Posts Tagged ‘document’

yum search file in all installable RPM, find out which rpm package provides binary file or missing library dependency on CentOS / RHEL / Fedora

Friday, August 23rd, 2024


Sometimes if you have a missing library or a file you know should be available via an rpm but you're not sure which RPM you have to install you have to look up for library or binary file amongs all available installable r[ms on Redhat Linux / CentOS / Fedora or other RPM based distro.

It is really annoying especially, if you try to install an rpm binary and the package does not install due to missing dependency library. Having a missing dependency package could happen, if you use some custom internal prepared repository that is mirroring from original rpm repositories and the RPM Repositories are situated behind a DMZ firewall network (such scenarios are common for corporations and IT companies).
Finding out which file is provided by which package on Debian / Ubuntu and other deb based linux distributions is easy and done via the

# apt-file search filename

Thus if you're a system administrator coming from a Debian GNU / Linux sysadmin realm into the wonderful world of redhats, you will want to have an alternative to apt-file tool. You will be happy to find out that that this tedious task is easily done in RPM based Linux and is integrated straight into yum package manager too.

The command to search which rpm package provides a file is:

# yum whatprovides 'nc'

[root@rhel-linux ~]# yum whatprovides nc
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, versionlock
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
2:nmap-ncat-6.40-19.el7.x86_64 : Nmap's Netcat replacement
Repo        : base
Matched from:
Provides    : nc


2:nmap-ncat-6.40-19.el7.x86_64 : Nmap's Netcat replacement
Repo        : @base
Matched from:
Provides    : nc


yum whatprovides search_file_name can be also invoked with its shortcut yum provides 'search_file_name'

[root@rhel-server ~]# yum provides '/bin/ls'
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, versionlock
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
coreutils-8.22-24.el7.x86_64 : A set of basic GNU tools commonly used in shell scripts
Repo        : base
Matched from:
Filename    : /bin/ls

coreutils-8.22-24.el7_9.2.x86_64 : A set of basic GNU tools commonly used in shell scripts
Repo        : updates
Matched from:
Filename    : /bin/ls

 Here is another example:

[root@rhel-server ~]# yum -q provides '**'
less-458-9.el7.x86_64 : A text file browser similar to more, but better
Repo        : base
Matched from:
Filename    : /usr/bin/

source-highlight-3.1.6-6.el7.i686 : Produces a document with syntax highlighting
Repo        : base
Matched from:
Filename    : /usr/bin/

source-highlight-3.1.6-6.el7.x86_64 : Produces a document with syntax highlighting
Repo        : base
Matched from:
Filename    : /usr/bin/

spirv-tools-2019.1-4.el7.x86_64 : API and commands for processing SPIR-V modules
Repo        : epel
Matched from:
Filename    : /usr/bin/

You can search for any file and if the RPm repository is defined under /etc/yum/repos.d/* and enabled, yum whatprovides command should be able to find it and tell you which RPM package you have to install to have the file installed Redhat way.

  • You can list all enabled RPM repositories with cmd:

[root@rhel-server ~]# yum repolist enabled
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, versionlock
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
repo id                                                   repo name                                                                      status
3party                                                    Third party packages – x86_64                                                   2,631
base/7/x86_64                                             CentOS-7 – Base                                                                10,072
cr/7/x86_64                                               CentOS-7 – CR                                                                       0
epel/7/x86_64                                             EPEL packages for RedCent 7 – x86_64                                           13,791
extras/7/x86_64                                           CentOS-7 – Extras                                                                 526
updates/7/x86_64                                          CentOS-7 – Updates                                                              5,802
zabbix-6.0                                                Zabbix 6.0 repo                                                                   429
repolist: 33,251

  • To list disable RPM repositories:

# yum repolist disabled

To list all present available repositories that could be enabled and are set via the /etc/yum.repos.d/* configs

# yum repolist all

How to remove the meta generator Content (Joomla! – Copyright) in Joomla 1.5

Thursday, December 30th, 2010

Do you wonder How to change <meta name="Generator" content="Joomla! – Copyright (C) 2005 – 2007 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved." /> in Joomla 1.5

If yes, Here is how I've just found to remove the:


in my Joomla installation.

