Posts Tagged ‘Master’
Saturday, November 12th, 2011
I'm rescuing some files from one unbootable Windows XP using a livecd with Hirens Boot CD 13
In order to rescue the three NTFS Windows partitions files, I mounted them after booting a Mini Linux from Hirens Boot CD.
Mounting NTFS using Hirens BootCD went quite smoothly to mount the 3 partitions I used cmds:
# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1
# mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/sda2
# mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1
After the three NTFS file partitions are mounted I used smbclient to list all the available Network Shares on the remote Network Samba Shares Server which by the way possessed the NETBIOS name of SERVER 😉
# smbclient -L //SERVER/
Enter root's password:
Domain=[SERVER] OS=[Windows 7 Ultimate 7600] Server=[Windows 7 Ultimate 6.1]
Sharename Type Comment
——— —- ——-
!!!MUSIC Disk
ADMIN$ Disk Remote Admin
C$ Disk Default share
Canon Inkjet S9000 (Copy 2) Printer Canon Inkjet S9000 (Copy 2)
D$ Disk Default share
Domain=[SERVER] OS=[Windows 7 Ultimate 7600] Server=[Windows 7 Ultimate 6.1]
Server Comment
——— ——-
Workgroup Master
——— ——-
Further on to mount the //SERVER/D network samba drive – (the location where I wanted to transfer the files from the above 3 mounted partitions):
# mkdir /mnt/D
# mount // /mnt/D
Where the IP is actually the local network IP address of the //SERVER win smb machine.
Afterwards I used mc to copy all the files I needed to rescue from all the 3 above mentioned win partitions to the mounted //SERVER/D
Tags: admin, admin c, boot cd, bootcd, Canon, canon inkjet, cd 13, Comment, copy, default, default share, Disk, domain, domain server, drive, hirens boot cd, ip, livecd, local network, location, machine, Master, Mini, mini linux, mnt, mount dev, music disk, nbsp, netbios, netbios name, network ip address, network shares, NTFS, os windows, partitions, password, printer canon, Printer Canon Inkjet S9000 Copy, Remote, remote admin, remote server, rescue, root, samba shares, sda, sdb, Server Comment, server os, server windows, Sharename, unbootable, Windows, windows files, windows pc
Posted in Everyday Life, Linux, System Administration, Windows | 1 Comment »
Thursday, April 19th, 2012 I'm doing replication for one server. Its not the first time I do configure replication between two MySQL database nodes, however since I haven't done it for a few years, my "know how" has mostly vanished so I had some troubles in setting it up. Once I followed some steps to configure replication I had to check if the two MASTER / Slave MySQL db nodes communicate properly. Hence I decided to drop a short post on that just in case if someone has to do the same or if I myself forget how I did it so I can check later on:
1. Check if MASTER MySQL server node is configured properly
The standard way to check a MySQL master node status info is with:
mysql> show master status;
| File | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB |
| mysql-bin.000007 | 106 | database1,database2,database3 | |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
By putting \G some extra status info is provided:
mysql> show master status\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
File: mysql-bin.000007
Position: 106
Binlog_Do_DB: database1,database2,database3
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
No query specified
2. Check if Slave MySQL node is configured properly
To check status of the slave the cmd is:
mysql> show slave status;
The command returns an output like:
