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 sep  6  2012 /var/log/installer/
root@server:~# ls -ld /lost+found
drwx—— 2 root root 16384 sep  6  2012 /lost+found/


On Red Hat / Fedora / CentOS, redhat based Linuces , you can use:


rpm -qi basesystem | grep "Install Date"


basesystem is the package containing basic Linux binaries many of which should not change, however in some cases if there are some security updates package might change so it is also good to check the root filesystem creation time and compare whether these two match.

Word 2011 Check spelling for Mac OS X 2011 – Word check text in Mac OS X Office

Monday, February 29th, 2016


If you happen to be running Mac OS X powered notebook and have recently installed Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac OS because you used to migrate from a Windows PC, you will probably suprrised that your Native Language Dictionary check you used heavily on Windows might be not performing on Mac.
This was exactly the case with my wife Svetlana and as she is not a computer expert and I'm the IT support at home I had to solve it somehow.

Luckily Office 2011 for Mac OS X which I have installed earlier comes with plenty of foreign-languages such as Russian, Bulgarian, Czech, French, German, UK English, US English etc.
Proofing tools is very handy especially for people like my wife who is natively Belarusian and is in process of learning Bulgarian, thus often in need to check Bulgarian words spelling.

By Default the Check spelling on Office package was set to English, there is a quick way to change this to a certain text without changing the check-spelling default from English, the key shortcut to use is:

I. Press Mac command (key) + A – To select All text in opened document (in our case text was in Bulgarian)


Click Word window menu and:

Choose Tools→Language

and select Bulgarian (or whatever language you need check spelling for.

If you need to change the Language default for all time, again you can do it from Tools






II. The Language dialog will appear and you'll see a list of languages to choose. 


III. Next a Pop-up Dialog will ask you whether you're sure you want to change the default language to the language of choice in my case this was Russian.


That's it check spelling default will be aplpied now to Word normal template, so next time you open a document your default spelling choice will set