I need to remove that as a part of making my website not to leak out that it runs on top of Joomla.

So here is how:

1. Go to your Joomla website main root directory
2. Edit /libraries/joomla/document/html/renderer/head.php
Look for line: 83 in the /libraries/joomla/document/html/renderer/head.php
There you will notice the code:

$strHtml .= $tab.'<meta name="generator" content="'.$document->getGenerator().'" />'.$lnEnd;

In order to remove the <meta name="generator" content="Joomla …." /> change the above code to something like:

$strHtml .= $tab.'<meta name="generator" content="My Custom Web site Generator name" />'.$lnEnd;

That's all now next time you refresh your website the content="Joomla! – Copyright (C) 2005 – 2009 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved." will be no more.
Cheers! 🙂

My E-Marketing Report Final Versus for Download ( compared to

Monday, April 4th, 2011

Some few months ago, I’ve posted some study materials for e-marketing & commerce course (discipline) that I followed in Arnhem Business School (ABS)
Apart from that I had a final assignment which was supposed to be handed in some few weeks before the begging of the Christmas break.

The Emarketing assignment’s aim was to make a comparison of two websites which are operating in the same or very similar business field

The report’s goal was to present to the E-marketing teacher which in my case was Peter Stemers that the student has been acquainted with the basic theories of Emarketing.
The project was actually rather easy and the main issue to build up a project like this is the start up to complete it you just need to put a start and persist in expanding the document.

As the topic was very interesting to myself I started quite early in preparing my assignment (just a few weeks after it was assigned).

I’ve considered my profound interest into Information and Computer Technology (ICT) and decided to create a report which evaluates two websites which are into the IT sphere.
After a examination over a few possible domain names like for example:
Verizon – and AT&T –
1& and Godaddy etc.

I’ve finally set my websites to compare choice on: and

The criterias for selection of Godaddy and Enom as a target companies to compare their online business was as follows::

1. Both Godaddy and Enom are into the same business online industry, ( e.g. domain selling, reselling, blog hosting, webhosting, SSL certificates, online presence Search Engine optimization etc.)
Some other selection factor that convinced me to choose exactly and Godaddy were that this are the biggest companies in the domain names selling IT sector and even better the Domain Selling industry has a tight relation to the History of how the Internet emerged.

The report became really thoroughful, the Godaddy vs Enom emarketing report has the size of 59 pages. Officially the study criterias has been that normally the usual student emarketing reports contains about 15 to 20 pages, however as the business products and services that this huge internet domain reseller companies has, I was forced to exceed the set teacher limitation of 20 pages and do it in 59 pages.

I’ve handed in my emarketing report and Peter Stemers graded it with 8.5 points from 10 possible (which by the way is quite a high mark for Arnhem Business School)

By the wat the E-marketing course was quite a silly one though for people that are not have an avarage computer knowledge and interest into Internet Commerce it was okay.

To read the table of contents of the Report comparison Enom compared to Godaddy click over here
Here is also my Emarketing Final Report vs ( compared to in both PDF and DOC, I hope this reports will be helpful to some marketing researchers out there to get an estimate on how the two companies are performing in the domain selling and reselling business:

1. Download My Emarketing and E-commerce report Godaddy Versus (Godaddy Compared to doc version

2. Download E-marketing report Godaddy.Com VS Enom.Com ( Compared to in PDF

Compiling this Emarketing report costed me a lot of effort and time, the overall completion of the report has took me about a two weeks time, whether each day I worked a couple of hours on it.
I express also my big thanks to Alex Petrov (a friend of mine) for helping me read and review the report and fix some minor errors in sentence structures and my language of expression.

The Godaddy VS Enom Emarketing report outlines, numerous pitfalls that both Enom Company and Go Daddy has done in terms of SEO, Emarketing, user friendliness and usability

I believe this report could be really helpful for the these two competitive companies and could help them improve both their user image, their accessibility and Search Engine indexing.
On the other hand the report could be a good example for (HAN – Arnhem Business School E-Marketing) students on how to write a good looking Emarketing report to give themselves a pass.