mysql> show slave status;+———————————-+————-+————-+————-+—————+——————+———————+————————-+—————+———————–+——————+——————-+——————————————————-+———————+——————–+————————+————————-+—————————–+————+————+————–+———————+—————–+—————–+—————-+—————+——————–+——————–+——————–+—————–+——————-+—————-+———————–+——————————-+—————+—————+—————-+—————-+| Slave_IO_State | Master_Host | Master_User | Master_Port | Connect_Retry | Master_Log_File | Read_Master_Log_Pos | Relay_Log_File | Relay_Log_Pos | Relay_Master_Log_File | Slave_IO_Running | Slave_SQL_Running | Replicate_Do_DB | Replicate_Ignore_DB | Replicate_Do_Table | Replicate_Ignore_Table | Replicate_Wild_Do_Table | Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table | Last_Errno | Last_Error | Skip_Counter | Exec_Master_Log_Pos | Relay_Log_Space | Until_Condition | Until_Log_File | Until_Log_Pos | Master_SSL_Allowed | Master_SSL_CA_File | Master_SSL_CA_Path | Master_SSL_Cert | Master_SSL_Cipher | Master_SSL_Key | Seconds_Behind_Master | Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert | Last_IO_Errno | Last_IO_Error | Last_SQL_Errno | Last_SQL_Error |+———————————-+————-+————-+————-+—————+——————+———————+————————-+—————+———————–+——————+——————-+——————————————————-+———————+——————–+————————+————————-+—————————–+————+————+————–+———————+—————–+—————–+—————-+—————+——————–+——————–+——————–+—————–+——————-+—————-+———————–+——————————-+—————+—————+—————-+—————-+| Waiting for master to send event | HOST_NAME.COM | slave_user | 3306 | 10 | mysql-bin.000007 | 106 | mysqld-relay-bin.000002 | 251 | mysql-bin.000007 | Yes | Yes | database1,database2,database3 | | | | | | 0 | | 0 | 106 | 407 | None | | 0 | No | | | | | | 0 | No | 0 | | 0 | |+———————————-+————-+————-+————-+—————+——————+———————+————————-+—————+———————–+——————+——————-+——————————————————-+———————+——————–+————————+————————-+—————————–+————+————+————–+———————+—————–+—————–+—————-+—————+——————–+——————–+——————–+—————–+——————-+—————-+———————–+——————————-+—————+—————+—————-+—————-+
As you can see the output is not too readable, as there are too many columns and data to be displayed and this doesn't fit neither a text console nor a graphical terminal emulator.
To get more readable (more verbose) status for the SQL SLAVE, its better to use command:
mysql> show slave status\G;
Here is a sample returned output:
mysql> show slave status\G;*************************** 1. row *************************** Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event Master_Host: HOST_NAME.COM Master_User: slave_user Master_Port: 3306 Connect_Retry: 10 Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000007 Read_Master_Log_Pos: 106 Relay_Log_File: mysqld-relay-bin.000002 Relay_Log_Pos: 251 Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000007 Slave_IO_Running: Yes Slave_SQL_Running: Yes Replicate_Do_DB: database1,database2,database3 Replicate_Ignore_DB: Replicate_Do_Table: Replicate_Ignore_Table: Replicate_Wild_Do_Table: Replicate_Wild_Ignore_Table: Last_Errno: 0 Last_Error: Skip_Counter: 0 Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 106 Relay_Log_Space: 407 Until_Condition: None Until_Log_File: Until_Log_Pos: 0 Master_SSL_Allowed: No Master_SSL_CA_File: Master_SSL_CA_Path: Master_SSL_Cert: Master_SSL_Cipher: Master_SSL_Key: Seconds_Behind_Master: 0Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert: No Last_IO_Errno: 0 Last_IO_Error: Last_SQL_Errno: 0 Last_SQL_Error: 1 row in set (0.00 sec)ERROR: No query specified
If show master status or shwo slave status commands didn't reveal replication issue, one needs to stare at the mysql log for more info.
Tags: Auto, Cipher, cmd, condition, configure, Connect, Draft, event, exec, host, info, key, Master, master node, master slave, mysql server, name, Path, quot, Replicate, replication, Retry, server node, show, slave status, someone, Space, SQL, time, User
Posted in MySQL, System Administration, Web and CMS | 4 Comments »
Friday, July 20th, 2012 I'm running a two servers for a couple of home hosted websites. One of the servers is serving as Apache host1 and has configured MySQL running on it and the second is used just for database host2 – (has another MySQL configured on it).
The MySQL servers are not configured to run as a MySQL MASTER and MySQL SLAVE (no mysql replication), however periodically (daily), I have a tiny shell script that is actualizing the data from the active SQL host2 server to host1.
Sometimes due to electricity problems or CPU overheats the active MySQL host at host2 gets stoned and stops working causing the 2 WordPress based websites and One joomla site inaccessible.
