Posts Tagged ‘net’

Fiddler – Windows web debugging proxy for any browser – Linux web debugging applications

Thursday, May 29th, 2014

Earlier I've blogged about helpful web developer or a web hosting system administrator Web Browser plugins . Among the list of useful plugins for debugging sent / received web content on your desktop (HTTPWatchm, HTTPFox, Yslow etc.), I've found another one called Fiddler.

Telerik's Fiddler is a Browser plugin  and a Windows Desktop application to monitor HTTP and HTTPS outbound web traffic and report and provide you with various information useful for:


  • Performance Testing
  • Traffic recording
  • Security Testing
  • Web Session Manipulation
  • Encode Decode web traffic
  • Convert strings from / to Base64, Hex, DeflatedSAML etc.
  • Log all URL requests originating from all opened browsers on your Desktop
  • Decrypt / encrypt HTTPS traffic using man in the middle techniques
  • Show tuning details for accessed web pages

Fiddler is available to install and use as a desktop application (requires .NET 2) or install as a browser plugin. Perhaps the coolest  Fiddler feature from my perspective is its decrypt / encrypt in Base64 and Hex available from TextWizard menu. The tool is relatively easy to use for those who have experience in web debugging, for novice here is a video explaining tool's basics.

Fiddler doesn't have a Linux build yet but it is possible to run it also on Linux using Mono Framework and a few hacks.

A good native Linux / UNIX alternatives to Fiddler are Nettool, Charles Proxy, Paros Proxy and Web Scarab.

Bulgarian misery net sponsor of European welfare – Statistics on European Union country installments

Tuesday, June 10th, 2014


Budget of European Union for 2011 is 142 billion Euro. Main source of budget income are installments from country members. Installments paid to EU consist about 1 of countries GDP – and approximately this is the amount of money paid  per EU country member.

For Bulgaria installment is about 426 million euro. The bigger GDP is the bigger the amount of money the respective country pains to the overall European Union budget. Even though payments of member countries is only 1% of GDP, this is the source for about 70% of income of EU.

Other source of money for European Union community comes from VAT taxes, and countries customs taxes (over import / export goods) collected on external border of EU community. In national budgets. Member countries give out 75% of their quotes over the custom incomes, collected in external borders of EU. In national counry budget only 25% of money made from customs control imports and imports influx. In Bulgaria's case we can be talk about the import crossing borders of Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey. Import from VAT taxes in 2011 are 3 370 billion leva and from customs 131 million leva. What percantage of this money went to European Union knows only experts.
For last year the Brussels money for Bulgaria are only 1.33 billion Euro (just to compare Poland received 16 736 billion euro). What is even more sad is that money coming from European union for so called funds influx into the pockets of well known oligarchs.

As it looks even though the glorifications with which Bulgarian government gave to the acquisition of this 1.33 billions eur-obrussel gifts during last year our coutnry still remains net sponsor of European budget. Here are not included the country econonic losses of the membership in EU, for example the closure of reactors of our Nuclear Power Plant in Kozloduy. In mean time about 1% of budget of EU community comes from installments from EU employees, unspent money from EU country members as well as receipts from fines from firms and companies for breachment of laws for protectition of competition and normative acts.
Primary supplier in European Union budget is Germany.

  • In 2011, Germany paid to EU 27 954 billion euro. This is about 19.7 of all the Union incomes.
  • Second to Germany by paid country member fee to EU is France with 23.273 billion euros, about 16.4% of all EU income.
  • Third is Italy with 18 447 billion euros or 13% of all EU budget.

As prior mentioned in 2011 direct installment of Bulgaria is 0.426 billion euro (without VAT quotes and incomes from taxation). Less installments paid Esthonia, Lithuania, Malta, Cyprus, Luxemburg (!!!) and Slovenia. Even though all this countries has less teritoriy and less population all this countries are much richer and has a higher GDP per capita!

  • Hungary (10 million people)'s installment is 1.135 billions and Romania's installment (Romania – 21.7 million people) was 1.419 billion euro.

Finally – lets take a look of EU country installments per capita of some of member countries.

  • Last year the avarage european give for Brussels burocracy 0.78 euro a day!

Question is how it is possible for everyone to pay 0.78 euro for European Adminsitration? – if there is high unemployment in Bulgaria and a lot of people doesn't receive even 0.78 a day?

European Union returned money in terms of funds does not create fabrics or industry and therefore doesn't create employment – doesn't reduce unemployment ?

Does really Bulgaria and we Bulgarians advantage of the European Union?

Avarage Bulgarian paid 0.16 euro per day – the lowest individual installment in union

  • average Latvian, Romanian and Lithuanian,  paid (0.17, 0, 18, 0.24 euro cents a day).