An interesting fact is that before I decide to publish the report online and make it available to everyone I tried a known selling marketing report, I tried to offer to both Godaddy.Com and Enom.Com to sell them this report by sending the offer to their marketing and sales guys. has returned me an email, that they will look forward to my request, whether with Godaddy I have received an email by Go Daddy founder and CEO Bob Parons and the COO Warren Adelman

I will present you here the reply just to show you how impodent this mans are! My offer to sell them this great report for the symbolic sum of 200 EUR which will help their companies grow was considered I quote: “Unsolicated Report”.
Below I present you my offer email plus the impudent reply email by GoDaddy’s CEO and CEO:

SNAP – My Email to Godaddy
Hi Bob,

My name is Georgi Georgiev and I’m currently completing my bachelor in
Business Administration in HAN University of Applied Sciences (The

Currently I’m developing an E-marketing report which is comparing the 2
largest internet domian registrars and

The report is a in depth SEO and E-marketing analysis of current
positioning in major search engines of and as well
as an overall analysis of user user friendliness, screen resolution
readiness of the two websites.
In the report I also analyse the behaviour of the and as tested with different major Internet web browsers,
general user experience. External statistical websites etc. etc.

This research document does also concludes what are the strengths &
weaknesses of both your company and The aim of the report is
to show, what Godaddy advantages and pitfalls if compared to

It also includes a number of suggestion for improvements which will be
beneficial for your company to drive more internet traffic to you as
well as increase your number of customers.

The report is 60 pages long document and includes many things that might
be beneficial for your business.

If you’re interested into the report and you’d like to buy it for me for
a very cheap price of 200 EUR, please contact me on my mail or

Best Regards,

Georgi Georgiev


SNAP – Godaddy’s Bob Parson and Warren Adelman Reply Email:

Office of the President Response
Dear Georgi Georgiev,

Thank you for contacting the Office of the President. Our CEO, Bob Parsons, and President and COO, Warren Adelman, have asked me to respond on their behalf.

We value your time and appreciate the information you have provided regarding this request. Please understand that we are not seeking to acquire any unsolicited reports of this nature at this time.

Thank you for your understanding.


Jordan McAlister

Hope this post is helpful to some students stucked with writting their E-marketing report
I also hope it shows how proficient, I’m in building reports and might be a good exapmle on how qualitative my work is and enhearten somebody to hire me as an E-marketing consultant 😉

Converting .odt (Open Office Document) to (MS Word) .doc in console / terminal on Linux and FreeBSD

Thursday, November 15th, 2012

Convert .odt open office document to Microsoft Office Word .doc format on GNU / Linux and FreeBSD unoconv - the universal console all open office supported file format to any other supported
If you need to convert from command line .ODT to .DOC on Linux or FreeBSD without installing the clumsy OpenOffice (particularly useful on older computers on which OpenOffice works too slow and takes too much of useless disk space), check  unoconv

Besides from supporting convert from .DOC to .PDF and a bunch of other formats convertion, I've just learned it supports also convert .ODT to .DOC. 

unoconv is also very simple to use, below is an example of converting .ODT previously created with LibreOffice to .DOC

hipo@noah:~$ unoconv -f doc Document_To_Convert.odt

hipo@noah:~$ ls -al Document_To_Convert.doc
-rw-r--r-- 1 hipo hipo 9885184 14 ное 21,22 Document_To_Convert.doc

hipo@noah:~$ file Document_To_Convert.doc 
Document_To_Convert.doc: CDF V2 Document, Little Endian, Os: Windows, Version 1.0, Code page: -535, Author: HBB, Last Saved By: HBB, Revision Number: 2, Total Editing Time: 04:00, Create Time/Date: Fri Feb 16 14:25:00 2007, Last Saved Time/Date: Fri Feb 16 14:25:00 2007