Until I manually get to the machine and restart host2 the 3 sites are down from the net and as you can imagine this has a very negative impact on the existing website indexing (PageRank) in Google.
When I'm at home, this is not a problem as I have physical access to the servers and if somethings gets messy I fix it quickly. The problem comes, whether I'm travelling or in another city far from home and there is no-one at home to give the hanged host hard reboot ….
Lately the problems with hang-ups of host2 happaned 3 times or so for 2 weeks, as a result the websites were inaccessible for hours and since there is nobody to reboot the server for hours; the websites keep hanging until the DB host is restarted ;;;;
To work-around this I came with the idea to write a tiny shell script to check if host2 is ping-able in order to assure the Database host is not down and then if script determines host2 (mysql) host is down it changes wp-config.php (set to use host2) to a wp-config.php (which I have beforehand configured to use) host1.
Using the script is a temporary solution, since I have to actually find the real hang-up causing troubles, but at least it saves me long downtimes. Here is a download link to the script I called .
I've configured the script to be run on the Apache node (host1) via a crontab calling the script every 10 minutes, here is the crontab:
*/10 * * * * /usr/sbin/ > /dev/null 2>&1
The script is written in a way so if it determins host2 is reachable a copy of wp-config.php and Joomla's configuration.php tuned to use host2 is copied over the file config originals. In order to use the script one has to configured the head variables script section, e.g.:
You will have to manually prepare;;;
wp-config-localhost.php, wp-config- ,configuration-, wp-config-localhost.php to be existing files configured to with proper host1 and host2 IP addresses.
Hope the script will be useful to others, experiencing database downtimes with WordPress or Joomla installs.
Tags: apache, change, city, config, copy, cpu overheats, database host, download, electricity, electricity problems, file, google, hang ups, HEAD, host1, impact, indexing, Master, mysql replication, mysql server, mysql servers, negative impact, nobody, one at home, orig, pagerank, php, ping, replication, second, Shell, shell script, SQL, temporary solution, tiny shell, ups, website indexing, Wordpress
Posted in Joomla, MySQL, Various, Web and CMS, Wordpress | 1 Comment »
Tuesday, June 28th, 2011 Did you have to regenerate your SSL certificate for your mail server’s IMAP and IMAP SSL service?
Did you have to find out if the newly installed certificates are fine after install?
Here is how:
root@server-hosting [/usr/local ]# openssl s_client -connect
root@server-hosting [/usr/local ]# openssl s_client -connect -starttls imap
The output returned by this two commands will be the imap and imaps configured certificates as well as extensive info concerning the installed SSL, the last chunk of info to be spit is most crucial to know if certificate is fine.
It should be something like:
New, TLSv1/SSLv3, Cipher is AES256-SHA
Server public key is 1024 bit
Secure Renegotiation IS supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
Protocol : TLSv1
Cipher : AES256-SHA
Session-ID: 0B69E91022CB56D64F56CFA08405944D9C4C0069EE4097890B98F1406CF084D5
Master-Key: 13745B94E0C5A0604EB7529E7409251961DFD5F4134F3A8F
Key-Arg : None
Start Time: 1309265383
Timeout : 300 (sec)
Verify return code: 18 (self signed certificate)
. OK CAPABILITY completed
Tags: AES, aes256, Arg, bitSecure, capability, certificate, Certificates, chunk, Cipher, client, com, DFD, ID-ctx, imap, imaps, info, key, mail server, Master, master key, nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp, NONESSL-Session, openssl, Protocol, public key, renegotiation, root, root server, session, session id, SHA, something, ssl certificate, ssl service, sslv3, Timeout
Posted in Linux, System Administration | 1 Comment »
Sunday, May 1st, 2011 Today in the Orthodox Church, we commemorate the great miracle of our saviour Christ appearing to st. Apostle Thomas, who failed to believe to the rest of the holy apostles that they have seen our saviour alive.
Thomas wanted said that he won’t belief if he doesn’t touch and see the incorruptable risen body of our saviour Jesus.
Our Lord by his great mercy has appeared once again to the pupils dinnering with them.
Thomas was with the teachers and the door was locked (as the fear of persecution for Christ’s testimonial was among the aposltes).