    The most paid citizens of the excessively rich principality

  • Luxemburg1.52 euro a day per person, followed by Danes, Belgians, Swedes, Dutch, Irish, French and Austrians (ranging from 1.47 euro to 0.98 euro).

As some of European Union citizens might not known,few million of Euro of this money is spend on a move of European deputies from Brussels to Strasburg every month (money given for travel costs of EU deputies and physical move of resources from Brussels to Strasburg). The exact sum spend per year for this unmeaningful move (in order to fulfil European community old legislation varies from 150 to 200 million a year!)

Allowing MySQL users access from all hosts – Fixing mysql ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘root’@’’ (using password: YES)

Friday, June 20th, 2014


I recently migrated MySQL database server from host A to host B (, because I wanted to have the mysql database server on a separate machine (have separation of server running services and have a dedicated mysql server).

MySQL server host (running on localhost previously was set from my mysql config my.cnf to listen and serve connections on localhost with

bind-address =

). MySQL is used by a Tomcat running Java application on localhost and my task was to set the Tomcat to use the MySQL database remotely to MySQL host B (new remote hostname where MySQL is moved is and is running on IP

Migration from MySQL Db server 1 (host A) to MySQL Db server 2 (host B) is done by binary copying the mysql database directory which in this case is (as it is a Debian server installed MySQL), the standard directory where mysql stores its database data is /var/lib/mysql ( datadir = /var/lib/mysql in /etc/mysql/my.cnf)

Binary copying of data from MySQL db (host A) to MySQL Db (host B) is done with rsync

After migrating and trying to login on migrated mysql  database on with mysql cli client:

remotesysadmin:~$ mysql -u root -p

I got following error:

ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'' (using password: YES)

To fix the issue I had to login remotely from old migration server mysql (host A) cli:

mysql:~$ mysql -u root -p -h

and  run SQL commands:

GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'root'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'secret-mysql-pass';

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Another way to solve the problem is to add the root user to be able to connect from any host (Enable MySQL root access from all host), to do so issue:


Note: In newer version of MySQL, flush privileges could be omitted.

Another approach if you want to substitute access from localhost for all users and enable all users to be able to authenticate to mysql remotely is to execute SQL Query:

UPDATE USER SET host='%' WHERE host='localhost';

Allowing all users to be able to connect from anywhere on the internet is a very bad security practice anyways, if you already have a tight firewall setup and you can only access the server via specific remote IP addresses allowing MySQL access from all hosts / ips should be ok.

How to disable IPv6 on Debian / Ubuntu / CentOS and RHEL Linux

Friday, December 9th, 2011

I have few servers, which have automatically enabled IPv6 protocols (IPv6 gets automatically enabled on Debian), as well as on most latest Linux distribituions nowdays.

Disabling IPv6 network protocol on Linux if not used has 2 reasons:

1. Security (It’s well known security practice to disable anything not used on a server)
Besides that IPv6 has been known for few criticil security vulnerabilities, which has historically affected the Linux kernel.
2. Performance (Sometimes disabling IPv6 could have positive impact on IPv4 especially on heavy traffic network servers).
I’ve red people claiming disabling IPv6 improves the DNS performance, however since this is not rumors and did not check it personally I cannot positively confirm this.

Disabling IPv6 on all GNU / Linuces can be achieved by changing the kernel sysctl settings net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 by default net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 equals 1 which means IPv6 is enabled, hence to disable IPv6 I issued:

server:~# sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0

To set it permanently on system boot I put the setting also in /etc/sysctl.conf :

server:~# echo 'net.ipv6.conf.all.disable = 1 >> /etc/sysctl.conf

The aforedescribed methods should be working on most Linux kernels version > 2.6.27 in that number it should work 100% on recent versions of Fedora, CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu.

To disable IPv6 protocol on Debian Lenny its necessery to blackist the ipv6 module in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist by issuing:

echo 'blacklist ipv6' >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist

On Fedora / CentOS there is a another universal “Redhat” way disable IPv6.

On them disabling IPv6 is done by editting /etc/sysconfig/network and adding:


I would be happy to hear how people achieved disabling the IPv6, since on earlier and (various by distro) Linuxes the way to disable the IPv6 is probably different.

Alto to stop Iptables IPV6 on CentOS / Fedora and RHEL issue:

# service ip6tables stop

# service ip6tables off

How to fix / Resolve WordPress Blog /comments/feed/ redirect loop

Wednesday, July 7th, 2010

I have recently figured out that accessing would end up in a Redirect Loop I’m using feedburner to manage my blog feeds so I assume this redirect loop is probably caused by the use of feedburner

Since this kind of redirect loop is definitely not professional and has a negative influence on search engine indexing (the SEO), I have playeda bit until I finally found a way to resolve the /comments/feed/ redirect loop.
In order to resolve the redirect loop issue it appeared to be really easy.