Here is also a full list of all formats to which unoconv supports convert

hipo@noah:~$ unoconv –show
The following list of document formats are currently available:

bib – BibTeX [.bib]
doc – Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP [.doc]
doc6 – Microsoft Word 6.0 [.doc]
doc95 – Microsoft Word 95 [.doc]
docbook – DocBook [.xml]
html – HTML Document ( Writer) [.html]
odt – Open Document Text [.odt]
ott – Open Document Text [.ott]
ooxml – Microsoft Office Open XML [.xml]
pdb – AportisDoc (Palm) [.pdb]
pdf – Portable Document Format [.pdf]
psw – Pocket Word [.psw]
rtf – Rich Text Format [.rtf]
latex – LaTeX 2e [.ltx]
sdw – StarWriter 5.0 [.sdw]
sdw4 – StarWriter 4.0 [.sdw]
sdw3 – StarWriter 3.0 [.sdw]
stw – Open 1.0 Text Document Template [.stw]
sxw – Open 1.0 Text Document [.sxw]
text – Text Encoded [.txt]
txt – Plain Text [.txt]
vor – StarWriter 5.0 Template [.vor]
vor4 – StarWriter 4.0 Template [.vor]
vor3 – StarWriter 3.0 Template [.vor]
xhtml – XHTML Document [.html]

The following list of graphics formats are currently available:

bmp – Windows Bitmap [.bmp]
emf – Enhanced Metafile [.emf]
eps – Encapsulated PostScript [.eps]
gif – Graphics Interchange Format [.gif]
html – HTML Document ( Draw) [.html]
jpg – Joint Photographic Experts Group [.jpg]
met – OS/2 Metafile [.met]
odd – OpenDocument Drawing [.odd]
otg – OpenDocument Drawing Template [.otg]
pbm – Portable Bitmap [.pbm]
pct – Mac Pict [.pct]
pdf – Portable Document Format [.pdf]
pgm – Portable Graymap [.pgm]
png – Portable Network Graphic [.png]
ppm – Portable Pixelmap [.ppm]
ras – Sun Raster Image [.ras]
std – 1.0 Drawing Template [.std]
svg – Scalable Vector Graphics [.svg]
svm – StarView Metafile [.svm]
swf – Macromedia Flash (SWF) [.swf]
sxd – 1.0 Drawing [.sxd]
sxd3 – StarDraw 3.0 [.sxd]
sxd5 – StarDraw 5.0 [.sxd]
tiff – Tagged Image File Format [.tiff]
vor – StarDraw 5.0 Template [.vor]
vor3 – StarDraw 3.0 Template [.vor]
wmf – Windows Metafile [.wmf]
xhtml – XHTML [.xhtml]
xpm – X PixMap [.xpm]

The following list of presentation formats are currently available:

bmp – Windows Bitmap [.bmp]
emf – Enhanced Metafile [.emf]
eps – Encapsulated PostScript [.eps]
gif – Graphics Interchange Format [.gif]
html – HTML Document ( Impress) [.html]
jpg – Joint Photographic Experts Group [.jpg]
met – OS/2 Metafile [.met]
odd – OpenDocument Drawing (Impress) [.odd]
odg – 1.0 Drawing ( Impress) [.odg]
odp – OpenDocument Presentation [.odp]
otp – OpenDocument Presentation Template [.otp]
pbm – Portable Bitmap [.pbm]
pct – Mac Pict [.pct]
pdf – Portable Document Format [.pdf]
pgm – Portable Graymap [.pgm]
png – Portable Network Graphic [.png]
pot – Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP Template [.pot]
ppm – Portable Pixelmap [.ppm]
ppt – Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP [.ppt]
pwp – PlaceWare [.pwp]
ras – Sun Raster Image [.ras]
sda – StarDraw 5.0 ( Impress) [.sda]
sdd – StarImpress 5.0 [.sdd]
sdd3 – StarDraw 3.0 ( Impress) [.sdd]
sdd4 – StarImpress 4.0 [.sdd]
sti – 1.0 Presentation Template [.sti]
stp – OpenDocument Presentation Template [.stp]
svg – Scalable Vector Graphics [.svg]
svm – StarView Metafile [.svm]
swf – Macromedia Flash (SWF) [.swf]
sxi – 1.0 Presentation [.sxi]
tiff – Tagged Image File Format [.tiff]
vor – StarImpress 5.0 Template [.vor]
vor3 – StarDraw 3.0 Template ( Impress) [.vor]
vor4 – StarImpress 4.0 Template [.vor]
vor5 – StarDraw 5.0 Template ( Impress) [.vor]
wmf – Windows Metafile [.wmf]
xhtml – XHTML [.xml]
xpm – X PixMap [.xpm]