Suddenly our Saviour entered the room where all the pupils were gathered through the locked door (a Glorious miracle inconceivable for our minds).
As the Lord knew about Thomas weak belief and his disbelief in his prophecised Resurrection in the third day, when Christ entered he has addressed Thomas and told him to come forth and see and touch his wounds and see that a spirit has no bones and flesh, (obviously Thomas erroneously thought that the resurrection from the death would be in spirit and no physical body will be present (this kind of belief today is also wide-spread inside many heretical christian groups)).
The Lord continued on and told Thomas, “Thomas you have seen and believed, now blessed is those who haven’t seen me and believed”!
Here is part of the daily troparion:
Touch my rib with a hand, Thomas, speaks Christ, and come and touch (feel) the scars from the nails.
With faith do test it, and be a believer and not a non-believer. Thomas has touched with a finger to the Master and loudly shouted:
"You are my Lord and my God, most merciful Glory to you!"
This Sunday is also the day marking the end of the bright week of the Resurrection.
Let we all the Orthodox Christians be a believers as Thomas and be blessed in accordance to our saviour’s word, as we haven’t seen the Lord’s Risen glorified body as Thomas and the rest of the holy apostles did.
Tags: accordance, Apostle, apostle thomas, belief today, believer, body, christian, christian groups, disbelief, door, doubting thomas, end, Glorious, hand, holy apostles, incorruptable, kind, Master, mercy, miracle, non believer, orthodox christians, orthodox church, paschal, persecution, pupils, resurrection, Risen, saviour, saviour christ, saviour jesus, scars, testimonial, third day, thomas thomas, Touch, troparion, week
Posted in Christianity | 1 Comment »
How rescue unbootable Windows PC, Windows files through files Network copy to remote server shared Folder using Hirens Boot CD
Saturday, November 12th, 2011I'm rescuing some files from one unbootable Windows XP using a livecd with Hirens Boot CD 13
In order to rescue the three NTFS Windows partitions files, I mounted them after booting a Mini Linux from Hirens Boot CD.
Mounting NTFS using Hirens BootCD went quite smoothly to mount the 3 partitions I used cmds:
# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1
# mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/sda2
# mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1
After the three NTFS file partitions are mounted I used smbclient to list all the available Network Shares on the remote Network Samba Shares Server which by the way possessed the NETBIOS name of SERVER 😉
# smbclient -L //SERVER/
Enter root's password:
Domain=[SERVER] OS=[Windows 7 Ultimate 7600] Server=[Windows 7 Ultimate 6.1]
Sharename Type Comment
——— —- ——-
!!!MUSIC Disk
ADMIN$ Disk Remote Admin
C$ Disk Default share
Canon Inkjet S9000 (Copy 2) Printer Canon Inkjet S9000 (Copy 2)
D$ Disk Default share
Domain=[SERVER] OS=[Windows 7 Ultimate 7600] Server=[Windows 7 Ultimate 6.1]
Server Comment
——— ——-
Workgroup Master
——— ——-
Further on to mount the //SERVER/D network samba drive – (the location where I wanted to transfer the files from the above 3 mounted partitions):
# mkdir /mnt/D
# mount // /mnt/D
Where the IP is actually the local network IP address of the //SERVER win smb machine.
Afterwards I used mc to copy all the files I needed to rescue from all the 3 above mentioned win partitions to the mounted //SERVER/D
Tags: admin, admin c, boot cd, bootcd, Canon, canon inkjet, cd 13, Comment, copy, default, default share, Disk, domain, domain server, drive, hirens boot cd, ip, livecd, local network, location, machine, Master, Mini, mini linux, mnt, mount dev, music disk, nbsp, netbios, netbios name, network ip address, network shares, NTFS, os windows, partitions, password, printer canon, Printer Canon Inkjet S9000 Copy, Remote, remote admin, remote server, rescue, root, samba shares, sda, sdb, Server Comment, server os, server windows, Sharename, unbootable, Windows, windows files, windows pc
Posted in Everyday Life, Linux, System Administration, Windows | 1 Comment »