To fix the issue Navigate to:

Tools -> Redirection

Therein add a Source URL to redirect to a Target URL:
For instance:

Source URL:

Target URL:

Press the Add Redirection button to confirm the redirection.
That’s all your problems with feeds redirect loop while the /comments/feed/ url is accessed should be resolved.

Tracking graphically MySQL, Apache and Network performance in web with Munin on Debian Linux

Saturday, March 19th, 2011


Munin is great software for surveillance software for your MySQL, Apache, Qmail, Postfix and many other of the classical daemon services which most of the Linux, BSD servers online are running on.

1. Munin on Debian Linux is really easy to be installed and comes to executing:

debian:~# apt-get install munin munin-node munin-plugins-extra

2. Link /var/www/munin/ to some VirtualHost or ServerHost
For instance if your munin is to be placed on the domain which has the DocumentRoot of /var/www

debian:~# cd /var/www
debian:/var/www# ln -sf /var/www/munin munin

3. Add some extra MySQL related plugins

To check whole list of pmunin plugins you can enable check in /etc/munin/plugins directory

Lets say our Munin will be providing statistics mainly for MySQL, enable this bunch of plugins:

cd /etc/munin/plugins
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/mysql_ mysql_
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/mysql_bytes mysql_bytes
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/mysql_innodb mysql_innodb
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/mysql_isam_space_ mysql_isam_space_
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/mysql_queries mysql_queries
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/mysql_slowqueries mysql_slowqueries
ln -s /usr/share/munin/plugins/mysql_threads mysql_threads

Though above command would enable mysql monitoring it will be not working out of the box. You will find in munin logs error like:

Missing dependency Cache::Cache at /usr/share/munin/plugins/mysql_ line 716."

To fix this install libcache-perl and libcache-cache-perl

apt-get install --yes libcache-perl libcache-cache-perl

Then regenerate munin plugin configuration issue cmd:

munin-node-configure --suggest --shell | sh

and restart Munin-node server

service munin-node restart

Munin Node should be able login to the MySQL server using the Debian System Maintenance user however if you should need to create a custom user you can add the following configuration to:



    user root
    env.mysqluser muninmonitor
    env.mysqlpassword Your-Secret-Password

4. Edit Munin config

Make sure you have at least the following variables enabled in /etc/munin/munin.conf

 dbdir  /var/lib/munin
 htmldir /var/cache/munin/www
 logdir /var/log/munin
 rundir  /var/run/munin

 tmpldir    /etc/munin/templates

includedir /etc/munin/munin-conf.d

    use_node_name yes


5. Add Munin Alias or Virtualhost

To make Munin Accessible from Webserver you need to at least add an alias create a file
/etc/apache2/conf.d/munin with following content:

vim /etc/apache2/conf.d/munin

Alias /munin /var/cache/munin/www

<Directory /var/cache/munin/www>
        Order allow,deny
        #Allow from localhost ::1
        Allow from all
        Options None
        php_value engine off

    <IfModule mod_expires.c>
        ExpiresActive On
        ExpiresDefault M310


If you want to access Munin from Apache subdomain create it lets say you want to access it via, use following config file:

vi /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/

<VirtualHost *>
   DocumentRoot /var/cache/munin/www
   <Directory />
       Options FollowSymLinks
       #AllowOverride All
       php_value engine off
   LogLevel debug
   CustomLog /var/log/apache2/munin/access.log combined
   ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/munin/error.log
   ServerSignature On
<Directory /var/cache/munin/www>
        Order allow,deny
        #Allow from localhost ::1
        Allow from all
        Options FollowSymlinks
        #AllowOverride All
        php_value engine off




6. Restart Apache;

debian:~# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Now to access the newly installed munin point your favorite browser to (either the subdirectory configured for access or the Virtualhost subdomain):


7. Protecting Munin with a password

As it could be a security leak to expose statistics regarding your server (Disk I/O, Memory, Load Avarage, Apache, MySQL Postfix) operations it is good security practice to protect munin with a password.