The following list of spreadsheet formats are currently available:

csv – Text CSV [.csv]
dbf – dBase [.dbf]
dif – Data Interchange Format [.dif]
html – HTML Document ( Calc) [.html]
ods – Open Document Spreadsheet [.ods]
ooxml – Microsoft Excel 2003 XML [.xml]
pdf – Portable Document Format [.pdf]
pts – OpenDocument Spreadsheet Template [.pts]
pxl – Pocket Excel [.pxl]
sdc – StarCalc 5.0 [.sdc]
sdc4 – StarCalc 4.0 [.sdc]
sdc3 – StarCalc 3.0 [.sdc]
slk – SYLK [.slk]
stc – 1.0 Spreadsheet Template [.stc]
sxc – 1.0 Spreadsheet [.sxc]
vor3 – StarCalc 3.0 Template [.vor]
vor4 – StarCalc 4.0 Template [.vor]
vor – StarCalc 5.0 Template [.vor]
xhtml – XHTML [.xhtml]
xls – Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP [.xls]
xls5 – Microsoft Excel 5.0 [.xls]
xls95 – Microsoft Excel 95 [.xls]
xlt – Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP Template [.xlt]
xlt5 – Microsoft Excel 5.0 Template [.xlt]
xlt95 – Microsoft Excel 95 Template [.xlt]


unoconv is said to support convertion between any to any document format that is already supported by OpenOffice / LibreOffice. The script is written by Dag Wieers (users of Fedora, RHEL and other RPM based distros should remember him well. DGW repositories always were of great help where some kind of not main stream software has to be installed on RPM based Linux. You might want to check unoconv's official website which gives good overview on it.

Though the tool is written for Linux, there is a BSD users port in freshports.

Convert single PDF pages to multiple SVG files on Debian Linux with pdf2svg

Sunday, February 26th, 2012

In my last article, I've explained How to create PNG, JPG, GIF pictures from one single PDF document
Convertion of PDF to images is useful, however as PNG and JPEG graphic formats are raster graphics the image quality gets crappy if the picture is zoomed to lets say 300%.
This means convertion to PNG / GIF etc. is not a good practice especially if image quality is targetted.

I myself am not a quality freak but it was interesting to find out if it is possible to convert the PDF pages to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) graphics format.

Converting PDF to SVG is very easy as for GNU / Linux there is a command line tool called pdf2svg
pdf2svg's official page is here

The traditional source way compile and install is described on the homepage. For Debian users pdf2svg has already existing a deb package.

To install pdf2svg on Debian use:

debian:~# apt-get install --yes pdf2svg

Once installed usage of pdf2svg to convert PDF to multiple SVG files is analogous to imagemagick's convert .
To convert the 44 pages Projects.pdf to multiple SVG pages – (each PDF page to a separate SVG file) issue:

debian:~/project-pdf-to-images$ for i in $(seq 1 44); do \
pdf2svg Projects.pdf Projects-$i.SVG $i; \

This little loop tells each page number from the 44 PDF document to be stored in separate SVG vector graphics file:

debian:~/project-pdf-to-images$ ls -1 *.svg|wc -l

For BSD users and in particular FreeBSD ones png2svg has a bsd port in:


Installing on BSD is possible directly via the port and convertion of PDF to SVG on FreeBSD, should be working in the same manner. The only requirement is that bash shell is used for the above little bash loop, as by default FreeBSD runs the csh. 
On FreeBSD launch /usr/local/bin/bash, before following the Linux instructions if you're not already in bash.

Now the output SVG files are perfect for editting with Inkscape or Scribus and the picture quality is way superior to old rasterized (JPEG, PNG) images