Posts Tagged ‘windows pc’
Tuesday, May 24th, 2011 
I have installed TightVNC to a Windows host just a few weeks ago in order to be able to manage remotely a Windows host and forgot to write down the administrator password 🙂 (stoopid!)
I had to explain to a friend remotely how to change the TightVNC admin password and it was a complete nightmare!
Shortly here is the exact menus one who wants to reset the password of a TigthVNC server after forgotten:
Start -> All Programs -> TightVNC
-> TightVNC Server (Service Mode) ->
TightVNC Service - Offline Configuration.
In the configuration dialog to popup there are the Server and Administration tabs through which a new password can be set.
After the password is change either a restart of the TightVNC server is necessery or a restart of the Windows PC.
Tags: admin, Administration, administrator, administrator password, change, dialog, friend, host, How to, menus, Mode, necessery, nightmare, Offline, order, password, popup, Programs, reset, server, server service, Service, service mode, service offline, Start, stoopid, tabs, TightVNC, TigthVNC, Windows, windows pc
Posted in System Administration, Various, VNC, Windows | 25 Comments »
Saturday, November 12th, 2011 
I'm rescuing some files from one unbootable Windows XP using a livecd with Hirens Boot CD 13
In order to rescue the three NTFS Windows partitions files, I mounted them after booting a Mini Linux from Hirens Boot CD.
Mounting NTFS using Hirens BootCD went quite smoothly to mount the 3 partitions I used cmds:
# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1
# mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/sda2
# mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1
After the three NTFS file partitions are mounted I used smbclient to list all the available Network Shares on the remote Network Samba Shares Server which by the way possessed the NETBIOS name of SERVER 😉
# smbclient -L //SERVER/
Enter root's password:
Domain=[SERVER] OS=[Windows 7 Ultimate 7600] Server=[Windows 7 Ultimate 6.1]
Sharename Type Comment
——— —- ——-
!!!MUSIC Disk
ADMIN$ Disk Remote Admin
C$ Disk Default share
Canon Inkjet S9000 (Copy 2) Printer Canon Inkjet S9000 (Copy 2)
D$ Disk Default share
Domain=[SERVER] OS=[Windows 7 Ultimate 7600] Server=[Windows 7 Ultimate 6.1]
Server Comment
——— ——-
Workgroup Master
——— ——-
Further on to mount the //SERVER/D network samba drive – (the location where I wanted to transfer the files from the above 3 mounted partitions):
# mkdir /mnt/D
# mount // /mnt/D
Where the IP is actually the local network IP address of the //SERVER win smb machine.
Afterwards I used mc to copy all the files I needed to rescue from all the 3 above mentioned win partitions to the mounted //SERVER/D
Tags: admin, admin c, boot cd, bootcd, Canon, canon inkjet, cd 13, Comment, copy, default, default share, Disk, domain, domain server, drive, hirens boot cd, ip, livecd, local network, location, machine, Master, Mini, mini linux, mnt, mount dev, music disk, nbsp, netbios, netbios name, network ip address, network shares, NTFS, os windows, partitions, password, printer canon, Printer Canon Inkjet S9000 Copy, Remote, remote admin, remote server, rescue, root, samba shares, sda, sdb, Server Comment, server os, server windows, Sharename, unbootable, Windows, windows files, windows pc
Posted in Everyday Life, Linux, System Administration, Windows | 1 Comment »
Saturday, May 4th, 2013
Whether you tried running simultaneously more than 1 Skype clients by clicking twice on Skype Desktop icon or invoking Skype via Windows Start menu; You already have figured out that Skype on Windows is set-up by defaykt to only support one logged in Skype user.
In case you wonder why on earth someone might need to run in parallel few Skype accounts on one Windows PC, possible scenario is;;;
You work for a company and just for clarity you have to communicate with clients from one skype name and with another skype name to communicate to company management.
In Linux in Skype version this is not so and thus for people like me who come from Linux it is rather uneasy to not be able to login in second Skype instance, whether you go to a friend who already keeps logged in with his Skype user …
Thus this triggered me to research a bit if simulatenous user login is possible?
Yes it is possible and very easy, to do so the user has to run manually Skype from command line like so:
On 32bit PC hardware with 32 bit of Microsoft Windows issue in win cmd.exe (command prompt) from:
START -> RUN -> cmd.exe
cd C:\\Program Files\\Skype\Phone\\
C:\\Program Files\\Skype\\Skype /secondary
or to directly paste in command prompt:
“C:\\Program Files\\Skype\\Phone\\Skype.exe” /secondary
If you are on a 64bit machine run in cmd prompt:
“C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Skype\Phone\\Skype.exe” /secondary
To easily run few instances of Skype in parallel, you can make shortcuts on Desktop. pointing to any of both above commands.
That's all now you can login as many skype users as you like on 1 Win PC. All parallel logged in users can receive and write messages. However you should bear in mind that situation with answering Skype calls is a bit complicated as you cannot speak in parallel through different logged in skype users. Anyhow whether you have to react on Skype voice / video calls incoming in similar or same time from 2 skype accounts, you can use – Set Skype Call on Hold functionality and hence keep voice video in parallel with different skype accounts.
Tags: bear in mind, bit, Call, clarity, cmd, command, company management, desktop icon, earth, exe, instances, Linux, login, machine, Microsoft, microsoft windows, pc hardware, run, Run Skype, Shortcuts, Skype, Skype Desktop, support, video, Windows, windows pc, windows xp
Posted in Everyday Life, Various, Windows | 1 Comment »
Wednesday, July 3rd, 2013 
My sysadmin colleague mentioned today about TeraCopy. An application for Microsoft Windows designed to be used to Move or Copy files. So why would one want to use Teracopy instead of normal Windows Explorer copy integrated soft? Reason is Teracopy is faster than MS Windows Copy / Move and uses dynamically adjusted buffers to reduce seek times. This asynchronous copying speeds up file transfers between physical HDDs.
More precious feature of TeraCopy is whether you have to Save data from hard disks with Bad Sectors, it can skip faulty files (stored on bad sectors) without triggering Windows to hang up or halt with the Blue Screen of Death.TeraCopy even can be setup to replace Windows Explorer (i.e. Shell Integration copy and move functions). Beside that it works well with Unicode encoded file names (Cyrillic, Chineese) etc.