I've earlied blogged on how to protect your server munin web-statistics wtih an htaccess password (read it here)


Happy Monitoring

How to create ssh tunnels / ssh tunneling on Linux and FreeBSD with openssh

Saturday, November 26th, 2011

SSH tunneling
allows to send and receive traffic using a dedicated port. Using an ssh traffic can have many reasons one most common usage reason is to protect the traffic from a host to a remote server or to access port numbers which are by other means blocked by firewall, e.g.: (get around firewall filtering)
SSH tunneling works only with TCP traffic. The way to make ssh tunnel is with cmds:

host:/root# ssh -L localhost:deshost:destport
host:/root# ssh -R restport:desthost:localport
host:/root# ssh -X

This command will make ssh to bind a port on localhost of the host host:/root# machine to the host desthost:destport (destination host : destinationport). Important to say deshost is the host destination visible from the therefore if the connection is originating from this means desthost will be localhost.
Mutiple ssh tunnels to multiple ports using the above example commands is possible. Here is one example of ssh tunneling
Let’s say its necessery to access an FTP port (21) and an http port (80), listening on In that case desthost will be localhost , we can use locally the port (8080) insetad of 80, so it will be no necessery to make the ssh tunnel with root (admin privileges). After the ssh session gets opened both services will be accessible on the local ports.

host:/home/user$ ssh -L 21:localhost:21 -L 8080:localhost:80

That’s all enjoy 😉

Play Ascii Games on Pc-freak – Get back memories of the ASCII times

Tuesday, August 4th, 2009

I was considering starting a new ‘ascii games service’. Thus I’ve created a user `play` to provide a bunch of nice FreeBSD based ascii games able to be played directly through SSH (For all lacking a nice tty compatible client like gnome-terminal), try with PuTTY . To play the games:

telnet or ssh to:
login with user: play
password: playnow


How to disable Debian GNU / Linux (Squeeze) Apache 2 version reporting to improve security – Hide Apache server version

Friday, October 5th, 2012

Debian GNU / Linux's Apache default behavior is to report Apache server name, version and Linux distribution version and codename.
This is shown as a minor security leak in many Security Scanner (audit) software like Nessus. It reveals a vital information which could help malicious attacker later to use exploit if the version number in question is vulnerable.

The quickest way to check, either Apache versioning and distro info is disabled is with telnet:

hipo@noah:~/Desktop$ telnet 80
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

Connection closed by foreign host.
hipo@noah:~/Desktop$ telnet 80
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2012 10:48:36 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.16 (Debian)
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.3-7+squeeze14
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html

Disabling this Distro version codename and version number reporting on Debian is done by changing in file /etc/apache2/conf.d/security directives:

ServerTokens OS
ServerSignature On


ServerSignature Off
ServerTokens ProductOnly

Here important note to make is if you try adding:

ServerSignature Off and ServerTokens Prod straight in Debian general config /etc/apache2/apache2.conf, but did not change the settings set for the vars through /etc/apache2/conf.d/security; settings from /etc/apache2/conf.d/security will overwrite ServerSignature / ServerTokens settings set in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

I tried this myself (forgotting about /etc/apache2/conf.d/security) and adding both variables straight in apache2.conf. After Apache restart Apache version number and type of distribution continued be returned by the WebServer.
I thought something specific changed in Debian Squeeze – Apache/2.2.16 so this two variables are probably not working so I did a quick research online seing other people complaining also unable to disable Apache ver and Linux distro version and looking for a reason why. Well anyways if you happen to also ponder, why ServerSignature Off and ServerTokens ProductOnly does not take effect keep in mind it is due to overwritten settings via /etc/apache2/conf.d/security, changing the values there and restarting Apache and you're done 🙂

To make sure 100% Apache is no longer returning exact version number and host installed distro type, use telnet again:

hipo@noah:~/Desktop$ telnet 80
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

Connection closed by foreign host.

Redirect http URL folder to https e.g. redirect (http:// to https://) with mod_rewrite – redirect port 80 to port 443 Rewrite rule

Saturday, July 17th, 2010

There is a quick way to achieve a a full url redirect from a normal unencrypted HTTP request to a SSL crypted HTTPS

This is achieved through mod_rewrite using the RedirectMatch directive.

For instance let’s say we’d like to redirect to
We simply put in our .htacess file the following rule:

Redirect permanent /blog

Of course this rule assumes that the current working directory where the .htacess file is stored is the main domain directory e.g. / .
However this kind of redirect is a way inflexible so for more complex redirect, you might want to take a look at mod rewrite’s RedirectMatch directive.

For instance if you inted to redirect all urls ( which as you see includes the string blog/somestring/asdf/etc. to ( then you might use some htaccess RedirectMatch rule like:

RedirectMatch permanent ^/blog/(.*)$$1
RedirectMatch permanent ^/blog/(.*)$$1

Hopefully your redirect from the http protocol to https protocol with mod_rewrite rule should be completed.
Also consider that the Redirect directive which by the way is an Apache directive should be faster to process requests, so everywhere you can I recommend using instead of RedirectMatch which calls the external Apache mod_rewrite and will probably be times slower.