As of time of writting article, TeraCopy has support for all Windows NT (Windows XP / 2000) as well as for Windows 7 and 8. Whether a failure to copy file occurs it tries to recopy file several times in order to achieve copy success. After each file is copied a CRC check up value of file is calculated and matched. It also provides a way more verbose information on copied files than Windows default Copy. It is very useful in copying large files from system to system as file transfers complete time is significantly lower.

Once TeraCopy is installed it automatically does replace Explorer Copy and Move functions, hence after install every next Move or Copy operation is auto handled by it. In preferences the user could still revert back Copy / Move functions to Explorer original.

Unfortunately TeraCopy is not-free software but freeware and can only be used to non-commercial use, for commercial use you have to purchase TeraCopy Pro version.
Tags: bad sectors, blue screen of death, colleague, computer files, copy files, file names, file transfers, hard disks, hard drive, hdds, Microsoft, microsoft windows, ms windows, windows explorer, windows pc
Posted in Everyday Life, System Administration, Windows | 3 Comments »
How rescue unbootable Windows PC, Windows files through files Network copy to remote server shared Folder using Hirens Boot CD
Saturday, November 12th, 2011I'm rescuing some files from one unbootable Windows XP using a livecd with Hirens Boot CD 13
In order to rescue the three NTFS Windows partitions files, I mounted them after booting a Mini Linux from Hirens Boot CD.
Mounting NTFS using Hirens BootCD went quite smoothly to mount the 3 partitions I used cmds:
# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1
# mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/sda2
# mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1
After the three NTFS file partitions are mounted I used smbclient to list all the available Network Shares on the remote Network Samba Shares Server which by the way possessed the NETBIOS name of SERVER 😉
# smbclient -L //SERVER/
Enter root's password:
Domain=[SERVER] OS=[Windows 7 Ultimate 7600] Server=[Windows 7 Ultimate 6.1]
Sharename Type Comment
——— —- ——-
!!!MUSIC Disk
ADMIN$ Disk Remote Admin
C$ Disk Default share
Canon Inkjet S9000 (Copy 2) Printer Canon Inkjet S9000 (Copy 2)
D$ Disk Default share
Domain=[SERVER] OS=[Windows 7 Ultimate 7600] Server=[Windows 7 Ultimate 6.1]
Server Comment
——— ——-
Workgroup Master
——— ——-
Further on to mount the //SERVER/D network samba drive – (the location where I wanted to transfer the files from the above 3 mounted partitions):
# mkdir /mnt/D
# mount // /mnt/D
Where the IP is actually the local network IP address of the //SERVER win smb machine.
Afterwards I used mc to copy all the files I needed to rescue from all the 3 above mentioned win partitions to the mounted //SERVER/D
Tags: admin, admin c, boot cd, bootcd, Canon, canon inkjet, cd 13, Comment, copy, default, default share, Disk, domain, domain server, drive, hirens boot cd, ip, livecd, local network, location, machine, Master, Mini, mini linux, mnt, mount dev, music disk, nbsp, netbios, netbios name, network ip address, network shares, NTFS, os windows, partitions, password, printer canon, Printer Canon Inkjet S9000 Copy, Remote, remote admin, remote server, rescue, root, samba shares, sda, sdb, Server Comment, server os, server windows, Sharename, unbootable, Windows, windows files, windows pc
Posted in Everyday Life, Linux, System Administration, Windows | 1 Comment »